/* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Jacob Alexander * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef __usb_hid_h #define __usb_hid_h // ----- Defines ----- // The USB codes are all taken from the USB HID Spec // http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/Hut1_12v2.pdf (HID Usage Tables) // List of Keycodes - USB HID 1.12v2 pg 53 #define KEY_NOEVENT 0x00 // Event, not a physical key #define KEY_ERRORROLLOVER 0x01 // Event, not a physical key #define KEY_POSTFAIL 0x02 // Event, not a physical key #define KEY_ERRORUNDEFINED 0x03 // Event, not a physical key #define KEY_A 0x04 #define KEY_B 0x05 #define KEY_C 0x06 #define KEY_D 0x07 #define KEY_E 0x08 #define KEY_F 0x09 #define KEY_G 0x0A #define KEY_H 0x0B #define KEY_I 0x0C #define KEY_J 0x0D #define KEY_K 0x0E #define KEY_L 0x0F #define KEY_M 0x10 #define KEY_N 0x11 #define KEY_O 0x12 #define KEY_P 0x13 #define KEY_Q 0x14 #define KEY_R 0x15 #define KEY_S 0x16 #define KEY_T 0x17 #define KEY_U 0x18 #define KEY_V 0x19 #define KEY_W 0x1A #define KEY_X 0x1B #define KEY_Y 0x1C #define KEY_Z 0x1D #define KEY_1 0x1E #define KEY_2 0x1F #define KEY_3 0x20 #define KEY_4 0x21 #define KEY_5 0x22 #define KEY_6 0x23 #define KEY_7 0x24 #define KEY_8 0x25 #define KEY_9 0x26 #define KEY_0 0x27 #define KEY_ENTER 0x28 #define KEY_ESC 0x29 #define KEY_BACKSPACE 0x2A #define KEY_TAB 0x2B #define KEY_SPACE 0x2C #define KEY_MINUS 0x2D #define KEY_EQUAL 0x2E #define KEY_LEFT_BRACE 0x2F #define KEY_RIGHT_BRACE 0x30 #define KEY_BACKSLASH 0x31 #define KEY_NUMBER 0x32 #define KEY_SEMICOLON 0x33 #define KEY_QUOTE 0x34 #define KEY_BACKTICK 0x35 #define KEY_COMMA 0x36 #define KEY_PERIOD 0x37 #define KEY_SLASH 0x38 #define KEY_CAPS_LOCK 0x39 #define KEY_F1 0x3A #define KEY_F2 0x3B #define KEY_F3 0x3C #define KEY_F4 0x3D #define KEY_F5 0x3E #define KEY_F6 0x3F #define KEY_F7 0x40 #define KEY_F8 0x41 #define KEY_F9 0x42 #define KEY_F10 0x43 #define KEY_F11 0x44 #define KEY_F12 0x45 #define KEY_PRINTSCREEN 0x46 #define KEY_SCROLL_LOCK 0x47 #define KEY_PAUSE 0x48 #define KEY_INSERT 0x49 #define KEY_HOME 0x4A #define KEY_PAGE_UP 0x4B #define KEY_DELETE 0x4C #define KEY_END 0x4D #define KEY_PAGE_DOWN 0x4E #define KEY_RIGHT 0x4F #define KEY_LEFT 0x50 #define KEY_DOWN 0x51 #define KEY_UP 0x52 #define KEY_NUM_LOCK 0x53 #define KEYPAD_SLASH 0x54 #define KEYPAD_ASTERIX 0x55 #define KEYPAD_MINUS 0x56 #define KEYPAD_PLUS 0x57 #define KEYPAD_ENTER 0x58 #define KEYPAD_1 0x59 #define KEYPAD_2 0x5A #define KEYPAD_3 0x5B #define KEYPAD_4 0x5C #define KEYPAD_5 0x5D #define KEYPAD_6 0x5E #define KEYPAD_7 0x5F #define KEYPAD_8 0x60 #define KEYPAD_9 0x61 #define KEYPAD_0 0x62 #define KEYPAD_PERIOD 0x63 #define KEY_ISO_SLASH 0x64 #define KEY_APP 0x65 #define KEYBOARD_STATUS 0x66 // Used for indicating keyboard is on/status/errors, not a key #define KEYPAD_EQUAL 0x67 #define KEY_F13 0x68 #define KEY_F14 0x69 #define KEY_F15 0x6A #define KEY_F16 0x6B #define KEY_F17 0x6C #define KEY_F18 0x6D #define KEY_F19 0x6E #define KEY_F20 0x6F #define KEY_F21 0x70 #define KEY_F22 0x71 #define KEY_F23 0x72 #define KEY_F24 0x73 #define KEY_EXEC 0x74 #define KEY_HELP 0x75 #define KEY_MENU 0x76 #define KEY_SELECT 0x77 #define KEY_STOP 0x78 #define KEY_AGAIN 0x79 #define KEY_UNDO 0x7A #define KEY_CUT 0x7B #define KEY_COPY 0x7C #define KEY_PASTE 0x7D #define KEY_FIND 0x7E #define KEY_MUTE 0x7F #define KEY_VOL_UP 0x80 #define KEY_VOL_DOWN 0x81 #define KEY_CAPS_TLOCK 0x82 // Toggle "Locking" Scroll Lock (Old keyboards with Locking Caps Lock) #define KEY_NUM_TLOCK 0x83 #define KEY_SCROLL_TLOCK 0x84 #define KEYPAD_COMMA 0x85 // Brazillian (See spec) #define KEYPAD_EQUAL_AS 0x86 // AS/400 Keyboard (See spec) #define KEY_INTER1 0x87 // KANJI1 - Brazillian and Japanese "Ru" and "-" #define KEY_INTER2 0x88 // KANJI2 - Japanese Katakana/Hiragana #define KEY_INTER3 0x89 // KANJI3 - Japanese Yen #define KEY_INTER4 0x8A // KANJI4 - Japanese Henkan #define KEY_INTER5 0x8B // KANJI5 - Japanese Muhenkan #define KEY_INTER6 0x8C // KANJI6 - PC0x62 Comma (Ka-m-ma) #define KEY_INTER7 0x8D // KANJI7 - Double-Byte/Single-Byte Toggle #define KEY_INTER8 0x8E // KANJI8 - Undefined #define KEY_INTER9 0x8F // KANJI9 - Undefined #define KEY_LANG1 0x90 // Korean Hangul/English Toggle #define KEY_LANG2 0x91 // Korean Hanja Conversion - Japanese Eisu #define KEY_LANG3 0x92 // Japanese Katakana Key (USB) #define KEY_LANG4 0x93 // Japanese Hiragana Key (USB) #define KEY_LANG5 0x94 // Japanese Zenkaku/Hankaku Key (USB) #define KEY_LANG6 0x95 // Reserved (Application Specific) #define KEY_LANG7 0x96 // Reserved (Application Specific) #define KEY_LANG8 0x97 // Reserved (Application Specific) #define KEY_LANG9 0x98 // Reserved (Application Specific) #define KEY_ALT_ERASE 0x99 // Special Erase (See Spec) #define KEY_SYSREQ_ATT 0x9A // Modifier Type #define KEY_CANCEL 0x9B #define KEY_CLEAR 0x9C #define KEY_PRIOR 0x9D #define KEY_RETURN 0x9E #define KEY_SEPARATOR 0x9F #define KEY_OUT 0xA0 #define KEY_OPER 0xA1 #define KEY_CLEAR_AGAIN 0xA2 #define KEY_CRSEL_PROPS 0xA3 #define KEY_EXSEL 0xA4 // 0xA5 - 0xAF Reserved #define KEYPAD_00 0xB0 #define KEYPAD_000 0xB1 #define KEY_1000_SEP 0xB2 #define KEY_DECIMAL_SEP 0xB3 #define KEY_CURRENCY_MAIN 0xB4 #define KEY_CURRENCY_SUB 0xB5 #define KEYPAD_LPAREN 0xB6 #define KEYPAD_RPAREN 0xB7 #define KEYPAD_LBRACE 0xB8 #define KEYPAD_RBRACE 0xB9 #define KEYPAD_TAB 0xBA #define KEYPAD_BACKSPACE 0xBB #define KEYPAD_A 0xBC #define KEYPAD_B 0xBD #define KEYPAD_C 0xBE #define KEYPAD_D 0xBF #define KEYPAD_E 0xC0 #define KEYPAD_F 0xC1 #define KEYPAD_XOR 0xC2 #define KEYPAD_CHEVRON 0xC3 #define KEYPAD_PERCENT 0xC4 #define KEYPAD_LTHAN 0xC5 #define KEYPAD_GTHAN 0xC6 #define KEYPAD_BITAND 0xC7 #define