Adding PixelMap
- Includes basic (led) channel testing tools - Currently hard-coded, needs kll integration before this can be used in general
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Name = PartialMapCapabilities;
Version = 0.1;
Author = "HaaTa (Jacob Alexander) 2015";
KLL = 0.5;
# Modified Date
Date = 2015-12-19;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 by Jacob Alexander
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this file. If not, see <>.
// ----- Includes -----
// Compiler Includes
#include <Lib/MacroLib.h>
// Project Includes
#include <cli.h>
#include <kll_defs.h>
#include <led.h>
#include <print.h>
// Local Includes
#include "pixel.h"
// ----- Function Declarations -----
void cliFunc_chanTest ( char* args );
void cliFunc_pixelList ( char* args );
void cliFunc_pixelTest ( char* args );
// ----- Enums -----
typedef enum PixelTest {
PixelTest_Off = 0, // Disabled
PixelTest_Chan_All, // Enable all positions
PixelTest_Chan_Roll, // Iterate over all positions
PixelTest_Pixel_All, // Enable all positions
PixelTest_Pixel_Roll, // Iterate over all positions
} PixelTest;
// ----- Variables -----
// Macro Module command dictionary
CLIDict_Entry( chanTest, "Channel test. No arg - next pixel. # - pixel, r - roll-through. a - all, s - stop" );
CLIDict_Entry( pixelList, "Prints out pixel:channel mappings." );
CLIDict_Entry( pixelTest, "Pixel test. No arg - next pixel. # - pixel, r - roll-through. a - all, s - stop" );
CLIDict_Def( pixelCLIDict, "Pixel Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( chanTest ),
CLIDict_Item( pixelList ),
CLIDict_Item( pixelTest ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end
// Debug states
PixelTest Pixel_testMode;
uint16_t Pixel_testPos;
// Frame State
// Indicates to pixel and output modules current state of the buffer
FrameState Pixel_FrameState;
// -------------------------------
// TODO This part is generated
// -------------------------------
// TODO Generate list of buffers and pointers from kll
#define LED_BufferLength 144
typedef struct LED_Buffer {
uint16_t i2c_addr;
uint16_t reg_addr;
uint16_t buffer[LED_BufferLength];
} LED_Buffer;
extern LED_Buffer LED_pageBuffer[ ISSI_Chips_define ];
// Buffer list
#define Pixel_BuffersLen 3
#define Pixel_TotalChannels 432
PixelBuf Pixel_Buffers[] = {
PixelBufElem( LED_BufferLength, 16, 0, LED_pageBuffer[0].buffer ),
PixelBufElem( LED_BufferLength, 16, 144, LED_pageBuffer[1].buffer ),
PixelBufElem( LED_BufferLength, 16, 288, LED_pageBuffer[2].buffer ),
// Pixel Mapping
uint8_t Pixel_Mapping[] = {
// Frame of led changes
// const uint8_t <animation>_frame<num>[] = { PixelMod, ... }
#define Pixel_ModRGB(pixel,type,r,g,b) pixel, PixelChange_##type, 1, r, g, b
const uint8_t testani_frame0[] = {
Pixel_ModRGB(0, Set, 30, 70, 120),
const uint8_t testani_frame1[] = {
Pixel_ModRGB(0, Set, 0, 0, 0),
const uint8_t testani_frame2[] = {
Pixel_ModRGB(0, Set, 60, 90, 140),
// Index of frames for animations
// uint8_t *<animation>_frames[] = { <animation>_frame<num>, ... }
const uint8_t *testani_frames[] = {
// Index of animations
// uint8_t *Pixel_Animations[] = { <animation>_frames, ... }
const uint8_t **Pixel_Animations[] = {
// -------------------------------
// -------------------------------
// ----- Capabilities -----
// ----- Functions -----
PixelBuf Pixel_bufferMap( uint16_t channel )
// TODO Generate
if ( channel < 144 ) return Pixel_Buffers[0];
else if ( channel < 288 ) return Pixel_Buffers[1];
else if ( channel < 432 ) return Pixel_Buffers[2];
// Invalid channel, return first channel and display error
erro_msg("Invalid channel: ");
printHex( channel );
print( NL );
return Pixel_Buffers[0];
void Pixel_channelToggle( uint16_t channel )
// Determine which buffer we are in
PixelBuf pixbuf = Pixel_bufferMap( channel );
// Toggle channel accordingly
switch ( pixbuf.width )
// Invalid width, default to 8
warn_msg("Unknown width, using 8: ");
printInt8( pixbuf.width );
