/* Copyright (C) 2012 by Jacob Alexander * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ // ----- Includes ----- // AVR Includes #include #include #include // Project Includes #include #include // Local Includes #include "scan_loop.h" // ----- Defines ----- // Pinout Defines #define REQUEST_PORT PORTD #define REQUEST_DDR DDRD #define REQUEST_PIN 3 #define DATA_READ PIND #define DATA_PORT PORTD #define DATA_DDR DDRD #define DATA_PIN 2 #define MAX_SAMPLES 10 #define MAX_FAILURES 3731 #define PACKET_STORAGE 24 // At worst only 8 packets, but with you keypresses you can get more // ----- Macros ----- #define READ_DATA DATA_READ & (1 << DATA_PIN) ? 0 : 1 #define REQUEST_DATA() REQUEST_DDR &= ~(1 << REQUEST_PIN) // Start incoming keyboard transfer #define STOP_DATA() REQUEST_DDR |= (1 << REQUEST_PIN) // Stop incoming keyboard data // Make sure we haven't overflowed the buffer #define bufferAdd(byte) \ if ( KeyIndex_BufferUsed < KEYBOARD_BUFFER ) \ KeyIndex_Buffer[KeyIndex_BufferUsed++] = byte // ----- Variables ----- // Buffer used to inform the macro processing module which keys have been detected as pressed volatile uint8_t KeyIndex_Buffer[KEYBOARD_BUFFER]; volatile uint8_t KeyIndex_BufferUsed; // ----- Function Declarations ----- void processPacketValue( uint16_t packetValue ); // ----- Interrupt Functions ----- // XXX - None Required // ----- Functions ----- // Setup // This setup is very simple, as there is no extra hardware used in this scan module, other than GPIOs. // To be nice, we wait a little bit after powering on, and dump any of the pending keyboard data. // Afterwards (as long as no keys were being held), the keyboard should have a clean buffer, and be ready to go. // (Even if keys were held down, everything should probably still work...) inline void scan_setup() { // Setup the DATA pin DATA_DDR &= ~(1 << DATA_PIN); // Set to input DATA_PORT |= (1 << DATA_PIN); // Set to pull-up resistor // Setup the REQUEST pin REQUEST_DDR |= (1 << REQUEST_PIN); // Set to output STOP_DATA(); // Set the line high to stop incoming data // Reset the keyboard before scanning, we might be in a wierd state _delay_ms( 50 ); scan_resetKeyboard(); } // Main Detection Loop // The Univac-Sperry F3W9 has a convenient feature, an internal 8 key buffer // This buffer is only emptied (i.e. sent over the bus) when the REQUEST line is held high // Because of this, we can utilize the scan_loop to do all of the critical processing, // without having to resort to interrupts, giving the data reading 100% of the CPU. // This is because the USB interrupts can wait until the scan_loop is finished to continue. // // Normally, this approach isn't taken, as it's easier/faster/safer to use Teensy hardware shift registers // for serial data transfers. // However, since the Univac-Sperry F3W9 sends 20 bit packets (including the start bit), the Teensy // doesn't have a shift register large enough (9 bit max), to hold the data. // So the line must be polled manually using CPU cycles // // Another interesting feature is that there are 2 data lines. // Output and /Output (NOT'ted version). // Not really useful here, but could be used for error checking, or eliminating an external NOT gate if // we were using (but can't...) a hardware decoder like a USART. inline uint8_t scan_loop() { // Protocol Notes: // - Packets are 20 bits long, including the start bit // - Each bit is ~105 usecs in length // - Thus the average packet length is 2.205 msecs // - Each packet is separated by at least 240 usecs (during a buffer unload) // - While holding the key down, each packet has a space of about 910 usecs // - A max of 8 keys can be sent at once (note, the arrow keys seem use 2 packets each, and thus take up twice as much buffer) // - There is no timing danger for holding the request line, just that data may come in when you don't want it // Now that the scan loop has been entered, we don't have to worry about interrupts stealing // precious cycles. REQUEST_DATA(); // = Delays = // // For these calculations to work out properly, then Teensy should be running at 16 MHz // - 1 bit : 105 usecs is 16 000 000 * 0.000105 = 1680 instructions // - Bit centering : 52.5 usecs is 16 000 000 * 0.0000525 = 840 instructions // - Delay : 5 msecs is 16 000 000 * 0.005 = 80 000 instructions // - Microsecond : 1 usec is 16 000 000 * 0.000001 = 16 instructions // // Now, either I can follow these exactly, or based upon the fact that I have >840 tries to find the // the start bit, and >1680 tries to read the subsequent bits, I have some "flex" time. // Knowing this, I can make some assumptions that because I'm only reading a total of 20 bits, and will // be re-centering for each packet. // This will allow for less worrying about compiler optimizations (and porting!). // The basic idea is to find a "reliable" value for the start bit, e.g. read it ~10 times. // Using a for-loop and some addition counters, this should eat up approximately 20-30 instructions per read // (very loose estimation). // So reading 10 * 30 instructions = 300 instructions, which is much less than 840 instructions to where the // bit center is, but is close enough that further delays of ~>1680 instructions will put the next