KEYPAD_AND 0xC8 #define KEYPAD_BITOR 0xC9 #define KEYPAD_OR 0xCA #define KEYPAD_COLON 0xCB #define KEYPAD_POUND 0xCC #define KEYPAD_SPACE 0xCD #define KEYPAD_AT 0xCE #define KEYPAD_EXCLAIM 0xCF #define KEYPAD_MEM_STORE 0xD0 #define KEYPAD_MEM_RECALL 0xD1 #define KEYPAD_MEM_CLEAR 0xD2 #define KEYPAD_MEM_ADD 0xD3 #define KEYPAD_MEM_SUB 0xD4 #define KEYPAD_MEM_MULT 0xD5 #define KEYPAD_MEM_DIV 0xD6 #define KEYPAD_PLUS_MINUS 0xD7 #define KEYPAD_CLEAR 0xD8 #define KEYPAD_CLEAR_ENTRY 0xD9 #define KEYPAD_BINARY 0xDA #define KEYPAD_OCTAL 0xDB #define KEYPAD_DECIMAL 0xDC #define KEYPAD_HEX 0xDD // 0xDE - 0xDF Reserved #define KEY_CTRL 0xE0 // Convenience #define KEY_LCTRL 0xE0 #define KEY_SHIFT 0xE1 // Convenience #define KEY_LSHIFT 0xE1 #define KEY_ALT 0xE2 // Convenience #define KEY_LALT 0xE2 #define KEY_GUI 0xE3 // Convenience #define KEY_LGUI 0xE3 #define KEY_RCTRL 0xE4 #define KEY_RSHIFT 0xE5 #define KEY_RALT 0xE6 #define KEY_RGUI 0xE7 // 0xE8 - 0xFFFF Reserved // Except for 0xE0-0xE7 which are DV (Dynamic Flags), all Keycodes are Sel (Selectors). // List of LED codes - USB HID 1.12v2 pg 61 // LED/Indicators are defined as: // OOC - On/Off Control // US - Usage Indicator: 1 - In Use, 0 - Not In Use // UM - Usage Multi Mode Indicator Collection of 1 or more indicators: On, Flash, Slow Blink, Fast Blink, Off // Sel - Selector // DV - Dynamic Flag #define LED_UNDEFINED 0x00 #define LED_NUM_LOCK 0x01 // OOC #define LED_CAPS_LOCK 0x02 // OOC #define LED_SCROLL_LOCK 0x03 // OOC #define LED_COMPOSE 0x04 // OOC #define LED_KANA 0x05 // OOC #define LED_POWER 0x06 // OOC #define LED_SHIFT 0x07 // OOC #define LED_DO_NOT_DISTURB 0x08 // OOC #define LED_MUTE 0x09 // OOC #define LED_TONE_ENABLE 0x0A // OOC #define LED_HIGHCUT_FILTER 0x0B // OOC #define LED_LOWCUT_FILTER 0x0C // OOC #define LED_EQL_ENABLE 0x0D // OOC #define LED_SND_FLD_ON 0x0E // OOC #define LED_SURROUND_ON 0x0F // OOC #define LED_REPEAT 0x10 // OOC #define LED_STEREO 0x11 // OOC #define LED_SAMPLE_RT_DET 0x12 // OOC #define LED_SPINNING 0x13 // OOC #define LED_CAV 0x14 // OOC #define LED_CLV 0x15 // OOC #define LED_REC_FMT_DET 0x16 // OOC #define LED_OFF_HOOK 0x17 // OOC #define LED_RING 0x18 // OOC #define LED_MSG_WAITING 0x19 // OOC #define LED_DATA_MODE 0x1A // OOC #define LED_BAT_OPERATION 0x1B // OOC #define LED_BAT_OK 0x1C // OOC #define LED_BAT_LOW 0x1D // OOC #define LED_SPEAKER 0x1E // OOC #define LED_HEAD_SET 0x1F // OOC #define LED_HOLD 0x20 // OOC #define LED_MICROPHONE 0x21 // OOC #define LED_COVERAGE 0x22 // OOC #define LED_NIGHT_MODE 0x23 // OOC #define LED_SEND_CALLS 0x24 // OOC #define LED_CALL_PICKUP 0x25 // OOC #define LED_CONFERENCE 0x26 // OOC #define LED_STAND_BY 0x27 // OOC #define LED_CAMERA_ON 0x28 // OOC #define LED_CAMERA_OFF 0x29 // OOC #define LED_ON_LINE 0x2A // OOC #define LED_OFF_LINE 0x2B // OOC #define LED_BUSY 0x2C // OOC #define LED_READY 0x2D // OOC #define LED_PAPER_OUT 0x2E // OOC #define LED_PAPER_JAM 0x2F // OOC #define LED_REMOTE 0x30 // OOC #define LED_FORWARD 0x31 // OOC #define LED_REVERSE 0x32 // OOC #define LED_STOP 0x33 // OOC #define LED_REWIND 0x34 // OOC #define LED_FAST_FORWARD 0x35 // OOC #define LED_PLAY 0x36 // OOC #define LED_PAUSE 0x37 // OOC #define LED_RECORD 0x38 // OOC #define LED_ERROR 0x39 // OOC #define LED_USI 0x3A // US #define LED_UIUI 0x3B // US #define LED_UMMI 0x3C // UM #define LED_IND_ON 0x3D // Sel #define LED_IND_FLASH 0x3E // Sel #define LED_IND_SLOW_BLNK 0x3F // Sel #define LED_IND_FAST_BLNK 0x40 // Sel #define LED_IND_OFF 0x41 // Sel #define LED_FLASH_ON_TIME 0x42 // DV #define LED_SLW_B_ON_TIME 0x43 // DV #define LED_SLW_B_OFF_TIME 0x44 // DV #define LED_FST_B_ON_TIME 0x45 // DV #define LED_FST_B_OFF_TIME 0x46 // DV #define LED_UIC 0x47 // UM #define LED_IND_RED 0x48 // Sel #define LED_IND_GREEN 0x49 // Sel #define LED_IND_AMBER 0x4A // Sel #define LED_GENERIC_IND 0x4B // OOC #define LED_SYS_SUSPEND 0x4C // OOC #define LED_EXT_PWR_CONN 0x4D // OOC // 0x4E - 0xFFFF Reserved // List of Mouse Buttons - USB HID 1.12v2 pg 67 #define MOUSE_NOPRESS 0x00 #define MOUSE_PRIMARY 0x01 // Button 1 #define MOUSE_SECONDARY 0x02 // Button 2 #define MOUSE_TERTIARY 0x03 // Button 3 #define MOUSE_BUTTON(x) x // Continues to 0xFFFF, the higher the Mouse code, the selector significance descreases // Buttons can be defined as: // Sel - Selector // OOC - On/Off Control // MC - Momentary Control // OSC - One-Shot Control // depending on context. // List of System Controls - USB HID 1.12v2 pg 32 // NKRO HID Supports 0x81 - 0xB7 #define SYS_POWER_DOWN 0x81 #define SYS_SLEEP 0x82 #define SYS_WAKE_UP 0x83 #define SYS_CONTEXT_MENU 0x84 #define SYS_MAIN_MENU 0x85 #define SYS_APP_MENU 0x86 #define SYS_MENU_HELP 0x87 #define SYS_MENU_EXIT 0x88 #define SYS_MENU_SELECT 0x89 #define SYS_MENU_RIGHT 0x8A #define SYS_MENU_LEFT 0x8B #define SYS_MENU_UP 0x8C #define SYS_MENU_DOWN 0x8D #define SYS_COLD_RESTART 0x8E #define SYS_WARM_RESTART 0x8F #define SYS_DPAD_UP 0x90 #define SYS_DPAD_DOWN 0x91 #define SYS_DPAD_RIGHT 0x92 #define SYS_DPAD_LEFT 0x93 // 0x94 - 0x9F Reserved #define SYS_DOCK 0xA0 #define SYS_UNDOCK 0xA1 #define SYS_SETUP 0xA2 #define SYS_BREAK 0xA3 #define SYS_DEBUGGER_BREAK 0xA4 #define SYS_APP_BREAK 0xA5 #define SYS_APP_DEBUGGER_BREAK 0xA6 #define SYS_SPEAKER_MUTE 0xA7 #define SYS_HIBERNATE 0xA8 // 0xA9 - 0xAF Reserved #define SYS_DISP_INVERT 0xB0 #define SYS_DISP_INTERNAL 0xB1 #define SYS_DISP_EXTERNAL 0xB2 #define SYS_DISP_BOTH 0xB3 #define SYS_DISP_DUAL 0xB4 #define SYS_DISP_TOGGLE_INT_EXT 0xB5 #define SYS_DISP_SWAP_PRI_SEC 0xB6 #define SYS_DISP_LCD_AUTOSCALE 0xB7 // 0xB8 - 0xFFFF Reserved // List of Consumer Codes - USB HID 1.12v2 // Only listing relevant ones, let me know if you need more -HaaTa // NKRO HID Supports 0x020 - 0x29C #define CONSUMER_10 0x020 #define CONSUMER_100 0x021 #define CONSUMER_AM_PM 0x022 // 0x023 - 0x03F Reserved #define CONSUMER_POWER 0x030 #define CONSUMER_RESET 0x031 #define CONSUMER_SLEEP 0x032 #define CONSUMER_SLEEP_AFTER 0x033 #define CONSUMER_SLEEP_MODE 0x034 #define CONSUMER_ILLUMINATION 0x035 // 0x037 - 0x03F Reserved #define CONSUMER_MENU 0x040 #define CONSUMER_MENU_PICK 0x041 #define CONSUMER_MENU_UP 0x042 #define CONSUMER_MENU_DOWN 0x043 #define CONSUMER_MENU_LEFT 0x044 #define CONSUMER_MENU_RIGHT 0x045 #define CONSUMER_MENU_ESCAPE 0x046 #define CONSUMER_MENU_VALUE_INCREASE 0x047 #define CONSUMER_MENU_VALUE_DECREASE 0x048 // 0x049 - 0x05F Reserved #define CONSUMER_DATA_ON_SCREEN 0x060 #define CONSUMER_CLOSED_CAPTION 0x061 #define CONSUMER_CLOSED_CAPTION_SELECT 0x062 #define CONSUMER_VCR_TV 0x063 #define CONSUMER_BROADCAST_MODE 0x064 #define CONSUMER_SNAPSHOT 0x065 #define CONSUMER_STILL 0x066 // 0x067 - 0x07F Reserved #define CONSUMER_ASSIGN_SELECTION 0x081 #define CONSUMER_MODE_STEP 0x082 #define CONSUMER_RECALL_LAST 0x083 #define CONSUMER_ENTER_CHANNEL 0x084 #define CONSUMER_ORDER_MOVIE 0x085 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_COMPUTER 0x088 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_TV 0x089 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_WWW 0x08A #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_DVD 0x08B #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_TELEPHONE 0x08C #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_PROGRAM_GUIDE 0x08D #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_VIDEO_PHONE 0x08E #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_GAMES 0x08F #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_MESSAGES 0x090 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_CD 0x091 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_VCR 0x092 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_TUNER 0x093 #define CONSUMER_QUIT 0x094 #define CONSUMER_HELP 0x095 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_TAPE 0x096 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_CABLE 0x097 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_SATELLITE 0x098 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_SECURITY 0x099 #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_HOME 0x09A #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_CALL 0x09B #define CONSUMER_CHANNEL_INCREMENT 0x09C #define CONSUMER_CAHNNEL_DECREMENT 0x09D #define CONSUMER_MEDIA_SELECT_SAP 0x09E // 0x09F Reserved #define CONSUMER_VCR_PLUS 0x0A0 #define CONSUMER_ONCE 0x0A1 #define CONSUMER_DAILY 0x0A2 #define CONSUMER_WEEKLY 0x0A3 #define CONSUMER_MONTHLY 0x0A4 // 0x0A5 - 0x0AF Reserved #define CONSUMER_PLAY 0x0B0 #define CONSUMER_PAUSE 0x0B1 #define CONSUMER_RECORD 0x0B2 #define CONSUMER_FAST_FORWARD 