print(" Ch: ");
printHex( channel );
print( NL );
// Falls through on purpose
// 8bit width
case 8:
PixelBuf8( pixbuf, channel ) ^= 128;
// 16bit width
case 16:
PixelBuf16( pixbuf, channel ) ^= 128;
// Pixel Procesing Loop
inline void Pixel_process()
// Only update frame when ready
if ( Pixel_FrameState != FrameState_Update )
// First check if we are in a test mode
switch ( Pixel_testMode )
// Toggle current position, then increment
case PixelTest_Chan_Roll:
// Toggle channel
Pixel_channelToggle( Pixel_testPos );
// Increment channel
if ( Pixel_testPos >= Pixel_TotalChannels )
Pixel_testPos = 0;
goto pixel_process_done;
// Blink all channels
case PixelTest_Chan_All:
uint16_t ch;
// Only update 50 positions at a time
for ( ch = Pixel_testPos; ch < Pixel_testPos + 50 && ch < Pixel_TotalChannels; ch++ )
// Toggle channel
Pixel_channelToggle( ch );
Pixel_testPos = ch;
// Only signal frame update after all pixels complete
if ( Pixel_testPos >= Pixel_TotalChannels )
Pixel_testPos = 0;
goto pixel_process_done;
// Frame is now ready to send
Pixel_FrameState = FrameState_Ready;
inline void Pixel_setup()
// Register Pixel CLI dictionary
CLI_registerDictionary( pixelCLIDict, pixelCLIDictName );
// Set frame state to update
Pixel_FrameState = FrameState_Update;
// Disable test modes by default, start at position 0
Pixel_testMode = PixelTest_Off;
// ----- CLI Command Functions -----
void cliFunc_pixelList( char* args )
print( NL ); // No \r\n by default after the command is entered
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process speed argument if given
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Check for special args
switch ( *arg1Ptr )
case 'b':
case 'B':
info_msg("Buffer List");
// List all buffers
for ( uint8_t buf = 0; buf < Pixel_BuffersLen; buf++ )
print( NL "\t" );
printInt8( buf );
printHex32( (uint32_t)(Pixel_Buffers[ buf ].data) );
printInt8( Pixel_Buffers[ buf ].width );
printInt8( Pixel_Buffers[ buf ].size );
void cliFunc_pixelTest( char* args )
print( NL );
void cliFunc_chanTest( char* args )
print( NL ); // No \r\n by default after the command is entered
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process speed argument if given
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Check for special args
switch ( *arg1Ptr )
case 'a':
case 'A':
info_msg("All channel test");
Pixel_testPos = 0;
Pixel_testMode = PixelTest_Chan_All;
case 'r':
case 'R':
info_msg("Channel roll test");
Pixel_testPos = 0;
Pixel_testMode = PixelTest_Chan_Roll;
case 's':
case 'S':
info_msg("Stopping channel test");
Pixel_testMode = PixelTest_Off;
// Check for specific position
if ( *arg1Ptr != '\0' )
Pixel_testPos = numToInt( arg1Ptr );
info_msg("Channel: ");
printInt16( Pixel_testPos );
// Toggle channel
Pixel_channelToggle( Pixel_testPos );
// Increment channel
if ( Pixel_testPos >= Pixel_TotalChannels )
Pixel_testPos = 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2015 by Jacob Alexander
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this file. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
// ----- Includes -----
// Compiler Includes
#include <stdint.h>
// ----- Enums -----
typedef enum FrameState {
FrameState_Ready, // Buffers have been updated and are ready to send
FrameState_Sending, // Buffers are currently being sent, do not change
FrameState_Update, // Buffers need to be updated to latest frame
} FrameState;
// Pixel Change Storage
// - Store only the change of the pixel
// - Change is a value (size of the pixel)
// - Contiguous sets of pixel changes can be stored for maximized packing (with the same width)
// - Each value has a corresponding operator
// * Add
// * Subtract
// * Left shift
// * Right shift
// * Set
// * Add no-rollover
// * Subtract no-rollover
typedef enum PixelChange {
PixelChange_Set = 0, // <no op>
PixelChange_Add, // +
PixelChange_Subtract, // -
PixelChange_NoRoll_Add, // +:
PixelChange_NoRoll_Subtract, // -:
