###| CMAKE Kiibohd Controller KLL Configurator |### # # Written by Jacob Alexander in 2014-2015 for the Kiibohd Controller # # Released into the Public Domain # ### ### # Check if KLL compiler is needed # if ( "${MacroModule}" STREQUAL "PartialMap" OR "${MacroModule}" STREQUAL "PixelMap" ) ### # KLL Installation (Make sure repo has been cloned) # if ( NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/kll.py" ) message ( STATUS "Downloading latest kll version:" ) # Make sure git is available find_package ( Git REQUIRED ) # Clone kll git repo execute_process ( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} clone https://github.com/kiibohd/kll.git WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ) elseif ( REFRESH_KLL ) # Otherwise attempt to update the repo message ( STATUS "Checking for latest kll version:" ) # Clone kll git repo execute_process ( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} pull --rebase WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll ) endif () # kll/kll.py exists ### # Prepare KLL layout arguments # #| KLL_DEPENDS is used to build a dependency tree for kll.py, this way when files are changed, kll.py gets re-run #| Add each of the detected capabilities.kll foreach ( filename ${ScanModule_KLL} ${MacroModule_KLL} ${OutputModule_KLL} ${DebugModule_KLL} ) set ( BaseMap_Args ${BaseMap_Args} ${filename} ) set ( KLL_DEPENDS ${KLL_DEPENDS} ${filename} ) endforeach () #| If set BaseMap cannot be found, use default map set ( pathname "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${ScanModulePath}" ) string ( REPLACE " " ";" MAP_LIST ${BaseMap} ) # Change spaces to semicolons foreach ( MAP ${MAP_LIST} ) # Only check the Scan Module for BaseMap .kll files, default to defaultMap.kll if ( NOT EXISTS ${pathname}/${MAP}.kll ) set ( BaseMap_Args ${BaseMap_Args} ${pathname}/defaultMap.kll ) set ( KLL_DEPENDS ${KLL_DEPENDS} ${pathname}/defaultMap.kll ) elseif ( EXISTS "${pathname}/${MAP}.kll" ) set ( BaseMap_Args ${BaseMap_Args} ${pathname}/${MAP}.kll ) set ( KLL_DEPENDS ${KLL_DEPENDS} ${pathname}/${MAP}.kll ) else () message ( FATAL " Could not find '${MAP}.kll' BaseMap in Scan module directory" ) endif () endforeach () #| Configure DefaultMap if specified if ( NOT "${DefaultMap}" STREQUAL "" ) set ( DefaultMap_Args -d ) string ( REPLACE " " ";" MAP_LIST ${DefaultMap} ) # Change spaces to semicolons foreach ( MAP ${MAP_LIST} ) # Check if kll file is in build directory, otherwise default to layout directory if ( EXISTS "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${MAP}.kll" ) set ( DefaultMap_Args ${DefaultMap_Args} ${MAP}.kll ) set ( KLL_DEPENDS ${KLL_DEPENDS} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${MAP}.kll ) elseif ( EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/layouts/${MAP}.kll" ) set ( DefaultMap_Args ${DefaultMap_Args} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/layouts/${MAP}.kll ) set ( KLL_DEPENDS ${KLL_DEPENDS} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/layouts/${MAP}.kll ) else () message ( FATAL " Could not find '${MAP}.kll' DefaultMap" ) endif () endforeach () endif () #| Configure PartialMaps if specified if ( NOT "${PartialMaps}" STREQUAL "" ) # For each partial layer foreach ( MAP ${PartialMaps} ) set ( PartialMap_Args ${PartialMap_Args} -p ) # Combine each layer string ( REPLACE " " ";" MAP_LIST ${MAP} ) # Change spaces to semicolons foreach ( MAP_PART ${MAP_LIST} ) # Check if kll file is in build directory, otherwise default to layout directory if ( EXISTS "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${MAP_PART}.kll" ) set ( PartialMap_Args ${PartialMap_Args} ${MAP_PART}.kll ) set ( KLL_DEPENDS ${KLL_DEPENDS} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${MAP_PART}.kll ) elseif ( EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/layouts/${MAP_PART}.kll" ) set ( PartialMap_Args ${PartialMap_Args} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/layouts/${MAP_PART}.kll ) set ( KLL_DEPENDS ${KLL_DEPENDS} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/layouts/${MAP_PART}.kll ) else () message ( FATAL " Could not find '${MAP_PART}.kll' PartialMap" ) endif () endforeach () endforeach () endif () #| Print list of layout sources used message ( STATUS "Detected Layout Files:" ) foreach ( filename ${KLL_DEPENDS} ) message ( "${filename}" ) endforeach () ### # Run KLL Compiler # #| KLL Options set ( kll_backend --backend kiibohd ) set ( kll_template --templates ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/templates/kiibohdKeymap.h ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/templates/kiibohdDefs.h ) set ( kll_outputname generatedKeymap.h kll_defs.h ) set ( kll_output --outputs ${kll_outputname} ) #| KLL Cmd set ( kll_cmd ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kll/kll.py ${BaseMap_Args} ${DefaultMap_Args} ${PartialMap_Args} ${kll_backend} ${kll_template} ${kll_output} ) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${kll_outputname} COMMAND ${kll_cmd} DEPENDS ${KLL_DEPENDS} COMMENT "Generating KLL Layout" ) #| KLL Regen Convenience Target add_custom_target ( kll_regen COMMAND ${kll_cmd} COMMENT "Re-generating KLL Layout" ) #| Append generated file to required sources so it becomes a dependency in the main build set ( SRCS ${SRCS} ${kll_outputname} ) else () message ( AUTHOR_WARNING "Unknown Macro module, ignoring kll generation" ) endif () # PartialMap