0x0B3 #define CONSUMER_REWIND 0x0B4 #define CONSUMER_SCAN_NEXT_TRACK 0x0B5 #define CONSUMER_SCAN_PREVIOUS_TRACK 0x0B6 #define CONSUMER_STOP 0x0B7 #define CONSUMER_EJECT 0x0B8 #define CONSUMER_RANDOM_PLAY 0x0B9 #define CONSUMER_REPEAT 0x0BC #define CONSUMER_TRACK_NORMAL 0x0BE #define CONSUMER_FRAME_FORWARD 0x0C0 #define CONSUMER_FRAME_BACK 0x0C1 #define CONSUMER_MARK 0x0C2 #define CONSUMER_CLEAR_MARK 0x0C3 #define CONSUMER_REPEAT_FROM_MARK 0x0C4 #define CONSUMER_RETURN_TO_MARK 0x0C5 #define CONSUMER_SEARCH_MARK_FORWARDS 0x0C6 #define CONSUMER_SEARCH_MARK_BACKWARDS 0x0C7 #define CONSUMER_COUNTER_RESET 0x0C8 #define CONSUMER_SHOW_COUNTER 0x0C9 #define CONSUMER_TRACKING_INCREMENT 0x0CA #define CONSUMER_TRACKING_DECREMENT 0x0CB #define CONSUMER_STOP_EJECT 0x0CC #define CONSUMER_PAUSE_PLAY 0x0CD #define CONSUMER_PLAY_SKIP 0x0CE // 0x0CF - 0x0DF Reserved #define CONSUMER_MUTE 0x0E2 #define CONSUMER_BASS_BOOST 0x0E5 #define CONSUMER_SURROUND_MODE 0x0E6 #define CONSUMER_LOUDNESS 0x0E7 #define CONSUMER_MPX 0x0E8 #define CONSUMER_VOLUME_UP 0x0E9 #define CONSUMER_VOLUME_DOWN 0x0EA // 0x0EB - 0x0EF Reserved #define CONSUMER_SPEED_SELECT 0x0F0 #define CONSUMER_STANDARD_PLAY 0x0F2 #define CONSUMER_LONG_PLAY 0x0F3 #define CONSUMER_EXTENDED_PLAY 0x0F4 #define CONSUMER_SLOW 0x0F5 // 0x0F6 - 0x0FF #define CONSUMER_FAN_ENABLE 0x100 #define CONSUMER_LIGHT_ENABLE 0x102 #define CONSUMER_CLIMATE_CONTROL_ENABLE 0x104 #define CONSUMER_SECURITY_ENABLE 0x106 #define CONSUMER_FIRE_ALARM 0x107 #define CONSUMER_MOTION 0x10A #define CONSUMER_DURESS_ALARM 0x10B #define CONSUMER_HOLDUP_ALARM 0x10C #define CONSUMER_MEDICAL_ALARM 0x10D // 0x10E - 0x14F Reserved #define CONSUMER_BALANCE_RIGHT 0x150 #define CONSUMER_BALANCE_LEFT 0x151 #define CONSUMER_BASS_INCR 0x152 #define CONSUMER_BASS_DECR 0x153 #define CONSUMER_TREBLE_INCR 0x154 #define CONSUMER_TREBLE_DECR 0x155 // 0x156 - 0x15F Reserved #define CONSUMER_SUB_CHANNEL_INCREMENT 0x171 #define CONSUMER_SUB_CHANNEL_DECREMENT 0x172 #define CONSUMER_ALT_AUDIO_INCREMENT 0x173 #define CONSUMER_ALT_AUDIO_DECREMENT 0x174 // List of Consumer Codes - USB HID 1.12v2 // Application Launch Buttons pg 79 #define AL_LAUNCH_BUTTON_CONFIG_TOOL 0x181 #define AL_PROGRAMMABLE_BUTTON_CONFIG 0x182 #define AL_CONSUMER_CONTROL_CONFIG 0x183 #define AL_WORD_PROCESSOR 0x184 #define AL_TEXT_EDITOR 0x185 #define AL_SPREADSHEET 0x186 #define AL_GRAPHICS_EDITOR 0x187 #define AL_PRESENTATION_APP 0x188 #define AL_DATABASE_APP 0x189 #define AL_EMAIL_READER 0x18A #define AL_NEWSREADER 0x18B #define AL_VOICEMAIL 0x18C #define AL_CONTACTS_ADDRESS_BOOK 0x18D #define AL_CALENDAR_SCHEDULE 0x18E #define AL_TASK_PROJECT_MANAGER 0x18F #define AL_LOG_JOURNAL_TIMECARD 0x190 #define AL_CHECKBOOK_FINANCE 0x191 #define AL_CALCULATOR 0x192 #define AL_A_V_CAPTURE_PLAYBACK 0x193 #define AL_LOCAL_MACHINE_BROWSER 0x194 #define AL_LAN_WAN_BROWSER 