PixelChange_LeftShift, // <<
PixelChange_RightShift, // >>
} PixelChange;
// ----- Structs -----
// Element of array of buffers pointers
typedef struct PixelBuf {
uint8_t size; // Number of elements
uint8_t width; // Width of each element
uint16_t offset; // Subtraction offset from absolute channel
void *data; // Pointer to start of buffer
} PixelBuf;
#define PixelBufElem(len,width,offset,ptr) { len, width, offset, (void*)ptr }
#define PixelBuf8(pixbuf, ch) ( ((uint8_t*) ([ ch - pixbuf.offset ] )
#define PixelBuf16(pixbuf, ch) ( ((uint16_t*)([ ch - pixbuf.offset ] )
// Individual Pixel element
typedef struct PixelElement {
uint8_t width; // Number of bits in a channel
uint8_t channels; // Number of channels
uint16_t indices[0]; // Hardware indices for each channel
} PixelElement;
#define s2b(num) (num >> 8), (num & 0xFF)
#define Pixel_RGBChannel(r,g,b) 8, 3, s2b(r), s2b(g), s2b(b)
#define Pixel_8bitChannel(c) 8, 1, s2b(c)
typedef struct PixelMod {
uint16_t pixel; // Pixel index
PixelChange change; // Change to apply to pixel
uint8_t contiguousPixels; // # of contiguous pixels to apply same changes too
uint8_t data[0]; // Data size depends on PixelElement definition
} PixelMod;
// ----- Variables -----
extern FrameState Pixel_FrameState;
// ----- Functions -----
void Pixel_process();
void Pixel_setup();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
###| CMake Kiibohd Controller Macro Module |###
# Written by Jacob Alexander in 2015 for the Kiibohd Controller
# Released into the Public Domain
# Required Sub-modules
AddModule ( Macro PartialMap )
# Module C files
set ( Module_SRCS
# Compiler Family Compatibility
set ( ModuleCompatibility
@ -107,11 +107,8 @@ typedef struct LED_EnableBuffer {
// CLI Functions
// CLI Functions
void cliFunc_i2cSend ( char* args );
void cliFunc_i2cSend ( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledCtrl ( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledCtrl ( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledNFrame( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledReset ( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledStart ( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledSpeed ( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledTest ( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledWPage ( char* args );
void cliFunc_ledZero ( char* args );
@ -120,31 +117,27 @@ void cliFunc_ledZero ( char* args );
// Scan Module command dictionary
// Scan Module command dictionary
CLIDict_Entry( i2cSend, "Send I2C sequence of bytes. Use |'s to split sequences with a stop." );
CLIDict_Entry( i2cSend, "Send I2C sequence of bytes. Use |'s to split sequences with a stop." );
CLIDict_Entry( ledCtrl, "Basic LED control. Args: <mode> <amount> [<index>]" );
CLIDict_Entry( ledCtrl, "Basic LED control. Args: <mode> <amount> [<index>]" );
CLIDict_Entry( ledNFrame, "Increment led frame." );
CLIDict_Entry( ledReset, "Reset ISSI chips." );
CLIDict_Entry( ledStart, "Disable software shutdown." );
CLIDict_Entry( ledSpeed, "ISSI frame rate 0-63, 1 is fastest. f - display fps" );
CLIDict_Entry( ledTest, "Test out the led pages." );
CLIDict_Entry( ledWPage, "Write to given register page starting at address. i.e. 0xE8 0x2 0x24 0xF0 0x12" );
CLIDict_Entry( ledZero, "Zero out LED register pages (non-configuration)." );
CLIDict_Def( ledCLIDict, "ISSI LED Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Def( ledCLIDict, "ISSI LED Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( i2cSend ),
CLIDict_Item( i2cSend ),
CLIDict_Item( ledCtrl ),
CLIDict_Item( ledCtrl ),
CLIDict_Item( ledNFrame ),
CLIDict_Item( ledReset ),
CLIDict_Item( ledStart ),
CLIDict_Item( ledSpeed ),
CLIDict_Item( ledTest ),
CLIDict_Item( ledWPage ),
CLIDict_Item( ledZero ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end
LED_Buffer LED_pageBuffer[ ISSI_Chips_define ];
volatile LED_Buffer LED_pageBuffer[ ISSI_Chips_define ];
