- Adds proper flashMode support for all keyboards and microcontrollers (usb and serial)
- flashModeEnabled must be set to 1 otherwise it will only show an error
* This is on purpose (somewhat dangerous feature as it allows remote flashing)
- Capability cleanup
- Supports up to 255 slave nodes (you'll run into ScanCode limitations before then)
- Requires most recent kll compiler update
- Additional debugging output and stats counters
- Noise and parity checking
- Fixed TxFIFO issue when sending buffers larger than the FIFO
- Cleaned up defaultMap.kll
- Added ScanCode caching (reduces interconnect traffic significantly)
- Interconnect module code is conditionally compiled into PartialMap module if required
* Keyboard interconnect using two uarts
* Supports daisy chain addressing using a master/slave direction communication scheme
- Still needs more testing
- Functions have been tested alone to be generally working
- Split layer capability into different parts
- Convenience Shift, Latch, Lock
- Keeping the original capability because it also allows specifically turning layers off and is useful for debugging
- Code should be working, but much is untested
- All of the old modules will need to update and use the new DefaultMap keymap
- There might still be some naming conflicts with some Scan Modules