Explorar el Código

HUGE AVR RAM optimization (~28%).

- It's possible to get even more, but this is probably as far as I'll go
- PROGMEM is really annoying to use, and makes the code look like ass
- Now the Teensy 2++ should have enough RAM to use PartialMap easily
Jacob Alexander hace 9 años

+ 26
- 16
Debug/cli/cli.c Ver fichero

@@ -35,15 +35,22 @@
// ----- Variables -----

// Basic command dictionary
const char basicCLIDictName[] = "General Commands";
const CLIDictItem basicCLIDict[] = {
{ "cliDebug", "Enables/Disables hex output of the most recent cli input.", cliFunc_cliDebug },
{ "help", "You're looking at it :P", cliFunc_help },
{ "led", "Enables/Disables indicator LED. Try a couple times just in case the LED is in an odd state.\r\n\t\t\033[33mWarning\033[0m: May adversely affect some modules...", cliFunc_led },
{ "reload", "Signals microcontroller to reflash/reload.", cliFunc_reload },
{ "reset", "Resets the terminal back to initial settings.", cliFunc_reset },
{ "restart", "Sends a software restart, should be similar to powering on the device.", cliFunc_restart },
{ "version", "Version information about this firmware.", cliFunc_version },
CLIDict_Entry( cliDebug, "Enables/Disables hex output of the most recent cli input." );
CLIDict_Entry( help, "You're looking at it :P" );
CLIDict_Entry( led, "Enables/Disables indicator LED. Try a couple times just in case the LED is in an odd state.\r\n\t\t\033[33mWarning\033[0m: May adversely affect some modules..." );
CLIDict_Entry( reload, "Signals microcontroller to reflash/reload." );
CLIDict_Entry( reset, "Resets the terminal back to initial settings." );
CLIDict_Entry( restart, "Sends a software restart, should be similar to powering on the device." );
CLIDict_Entry( version, "Version information about this firmware." );

CLIDict_Def( basicCLIDict, "General Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( cliDebug ),
CLIDict_Item( help ),
CLIDict_Item( led ),
CLIDict_Item( reload ),
CLIDict_Item( reset ),
CLIDict_Item( restart ),
CLIDict_Item( version ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end

@@ -250,11 +257,11 @@ void CLI_commandLookup()
for ( uint8_t cmd = 0; CLIDict[dict][cmd].name != 0; cmd++ )
// Compare the first argument and each command entry
if ( eqStr( cmdPtr, CLIDict[dict][cmd].name ) == -1 )
if ( eqStr( cmdPtr, (char*)CLIDict[dict][cmd].name ) == -1 )
// Run the specified command function pointer
// argPtr is already pointing at the first character of the arguments
(*CLIDict[dict][cmd].function)( argPtr );
(*(void (*)(char*))CLIDict[dict][cmd].function)( argPtr );

@@ -310,11 +317,11 @@ inline void CLI_tabCompletion()
// NOTE: To save on processing, we only care about the commands and ignore the arguments
// If there are arguments, and a valid tab match is found, buffer is cleared (args lost)
// Also ignores full matches
if ( eqStr( cmdPtr, CLIDict[dict][cmd].name ) == 0 )
if ( eqStr( cmdPtr, (char*)CLIDict[dict][cmd].name ) == 0 )
// TODO Make list of commands if multiple matches
tabMatch = CLIDict[dict][cmd].name;
tabMatch = (char*)CLIDict[dict][cmd].name;
@@ -367,7 +374,9 @@ void cliFunc_help( char* args )
for ( uint8_t dict = 0; dict < CLIDictionariesUsed; dict++ )
// Print the name of each dictionary as a title
dPrintStrsNL( NL, "\033[1;32m", CLIDictNames[dict], "\033[0m" );
print( NL "\033[1;32m" );
_print( CLIDictNames[dict] ); // This print is requride by AVR (flash)
print( "\033[0m" NL );

// Parse each cmd/description until a null command entry is found
for ( uint8_t cmd = 0; CLIDict[dict][cmd].name != 0; cmd++ )
@@ -375,11 +384,12 @@ void cliFunc_help( char* args )
dPrintStrs(" \033[35m", CLIDict[dict][cmd].name, "\033[0m");

