/* Copyright (C) 2011 by Jacob Alexander * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "usb_keys.h" #include "layouts.h" //#include "usb_keyboard.h" // TEMP INCLUDES #include "usb_keyboard_debug.h" #include #define CPU_PRESCALE(n) (CLKPR = 0x80, CLKPR = (n)) // Number of keys #define KEYBOARD_SIZE 63 #define KEYPAD_SIZE 16 // Debouncing Defines #define SAMPLE_THRESHOLD 100 #define MAX_SAMPLES 127 // Max is 127, reaching 128 is very bad // Verified Keypress Defines #define USB_TRANSFER_DIVIDER 10 // 1024 == 1 Send of keypresses per second, 1 == 1 Send of keypresses per ~1 millisecond // Drive Pin Defines #define DRIVE_reg_1 PORTD #define DRIVE_reg_2 PORTD #define DRIVE_reg_3 PORTD #define DRIVE_reg_4 PORTD #define DRIVE_reg_5 PORTD #define DRIVE_reg_6 PORTD #define DRIVE_reg_7 PORTE #define DRIVE_reg_8 PORTE #define DRIVE_reg_9 PORTE #define DRIVE_reg_10 #define DRIVE_reg_11 #define DRIVE_reg_12 #define DRIVE_pin_1 2 #define DRIVE_pin_2 3 #define DRIVE_pin_3 4 #define DRIVE_pin_4 5 #define DRIVE_pin_5 6 #define DRIVE_pin_6 7 #define DRIVE_pin_7 0 #define DRIVE_pin_8 1 #define DRIVE_pin_9 6 #define DRIVE_pin_10 #define DRIVE_pin_11 #define DRIVE_pin_12 // Detect Pin/Group Defines #define DETECT_group_1 1 #define DETECT_group_2 2 #define DETECT_group_3 3 #define DETECT_group_4 4 #define DETECT_group_5 5 #define DETECT_group_6 6 #define DETECT_group_7 7 #define DETECT_group_8 8 #define DETECT_group_9 9 #define DETECT_group_10 #define DETECT_group_11 #define DETECT_group_12 #define DETECT_group_size_1 7 #define DETECT_group_size_2 7 #define DETECT_group_size_3 6 #define DETECT_group_size_4 8 #define DETECT_group_size_5 7 #define DETECT_group_size_6 7 #define DETECT_group_size_7 8 #define DETECT_group_size_8 8 #define DETECT_group_size_9 4 #define DETECT_group_size_10 #define DETECT_group_size_11 #define DETECT_group_size_12 // Switch Codes #define DETECT_group_array_1 {55,22,6 ,40,43,27,11} #define DETECT_group_array_2 {56,23,7 ,41,58,26,10} #define DETECT_group_array_3 {57,24,8 ,42,25,9} #define DETECT_group_array_4 {54,21,5 ,39,44,28,12,59} #define DETECT_group_array_5 {53,20,4 ,38,45,29,13} #define DETECT_group_array_6 {52,19,3 ,37,46,30,14} #define DETECT_group_array_7 {51,18,2 ,36,61,31,15,63} #define DETECT_group_array_8 {50,17,1 ,35,47,32,16,62} #define DETECT_group_array_9 {48,49,33,34} // 49/60 are the same line #define DETECT_group_array_10 #define DETECT_group_array_11 #define DETECT_group_array_12 // Drive Macros (Generally don't need to be changed), except for maybe DRIVE_DETECT #define DRIVE_DETECT(reg,pin,group) \ reg &= ~(1 << pin); \ detection(group); \ reg |= (1 << pin); #define DD_CASE(number) \ case number:\ DRIVE_DETECT(DRIVE_reg_##number, DRIVE_pin_##number, DETECT_group_##number) #define DD_CASE_ORD(number) \ DD_CASE(number) \ break; #define DD_CASE_END(number,var) \ DD_CASE(number) \ var = -1; \ break; // Updates the current detection sample and last sample bit // Detection Macros (Probably don't need to be changed, but depending the matrix, may have to be) // Determine if key is either normal or a modifier #define DET_GROUP_CHECK(index,test) \ if ( test ) { \ keyDetectArray[groupArray[index]]++; \ } // XXX - Detection Groups // Checks each of the specified pins, and then if press detected, determine if the key is normal or a modifier // Inverse logic applies for the PINs // Used for 1 detection group (Special group) #define DET_GROUP_1 \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(0,!( PINB & (1 << 7) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(1,!( PINC & (1 << 0) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(2,!( PIND & (1 << 0) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(3,!( PIND & (1 << 1) )) \ // Used for 4 detection groups (Skips J1 P9) #define DET_GROUP_2 \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(0,!