/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 by Jacob Alexander * * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this file. If not, see . */ // ----- Includes ----- // Compiler Includes #include // Project Includes #include #include #include #include // Local Includes #include "connect_scan.h" // ----- Macros ----- // Macro for adding to each uart Tx ring buffer #define uart_addTxBuffer( uartNum ) \ case uartNum: \ while ( uart##uartNum##_buffer_items + count > uart_buffer_size ) \ { \ warn_msg("Too much data to send on UART0, waiting..."); \ delay( 1 ); \ } \ for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < count; c++ ) \ { \ if ( Connect_debug ) \ { \ printHex( buffer[ c ] ); \ print( " +" #uartNum NL ); \ } \ uart##uartNum##_buffer[ uart##uartNum##_buffer_tail++ ] = buffer[ c ]; \ uart##uartNum##_buffer_items++; \ if ( uart##uartNum##_buffer_tail >= uart_buffer_size ) \ uart##uartNum##_buffer_tail = 0; \ if ( uart##uartNum##_buffer_head == uart##uartNum##_buffer_tail ) \ uart##uartNum##_buffer_head++; \ if ( uart##uartNum##_buffer_head >= uart_buffer_size ) \ uart##uartNum##_buffer_head = 0; \ } \ break // Macro for popping from Tx ring buffer #define uart_fillTxFifo( uartNum ) \ { \ uint8_t fifoSize = ( ( UART##uartNum##_PFIFO & UART_PFIFO_TXFIFOSIZE ) >> 2 ); \ if ( fifoSize == 0 ) \ fifoSize = 1; \ while ( UART##uartNum##_TCFIFO < fifoSize ) \ { \ if ( uart##uartNum##_buffer_items == 0 ) \ break; \ UART##uartNum##_D = uart##uartNum##_buffer[ uart##uartNum##_buffer_head++ ]; \ uart##uartNum##_buffer_items--; \ if ( uart##uartNum##_buffer_head >= uart_buffer_size ) \ uart##uartNum##_buffer_head = 0; \ } \ } // Macro for processing UART Rx #define uart_processRx( uartNum ) \ { \ if ( !( UART##uartNum##_S1 & UART_S1_RDRF ) ) \ return; \ uint8_t available = UART##uartNum##_RCFIFO; \ if ( available == 0 ) \ { \ available = UART##uartNum##_D; \ UART##uartNum##_CFIFO = UART_CFIFO_RXFLUSH; \ return; \ } \ while ( available-- > 0 ) \ { \ uint8_t byteRead = UART##uartNum##_D; \ if ( Connect_debug ) \ { \ printHex( byteRead ); \ print( "(" ); \ printInt8( available ); \ print( ") <-" ); \ } \ switch ( uart##uartNum##_rx_status ) \ { \ case UARTStatus_Wait: \ if ( Connect_debug ) \ { \ print(" SYN "); \ } \ uart##uartNum##_rx_status = byteRead == 0x16 ? UARTStatus_SYN : UARTStatus_Wait; \ break; \ case UARTStatus_SYN: \ if ( Connect_debug ) \ { \ print(" SOH "); \ } \ uart##uartNum##_rx_status = byteRead == 0x01 ? UARTStatus_SOH : UARTStatus_Wait; \ break; \ case UARTStatus_SOH: \ { \ if ( Connect_debug ) \ { \ print(" CMD "); \ } \ uint8_t byte = byteRead; \ if ( byte <= Animation ) \ { \ uart##uartNum##_rx_status = UARTStatus_Command; \ uart##uartNum##_rx_command = byte; \ uart##uartNum##_rx_bytes_waiting = 0xFFFF; \ } \ else \ { \ uart##uartNum##_rx_status = UARTStatus_Wait; \ } \ switch ( uart##uartNum##_rx_command ) \ { \ case IdRequest: \ Connect_receive_IdRequest( 0, (uint16_t*)&uart##uartNum##_rx_bytes_waiting, uartNum ); \ uart##uartNum##_rx_status = UARTStatus_Wait; \ break; \ default: \ if ( Connect_debug ) \ { \ print("###"); \ } \ break; \ } \ break; \ } \ case UARTStatus_Command: \ { \ if ( Connect_debug ) \ { \ print(" CMD "); \ } \ uint8_t (*rcvFunc)(uint8_t, uint16_t(*), uint8_t) = (uint8_t(*)(uint8_t, uint16_t(*), uint8_t))(Connect_receiveFunctions[ uart##uartNum##_rx_command ]); \ if ( rcvFunc( byteRead, (uint16_t*)&uart##uartNum##_rx_bytes_waiting, uartNum ) ) \ uart##uartNum##_rx_status = UARTStatus_Wait; \ break; \ } \ default: \ erro_msg("Invalid UARTStatus..."); \ uart##uartNum##_rx_status = UARTStatus_Wait; \ available++; \ continue; \ } \ if ( Connect_debug ) \ { \ print( NL ); \ } \ } \ } // Macros for locking/unlock Tx buffers #define uart_lockTx( uartNum ) \ { \ while ( uart##uartNum##_tx_status == UARTStatus_Wait ); \ uart##uartNum##_tx_status = UARTStatus_Wait; \ } #define uart_unlockTx( uartNum ) \ { \ uart##uartNum##_tx_status = UARTStatus_Ready; \ } // ----- Function Declarations ----- // CLI Functions void cliFunc_connectCmd ( char *args ); void cliFunc_connectIdl ( char *args ); void cliFunc_connectLst ( char *args ); void cliFunc_connectMst ( char *args ); void cliFunc_connectRst ( char *args ); void cliFunc_connectSts ( char *args ); // ----- Variables ----- // Connect Module command dictionary CLIDict_Entry( connectCmd, "Sends a command via UART Connect, first arg is which uart, next arg is the command, rest are the arguments." ); CLIDict_Entry( connectIdl, "Sends N number of Idle commands, 2 is the default value, and should be sufficient in most cases." ); CLIDict_Entry( connectLst, "Lists available UARTConnect commands and index id" ); CLIDict_Entry( connectMst, "Sets the device as master. Use argument of s to set as slave." ); CLIDict_Entry( connectRst, "Resets both Rx and Tx connect buffers and state variables." ); CLIDict_Entry( connectSts, "UARTConnect status." ); CLIDict_Def( uartConnectCLIDict, "UARTConnect Module Commands" ) = { CLIDict_Item( connectCmd ), CLIDict_Item( connectIdl ), CLIDict_Item( connectLst ), CLIDict_Item( connectMst ), CLIDict_Item( connectRst ), CLIDict_Item( connectSts ), { 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end }; // -- Connect Device Id Variables -- uint8_t Connect_id = 255; // Invalid, unset uint8_t Connect_master = 0; // -- Control Variables -- uint32_t Connect_lastCheck = 0; // Cable Check scheduler uint8_t Connect_debug = 0; // Set 1 for debug // -- Rx Status Variables -- volatile UARTStatus uart0_rx_status; volatile UARTStatus uart1_rx_status; volatile uint16_t uart0_rx_bytes_waiting; volatile uint16_t uart1_rx_bytes_waiting; volatile Command uart0_rx_command; volatile Command uart1_rx_command; // -- Tx Status Variables -- volatile UARTStatus uart0_tx_status; volatile UARTStatus uart1_tx_status; // -- Ring Buffer Variables -- #define uart_buffer_size UARTConnectBufSize_define volatile uint8_t uart0_buffer_head; volatile uint8_t uart0_buffer_tail; volatile uint8_t uart0_buffer_items; volatile uint8_t uart0_buffer[uart_buffer_size]; volatile uint8_t uart1_buffer_head; volatile uint8_t uart1_buffer_tail; volatile uint8_t uart1_buffer_items; volatile uint8_t uart1_buffer[uart_buffer_size]; volatile uint8_t uarts_configured = 0; // -- Ring Buffer Convenience Functions -- void Connect_addBytes( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t count, uint8_t uart ) { // Too big to fit into buffer if ( count > uart_buffer_size ) { erro_msg("Too big of a command to fit into the buffer..."); return; } // Choose the uart switch ( uart ) { uart_addTxBuffer( 0 ); uart_addTxBuffer( 1 ); default: erro_msg("Invalid UART to send from..."); break; } } // -- Connect send functions -- // patternLen defines how many bytes should the incrementing pattern have void Connect_send_CableCheck( uint8_t patternLen ) { // Wait until the Tx buffers are ready, then lock them uart_lockTx( 0 ); uart_lockTx( 1 ); // Prepare header uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, CableCheck, patternLen }; // Send header Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), 1 ); // Master Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), 0 ); // Slave // Send 0xD2 (11010010) for each argument uint8_t value = 0xD2; for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < patternLen; c++ ) { Connect_addBytes( &value, 1, 1 ); // Master Connect_addBytes( &value, 1, 0 ); // Slave } // Release Tx buffers uart_unlockTx( 0 ); uart_unlockTx( 1 ); } void Connect_send_IdRequest() { // Lock master bound Tx uart_lockTx( 1 ); // Prepare header uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, IdRequest }; // Send header Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), 1 ); // Master // Unlock Tx uart_unlockTx( 1 ); } // id is the value the next slave should enumerate as void Connect_send_IdEnumeration( uint8_t id ) { // Lock slave bound Tx uart_lockTx( 0 ); // Prepare header uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, IdEnumeration, id }; // Send header Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), 0 ); // Slave // Unlock Tx uart_unlockTx( 0 ); } // id is the currently assigned id to the slave void Connect_send_IdReport( uint8_t id ) { // Lock master bound Tx uart_lockTx( 1 ); // Prepare header uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, IdReport, id }; // Send header Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), 1 ); // Master // Unlock Tx uart_unlockTx( 1 ); } // id is the currently assigned id to the slave // scanCodeStateList is an array of [scancode, state]'s (8 bit values) // numScanCodes is the number of scan codes to parse from array void Connect_send_ScanCode( uint8_t id, TriggerGuide *scanCodeStateList, uint8_t numScanCodes ) { // Lock master bound Tx uart_lockTx( 1 ); // Prepare header uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, ScanCode, id, numScanCodes }; // Send header Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), 1 ); // Master // Send each of the scan codes Connect_addBytes( (uint8_t*)scanCodeStateList, numScanCodes * TriggerGuideSize, 1 ); // Master // Unlock Tx uart_unlockTx( 1 ); } // id is the currently assigned id to the slave // paramList is an array of [param, value]'s (8 bit values) // numParams is the number of params to parse from the array void Connect_send_Animation( uint8_t id, uint8_t *paramList, uint8_t numParams ) { // Lock slave bound Tx uart_lockTx( 0 ); // Prepare header uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, Animation, id, numParams }; // Send header Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), 0 ); // Slave // Send each of the scan codes Connect_addBytes( paramList, numParams, 0 ); // Slave // Unlock Tx uart_unlockTx( 0 ); } void Connect_send_Idle( uint8_t num ) { // Wait until the Tx buffers are ready, then lock them uart_lockTx( 0 ); uart_lockTx( 1 ); // Send n number of idles to reset link status (if in a bad state) uint8_t value = 0x16; for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < num; c++ ) { Connect_addBytes( &value, 1, 1 ); // Master Connect_addBytes( &value, 1, 0 ); // Slave } // Release Tx buffers uart_unlockTx( 0 ); uart_unlockTx( 1 ); } // -- Connect receive functions -- // - Cable Check variables - uint32_t Connect_cableFaultsMaster = 0; uint32_t Connect_cableFaultsSlave = 0; uint8_t Connect_cableOkMaster = 0; uint8_t Connect_cableOkSlave = 0; uint8_t Connect_receive_CableCheck( uint8_t byte, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t to_master ) { // Check if this is the first byte if ( *pending_bytes == 0xFFFF ) { *pending_bytes = byte; if ( Connect_debug ) { dbug_msg("PENDING SET -> "); printHex( byte ); print(" "); printHex( *pending_bytes ); print( NL ); } } // Verify byte else { (*pending_bytes)--; // The argument bytes are always 0xD2 (11010010) if ( byte != 0xD2 ) { warn_print("Cable Fault!"); // Check which side of the chain if ( to_master ) { Connect_cableFaultsMaster++; Connect_cableOkMaster = 0; print(" Master "); } else { Connect_cableFaultsSlave++; Connect_cableOkSlave = 0; print(" Slave "); } printHex( byte ); print( NL ); // Signal that the command should wait for a SYN again return 1; } } // If cable check was successful, set cable ok if ( *pending_bytes == 0 ) { if ( to_master ) { Connect_cableOkMaster = 1; } else { Connect_cableOkSlave = 1; } } if ( Connect_debug ) { dbug_msg("CABLECHECK RECEIVE - "); printHex( byte ); print(" "); printHex( *pending_bytes ); print( NL ); } // Check whether the cable check has finished return *pending_bytes == 0 ? 