// Determine number of spaces to tab by the length of the command and TabAlign
uint8_t padLength = CLIEntryTabAlign - lenStr( CLIDict[dict][cmd].name );
uint8_t padLength = CLIEntryTabAlign - lenStr( (char*)CLIDict[dict][cmd].name );
while ( padLength-- > 0 )
print(" ");

dPrintStrNL( CLIDict[dict][cmd].description );
_print( CLIDict[dict][cmd].description ); // This print is required by AVR (flash)
print( NL );

+ 34
- 3
Debug/cli/cli.h Ver fichero

@@ -38,13 +38,44 @@
#define CLIEntryTabAlign 13

// ----- Macros -----

// AVR CLI Dictionary definitions (has to deal with the annoying PROGMEM
// Only using PROGMEM with descriptions (all the string comparison tools need to be re-written otherwise)
#if defined(_at90usb162_) || defined(_atmega32u4_) || defined(_at90usb646_) || defined(_at90usb1286_) // AVR
#define CLIDict_Def(name,description) \
const PROGMEM char name##Name[] = description; \
const CLIDictItem name[]

#define CLIDict_Item(name) \
{ #name, name##CLIDict_DescEntry, (const void (*)(char*))cliFunc_##name }

#define CLIDict_Entry(name,description) \
const PROGMEM char name##CLIDict_DescEntry[] = description;

// ARM is easy :P
#elif defined(_mk20dx128_) || defined(_mk20dx128vlf5_) || defined(_mk20dx256_) // ARM
#define CLIDict_Def(name,description) \
const char name##Name[] = description; \
const CLIDictItem name[]

#define CLIDict_Item(name) \
{ #name, name##CLIDict_DescEntry, (const void (*)(char*))cliFunc_##name }

#define CLIDict_Entry(name,description) \
const char name##CLIDict_DescEntry[] = description;

// ----- Structs -----

// Each item has a name, description, and function pointer with an argument for arguments
typedef struct CLIDictItem {
char* name;
char* description;
void (*function)(char*);
const char* name;
const char* description;
const void (*function)(char*);
} CLIDictItem;

+ 1
- 1
Debug/print/print.h Ver fichero

@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
#define print(s) _print(s)

void _print(const char *s);
void _print( const char *s );
void printstrs( char* first, ... );

+ 26
- 14
Macro/PartialMap/macro.c Ver fichero

@@ -81,20 +81,32 @@ typedef enum ResultMacroEval {
// ----- Variables -----

// Macro Module command dictionary
const char macroCLIDictName[] = "Macro Module Commands";
const CLIDictItem macroCLIDict[] = {
{ "capList", "Prints an indexed list of all non USB keycode capabilities.", cliFunc_capList },
{ "capSelect", "Triggers the specified capabilities. First two args are state and stateType." NL "\t\t\033[35mK11\033[0m Keyboard Capability 0x0B", cliFunc_capSelect },
{ "keyHold", "Send key-hold events to the macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A", cliFunc_keyHold },
{ "keyPress", "Send key-press events to the macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A", cliFunc_keyPress },
{ "keyRelease", "Send key-release event to macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A", cliFunc_keyRelease },
{ "layerList", "List available layers.", cliFunc_layerList },
{ "layerState", "Modify specified indexed layer state <layer> <state byte>." NL "\t\t\033[35mL2\033[0m Indexed Layer 0x02" NL "\t\t0 Off, 1 Shift, 2 Latch, 4 Lock States", cliFunc_layerState },
{ "macroDebug", "Disables/Enables sending USB keycodes to the Output Module and prints U/K codes.", cliFunc_macroDebug },
{ "macroList", "List the defined trigger and result macros.", cliFunc_macroList },
{ "macroProc", "Pause/Resume macro processing.", cliFunc_macroProc },
{ "macroShow", "Show the macro corresponding to the given index." NL "\t\t\033[35mT16\033[0m Indexed Trigger Macro 0x10, \033[35mR12\033[0m Indexed Result Macro 0x0C", cliFunc_macroShow },
{ "macroStep", "Do N macro processing steps. Defaults to 1.", cliFunc_macroStep },
CLIDict_Entry( capList, "Prints an indexed list of all non USB keycode capabilities." );
CLIDict_Entry( capSelect, "Triggers the specified capabilities. First two args are state and stateType." NL "\t\t\033[35mK11\033[0m Keyboard Capability 0x0B" );
CLIDict_Entry( keyHold, "Send key-hold events to the macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A" );
CLIDict_Entry( keyPress, "Send key-press events to the macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A" );
CLIDict_Entry( keyRelease, "Send key-release event to macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A" );
CLIDict_Entry( layerList, "List available layers." );
CLIDict_Entry( layerState, "Modify specified indexed layer state <layer> <state byte>." NL "\t\t\033[35mL2\033[0m Indexed Layer 0x02" NL "\t\t0 Off, 1 Shift, 2 Latch, 4 Lock States" );
CLIDict_Entry( macroDebug, "Disables/Enables sending USB keycodes to the Output Module and prints U/K codes." );
CLIDict_Entry( macroList, "List the defined trigger and result macros." );
CLIDict_Entry( macroProc, "Pause/Resume macro processing." );
CLIDict_Entry( macroShow, "Show the macro corresponding to the given index." NL "\t\t\033[35mT16\033[0m Indexed Trigger Macro 0x10, \033[35mR12\033[0m Indexed Result Macro 0x0C" );
CLIDict_Entry( macroStep, "Do N macro processing steps. Defaults to 1." );