( PINE & (1 << 7) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(1,!( PINB & (1 << 0) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(2,!( PINB & (1 << 1) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(3,!( PINB & (1 << 2) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(4,!( PINB & (1 << 3) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(5,!( PINB & (1 << 4) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(6,!( PINB & (1 << 5) )) \ // Used for 1 detection group (Skips J1 P6 and J1 P9) #define DET_GROUP_3 \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(0,!( PINE & (1 << 7) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(1,!( PINB & (1 << 0) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(2,!( PINB & (1 << 1) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(3,!( PINB & (1 << 2) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(4,!( PINB & (1 << 4) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(5,!( PINB & (1 << 5) )) \ // Used for 3 detection groups (No skips, except special group 1) #define DET_GROUP_4 \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(0,!( PINE & (1 << 7) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(1,!( PINB & (1 << 0) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(2,!( PINB & (1 << 1) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(3,!( PINB & (1 << 2) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(4,!( PINB & (1 << 3) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(5,!( PINB & (1 << 4) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(6,!( PINB & (1 << 5) )) \ DET_GROUP_CHECK(7,!( PINB & (1 << 6) )) \ // Combines the DET_GROUP_Xs above for the given groupArray #define DET_GROUP(group,det_group) \ case group: \ { \ uint8_t groupArray[DETECT_group_size_##group] = DETECT_group_array_##group; \ _delay_us(1); \ DET_GROUP_##det_group \ } \ break; // Loop over all of the sampled keys of the given array // If the number of samples is higher than the sample threshold, flag the high bit, clear otherwise // This should be resetting VERY quickly, cutting off a potentially valid keypress is not an issue #define DEBOUNCE_ASSESS(table,size) \ for ( uint8_t key = 1; key < size + 1; key++ ) {\ table[key] = ( table[key] & ~(1 << 7) ) > SAMPLE_THRESHOLD ? (1 << 7) : 0x00; \ } \ // Keypad detection // Each switch has it's own detection line, inverse logic #define KEYPAD_DETECT(test,switch_code) \ if ( !(test) ) { \ keypadDetectArray[switch_code]++; \ } \ // NOTE: Highest Bit: Valid keypress (0x80 is valid keypress) // Other Bits: Pressed state sample counter uint8_t keyDetectArray[KEYBOARD_SIZE + 1]; uint8_t keypadDetectArray[KEYPAD_SIZE + 1]; // Interrupt Variables uint16_t sendKeypressCounter = 0; volatile uint8_t sendKeypresses = 0; void detection( int group ) { // XXX Modify for different detection groups <-> groupArray mappings switch ( group ) { DET_GROUP(1,2) DET_GROUP(2,2) DET_GROUP(3,3) DET_GROUP(4,4) DET_GROUP(5,2) DET_GROUP(6,2) DET_GROUP(7,4) DET_GROUP(8,4) DET_GROUP(9,1) } } // XXX This part is configurable inline void pinSetup(void) { // For each pin, 0=input, 1=output DDRA = 0x00; DDRB = 0x00; DDRC = 0x00; DDRD = 0xFC; DDRE = 0x43; DDRF = 0x00; // Setting pins to either high or pull-up resistor PORTA = 0xFF; PORTB = 0xFF; PORTC = 0x01; PORTD = 0xFF; PORTE = 0xC3; PORTF = 0xFF; } // Given a sampling array, and the current number of detected keypress // Add as many keypresses from the sampling array to the USB key send array as possible. void keyPressDetection( uint8_t *keys, uint8_t *validKeys, uint8_t numberOfKeys, uint8_t *modifiers, uint8_t numberOfModifiers, uint8_t *map ) { for ( uint8_t key = 0; key < numberOfKeys + 1; key++ ) { if ( keys[key] & (1 << 7) ) { pint8( key ); print(" "); uint8_t modFound = 0; // Determine if the key is a modifier for ( uint8_t mod = 0; mod < numberOfModifiers; mod++ ) { // Modifier