1 : 0; } uint8_t Connect_receive_IdRequest( uint8_t byte, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t to_master ) { dbug_print("IdRequest"); // Check the directionality if ( to_master ) { erro_print("Invalid IdRequest direction..."); } // Check if master, begin IdEnumeration if ( Connect_master ) { // The first device is always id 1 // Id 0 is reserved for the master Connect_send_IdEnumeration( 1 ); } // Propagate IdRequest else { Connect_send_IdRequest(); } return 1; } uint8_t Connect_receive_IdEnumeration( uint8_t id, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t to_master ) { dbug_print("IdEnumeration"); // Check the directionality if ( !to_master ) { erro_print("Invalid IdEnumeration direction..."); } // Set the device id Connect_id = id; // Send reponse back to master Connect_send_IdReport( id ); // Propogate next Id if the connection is ok if ( Connect_cableOkSlave ) { Connect_send_IdEnumeration( id + 1 ); } return 1; } uint8_t Connect_receive_IdReport( uint8_t id, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t to_master ) { dbug_print("IdReport"); // Check the directionality if ( to_master ) { erro_print("Invalid IdRequest direction..."); } // Track Id response if master if ( Connect_master ) { // TODO, setup id's info_msg("Id Reported: "); printHex( id ); print( NL ); return 1; } // Propagate id if yet another slave else { Connect_send_IdReport( id ); } return 1; } // - Scan Code Variables - TriggerGuide Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer; uint8_t Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos; uint8_t Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId; uint8_t Connect_receive_ScanCode( uint8_t byte, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t to_master ) { dbug_print("ScanCode"); // Check the directionality if ( !to_master ) { erro_print("Invalid ScanCode direction..."); } // Master node, trigger scan codes if ( Connect_master ) switch ( (*pending_bytes)-- ) { case 0xFFFF: // Device Id Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId = byte; break; case 0xFFFE: // Number of TriggerGuides in bytes (byte * 3) *pending_bytes = byte * 3; Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos = 0; break; default: // Set the specific TriggerGuide entry ((uint8_t*)&Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer)[ Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos++ ] = byte; // Reset the BufferPos if higher than 3 // And send the TriggerGuide to the Macro Module if ( Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos > 3 ) { Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos = 0; Macro_triggerState( &Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer, 1 ); } break; } // Propagate ScanCode packet else switch ( (*pending_bytes)-- ) { case 0xFFFF: // Device Id { Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId = byte; // Lock the master Tx buffer uart_lockTx( 1 ); // Send header + Id byte uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, ScanCode, byte }; Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), 1 ); // Master break; } case 0xFFFE: // Number of TriggerGuides in bytes (byte * 3) *pending_bytes = byte * 3; Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos = 0; // Pass through byte Connect_addBytes( &byte, 1, 1 ); // Master break; default: // Pass through byte Connect_addBytes( &byte, 1, 1 ); // Master // Unlock Tx Buffer after sending last byte if ( *pending_bytes == 0 ) uart_unlockTx( 1 ); break; } // Check whether the scan codes have finished sending return *pending_bytes == 0 ? 