/* Copyright (C) 2014 by Jacob Alexander * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ // ----- Includes ----- // Compiler Includes //#include // Project Includes #include #include "cli.h" #include #include // ----- Variables ----- // Basic command dictionary char* basicCLIDictName = "General Commands"; CLIDictItem basicCLIDict[] = { { "cliDebug", "Enables/Disables hex output of the most recent cli input.", cliFunc_cliDebug }, { "help", "You're looking at it :P", cliFunc_help }, { "led", "Enables/Disables indicator LED. Try a couple times just in case the LED is in an odd state.\r\n\t\t\033[33mWarning\033[0m: May adversely affect some modules...", cliFunc_led }, { "reload", "Signals microcontroller to reflash/reload.", cliFunc_reload }, { "reset", "Resets the terminal back to initial settings.", cliFunc_reset }, { "restart", "Sends a software restart, should be similar to powering on the device.", cliFunc_restart }, { "version", "Version information about this firmware.", cliFunc_version }, { 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end }; // ----- Functions ----- inline void prompt() { print("\033[2K\r"); // Erases the current line and resets cursor to beginning of line print("\033[1;34m:\033[0m "); // Blue bold prompt } // Initialize the CLI inline void init_cli() { // Reset the Line Buffer CLILineBufferCurrent = 0; // Set prompt prompt(); // Register first dictionary CLIDictionariesUsed = 0; registerDictionary_cli( basicCLIDict, basicCLIDictName ); // Initialize main LED init_errorLED(); CLILEDState = 0; // Hex debug mode is off by default CLIHexDebugMode = 0; } // Query the serial input buffer for any new characters void process_cli() { // Current buffer position uint8_t prev_buf_pos = CLILineBufferCurrent; // Process each character while available int result = 0; while ( 1 ) { // No more characters to process result = usb_serial_getchar(); // Retrieve from serial module // TODO Make USB agnostic if ( result == -1 ) break; char cur_char = (char)result; // Make sure buffer isn't full if ( CLILineBufferCurrent >= CLILineBufferMaxSize ) { print( NL ); erro_print("Serial line buffer is full, dropping character and resetting..."); // Clear buffer CLILineBufferCurrent = 0; // Reset the prompt prompt(); return; } // Place into line buffer CLILineBuffer[CLILineBufferCurrent++] = cur_char; } // Display Hex Key Input if enabled if ( CLIHexDebugMode && CLILineBufferCurrent > prev_buf_pos ) { print("\033[s\r\n"); // Save cursor position, and move to the next line print("\033[2K"); // Erases the current line uint8_t pos = prev_buf_pos; while ( CLILineBufferCurrent > pos ) { printHex( CLILineBuffer[pos++] ); print(" "); } print("\033[u"); // Restore cursor position } // If buffer has changed, output to screen while there are still characters in the buffer not displayed while ( CLILineBufferCurrent > prev_buf_pos ) { // Check for control characters switch ( CLILineBuffer[prev_buf_pos] ) { case 0x0D: // Enter CLILineBufferCurrent--; // Remove the Enter // Process the current line buffer commandLookup_cli(); // Reset the buffer CLILineBufferCurrent = 0; // Reset the prompt after processing has finished print( NL ); prompt(); // XXX There is a potential bug here when resetting the buffer (losing valid keypresses) // Doesn't look like it will happen *that* often, so not handling it for now -HaaTa return; case 0x09: // Tab // Tab completion for the current command tabCompletion_cli(); CLILineBufferCurrent--; // Remove the Tab // XXX There is a potential bug here when resetting the buffer (losing valid keypresses) // Doesn't look like it will happen *that* often, so not handling it for now -HaaTa return; case 0x1B: // Esc // Check for escape sequence // TODO return; case 0x08: case 0x7F: // Backspace // TODO - Does not handle case for arrow editing (arrows disabled atm) CLILineBufferCurrent--; // Remove the backspace // If there are characters in the buffer if ( CLILineBufferCurrent > 0 ) { // Remove character from current position in the line buffer CLILineBufferCurrent--; // Remove character from tty print("\b \b"); } break; default: // Place a null on the end (to use with string print) CLILineBuffer[CLILineBufferCurrent] = '\0'; // Output buffer to screen dPrint( &CLILineBuffer[prev_buf_pos] ); // Buffer reset prev_buf_pos++; break; } } } // Takes a string, returns two pointers // One to the first non-space character // The second to the next argument (first NULL if there isn't an argument). delimited by a space // Places a NULL at the first space after the first argument inline void argumentIsolation_cli( char* string, char** first, char** second ) { // Mark out the first argument // This is done by finding the first space after a list of non-spaces and setting it NULL char* cmdPtr = string - 1; while ( *++cmdPtr == ' ' ); // Skips leading spaces, and points to first character of cmd // Locates first space delimiter char* argPtr = cmdPtr + 1; while ( *argPtr != ' ' && *argPtr != '\0' ) argPtr++; // Point to the first character of args or a NULL (no args) and set the space delimiter as a NULL (++argPtr)[-1] = '\0'; // Set return variables *first = cmdPtr; *second = argPtr; } // Scans the CLILineBuffer for any valid commands void commandLookup_cli() { // Ignore command if buffer is 