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Adding layer fall-through lookup

- Updated the Scan module API functions (LED and Analog)
Jacob Alexander 10 лет назад
2 измененных файлов: 69 добавлений и 21 удалений
  1. 1
  2. 68

+ 1
- 1
Macro/PartialMap/generatedKeymap.h Просмотреть файл

@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ typedef struct TriggerMacro {
typedef struct TriggerGuide {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t state;
uint8_t scancode;
uint8_t scanCode;
} TriggerGuide;

+ 68
- 20
Macro/PartialMap/macro.c Просмотреть файл

@@ -83,32 +83,65 @@ unsigned int macroStepCounter = 0;

// Key Trigger List Buffer
// * Item 1: scan code
// * Item 2: state
// ...
uint8_t macroTriggerListBuffer[MaxScanCode * 2] = { 0 }; // Each key has a state to be cached
TriggerGuide macroTriggerListBuffer[ MaxScanCode ];
uint8_t macroTriggerListBufferSize = 0;

// Pending Trigger Macro Index List
// * Any trigger macros that need processing from a previous macro processing loop
// TODO, figure out a good way to scale this array size without wasting too much memory, but not rejecting macros
// Possibly could be calculated by the KLL compiler
// XXX It may be possible to calculate the worst case using the KLL compiler
TriggerMacro *triggerMacroPendingList[TriggerMacroNum];
unsigned int macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ TriggerMacroNum ] = { 0 };
unsigned int macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize = 0;

// Layer Index Stack
// * When modifying layer state and the state is non-0x0, the stack must be adjusted
unsigned int macroLayerIndexStack[ LayerNum ] = { 0 };
unsigned int macroLayerIndexStackSize = 0;

// Pending Result Macro Index List
// * Any result macro that needs processing from a previous macro processing loop
unsigned int macroResultMacroPendingList[ ResultMacroNum ] = { 0 };
unsigned int macroResultMacroPendingListSize = 0;

// ----- Functions -----

// Looks up the trigger list for the given scan code (from the active layer)
// NOTE: Calling function must handle the NULL pointer case
unsigned int *Macro_layerLookup( uint8_t scanCode )
// TODO - No layer fallthrough lookup
return default_scanMap[ scanCode ];
// If no trigger macro is defined at the given layer, fallthrough to the next layer
for ( unsigned int layer = 0; layer < macroLayerIndexStackSize; layer++ )
// Lookup layer
unsigned int **map = LayerIndex[ macroLayerIndexStack[ layer ] ].triggerMap;

// Determine if layer has key defined
if ( map != 0 && *map[ scanCode ] != 0 )
return map[ scanCode ];

// Do lookup on default layer
unsigned int **map = LayerIndex[0].triggerMap;

// Determine if layer has key defined
if ( map == 0 && *map[ scanCode ] == 0 )
erro_msg("Scan Code has no defined Trigger Macro: ");
printHex( scanCode );
return 0;

// Return lookup result
return map[ scanCode ];

// Update the scancode key state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Reserved
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - Pressed
// * 0x02 - Held
// * 0x03 - Released
@@ -121,8 +154,10 @@ inline void Macro_keyState( uint8_t scanCode, uint8_t state )
case 0x01: // Pressed
case 0x02: // Held
case 0x03: // Released
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize++ ] = scanCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize++ ] = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = scanCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x00; // Normal key
@@ -130,23 +165,36 @@ inline void Macro_keyState( uint8_t scanCode, uint8_t state )

// Update the scancode analog state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Reserved
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - Released
// * 0x02-0xFF - Analog value (low to high)
inline void Macro_analogState( uint8_t scanCode, uint8_t state )
// Only add to macro trigger list if non-off
if ( state != 0x00 )
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = scanCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x02; // Analog key

// Update led state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Reserved
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - On
// * 0x02 - Off
inline void Macro_ledState( uint8_t ledCode, uint8_t state )
// Only add to macro trigger list if non-off
if ( state != 0x00 )
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = ledCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x01; // LED key

@@ -172,7 +220,7 @@ void Macro_evalTriggerMacro( TriggerMacro *triggerMacro )
if ( comboLength == 1 )
// If key matches and only 1 key pressed, increment the TriggerMacro combo position
if ( guideKey == macroTriggerListBuffer[ keyPressed ] && macroTriggerListBufferSize == 1 )
if ( guideKey == macroTriggerListBuffer[ keyPressed ].scanCode && macroTriggerListBufferSize == 1 )
triggerMacro->pos += comboLength * 2 + 1;
// TODO check if TriggerMacro is finished, register ResultMacro
@@ -264,10 +312,10 @@ inline void Macro_process()

// Loop through macro trigger buffer
for ( uint8_t index = 0; index < macroTriggerListBufferSize; index += 2 )
for ( uint8_t index = 0; index < macroTriggerListBufferSize; index++ )
// Get scanCode, first item of macroTriggerListBuffer pairs
uint8_t scanCode = macroTriggerListBuffer[ index ];
uint8_t scanCode = macroTriggerListBuffer[ index ].scanCode;

// Lookup trigger list for this key
unsigned int *triggerList = Macro_layerLookup( scanCode );
@@ -282,7 +330,7 @@ inline void Macro_process()
TriggerMacro *triggerMacro = (TriggerMacro*)triggerList[ trigger + 1 ];

// Get triggered state of scan code, second item of macroTriggerListBuffer pairs
uint8_t state = macroTriggerListBuffer[ index + 1 ];
uint8_t state = macroTriggerListBuffer[ index ].state;

// Evaluate Macro
Macro_evalTriggerMacro( triggerMacro );
@@ -656,7 +704,7 @@ void macroDebugShowTrigger( unsigned int index )
TriggerGuide *guide = (TriggerGuide*)(&macro->guide[ pos ]);

// Display guide information about trigger key
printHex( guide->scancode );
printHex( guide->scanCode );
printHex( guide->type );