
Adding support for layer packing

- Only keep state for the scan code that are available for the layer
- Also properly implemented scan code range checking (was not done before, only worked because the KLL compiler was well behaved)
Jacob Alexander 9年前
  1. 14
  2. 36

+ 14
- 11
Macro/PartialMap/kll.h ファイルの表示

@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ typedef enum TriggerMacroState {
// TriggerMacro struct, one is created per TriggerMacro, no duplicates
typedef struct TriggerMacro {
const uint8_t *guide;
var_uint_t result;
const var_uint_t result;
var_uint_t pos;
TriggerMacroState state;
} TriggerMacro;
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ typedef struct TriggerGuide {

// Capability
typedef struct Capability {
void *func;
uint8_t argCount;
const void *func;
const uint8_t argCount;
} Capability;

// Total Number of Capabilities
@@ -205,28 +205,31 @@ typedef struct Capability {
// * Shift - 0x01
// * Latch - 0x02
// * Lock - 0x04
// Layer states are stored in the LayerState array
// Except for Off, all states an exist simultaneously for each layer
// For example:
// state -> 0x04 + 0x01 = 0x05 (Shift + Lock), which is effectively Off (0x00)
// Max defines the maximum number of keys in the map, maximum of 0xFF
// First defines the first used scan code (most keyboards start at 0, some start higher e.g. 0x40)
// - Compiler calculates this
// Last defines the last scan code used (helps reduce RAM usage)
// The name is defined for cli debugging purposes (Null terminated string)

typedef struct Layer {
const nat_ptr_t **triggerMap;
const char *name;
const uint8_t max;
uint8_t state;
const uint8_t first;
const uint8_t last;
} Layer;

// Layer_IN( map, name );
// * map - Trigger map
// * name - Name of the trigger map
#define Layer_IN( map, name ) { map, name, sizeof( map ) / sizeof( nat_ptr_t ) - 1, 0 }
// Layer_IN( map, name, first );
// * map - Trigger map
// * name - Name of the trigger map
// * first - First scan code used (most keyboards start at 0, some start higher e.g. 0x40)
#define Layer_IN( map, name, first ) { map, name, first, sizeof( map ) / sizeof( nat_ptr_t ) - 1 + first }

// Total number of layers
#define LayerNum sizeof( LayerIndex ) / sizeof( Layer )

+ 36
- 22
Macro/PartialMap/macro.c ファイルの表示

@@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ void Macro_layerState( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint16_t layer, uint8_t

// Toggle Layer State Byte
if ( LayerIndex[ layer ].state & layerState )
if ( LayerState[ layer ] & layerState )
// Unset
LayerIndex[ layer ].state &= ~layerState;
LayerState[ layer ] &= ~layerState;
// Set
LayerIndex[ layer ].state |= layerState;
LayerState[ layer ] |= layerState;

// If the layer was not in the LayerIndexStack add it
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void Macro_layerState( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint16_t layer, uint8_t

// If the layer is in the LayerIndexStack and the state is 0x00, remove
if ( LayerIndex[ layer ].state == 0x00 && inLayerIndexStack )
if ( LayerState[ layer ] == 0x00 && inLayerIndexStack )
// Remove the layer from the LayerIndexStack
// Using the already positioned stackItem variable from the loop above
@@ -302,43 +302,55 @@ nat_ptr_t *Macro_layerLookup( uint8_t scanCode )
for ( uint16_t layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < macroLayerIndexStackSize; layerIndex++ )
// Lookup Layer
Layer *layer = &LayerIndex[ macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ] ];
const Layer *layer = &LayerIndex[ macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ] ];

// Check if latch has been pressed for this layer
// XXX Regardless of whether a key is found, the latch is removed on first lookup
uint8_t latch = layer->state & 0x02;
uint8_t latch = LayerState[ layerIndex ] & 0x02;
if ( latch )
layer->state &= ~0x02;
LayerState[ layerIndex ] &= ~0x02;

// Only use layer, if state is valid
// XOR each of the state bits
// If only two are enabled, do not use this state
if ( (layer->state & 0x01) ^ (latch>>1) ^ ((layer->state & 0x04)>>2) )
if ( (LayerState[ layerIndex ] & 0x01) ^ (latch>>1) ^ ((LayerState[ layerIndex ] & 0x04)>>2) )
// Lookup layer
nat_ptr_t **map = (nat_ptr_t**)layer->triggerMap;

// Determine if layer has key defined
if ( map != 0 && *map[ scanCode ] != 0 )
return map[ scanCode ];
// Make sure scanCode is between layer first and last scancodes
if ( map != 0
&& scanCode < layer->last
&& scanCode > layer->first
&& *map[ scanCode - layer->first ] != 0 )
return map[ scanCode - layer->first ];

// Do lookup on default layer
nat_ptr_t **map = (nat_ptr_t**)LayerIndex[0].triggerMap;

// Determine if layer has key defined
if ( map == 0 && *map[ scanCode ] == 0 )
// Lookup default layer
const Layer *layer = &LayerIndex[ macroLayerIndexStack[ 0 ] ];

// Make sure scanCode is between layer first and last scancodes
if ( map != 0
&& scanCode < layer->last
&& scanCode > layer->first
&& *map[ scanCode - layer->first ] != 0 )
erro_msg("Scan Code has no defined Trigger Macro: ");
printHex( scanCode );
return 0;
return map[ scanCode - layer->first ];

// Return lookup result
return map[ scanCode ];
// Otherwise no defined Trigger Macro
erro_msg("Scan Code has no defined Trigger Macro: ");
printHex( scanCode );
return 0;

@@ -1157,11 +1169,13 @@ void cliFunc_layerList( char* args )

// Layer State
print( NL "\t\t Layer State: " );
printHex( LayerIndex[ layer ].state );
printHex( LayerState[ layer ] );

// Max Index
print(" Max Index: ");
printHex( LayerIndex[ layer ].max );
// First -> Last Indices
print(" First -> Last Indices: ");
printHex( LayerIndex[ layer ].first );
print(" -> ");
printHex( LayerIndex[ layer ].last );

@@ -1206,7 +1220,7 @@ void cliFunc_layerState( char* args )
printHex( arg2 );

// Set the layer state
LayerIndex[ arg1 ].state = arg2;
LayerState[ arg1 ] = arg2;