read // within the next bit period. // This is all possible because interrupts are disabled at this point, otherwise, all of this reasoning // would fall apart. // _delay_us is available to use, fortunately. // Input Packet Storage (before being processed) uint16_t incomingPacket[PACKET_STORAGE]; uint8_t numberOfIncomingPackets = 0; // Sample the data line for ~5 ms, looking for a start bit // - Sampling every 1 usecs, looking for 10 good samples // - Accumulated samples will dumped if a high is detected uint8_t samples = 0; uint16_t failures = 0; // Continue waiting for a start bit until MAX_FAILURES has been reached (~5ms of nothing) while ( failures <= MAX_FAILURES ) { // Attempt to find the start bit while ( samples < MAX_SAMPLES ) { // Delay first _delay_us( 1 ); // If data is valid, increment if ( READ_DATA ) { samples++; } // Reset else { samples = 0; failures++; // After ~5ms of failures, break the loop // Each failure is approx 5 instructions + 1 usec, or approximately 1.34 usec) // So ~3731 failures for ~5ms // Being exact doesn't matter, as this is just to let the other parts of the // controller do some processing if ( failures > MAX_FAILURES ) break; } } // If 10 valid samples of the start bit were obtained, if ( samples >= MAX_SAMPLES ) { // Clean out the old packet memory incomingPacket[numberOfIncomingPackets] = 0; // Read the next 19 bits into memory (bit 0 is the start bit, which is always 0) for ( uint8_t c = 1; c < 20; c++ ) { // Wait until the middle of the next bit _delay_us( 105 ); // Append the current bit value incomingPacket[numberOfIncomingPackets] |= (READ_DATA << c); } // Packet finished, increment counter numberOfIncomingPackets++; } } // Stop the keyboard input STOP_DATA(); // Finished receiving data from keyboard, start packet processing for ( uint8_t packet = 0; packet < numberOfIncomingPackets; packet++ ) processPacketValue( incomingPacket[packet] ); return 0; } // Read in the Packet Data, and decide what to do with it void processPacketValue( uint16_t packetValue ) { // = Packet Layout = // // A is the first bit received (bit 0), T is the last // // | Modifier? | ?? | Scan Code | // A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T // // A - Start bit // - Always Low // B -> H - Modifier enabled bits // - Each bit represents a different modifier "mode" // - B -> Shift/Lock // - C -> ?? // - D -> Func // - E -> ?? // - F -> ?? // - G -> ?? // - H -> ?? // I -> L - ?? No idea yet... // - The bits change for some combinations, but not pattern has been found yet... // - I -> ?? // - J -> ?? // - K -> ?? // - L -> ?? // M -> T - Scan Code // - Bits are organized from low to high (8 bit value) // - M -> Bit 1 // - N -> Bit 2 // - O -> Bit 3 // - P -> Bit 4 // - Q -> Bit 5 // - R -> Bit 6 // - S -> Bit 7 // - T -> Bit 8 // Separate packet into sections uint8_t scanCode = (packetValue & 0xFF000) << 12; uint8_t modifiers = (packetValue & 0x000FE); uint8_t extra = (packetValue & 0x00F00) << 8; // Debug Info char tmpStr1[3]; char tmpStr2[3]; char tmpStr3[3]; hexToStr_op( scanCode, tmpStr1, 2 ); hexToStr_op( modifiers, tmpStr2, 2 ); hexToStr_op( extra, tmpStr3, 2 ); dbug_dPrint( "Scancode: 0x", tmpStr1, " Modifiers: 0x", tmpStr2, " Extra: 0x", tmpStr3 ); dbug_dPrint( "Packet: 0x", tmpStr2, tmpStr3, tmpStr1 ); // TODO List // - Modifier keys // - Key Release mechanism // Compute Modifier keys // TODO // Deal with special scan codes switch ( scanCode ) { default: //bufferAdd( scanCode ); TODO - Uncomment when ready for USB output break; } } // Send data // NOTE: Does nothing with the Univac-Sperry F3W9 uint8_t scan_sendData( uint8_t dataPayload ) { return 0; } // Signal KeyIndex_Buffer that it has been properly read inline void scan_finishedWithBuffer( void ) { return; } // Signal that the keys have been properly sent over USB // TODO inline void scan_finishedWithUSBBuffer( void ) { /* uint8_t foundModifiers = 0; // Look for all of the modifiers present, there is a max of 8 (but only keys for 5 on the HASCI version) for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < KeyIndex_BufferUsed; c++ ) { // The modifier range is from 0x80 to 0x8F (well, the last bit is the ON/OFF signal, but whatever...) if ( KeyIndex_Buffer[c] <= 0x8F && KeyIndex_Buffer[c] >= 0x80 ) { // Add the modifier back into the the Key Buffer KeyIndex_Buffer[foundModifiers] = KeyIndex_Buffer[c]; foundModifiers++; } } // Adjust the size of the new Key Buffer KeyIndex_BufferUsed = foundModifiers; */ } // Reset/Hold keyboard // NOTE: Does nothing with the Univac-Sperry F3W9 void scan_lockKeyboard( void ) { } // NOTE: Does nothing with the Univac-Sperry F3W9 void scan_unlockKeyboard( void ) { } // Reset Keyboard // - Holds the input read line high to flush the buffer // - This does not actually reset the keyboard, but always seems brings it to a sane state // - Won't work fully if keys are being pressed done at the same time void scan_resetKeyboard( void ) { // Initiate data request line, but don't read the incoming data REQUEST_DATA(); // We shouldn't be receiving more than 8 packets (and maybe +1 error signal) // This is around 22 ms of data, so a delay of 50 ms should be sufficient. _delay_ms( 50 ); // Stop request line STOP_DATA(); }