0x195 #define AL_INTERNET_BROWSER 0x196 #define AL_REMOTE_NETWORKING_ISP_CONNECT 0x197 #define AL_NETWORK_CONFERENCE 0x198 #define AL_NETWORK_CHAT 0x199 #define AL_TELEPHONY_DIALER 0x19A #define AL_LOGON 0x19B #define AL_LOGOFF 0x19C #define AL_LOGON_LOGOFF 0x19D #define AL_TERMINAL_LOCK_SCREENSAVER 0x19E #define AL_CONTROL_PANEL 0x19F #define AL_COMMAND_LINE_PROCESSOR_RUN 0x1A0 #define AL_PROCESS_TASK_MANAGER 0x1A1 #define AL_SELECT_TAST_APP 0x1A2 #define AL_NEXT_TASK_APP 0x1A3 #define AL_PREVIOUS_TASK_APP 0x1A4 #define AL_PREEMPTIVE_HALT_TASK_APP 0x1A5 #define AL_INTEGRATED_HELP_CENTER 0x1A6 #define AL_DOCUMENTS 0x1A7 #define AL_THESAURUS 0x1A8 #define AL_DICTIONARY 0x1A9 #define AL_DESKTOP 0x1AA #define AL_SPELL_CHECK 0x1AB #define AL_GRAMMAR_CHECK 0x1AC #define AL_WIRELESS_STATUS 0x1AD #define AL_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT 0x1AE #define AL_VIRUS_PROTECTION 0x1AF #define AL_ENCRYPTION 0x1B0 #define AL_SCREEN_SAVER 0x1B1 #define AL_ALARMS 0x1B2 #define AL_CLOCK 0x1B3 #define AL_FILE_BROWSER 0x1B4 #define AL_POWER_STATUS 0x1B5 #define AL_IMAGE_BROWSER 0x1B6 #define AL_AUDIO_BROWSER 0x1B7 #define AL_MOVIE_BROWSER 0x1B8 #define AL_DIGITAL_RIGHTS_MANAGER 0x1B9 #define AL_DIGITAL_WALLET 0x1BA // 0x1BB Reserved #define AL_INSTANT_MESSAGING 0x1BC #define AL_OEM_FEATURES_TIPS_TUTORIAL 0x1BD #define AL_OEM_HELP 0x1BE #define AL_ONLINE_COMMUNITY 0x1BF #define AL_ENTERTAINMENT_CONTENT 0x1C0 #define AL_ONLINE_SHOPPING 0x1C1 #define AL_SMARTCARD_INFO_HELP 0x1C2 #define AL_MARKET_MONITOR 0x1C3 #define AL_CUSTOMIZED_CORP_NEWS 0x1C4 #define AL_ONLINE_ACTIVITY 0x1C5 #define AL_SEARCH_BROWSER 0x1C6 #define AL_AUDIO_PLAYER 0x1C7 // List of Consumer Codes - USB HID 1.12v2 // Generic GUI Application Controls pg 82 #define AC_NEW 0x201 #define AC_OPEN 0x202 #define AC_CLOSE 0x203 #define AC_EXIT 0x204 #define AC_MAXIMIZE 0x205 #define AC_MINIMIZE 0x206 #define AC_SAVE 0x207 #define AC_PRINT 0x208 #define AC_PROPERTIES 0x209 #define AC_UNDO 0x21A #define AC_COPY 0x21B #define AC_CUT 0x21C #define AC_PASTE 0x21D #define AC_SELECT_ALL 0x21E #define AC_FIND 0x21F #define AC_FIND_AND_REPLACE 0x220 #define AC_SEARCH 0x221 #define AC_GO_TO 0x222 #define AC_HOME 0x223 #define AC_BACK 0x224 #define AC_FORWARD 0x225 #define AC_STOP 0x226 #define AC_REFRESH 0x227 #define AC_PREVIOUS_LINK 0x228 #define AC_NEXT_LINK 0x229 #define AC_BOOKMARKS 0x22A #define AC_HISTORY 0x22B #define AC_SUBSCRIPTIONS 0x22C #define AC_ZOOM_IN 0x22D #define AC_ZOOM_OUT 0x22E #define AC_ZOOM 0x22F #define AC_FULL_SCREEN_VIEW 0x230 #define AC_NORMAL_VIEW 0x231 #define AC_VIEW_TOGGLE 0x232 #define AC_SCROLL_UP 0x233 #define AC_SCROLL_DOWN 0x234 #define AC_SCROLL 0x235 #define AC_PAN_LEFT 0x236 #define AC_PAN_RIGHT 0x237 #define AC_PAN 0x238 #define AC_NEW_WINDOW 0x239 #define AC_TILE_HORIZONTALLY 0x23A #define AC_TILE_VERTICALLY 