/* Keyboard example with debug channel, for Teensy USB Development Board * http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/usb_keyboard.html * Copyright (c) 2008 PJRC.COM, LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "usb_keyboard_debug.h" #include "print.h" #define LED_CONFIG (DDRD |= (1<<6)) #define LED_ON (PORTD &= ~(1<<6)) #define LED_OFF (PORTD |= (1<<6)) #define CPU_PRESCALE(n) (CLKPR = 0x80, CLKPR = (n)) #define THRESHOLD 0x0a #define BUMP_THRESHOLD 0x50 //((THRESHOLD) * 3) #define BUMP_REST_US 1200 #define HYST 1 #define HYST_T 0x10 #define TEST_KEY_STROBE (0x05) #define TEST_KEY_MASK (1 << 0) #define ADHSM 7 /** Whether to use all of D and C, vs using E0, E1 instead of D6, D7, * or alternately all of D, and E0,E1 and C0,..5 */ //#define ALL_D_C //#define SHORT_D #define SHORT_C // rough offset voltage: one diode drop, about 50mV = 0x3ff * 50/3560 = 20 //#define OFFSET_VOLTAGE 0x14 #define OFFSET_VOLTAGE 0x28 volatile uint8_t idle_count=1; uint8_t blink=0; volatile uint16_t full_av = 0; #define RIGHT_JUSTIFY 0 #define LEFT_JUSTIFY (0xff) // set left or right justification here: #define JUSTIFY_ADC RIGHT_JUSTIFY #define ADLAR_MASK (1 << ADLAR) #ifdef JUSTIFY_ADC #define ADLAR_BITS ((ADLAR_MASK) & (JUSTIFY_ADC)) #else // defaults to right justification. #define ADLAR_BITS 0 #endif // full muxmask #define FULL_MUX_MASK ((1 << MUX0) | (1 << MUX1) | (1 << MUX2) | (1 << MUX3) | (1 << MUX4)) // F0-f7 pins only muxmask. #define MUX_MASK ((1 << MUX0) | (1 << MUX1) | (1 << MUX2)) #define SET_MUX(X) ((ADMUX) = (((ADMUX) & ~(MUX_MASK)) | ((X) & (MUX_MASK)))) #define SET_FULL_MUX(X) ((ADMUX) = (((ADMUX) & ~(FULL_MUX_MASK)) | ((X) & (FULL_MUX_MASK)))) #define MUX_1_1 0x1e #define MUX_GND 0x1f // set ADC clock prescale #define PRESCALE_MASK ((1 << ADPS0) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS2)) #define PRESCALE_SHIFT (ADPS0) #define PRESCALE 3 /**/ uint8_t ze_strober = 0; #ifdef EXTENDED_STROBE #define STROBE_LINES 18 #else #define STROBE_LINES 16 #endif #define STROBE_LINES_XSHIFT 4 #define STROBE_LINES_MASK 0x0f #define MUXES_COUNT 8 #define MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT 3 #define MUXES_MASK 0x7 #define WARMUP_LOOPS ( 1024 ) #define RECOVERY_US 6 #define SAMPLES 10 int16_t samples [SAMPLES]; //int16_t gsamples [SAMPLES]; #define SAMPLE_OFFSET ((SAMPLES) - MUXES_COUNT) //#define SAMPLE_OFFSET 9 #define STROBE_OFFSET 0 /**/ int16_t adc_mux_averages[MUXES_COUNT]; /**/ int16_t adc_strobe_averages[STROBE_LINES]; /**/ uint8_t cur_keymap[STROBE_LINES]; // /**/ int8_t last_keymap[STROBE_LINES]; /**/ uint8_t usb_keymap[STROBE_LINES]; uint8_t dirty; uint8_t unstable; uint8_t usb_dirty; int16_t threshold = THRESHOLD; uint16_t tests = 0; uint8_t col_a=0; uint8_t col_b=0; uint8_t col_c=0; uint8_t column=0; #define KEY_COUNT ((STROBE_LINES) * (MUXES_COUNT)) int16_t keys_averages_acc[KEY_COUNT]; uint16_t keys_averages[KEY_COUNT]; uint8_t full_samples[KEY_COUNT]; /* viable starting biases for near 0.830V offset. and adc PRESCALE 3 0017 0016 001B 001A 0016 0016 000F 000E 001B 001E 001E 0018 0017 0015 000E 001D 001B 001A 0016 0016 000F 000E 001C 001B 001E 0018 0017 0015 000E 001D 0024 001F 0016 0016 000F 000E 001C 001B 001E 001E 0017 0015 000E 001D 