uint8_t LED_FrameBuffersReady; // Starts at maximum, reset on interrupt from ISSI
uint8_t LED_FrameBuffersReady; // Starts at maximum, reset on interrupt from ISSI
volatile uint8_t LED_FrameBufferReset; // INTB interrupt received, reset available buffer count when ready
volatile uint8_t LED_FrameBufferReset; // INTB interrupt received, reset available buffer count when ready
uint8_t LED_FrameBufferPage; // Current page of the buffer
uint8_t LED_FrameBufferPage; // Current page of the buffer
uint8_t LED_FrameBufferStart; // Whether or not a start signal can be sent
uint8_t LED_FrameBufferStart; // Whether or not a start signal can be sent
uint8_t LED_displayFPS; // Display fps to cli
// Enable mask and default brightness for ISSI chip channel
// Enable mask and default brightness for ISSI chip channel
const LED_EnableBuffer LED_ledEnableMask[ISSI_Chips_define] = {
const LED_EnableBuffer LED_ledEnableMask[ISSI_Chips_define] = {
LED_MaskDefine( 1 ),
LED_MaskDefine( 1 ),
@ -251,6 +244,39 @@ void LED_sendPage( uint8_t addr, uint16_t *buffer, uint32_t len, uint8_t page )
// Write register on all ISSI chips
// Prepare pages first, then attempt write register with a minimal delay between chips
void LED_syncReg( uint8_t reg, uint8_t val, uint8_t page )
uint16_t pageSetup[] = { 0, 0xFD, page };
// Setup each of the pages
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
pageSetup[0] = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
while ( i2c_send( pageSetup, sizeof( pageSetup ) / 2 ) == -1 )
// Reg Write Setup
uint16_t writeData[] = { 0, reg, val };
// Write to all the registers
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
writeData[0] = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
// Delay very little to help with synchronization
while ( i2c_send( writeData, sizeof( writeData ) / 2 ) == -1 )
// Delay until written
while ( i2c_busy() )
// Write address
// Write address
void LED_writeReg( uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val, uint8_t page )
void LED_writeReg( uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val, uint8_t page )
@ -308,6 +334,63 @@ uint8_t LED_readReg( uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t page )
return recv_data;
return recv_data;
void LED_reset()
// Reset frame buffer used count
LED_FrameBuffersReady = LED_FrameBuffersMax;
// Starting page for the buffers
LED_FrameBufferPage = 4;
// Initially do not allow autoplay to restart
LED_FrameBufferStart = 0;
// Disable FPS by default
LED_displayFPS = 0;
// Clear LED Pages
// Enable LEDs based upon mask
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
LED_zeroPages( addr, 0x00, 8, 0x00, 0xB4 ); // LED Registers
// For each page
for ( uint8_t pg = 0; pg < LED_FrameBuffersMax * 2; pg++ )
(uint16_t*)&LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ],
sizeof( LED_EnableBuffer ) / 2,
// Setup ISSI auto frame play, but do not start yet
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
// CNS 1 loop, FNS 4 frames - 0x14
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x02, 0x14, 0x0B );
// Default refresh speed - TxA
// T is typically 11ms
// A is 1 to 64 (where 0 is 64)
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x03, ISSI_AnimationSpeed_define, 0x0B );
// Set MODE to Auto Frame Play
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x00, 0x08, 0x0B );
// Disable Software shutdown of ISSI chip
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x0B );
// Setup
// Setup
inline void LED_setup()
inline void LED_setup()
@ -359,56 +442,8 @@ inline void LED_setup()
// Enable PORTB interrupt
// Enable PORTB interrupt
// Reset frame buffer used count
// Reset LED sequencing
LED_FrameBuffersReady = LED_FrameBuffersMax;
// Starting page for the buffers
LED_FrameBufferPage = 4;
// Initially do not allow autoplay to restart
LED_FrameBufferStart = 0;
// Clear LED Pages
// Enable LEDs based upon mask
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