0x23B #define AC_FORMAT 0x23C #define AC_EDIT 0x23D #define AC_BOLD 0x23E #define AC_ITALICS 0x23F #define AC_UNDERLINE 0x240 #define AC_STRIKETHROUGH 0x241 #define AC_SUBSCRIPT 0x242 #define AC_SUPERSCRIPT 0x243 #define AC_ALL_CAPS 0x244 #define AC_ROTATE 0x245 #define AC_RESIZE 0x246 #define AC_FILP_HORIZONTAL 0x247 #define AC_FILP_VERTICAL 0x248 #define AC_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL 0x249 #define AC_MIRROR_VERTICAL 0x24A #define AC_FONT_SELECT 0x24B #define AC_FONT_COLOR 0x24C #define AC_FONT_SIZE 0x24D #define AC_JUSTIFY_LEFT 0x24E #define AC_JUSTIFY_CENTER_H 0x24F #define AC_JUSTIFY_RIGHT 0x250 #define AC_JUSTIFY_BLOCK_H 0x251 #define AC_JUSTIFY_TOP 0x252 #define AC_JUSTIFY_CENTER_V 0x253 #define AC_JUSTIFY_BOTTOM 0x254 #define AC_JUSTIFY_BLOCK_V 0x255 #define AC_INDENT_DECREASE 0x256 #define AC_INDENT_INCREASE 0x257 #define AC_NUMBERED_LIST 0x258 #define AC_RESTART_NUMBERING 0x259 #define AC_BULLETED_LIST 0x25A #define AC_PROMOTE 0x25B #define AC_DEMOTE 0x25C #define AC_YES 0x25D #define AC_NO 0x25E #define AC_CANCEL 0x25F #define AC_CATALOG 0x260 #define AC_BUY_CHECKOUT 0x261 #define AC_ADD_TO_CART 0x262 #define AC_EXPAND 0x263 #define AC_EXPAND_ALL 0x264 #define AC_COLLAPSE 0x265 #define AC_COLLAPSE_ALL 0x266 #define AC_PRINT_PREVIEW 0x267 #define AC_PASTE_SPECIAL 0x268 #define AC_INSERT_MODE 0x269 #define AC_DELETE 0x26A #define AC_LOCK 0x26B #define AC_UNLOCK 0x26C #define AC_PROTECT 0x26D #define AC_UNPROTECT 0x26E #define AC_ATTACH_COMMENT 0x26F #define AC_DELETE_COMMENT 0x270 #define AC_VIEW_COMMENT 0x271 #define AC_SELECT_WORD 0x272 #define AC_SELECT_SENTENCE 0x273 #define AC_SELECT_PARAGRAPH 0x274 #define AC_SELECT_COLUMN 0x275 #define AC_SELECT_ROW 0x276 #define AC_SELECT_TABLE 0x277 #define AC_SELECT_OBJECT 0x278 #define AC_REDO_REPEAT 0x279 #define AC_SORT 0x27A #define AC_SORT_ASCENDING 0x27B #define AC_SORT_DESCENDING 0x27C #define AC_FILTER 0x27D #define AC_SET_CLOCK 0x27E #define AC_VIEW_CLOCK 0x27F #define AC_SELECT_TIME_ZONE 0x280 #define AC_EDIT_TIME_ZONE 0x281 #define AC_SET_ALARM 0x282 #define AC_CLEAR_ALARM 0x283 #define AC_SNOOZE_ALARM 0x284 #define AC_RESET_ALARM 0x285 #define AC_SYNCHRONIZE 0x286 #define AC_SEND_RECEIVE 0x287 #define AC_SEND_TO 0x288 #define AC_REPLY 0x289 #define AC_REPLY_ALL 0x28A #define AC_FORWARD_MSG 0x28B #define AC_SEND 0x28C #define AC_ATTACH_FILE 0x28D #define AC_UPLOAD 0x28E #define AC_DOWNLOAD 0x28F #define AC_SET_BORDERS 0x290 #define AC_INSERT_ROW 0x291 #define AC_INSERT_COLUMN 0x292 #define AC_INSERT_FILE 0x293 #define AC_INSERT_PICTURE 0x294 #define AC_INSERT_OBJECT 0x295 #define AC_INSERT_SYMBOL 0x296 #define AC_SAVE_AND_CLOSE 0x297 #define AC_RENAME 0x298 #define AC_MERGE 0x299 #define AC_SPLIT 0x29A #define AC_DISTRIBUTE_HORIZONTALLY 0x29B #define AC_DISTRIBUTE_VERTICALLY 0x29C // 0x29D-0xFFFF Reserved #endif