0024 001F 0020 001F 000F 000E 001C 001B 001E 001E 0018 0017 000E 001D 0024 001F 0020 001F 0020 0017 001C 001B 001E 001E 0018 0017 0015 000E 0024 001F 0020 001F 0020 0017 0010 001D 001E 001E 0018 0017 0015 000E 001D 0024 0020 001F 0020 0017 0010 001D 0024 0021 0018 0017 0015 000E 001D 0024 001F 0020 0020 0017 0010 001D 0024 0021 0021 0021 0015 000E 001D 0024 001F 0020 001F 0020 0010 001D 0024 0021 0021 0021 0021 0018 */ /*** starting bias relative to fixed offset estimate of 820mV (0x50) * 77 69 65 5B 50 4E 4C 45 66 53 4D 49 45 3F 3E 35 * 68 54 4F 49 45 40 3F 34 74 66 5F 56 4E 4D 4C 3F * 6D 5D 53 4C 49 46 45 38 6D 5A 53 4E 49 48 45 3E * 6F 5D 56 4E 4B 48 48 3A 6D 5C 54 4E 48 48 45 37 * 75 68 5F 57 4F 4D 4C 3F 60 4E 48 41 3C 3C 39 2F * 65 53 4E 49 41 3F 3E 34 65 54 4E 49 43 3F 3E 34 * 60 51 4A 45 3F 3E 3C 30 57 4C 45 3E 3B 37 37 2E * 64 4E 48 44 3C 3B 39 2F 5D 4F 48 45 3E 3C 3B 30 */ /*volatile*/ uint16_t count = 0; /*volatile*/ uint8_t error = 0; uint16_t error_data = 0; void dump(void); void dumpkeys(void); static const uint8_t PROGMEM matrix122F_to_set3[] = { 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x84, // (), npenter, np3, (), np+, np9, np*, np- 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, // np0, np., np2, np5, np6, np8, numlck, np/ 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, // 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, // 0x50 vanishes - is test key. 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x50, // 0x48 vanishes - else roll back. 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x01, 0x83, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, // 0x02 is replaced with 0x83. }; #define LX2FX static const uint8_t PROGMEM page3_2_USB[133] = { 0x0, // 00 00 // no key. #ifndef LX2FX 0xe3, // 01 Enl Help -> windows. (e3) 0x0, // 02 // no key. 0x80, // 03 A4 ExSel SetUp print, -> paste 7d -> vol up 80 0x46, // 04 A3 CrSel Properties -> copy 7c -> mute 7f-> prt-scrn 0x29, // 05 9A Attn SysRq // good place fer escape. (29) 0x47, // 06 9C Clear -> kp / 54 -> scroll-lock (47) 0x3a, // 07 3A F1 0x68, // 08 68 F13 0x65, // 09 Ctrl // record/pause // -> kb application (65) 0x74, // 0A Copy Test // play/test -> execute 74 -> kp + 57 0x75, // 0B // no key. help (75) -> kp - 56 0x48, // 0C Pause ErInp erase input. -> cut 7b -> kp * 55 -> pause 48 #else /* 0x42, // 01 L9 0x0, // 02 // no key. 0x3e, // 03 L5 0x3c, // 04 L3 0x3a, // 05 L1 0x3b, // 06 L2 0x3a, // 07 3A F1 0x68, // 08 68 F13 0x43, // 09 L10 0x41, // 0A L8 0x3f, // 0B L6 0x3d, // 0C L4 */ 0x61, // 01 L9 -> num 9 0x61 0x0, // 02 // no key. 0x5d, // 03 L5 -> num 5 0x5d 0x5b, // 04 L3 -> num 3 0x5b 0x59, // 05 L1 -> num 1 0x59 0x5a, // 06 L2 -> num 2 0x5a 0x3a, // 07 3A F1 0x68, // 08 68 F13 0x62, // 09 L10 -> num 0 0x62 0x60, // 0A L8 -> num 8 0x60 0x5e, // 0B L6 -> num 6 0x5e 0x5c, // 0C L4 -> num 4 0x5c #endif 0x2b, // 0D 2B Tab 0x29, // 0E 35 ~ ` -> escape 29 0x3b, // 0F 3B F2 0x69, // 10 69 F14 0xe0, // 11 E0 Ctrl L 0xe1, // 12 E1 Shift L 0xe1, // 13 64 left of z. -> l shift e1 0x39, // 14 39 Caps Lock 0x14, // 15 14 Q 0x1e, // 16 1E ! 