LED_zeroPages( addr, 0x00, 8, 0x00, 0xB4 ); // LED Registers
// For each page
for ( uint8_t pg = 0; pg < LED_FrameBuffersMax * 2; pg++ )
(uint16_t*)&LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ],
sizeof( LED_EnableBuffer ) / 2,
// Setup ISSI auto frame play, but do not start yet
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
// CNS 1 loop, FNS 4 frames - 0x14
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x02, 0x14, 0x0B );
// Default refresh speed - TxA
// T is typically 11ms
// A is 1 to 64 (where 0 is 64)
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x03, ISSI_AnimationSpeed_define, 0x0B );
// Set MODE to Auto Frame Play
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x00, 0x08, 0x0B );
// Disable Software shutdown of ISSI chip
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x0B );
@ -480,13 +515,17 @@ inline void LED_scan()
if ( LED_FrameBufferReset )
if ( LED_FrameBufferReset )
LED_FrameBufferReset = 0;
LED_FrameBufferReset = 0;
// Delay, in order to synchronize chips
LED_FrameBufferStart = 1;
LED_FrameBufferStart = 1;
// Debug Status
// FPS Display
if ( LED_displayFPS )
printInt32( systick_millis_count - LED_timePrev );
LED_timePrev = systick_millis_count;
print("ms" NL);
printInt32( systick_millis_count - LED_timePrev );
LED_timePrev = systick_millis_count;
print( "ms" NL );
// Make sure there are buffers available
// Make sure there are buffers available
@ -497,15 +536,9 @@ inline void LED_scan()
if ( !LED_FrameBufferStart || Pixel_FrameState == FrameState_Sending )
if ( !LED_FrameBufferStart || Pixel_FrameState == FrameState_Sending )
// Buffers are now full, start signal can be sent
// Start Auto Frame Play on either frame 1 or 5
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t frame = LED_FrameBufferPage == 0 ? 4 : 0;
LED_syncReg( 0x00, 0x08 | frame, 0x0B );
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
// Start Auto Frame Play on either frame 1 or 5
uint8_t frame = LED_FrameBufferPage == 0 ? 4 : 0;
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x00, 0x08 | frame, 0x0B );
LED_FrameBufferStart = 0;
LED_FrameBufferStart = 0;
LED_FrameBuffersReady = LED_FrameBuffersMax;
LED_FrameBuffersReady = LED_FrameBuffersMax;
@ -777,9 +810,9 @@ void cliFunc_i2cSend( char* args )
i2c_send( buffer, bufferLen );
i2c_send( buffer, bufferLen );
void cliFunc_ledWPage( char* args )
void cliFunc_ledWPage( char* args )
char* curArgs;
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
@ -833,23 +866,29 @@ void cliFunc_ledWPage( char* args )
// Increment address
// Increment address
void cliFunc_ledStart( char* args )
void cliFunc_ledReset( char* args )
print( NL ); // No \r\n by default after the command is entered
print( NL ); // No \r\n by default after the command is entered
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
LED_zeroPages( LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ].i2c_addr, 0x0B, 1, 0x00, 0x0C ); // Control Registers
LED_zeroPages( LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ].i2c_addr, 0x0B, 1, 0x00, 0x0C ); // Control Registers
//LED_zeroPages( 0x00, 8, 0x00, 0xB4 ); // LED Registers
LED_writeReg( LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ].i2c_addr, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x0B );
LED_sendPage( LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ].i2c_addr, (uint16_t*)&LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ], sizeof( LED_EnableBuffer ) / 2, 0 );
// Clear buffers
for ( uint8_t buf = 0; buf < ISSI_Chips_define; buf++ )
memset( (void*)LED_pageBuffer[ buf ].buffer, 0, LED_BufferLength * 2 );
void cliFunc_ledTest( char* args )
void cliFunc_ledSpeed( char* args )
print( NL ); // No \r\n by default after the command is entered
print( NL ); // No \r\n by default after the command is entered
@ -862,121 +901,38 @@ void cliFunc_ledTest( char* args )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Check if f argument was given