found if ( modifiers[mod] == key ) { keyboard_modifier_keys |= map[key]; modFound = 1; break; } } if ( modFound ) continue; // Too many keys if ( *validKeys == 6 ) break; keyboard_keys[(*validKeys)++] = map[key]; } } } int main( void ) { // Setup with 16 MHz clock CPU_PRESCALE( 0 ); // Configuring Pins pinSetup(); // Initialize the USB, and then wait for the host to set configuration. // If the Teensy is powered without a PC connected to the USB port, // this will wait forever. usb_init(); while ( !usb_configured() ) /* wait */ ; // Wait an extra second for the PC's operating system to load drivers // and do whatever it does to actually be ready for input _delay_ms(1000); // Setup ISR Timer for flagging a kepress send to USB // Set to 256 * 1024 (8 bit timer with Clock/1024 prescalar) timer TCCR0A = 0x00; TCCR0B = 0x03; TIMSK0 = (1 << TOIE0); // Main Detection Loop int8_t group = 1; uint8_t count = 0; for ( ;;group++ ) { // XXX Change number of ORDs if number of lines (RowsxColumns) differ // Determine which keys are being pressed switch ( group ) { DD_CASE_ORD(1) DD_CASE_ORD(2) DD_CASE_ORD(3) DD_CASE_ORD(4) DD_CASE_ORD(5) DD_CASE_ORD(6) DD_CASE_ORD(7) DD_CASE_ORD(8) DD_CASE_END(9,group) } // Check all Keyboard keys first if ( group != -1 ) continue; // Check Keypad keys KEYPAD_DETECT(PINA & (1 << 0),11) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINA & (1 << 1),3) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINA & (1 << 2),7) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINA & (1 << 3),4) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINA & (1 << 4),15) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINA & (1 << 5),6) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINA & (1 << 6),2) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINA & (1 << 7),10) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINF & (1 << 0),8) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINF & (1 << 1),12) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINF & (1 << 2),16) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINF & (1 << 3),13) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINF & (1 << 4),1) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINF & (1 << 5),5) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINF & (1 << 6),9) KEYPAD_DETECT(PINF & (1 << 7),14) // Check count to see if the sample threshold may have been reached, otherwise collect more data count++; if ( count < MAX_SAMPLES ) continue; // Reset Sample Counter count = 0; // Assess debouncing sample table DEBOUNCE_ASSESS(keyDetectArray,KEYBOARD_SIZE) DEBOUNCE_ASSESS(keypadDetectArray,KEYPAD_SIZE) // Send keypresses over USB if the ISR has signalled that it's time if ( !sendKeypresses ) continue; // Detect Valid Keypresses - TODO uint8_t validKeys = 0; // Map selection if ( keyDetectArray[34] & (1 << 7) ) { // CapsLock FN Modifier keyPressDetection( keyDetectArray, &validKeys, KEYBOARD_SIZE, keyboard_modifierMask, MODIFIERS_KEYBOARD, colemakMap ); keyPressDetection( keypadDetectArray, &validKeys, KEYPAD_SIZE, keypad_modifierMask, MODIFIERS_KEYPAD, keypadDefaultMap ); } else { keyPressDetection( keyDetectArray, &validKeys, KEYBOARD_SIZE, keyboard_modifierMask, MODIFIERS_KEYBOARD, defaultMap ); keyPressDetection( keypadDetectArray, &validKeys, KEYPAD_SIZE, keypad_modifierMask, MODIFIERS_KEYPAD, keypadDefaultMap ); } print(":\n"); // TODO undo potentially old keys for ( uint8_t c = validKeys; c < 6; c++ ) keyboard_keys[c] = 0; // Send keypresses usb_keyboard_send(); // Clear sendKeypresses Flag sendKeypresses = 0; // Clear modifiers keyboard_modifier_keys = 0; } return 0; } // Timer Interrupt for flagging a send of the sampled key detection data to the USB host ISR( TIMER0_OVF_vect ) { sendKeypressCounter++; if ( sendKeypressCounter > USB_TRANSFER_DIVIDER ) { sendKeypressCounter = 0; sendKeypresses = 1; } }