1 : 0; } uint8_t Connect_receive_Animation( uint8_t byte, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t to_master ) { dbug_print("Animation"); return 1; } // Baud Rate // NOTE: If finer baud adjustment is needed see UARTx_C4 -> BRFA in the datasheet uint16_t Connect_baud = UARTConnectBaud_define; // Max setting of 8191 uint16_t Connect_baudFine = UARTConnectBaudFine_define; // Connect receive function lookup void *Connect_receiveFunctions[] = { Connect_receive_CableCheck, Connect_receive_IdRequest, Connect_receive_IdEnumeration, Connect_receive_IdReport, Connect_receive_ScanCode, Connect_receive_Animation, }; // ----- Interrupt Functions ----- // Master / UART0 ISR void uart0_status_isr() { // Process Rx buffer uart_processRx( 0 ); } // Slave / UART1 ISR void uart1_status_isr() { // Process Rx buffer uart_processRx( 1 ); } // ----- Functions ----- // Resets the state of the UART buffers and state variables void Connect_reset() { // Rx Status Variables uart0_rx_status = UARTStatus_Wait; uart1_rx_status = UARTStatus_Wait; uart0_rx_bytes_waiting = 0; uart1_rx_bytes_waiting = 0; // Tx Status Variables uart0_tx_status = UARTStatus_Ready; uart1_tx_status = UARTStatus_Ready; // Ring Buffer Variables uart0_buffer_head = 0; uart0_buffer_tail = 0; uart0_buffer_items = 0; uart1_buffer_head = 0; uart1_buffer_tail = 0; uart1_buffer_items = 0; } // Setup connection to other side // - Only supports a single slave and master // - If USB has been initiallized at this point, this side is the master // - If both sides assert master, flash error leds void Connect_setup( uint8_t master ) { // Indication that UARTs are not ready uarts_configured = 0; // Register Connect CLI dictionary CLI_registerDictionary( uartConnectCLIDict, uartConnectCLIDictName ); // Check if master Connect_master = master; if ( Connect_master ) Connect_id = 0; // 0x00 is always the master Id // Master / UART0 setup // Slave / UART1 setup // Setup the the UART interface for keyboard data input SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_UART0; // Disable clock gating SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_UART1; // Disable clock gating // Pin Setup for UART0 / UART1 PORTA_PCR1 = PORT_PCR_PE | PORT_PCR_PS | PORT_PCR_PFE | PORT_PCR_MUX(2); // RX Pin PORTA_PCR2 = PORT_PCR_DSE | PORT_PCR_SRE | PORT_PCR_MUX(2); // TX Pin PORTE_PCR0 = PORT_PCR_PE | PORT_PCR_PS | PORT_PCR_PFE | PORT_PCR_MUX(3); // RX Pin PORTE_PCR1 = PORT_PCR_DSE | PORT_PCR_SRE | PORT_PCR_MUX(3); // TX Pin // Baud Rate setting UART0_BDH = (uint8_t)(Connect_baud >> 8); UART0_BDL = (uint8_t)Connect_baud; UART0_C4 = Connect_baudFine; UART1_BDH = (uint8_t)(Connect_baud >> 8); UART1_BDL = (uint8_t)Connect_baud; UART1_C4 = Connect_baudFine; // 8 bit, Even Parity, Idle Character bit after stop // NOTE: For 8 bit with Parity you must enable 9 bit transmission (pg. 1065) // You only need to use UART0_D for 8 bit reading/writing though // UART_C1_M UART_C1_PE UART_C1_PT UART_C1_ILT UART0_C1 = UART_C1_M | UART_C1_PE | UART_C1_ILT; UART1_C1 = UART_C1_M | UART_C1_PE | UART_C1_ILT; // Number of bytes in FIFO before TX Interrupt // TODO Set 0 UART0_TWFIFO = 1; UART1_TWFIFO = 1; // Number of bytes in FIFO before RX Interrupt UART0_RWFIFO = 1; UART1_RWFIFO = 1; // Enable TX and RX FIFOs UART0_PFIFO = UART_PFIFO_TXFE | UART_PFIFO_RXFE; UART1_PFIFO = UART_PFIFO_TXFE | UART_PFIFO_RXFE; // Reciever Inversion Disabled, LSBF // UART_S2_RXINV UART_S2_MSBF UART0_S2 |= 0x00; UART1_S2 |= 0x00; // Transmit Inversion Disabled // UART_C3_TXINV UART0_C3 |= 0x00; UART1_C3 |= 0x00; // TX Enabled, RX Enabled, RX Interrupt Enabled // UART_C2_TE UART_C2_RE UART_C2_RIE UART0_C2 = UART_C2_TE | UART_C2_RE | UART_C2_RIE; UART1_C2 = UART_C2_TE | UART_C2_RE | UART_C2_RIE; // Add interrupts to the vector table NVIC_ENABLE_IRQ( IRQ_UART0_STATUS ); NVIC_ENABLE_IRQ( IRQ_UART1_STATUS ); // UARTs are now ready to go uarts_configured = 1; // Reset the state of the UART variables Connect_reset(); } // Scan for updates in the master/slave // - Interrupts will deal with most input functions // - Used to send queries // - SyncEvent is sent immediately once the current command is sent // - SyncEvent