switch ( *arg1Ptr )
case 'f':
case 'F':
info_msg("FPS Toggle");
LED_displayFPS = !LED_displayFPS;
// Stop processing args if no more are found
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr != '\0' )
if ( *arg1Ptr != '\0' )
speed = numToInt( arg1Ptr );
speed = numToInt( arg1Ptr );
// Default to default speed
info_msg("Setting default speed: ");
printInt8( speed );
// Set refresh speed per ISSI chip
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
// CNS 1 loop, FNS 4 frames - 0x14
//LED_writeReg( addr, 0x02, 0x14, 0x0B );
// Default refresh speed - TxA
// Default refresh speed - TxA
// T is typically 11ms
// T is typically 11ms
// A is 1 to 64 (where 0 is 64)
// A is 1 to 64 (where 0 is 64)
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x03, speed, 0x0B );
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x03, speed, 0x0B );
// Set MODE to Auto Frame Play
// Set FS to 5, this is to train the IRQ on the ISSI for the processing loop
// The first 4 frames are blank, we fill the last 4
// Clear the interrupt, and the movie display starts at frame 5
//LED_writeReg( addr, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x0B );
// Zero out Frame Registers
// This needs to be done before disabling the hardware shutdown (or the leds will do undefined things)
info_print("LED - Zeroing out all pages");
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
LED_zeroPages( addr, 0x0B, 1, 0x00, 0x0C ); // Control Registers
LED_zeroPages( addr, 0x00, 8, 0x00, 0xB4 ); // LED Registers
// Clear LED Pages
// Enable LEDs based upon mask
info_print("LED - Setting LED enable mask");
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
//for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
// For each page
for ( uint8_t pg = 0; pg < LED_FrameBuffersMax * 2; pg++ )
(uint16_t*)&LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ],
sizeof( LED_EnableBuffer ) / 2,
// Setup ISSI auto frame play, but do not start yet
info_print("LED - Enabling 8 frame 3 loop auto play");
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
// CNS 3 loops, FNS all frames - 0x30
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x02, 0x30, 0x0B );
// Default refresh speed - TxA
// T is typically 11ms
// A is 1 to 64 (where 0 is 64)
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x03, speed, 0x0B );
// Set MODE to Auto Frame Play
// Set FS to frame 1
//LED_writeReg( addr, 0x00, 0x08, 0x0B );
// Load frame data
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
// Load each page with a different led enabled
uint16_t data[] = {
addr, 0xFD, 0x00,
while( i2c_send( data, sizeof( data ) / 2 ) == -1 )
delay( 1 );
data[1] = 0x24;
data[2] = 0xFF;
while( i2c_send( data, sizeof( data ) / 2 ) == -1 )
delay( 1 );
// Disable Software shutdown of ISSI chip
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
uint8_t addr = LED_pageBuffer[ ch ].i2c_addr;
LED_writeReg( addr, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x0B );
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
LED_sendPage( LED_defaultBrightness[ ch ].i2c_addr, (uint16_t*)&LED_defaultBrightness[ ch ], sizeof( LED_Buffer ), 0 );
void cliFunc_ledZero( char* args )
print( NL ); // No \r\n by default after the command is entered
for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
LED_zeroPages( LED_defaultBrightness[ ch ].i2c_addr, 0x0B, 1, 0x00, 0x0C ); // Control Registers
LED_zeroPages( LED_defaultBrightness[ ch ].i2c_addr, 0x00, 8, 0x24, 0xB4 ); // Only PWMs
@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ void Matrix_setup()
print( NL );
print( NL );
info_msg("Max Keys: ");
info_msg("Max Keys: ");
printHex( Matrix_maxKeys );
printHex( Matrix_maxKeys );
print( NL );
// Clear out Debounce Array
// Clear out Debounce Array
for ( uint8_t item = 0; item < Matrix_maxKeys; item++ )
for ( uint8_t item = 0; item < Matrix_maxKeys; item++ )
Reference in New Issue
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