CLIDict_Def( macroCLIDict, "Macro Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( capList ),
CLIDict_Item( capSelect ),
CLIDict_Item( keyHold ),
CLIDict_Item( keyPress ),
CLIDict_Item( keyRelease ),
CLIDict_Item( layerList ),
CLIDict_Item( layerState ),
CLIDict_Item( macroDebug ),
CLIDict_Item( macroList ),
CLIDict_Item( macroProc ),
CLIDict_Item( macroShow ),
CLIDict_Item( macroStep ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end

+ 12
- 7
Output/pjrcUSB/output_com.c Ver fichero

@@ -71,13 +71,18 @@ void cliFunc_setMod ( char* args );
// ----- Variables -----

// Output Module command dictionary
const char outputCLIDictName[] = "USB Module Commands";
const CLIDictItem outputCLIDict[] = {
{ "kbdProtocol", "Keyboard Protocol Mode: 0 - Boot, 1 - OS/NKRO Mode", cliFunc_kbdProtocol },
{ "readLEDs", "Read LED byte:" NL "\t\t1 NumLck, 2 CapsLck, 4 ScrlLck, 16 Kana, etc.", cliFunc_readLEDs },
{ "sendKeys", "Send the prepared list of USB codes and modifier byte.", cliFunc_sendKeys },
{ "setKeys", "Prepare a space separated list of USB codes (decimal). Waits until \033[35msendKeys\033[0m.", cliFunc_setKeys },
{ "setMod", "Set the modfier byte:" NL "\t\t1 LCtrl, 2 LShft, 4 LAlt, 8 LGUI, 16 RCtrl, 32 RShft, 64 RAlt, 128 RGUI", cliFunc_setMod },
CLIDict_Entry( kbdProtocol, "Keyboard Protocol Mode: 0 - Boot, 1 - OS/NKRO Mode" );
CLIDict_Entry( readLEDs, "Read LED byte:" NL "\t\t1 NumLck, 2 CapsLck, 4 ScrlLck, 16 Kana, etc." );
CLIDict_Entry( sendKeys, "Send the prepared list of USB codes and modifier byte." );
CLIDict_Entry( setKeys, "Prepare a space separated list of USB codes (decimal). Waits until \033[35msendKeys\033[0m." );
CLIDict_Entry( setMod, "Set the modfier byte:" NL "\t\t1 LCtrl, 2 LShft, 4 LAlt, 8 LGUI, 16 RCtrl, 32 RShft, 64 RAlt, 128 RGUI" );

CLIDict_Def( outputCLIDict, "USB Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( kbdProtocol ),
CLIDict_Item( readLEDs ),
CLIDict_Item( sendKeys ),
CLIDict_Item( setKeys ),
CLIDict_Item( setMod ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end