1 0x3c, // 17 3C F3 0x6a, // 18 6A F15 0xe2, // 19 E2 Alt L 0x1d, // 1A 1D Z 0x16, // 1B 16 S 0x04, // 1C 04 A 0x1a, // 1D 1A W 0x1f, // 1E 1F @ 2 0x3d, // 1F 3D F4 0x6b, // 20 6B F16 0x06, // 21 06 C 0x1b, // 22 1B X 0x07, // 23 07 D 0x08, // 24 08 E 0x21, // 25 21 $ 4 0x20, // 26 20 # 3 0x3e, // 27 3E F5 0x6c, // 28 6C F17 0x2c, // 29 2C Space 0x19, // 2A 19 V 0x09, // 2B 09 F 0x17, // 2C 17 T 0x15, // 2D 15 R 0x22, // 2E 22 % 5 0x3f, // 2F 3F F6 0x6d, // 30 6D F18 0x11, // 31 11 N 0x05, // 32 05 B 0x0b, // 33 0B H 0x0a, // 34 0A G 0x1c, // 35 1C Y 0x23, // 36 23 ^ 6 0x40, // 37 40 F7 0x6e, // 38 6E F19 0xe6, // 39 E6 Alt R 0x10, // 3A 10 M 0x0d, // 3B 0D J 0x18, // 3C 18 U 0x24, // 3D 24 & 7 0x25, // 3E 25 * 8 0x41, // 3F 41 F8 0x6f, // 40 6F F20 0x36, // 41 36 < , 0x0e, // 42 0E K 0x0c, // 43 0C I 0x12, // 44 12 O 0x27, // 45 27 ) 0 0x26, // 46 26 ( 9 0x42, // 47 42 F9 0x70, // 48 70 F21 0x37, // 49 37 > . 0x38, // 4A 38 ? / 0x0f, // 4B 0F L 0x33, // 4C 33 : ; 0x13, // 4D 13 P 0x2d, // 4E 2D _ - 0x43, // 4F 43 F10 0x71, // 50 71 F22 0xe5, // 51 87 likely a shift - e.g. kp shift -> e5 0x34, // 52 34 " ' 0x31, // 53 (INT 2) -> keypad enter. 58 -> |/\ (31) 0x2f, // 54 2F { [ 0x2e, // 55 2E + = 0x44, // 56 44 F11 0x72, // 57 72 F23 -> vol up. 0xe4, // 58 E4 Ctrl R 0xe5, // 59 E5 Shift R 0x28, // 5A 28 Enter 0x30, // 5B 30 } ] 0x31, // 5C 31 | '\' 0x35, // 5D -> kp = 67 -> ~` 35 0x45, // 5E 45 F12 0x73, // 5F 73 F24 -> vol down. 0x51, // 60 51 Down CP 0x50, // 61 50 Left CP 0x51, //0x0,// 62 Rule // centre cp. //62 48 Pause/Bk 0x52, // 63 52 Up CP 0x4c, // 64 4C Del CP 0x4d, // 65 4D End CP 0x2a, // 66 2A Back Space 0x49, // 67 49 Ins CP 0x48, // 68 // under kp0 => kp 0 (62) 48 -> pause (48) 0x59, // 69 59 1 End KP 0x4f, // 6A 4F Right CP 0x5c, // 6B 5C 4 Left KP 0x5f, // 6C 5F 7 Home KP 0x4e, // 6D 4E PgDn CP 0x4a, // 6E 4A Home CP 0x4b, // 6F 4B PgUp CP 0x62, // 70 62 0 Ins KP -> pause (+48) -> kp-0 (62) 0x63, // 71 63 . Del KP 0x5a, // 72 5A 2 Down KP 0x5d, // 73 97 5 KP 0x5e, // 74 5E 6 Right KP 0x60, // 75 60 8 Up KP 0x53, // 76 53 Num Lock 0x54, // 77 54 / KP 0x47, // 78 Undo // under enter -> scroll-lock 47 0x58, // 79 58 Enter KP -> enter kp 0x5b, // 7A 5B 3 PgDn KP 0x46, // 7B (INT 5) // under + -> print screen (46 0x57, // 7C 57 + KP 0x61, // 7D 61 9 PgUp KP 0x55, // 7E 55 * KP 0x0, // 7F no such key? 0x0, // 80 no such key 0x0, // 81 Paste? 0x0, // 82 Find? #ifndef LX2FX 0x81, // 83 Print Ident -> undo 7a -> vol down 81 #else //0x40, // 83 L7 (f1) 3a 0x5f, // 83 L7 (f1) 3a -> num 7 0x5f #endif 0x56 // 84 56 - KP }; void _delay_loop(uint8_t __count) { __asm__ volatile ( "1: dec %0" "\n\t" "brne 1b" : "=r" (__count) : "0" (__count) ); } void setup_ADC (void) { // disable adc digital pins. DIDR1 |= (1 << AIN0D) | (1< BUMP_THRESHOLD + delta) { // ze horror. return 1; } else { return 0; //all good. }*/ return 0; } int sampleColumn_k(uint8_t column, int16_t * buffer) { // ensure all probe lines are driven low, and chill for recovery delay. uint16_t sample; ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADSC); // enable and start conversions ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIF); // clear int flag by writing 1. // sync up with adc clock: while (! (ADCSRA & (1 << ADIF))); // wait until ready. sample = ADC; // throw it away. for(uint8_t mux=0; mux < 8; ++mux) { PORTC &= ~C_MASK; PORTD &= ~D_MASK; PORTE &= ~E_MASK; SET_FULL_MUX(mux); // our sample will use this for(uint8_t i=0; i < 2; ++i) { ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIF); // clear int flag by writing 1. //wait for last read to complete. while (! (ADCSRA & (1 << ADIF))); sample = ADC; // throw away strobe'd value. } recovery(0); strobe_w(column); ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIF); // clear int flag by writing 1. //wait for last read to complete. while (! (ADCSRA & (1 << ADIF))); sample = ADC; // throw away strobe'd value. ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIF); // clear int flag by writing 1. while (! (ADCSRA & (1 << ADIF))); // retrieve current read. buffer[mux] = ADC - OFFSET_VOLTAGE; recovery(1); } // turn off adc. ADCSRA &= ~(1 << ADEN); // pull all columns' probe-lines low. PORTC &= ~C_MASK; PORTD &= ~D_MASK; PORTE &= ~E_MASK; // recovery(1); return 0; } int sampleColumn(uint8_t column) { int rval = 0; /* sampleColumn_i(column, 0x0f, samples+SAMPLE_OFFSET); sampleColumn_i(column, 0xf0, samples+SAMPLE_OFFSET + 4 ); */ rval = sampleColumn_k(column, samples+SAMPLE_OFFSET); for(uint8_t i=0; i<8; ++i) { if(samples[SAMPLE_OFFSET + i] - adc_mux_averages[i] > BUMP_THRESHOLD) { // was a hump _delay_us(BUMP_REST_US); rval++; error = 0x50; error_data = samples[SAMPLE_OFFSET +i]; // | ((uint16_t)i << 8); return rval; } } return rval; } uint8_t testColumn(uint8_t strobe) { uint8_t column = 0; uint8_t bit = 1; for (uint8_t i=0; i < MUXES_COUNT; ++i) { uint16_t delta = keys_averages[(strobe << MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT) + i]; if ((int16_t)samples[SAMPLE_OFFSET + i] > threshold + delta) { column |= bit; } bit <<= 1; } return column; } int main(void) { // set for 16 MHz clock CPU_PRESCALE(0); // Initialize the USB, and then wait for the host to set configuration. // If the Teensy is powered without a PC connected to the USB port, // this will wait forever. usb_init(); while (!usb_configured()) /* wait */ ; // Wait an extra second for the PC's operating system to load drivers // and do whatever it does to actually be ready for input _delay_ms(1000); LED_CONFIG; setup_ADC(); // Configure timer 0 to generate a timer overflow interrupt every // 256*1024 clock cycles, or approx 61 Hz when using 16 MHz clock // This demonstrates how to use interrupts to implement a simple // inactivity timeout. //TCCR0A = 0x00; //TCCR0B = 0x05; //TIMSK0 = (1<= WARMUP_LOOPS) ) { tests++; tries = 1; while (tries++ && sampleColumn(strober)) { tries &= 0x7; } // don't waste this one just because the last one was poop. col_a = testColumn(strober); tries = 1; while (tries++ && sampleColumn(strober)) { tries &= 0x7; } // don't waste this one just because the last one was poop. col_b = testColumn(strober); tries = 1; while (tries++ && sampleColumn(strober)) { tries &= 0x7; } // don't waste this one just because the last one was poop. col_c = testColumn(strober); if( (col_a == col_b) && (col_b == col_c) && (cur_keymap[strober] != col_a) ) { cur_keymap[strober] = col_a; usb_dirty = 1; } } if(error == 0x50) { error_data |= (((uint16_t)strober) << 12); } for(int i=0; i> 3; adc_strobe_averages[strober] >>= 1; /** test if we went negative. */ if ((adc_strobe_averages[strober] & 0xFF00) && (count >= WARMUP_LOOPS)) { //count = 0; // TODO : constrain properly. error = 0xf; error_data = adc_strobe_averages[strober]; } uint8_t strobe_line = strober << MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT; for (int i = 0; i < MUXES_COUNT; ++i) { keys_averages_acc[strobe_line + i] += samples[SAMPLE_OFFSET + i]; } } // for strober if (count < WARMUP_LOOPS) { error = 0x0C; error_data = count; count++; } // verify test key is not down. if((cur_keymap[TEST_KEY_STROBE] & TEST_KEY_MASK) ) { //count=0; error = 0x05; error_data = cur_keymap[TEST_KEY_STROBE] << 8; error_data += full_samples[TEST_KEY_STROBE * 8]; //threshold++; } // calc mux averages. if (count < WARMUP_LOOPS) { full_av += (full_av_acc >> (7)); full_av >>= 1; //full_av = full_av_acc / count; full_av_acc = 0; for (int i=0; i < MUXES_COUNT; ++i) { // mix in 1/4 of the current average to the running average. -> (@mux_mix = 2) #define MUX_MIX 2 adc_mux_averages[i] = (adc_mux_averages[i] << MUX_MIX) - adc_mux_averages[i]; adc_mux_averages[i] += (mux_averages[i] >> 4); adc_mux_averages[i] >>= MUX_MIX; mux_averages[i] = 0; } } #define IDLE_COUNT_MASK 0xff #define MAX_ICS 8 #define IDLE_COUNT_SHIFT 4 #define KEYS_AVERAGES_MIX 2 idle_count++; idle_count &= IDLE_COUNT_MASK; if (/*usb_dirty &&*/ (count >= WARMUP_LOOPS) ) { for (int i=0; i>= 2; keys_averages[i] = av; keys_averages_acc[i] = 0; } } if(!idle_count) { for (int i=0; i< KEY_COUNT; ++i) { keys_averages_acc[i] = 0; } sampleColumn(0x0); // to resync us if we dumped a mess 'o text. } } } void debug_println() { usb_debug_putchar('\r'); usb_debug_putchar('\n'); } // This interrupt routine is run approx 61 times per second. // A very simple inactivity timeout is implemented, where we // will send a space character and print a message to the // hid_listen debug message window. ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) { //idle_count++; /* if (idle_count > 61) { idle_count = 0; }*/ } void dumpkeys(void) { //print(" \n"); if(error) { for (uint8_t i=0; i < STROBE_LINES; ++i) { phex(usb_keymap[i]); usb_debug_putchar(' '); //print(" "); } if (count >= WARMUP_LOOPS && error) { dump(); } print(" : "); phex(error); error = 0; print(" : "); phex16(error_data); error_data = 0; print(" : "); debug_println(); } for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { keyboard_keys[i] = 0; } keyboard_modifier_keys = 0; uint8_t usbkeycount = 0; for (uint8_t i=0; i < STROBE_LINES; ++i) { for(uint8_t j=0; j= 0xe0) && (usbkey <= 0xe7)) { // metas keyboard_modifier_keys |= (1 << (usbkey & 0x07)); } else { keyboard_keys[usbkeycount++] = usbkey; } } if (usb_dirty) usb_debug_putchar(' '); } } } if(usb_dirty) { debug_println(); } /** shall we send actual keyboard events? */ #if 0 usb_keyboard_send(); #endif } // taken from the datasheet. uint8_t readEE(uint16_t offset) { /* Wait for completion of previous write */ while(EECR & (1<1ms/byte. void writeEE(uint16_t offset, uint8_t data) { /* Wait for completion of previous write */ while(EECR & (1<> MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT) + (i & STROBE_LINES_MASK) ]); phex (keys_averages[i]); } print("\n"); for(int i =0; i< KEY_COUNT; ++i) { if(!(i & 0x0f)) { print("\n"); } else if (!