0 length if ( CLILineBufferCurrent == 0 ) return; // Set the last+1 character of the buffer to NULL for string processing CLILineBuffer[CLILineBufferCurrent] = '\0'; // Retrieve pointers to command and beginning of arguments // Places a NULL at the first space after the command char* cmdPtr; char* argPtr; argumentIsolation_cli( CLILineBuffer, &cmdPtr, &argPtr ); // Scan array of dictionaries for a valid command match for ( uint8_t dict = 0; dict < CLIDictionariesUsed; dict++ ) { // Parse each cmd until a null command entry is found, or an argument match for ( uint8_t cmd = 0; CLIDict[dict][cmd].name != 0; cmd++ ) { // Compare the first argument and each command entry if ( eqStr( cmdPtr, CLIDict[dict][cmd].name ) == -1 ) { // Run the specified command function pointer // argPtr is already pointing at the first character of the arguments (*CLIDict[dict][cmd].function)( argPtr ); return; } } } // No match for the command... print( NL ); erro_dPrint("\"", CLILineBuffer, "\" is not a valid command...type \033[35mhelp\033[0m"); } // Registers a command dictionary with the CLI inline void registerDictionary_cli( CLIDictItem *cmdDict, char* dictName ) { // Make sure this max limit of dictionaries hasn't been reached if ( CLIDictionariesUsed >= CLIMaxDictionaries ) { erro_print("Max number of dictionaries defined already..."); return; } // Add dictionary CLIDictNames[CLIDictionariesUsed] = dictName; CLIDict[CLIDictionariesUsed++] = cmdDict; } inline void tabCompletion_cli() { // Ignore command if buffer is 0 length if ( CLILineBufferCurrent == 0 ) return; // Set the last+1 character of the buffer to NULL for string processing CLILineBuffer[CLILineBufferCurrent] = '\0'; // Retrieve pointers to command and beginning of arguments // Places a NULL at the first space after the command char* cmdPtr; char* argPtr; argumentIsolation_cli( CLILineBuffer, &cmdPtr, &argPtr ); // Tab match pointer char* tabMatch = 0; uint8_t matches = 0; // Scan array of dictionaries for a valid command match for ( uint8_t dict = 0; dict < CLIDictionariesUsed; dict++ ) { // Parse each cmd until a null command entry is found, or an argument match for ( uint8_t cmd = 0; CLIDict[dict][cmd].name != 0; cmd++ ) { // Compare the first argument piece to each command entry to see if it is "like" // NOTE: To save on processing, we only care about the commands and ignore the arguments // If there are arguments, and a valid tab match is found, buffer is cleared (args lost) // Also ignores full matches if ( eqStr( cmdPtr, CLIDict[dict][cmd].name ) == 0 ) { // TODO Make list of commands if multiple matches matches++; tabMatch = CLIDict[dict][cmd].name; } } } // Only tab complete if there was 1 match if ( matches == 1 ) { // Reset the buffer CLILineBufferCurrent = 0; // Reprint the prompt (automatically clears the line) prompt(); // Display the command dPrint( tabMatch ); // There are no index counts, so just copy the whole string to the input buffer while ( *tabMatch != '\0' ) { CLILineBuffer[CLILineBufferCurrent++] = *tabMatch++; } } } // ----- CLI Command Functions ----- void cliFunc_cliDebug( char* args ) { // Toggle Hex Debug Mode if ( CLIHexDebugMode ) { print( NL ); info_print("Hex debug mode disabled..."); CLIHexDebugMode = 0; } else { print( NL ); info_print("Hex debug mode enabled..."); CLIHexDebugMode = 1; } } void cliFunc_help( char* args ) { // Scan array of dictionaries and print every description // (no alphabetical here, too much processing/memory to sort...) for ( uint8_t dict = 0; dict < CLIDictionariesUsed; dict++ ) { // Print the name of each dictionary as a title dPrintStrsNL( NL, "\033[1;32m", CLIDictNames[dict], "\033[0m" ); // Parse each cmd/description until a null command entry is found for ( uint8_t cmd = 0; CLIDict[dict][cmd].name != 0; cmd++ ) { dPrintStrs(" \033[35m", CLIDict[dict][cmd].name, "\033[0m"); // Determine number of spaces to tab by the length of the command and TabAlign uint8_t padLength = CLIEntryTabAlign - lenStr( CLIDict[dict][cmd].name ); while ( padLength-- > 0 ) print(" "); dPrintStrNL( CLIDict[dict][cmd].description ); } } } void cliFunc_led( char* args ) { CLILEDState ^= 1 << 1; // Toggle between 0 and 1 errorLED( CLILEDState ); // Enable/Disable error LED } void cliFunc_reload( char* args ) { // Request to output module to be set into firmware reload mode output_firmwareReload(); } void cliFunc_reset( char* args ) { print("\033c"); // Resets the terminal } void cliFunc_restart( char* args ) { // Trigger an overall software reset SOFTWARE_RESET(); } void cliFunc_version( char* args ) { print( NL ); print( " \033[1mRevision:\033[0m " CLI_Revision NL ); print( " \033[1mBranch:\033[0m " CLI_Branch NL ); print( " \033[1mTree Status:\033[0m " CLI_ModifiedStatus NL ); print( " \033[1mRepo Origin:\033[0m " CLI_RepoOrigin NL ); print( " \033[1mCommit Date:\033[0m " CLI_CommitDate NL ); print( " \033[1mCommit Author:\033[0m " CLI_CommitAuthor NL ); print( " \033[1mBuild Date:\033[0m " CLI_BuildDate NL ); print( " \033[1mBuild OS:\033[0m " CLI_BuildOS NL ); print( " \033[1mArchitecture:\033[0m " CLI_Arch NL ); print( " \033[1mChip:\033[0m " CLI_Chip NL ); print( " \033[1mCPU:\033[0m " CLI_CPU NL ); print( " \033[1mDevice:\033[0m " CLI_Device NL ); print( " \033[1mModules:\033[0m " CLI_Modules NL ); }