+ 12
- 7
Output/uartOut/output_com.c Ver fichero

@@ -54,13 +54,18 @@ void cliFunc_setMod ( char* args );
// ----- Variables -----

// Output Module command dictionary
const char outputCLIDictName[] = "USB Module Commands";
const CLIDictItem outputCLIDict[] = {
{ "kbdProtocol", "Keyboard Protocol Mode: 0 - Boot, 1 - OS/NKRO Mode", cliFunc_kbdProtocol },
{ "readLEDs", "Read LED byte:" NL "\t\t1 NumLck, 2 CapsLck, 4 ScrlLck, 16 Kana, etc.", cliFunc_readLEDs },
{ "sendKeys", "Send the prepared list of USB codes and modifier byte.", cliFunc_sendKeys },
{ "setKeys", "Prepare a space separated list of USB codes (decimal). Waits until \033[35msendKeys\033[0m.", cliFunc_setKeys },
{ "setMod", "Set the modfier byte:" NL "\t\t1 LCtrl, 2 LShft, 4 LAlt, 8 LGUI, 16 RCtrl, 32 RShft, 64 RAlt, 128 RGUI", cliFunc_setMod },
CLIDict_Entry( kbdProtocol, "Keyboard Protocol Mode: 0 - Boot, 1 - OS/NKRO Mode" );
CLIDict_Entry( readLEDs, "Read LED byte:" NL "\t\t1 NumLck, 2 CapsLck, 4 ScrlLck, 16 Kana, etc." );
CLIDict_Entry( sendKeys, "Send the prepared list of USB codes and modifier byte." );
CLIDict_Entry( setKeys, "Prepare a space separated list of USB codes (decimal). Waits until \033[35msendKeys\033[0m." );
CLIDict_Entry( setMod, "Set the modfier byte:" NL "\t\t1 LCtrl, 2 LShft, 4 LAlt, 8 LGUI, 16 RCtrl, 32 RShft, 64 RAlt, 128 RGUI" );

CLIDict_Def( outputCLIDict, "USB Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( kbdProtocol ),
CLIDict_Item( readLEDs ),
CLIDict_Item( sendKeys ),
CLIDict_Item( setKeys ),
CLIDict_Item( setMod ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end

+ 16
- 9
Output/usbMuxUart/output_com.c Ver fichero

@@ -73,15 +73,22 @@ void cliFunc_setMod ( char* args );
// ----- Variables -----

// Output Module command dictionary
const char outputCLIDictName[] = "USB Module Commands";
const CLIDictItem outputCLIDict[] = {
{ "kbdProtocol", "Keyboard Protocol Mode: 0 - Boot, 1 - OS/NKRO Mode", cliFunc_kbdProtocol },
{ "readLEDs", "Read LED byte:" NL "\t\t1 NumLck, 2 CapsLck, 4 ScrlLck, 16 Kana, etc.", cliFunc_readLEDs },
{ "readUART", "Read UART buffer until empty.", cliFunc_readUART },
{ "sendKeys", "Send the prepared list of USB codes and modifier byte.", cliFunc_sendKeys },
{ "sendUART", "Send characters over UART0.", cliFunc_sendUART },
{ "setKeys", "Prepare a space separated list of USB codes (decimal). Waits until \033[35msendKeys\033[0m.", cliFunc_setKeys },
{ "setMod", "Set the modfier byte:" NL "\t\t1 LCtrl, 2 LShft, 4 LAlt, 8 LGUI, 16 RCtrl, 32 RShft, 64 RAlt, 128 RGUI", cliFunc_setMod },
CLIDict_Entry( kbdProtocol, "Keyboard Protocol Mode: 0 - Boot, 1 - OS/NKRO Mode" );
CLIDict_Entry( readLEDs, "Read LED byte:" NL "\t\t1 NumLck, 2 CapsLck, 4 ScrlLck, 16 Kana, etc." );
CLIDict_Entry( readUART, "Read UART buffer until empty." );
CLIDict_Entry( sendKeys, "Send the prepared list of USB codes and modifier byte." );
CLIDict_Entry( sendUART, "Send characters over UART0." );
CLIDict_Entry( setKeys, "Prepare a space separated list of USB codes (decimal). Waits until \033[35msendKeys\033[0m." );
CLIDict_Entry( setMod, "Set the modfier byte:" NL "\t\t1 LCtrl, 2 LShft, 4 LAlt, 8 LGUI, 16 RCtrl, 32 RShft, 64 RAlt, 128 RGUI" );

CLIDict_Def( outputCLIDict, "USB Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( kbdProtocol ),
CLIDict_Item( readLEDs ),
CLIDict_Item( readUART ),
CLIDict_Item( sendKeys ),
CLIDict_Item( sendUART ),
CLIDict_Item( setKeys ),
CLIDict_Item( setMod ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end