(i & 0x07)) { print(" "); } usb_debug_putchar(' '); //phex16 (keys_averages[(i >> MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT) + (i & STROBE_LINES_MASK) ]); //phex16 (keys_averages_acc[i]); phex(full_samples[i]); } } //} // uint8_t cur_strober = 0xe; uint8_t cur_strober = ze_strober; print("\n"); phex(cur_strober); //print(": "); print(": "); #if 1 print("\n"); for (uint8_t i=0; i < MUXES_COUNT; ++i) { usb_debug_putchar(' '); phex16(full_samples[(cur_strober << MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT) + i]); } print("\n"); // phex(threshold); // print(": "); for (uint8_t i=0; i < MUXES_COUNT; ++i) { usb_debug_putchar(' '); phex16(keys_averages[(cur_strober << MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT) + i]); } #endif /* for (uint8_t i=0; i< SAMPLES; ++i) { print(" "); phex16(samples[i]); //phex16(ADC); }*/ //print(" : "); //usb_debug_putchar((was_active)?' ':'*'); //phex16(keymap[TEST_KEY_STROBE] & TEST_KEY_MASK); /*print(" "); */ //phex(keymap[TEST_KEY_STROBE]); //print("\n"); //print(":"); //phex(full_av); //phex16(count); //print(" : "); print("\n"); for (uint8_t i=0; i < STROBE_LINES; ++i) { phex(cur_keymap[i]); usb_debug_putchar(' '); //print(" "); } //print(": "); //phex(adc_strobe_averages[ze_strober]); //usb_debug_putchar(' '); for (uint8_t i=0; i < MUXES_COUNT; ++i) { usb_debug_putchar(' '); //phex16(adc_mux_averages[i] + adc_strobe_averages[ze_strober] - full_av); //phex16((adc_mux_averages[i] + adc_strobe_averages[ze_strober]) >> 1); //phex16((adc_mux_averages[i] * 3 + adc_strobe_averages[ze_strober]) >> 2); //phex16(adc_mux_averages[i] + threshold); //phex16(gsamples[i + SAMPLE_OFFSET] - (adc_mux_averages[i] + threshold) + 0x100); //phex16(keys_averages[(ze_strober << MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT) + i] + (uint8_t)threshold); phex16(keys_averages[(ze_strober << MUXES_COUNT_XSHIFT) + i]); } if(error) { usb_debug_putchar(' '); phex (error); usb_debug_putchar(' '); phex16(error_data); error = 0; error_data = 0; } //print("\n"); ze_strober++; ze_strober &= 0xf; dump_count++; dump_count &= 0x0f; //ze_strobe = (1 << (ze_strober ) ); //phex(ADCSRA); //print(" "); //print("\n"); //usb_keyboard_press(KEY_SPACE, 0); // if(blink) { // LED_ON; // } else { // LED_OFF; // } // blink ^= 1; } /* int oldmain(void) { uint8_t b, d, mask, i, reset_idle; uint8_t b_prev=0xFF, d_prev=0xFF; // set for 16 MHz clock CPU_PRESCALE(0); // Configure all port B and port D pins as inputs with pullup resistors. // See the "Using I/O Pins" page for details. // http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/pins.html DDRD = 0x00; DDRB = 0x00; PORTB = 0xFF; PORTD = 0xFF; // Initialize the USB, and then wait for the host to set configuration. // If the Teensy is powered without a PC connected to the USB port, // this will wait forever. usb_init(); while (!usb_configured()) ; // Wait an extra second for the PC's operating system to load drivers // and do whatever it does to actually be ready for input _delay_ms(1000); // Configure timer 0 to generate a timer overflow interrupt every // 256*1024 clock cycles, or approx 61 Hz when using 16 MHz clock // This demonstrates how to use interrupts to implement a simple // inactivity timeout. TCCR0A = 0x00; TCCR0B = 0x05; TIMSK0 = (1<