+ 15
- 8
Scan/DPH/scan_loop.c Ver fichero

@@ -144,17 +144,24 @@ void recovery( uint8_t on );
// ----- Variables -----

// Scan Module command dictionary
const char scanCLIDictName[] = "DPH Module Commands";
const CLIDictItem scanCLIDict[] = {
{ "echo", "Example command, echos the arguments.", cliFunc_echo },
{ "avgDebug", "Enables/Disables averaging results." NL "\t\tDisplays each average, starting from Key 0x00, ignoring 0 valued averages.", cliFunc_avgDebug },
{ "keyDebug", "Enables/Disables long debug for each keypress." NL "\t\tkeycode - [strobe:mux] : sense val : threshold+delta=total : margin", cliFunc_keyDebug },
{ "pressDebug", "Enables/Disables short debug for each keypress.", cliFunc_pressDebug },
{ "problemKeys", "Display current list of problem keys,", cliFunc_problemKeys },
{ "senseDebug", "Prints out the current sense table N times." NL "\t\tsense:max sense:delta", cliFunc_senseDebug },
CLIDict_Entry( echo, "Example command, echos the arguments." );
CLIDict_Entry( avgDebug, "Enables/Disables averaging results." NL "\t\tDisplays each average, starting from Key 0x00, ignoring 0 valued averages." );
CLIDict_Entry( keyDebug, "Enables/Disables long debug for each keypress." NL "\t\tkeycode - [strobe:mux] : sense val : threshold+delta=total : margin" );
CLIDict_Entry( pressDebug, "Enables/Disables short debug for each keypress." );
CLIDict_Entry( problemKeys, "Display current list of problem keys," );
CLIDict_Entry( senseDebug, "Prints out the current sense table N times." NL "\t\tsense:max sense:delta" );

CLIDict_Def( scanCLIDict, "DPH Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( echo ),
CLIDict_Item( avgDebug ),
CLIDict_Item( keyDebug ),
CLIDict_Item( pressDebug ),
CLIDict_Item( problemKeys ),
CLIDict_Item( senseDebug ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end

// CLI Control Variables
uint8_t enableAvgDebug = 0;
uint8_t enableKeyDebug = 0;

+ 4
- 3
Scan/MD1/scan_loop.c Ver fichero

@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ void cliFunc_echo( char* args );
// ----- Variables -----

// Scan Module command dictionary
const char scanCLIDictName[] = "Scan Module Commands";
const CLIDictItem scanCLIDict[] = {
{ "echo", "Example command, echos the arguments.", cliFunc_echo },
CLIDict_Entry( echo, "Example command, echos the arguments." );

CLIDict_Def( scanCLIDict, "Scan Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( echo ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end

+ 6
- 4
Scan/MatrixARM/matrix_scan.c Ver fichero

@@ -49,10 +49,12 @@ void cliFunc_matrixState( char* args );
// ----- Variables -----

// Scan Module command dictionary
const char matrixCLIDictName[] = "Matrix Module Commands";
const CLIDictItem matrixCLIDict[] = {
{ "matrixDebug", "Enables matrix debug mode, prints out each scan code." NL "\t\tIf argument \033[35mT\033[0m is given, prints out each scan code state transition.", cliFunc_matrixDebug },
{ "matrixState", "Prints out the current scan table N times." NL "\t\t \033[1mO\033[0m - Off, \033[1;33mP\033[0m - Press, \033[1;32mH\033[0m - Hold, \033[1;35mR\033[0m - Release, \033[1;31mI\033[0m - Invalid", cliFunc_matrixState },
CLIDict_Entry( matrixDebug, "Enables matrix debug mode, prints out each scan code." NL "\t\tIf argument \033[35mT\033[0m is given, prints out each scan code state transition." );
CLIDict_Entry( matrixState, "Prints out the current scan table N times." NL "\t\t \033[1mO\033[0m - Off, \033[1;33mP\033[0m - Press, \033[1;32mH\033[0m - Hold, \033[1;35mR\033[0m - Release, \033[1;31mI\033[0m - Invalid" );

CLIDict_Def( matrixCLIDict, "Matrix Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( matrixDebug ),
CLIDict_Item( matrixState ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end