is also blocking until sent void Connect_scan() { // Check if initially configured as a slave and usb comes up // Then reconfigure as a master if ( !Connect_master && Output_Available ) { Connect_setup( Output_Available ); } // Limit how often we do cable checks uint32_t time_compare = 0x7FF; // Must be all 1's, 0x3FF is valid, 0x4FF is not uint32_t current_time = systick_millis_count; if ( Connect_lastCheck != current_time && ( current_time & time_compare ) == time_compare ) { // Make sure we don't double check if the clock speed is too high Connect_lastCheck = current_time; // Send a cable check command of 2 bytes Connect_send_CableCheck( UARTConnectCableCheckLength_define ); // If this is a slave, and we don't have an id yeth // Don't bother sending if there are cable issues if ( !Connect_master && Connect_id == 0xFF && Connect_cableOkMaster ) { Connect_send_IdRequest(); } } // Only process commands if uarts have been configured if ( uarts_configured ) { // Check if Tx Buffers are empty and the Tx Ring buffers have data to send // This happens if there was previously nothing to send if ( uart0_buffer_items > 0 && UART0_TCFIFO == 0 ) uart_fillTxFifo( 0 ); if ( uart1_buffer_items > 0 && UART1_TCFIFO == 0 ) uart_fillTxFifo( 1 ); } } // ----- CLI Command Functions ----- void cliFunc_connectCmd( char* args ) { // Parse number from argument // NOTE: Only first argument is used char* arg1Ptr; char* arg2Ptr; CLI_argumentIsolation( args, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr ); print( NL ); switch ( numToInt( &arg1Ptr[0] ) ) { case CableCheck: Connect_send_CableCheck( UARTConnectCableCheckLength_define ); break; case IdRequest: Connect_send_IdRequest(); break; case IdEnumeration: Connect_send_IdEnumeration( 5 ); break; case IdReport: Connect_send_IdReport( 8 ); break; case ScanCode: { TriggerGuide scanCodes[] = { { 0x00, 0x01, 0x05 }, { 0x00, 0x03, 0x16 } }; Connect_send_ScanCode( 10, scanCodes, 2 ); break; } case Animation: break; case RemoteCapability: // TODO break; case RemoteOutput: // TODO break; case RemoteInput: // TODO break; default: break; } } void cliFunc_connectIdl( char* args ) { // Parse number from argument // NOTE: Only first argument is used char* arg1Ptr; char* arg2Ptr; CLI_argumentIsolation( args, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr ); print( NL ); info_msg("Sending Sync Idles..."); uint8_t count = numToInt( &arg1Ptr[0] ); // Default to 2 idles if ( count == 0 ) count = 2; Connect_send_Idle( count ); } void cliFunc_connectLst( char* args ) { const char *Command_strs[] = { "CableCheck", "IdRequest", "IdEnumeration", "IdReport", "ScanCode", "Animation", "RemoteCapability", "RemoteOutput", "RemoteInput", }; print( NL ); info_msg("List of UARTConnect commands"); for ( uint8_t cmd = 0; cmd < Command_TOP; cmd++ ) { print( NL ); printInt8( cmd ); print(" - "); dPrint( (char*)Command_strs[ cmd ] ); } } void cliFunc_connectMst( char* args ) { // Parse number from argument // NOTE: Only first argument is used char* arg1Ptr; char* arg2Ptr; CLI_argumentIsolation( args, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr ); print( NL ); switch ( arg1Ptr[0] ) { case 's': case 'S': info_msg("Setting device as slave."); Connect_master = 0; Connect_id = 0xFF; break; case 'm': case 'M': default: info_msg("Setting device as master."); Connect_master = 1; Connect_id = 0; break; } } void cliFunc_connectRst( char* args ) { print( NL ); info_msg("Resetting UARTConnect state..."); Connect_reset(); // Reset node id Connect_id = 0xFF; } void cliFunc_connectSts( char* args ) { print( NL ); info_msg("UARTConnect Status"); print( NL "Device Type:\t" ); print( Connect_master ? "Master" : "Slave" ); print( NL "Device Id:\t" ); printHex( Connect_id ); print( NL "Master <=" NL "\tStatus:\t"); printHex( Connect_cableOkMaster ); print( NL "\tFaults:\t"); printHex( Connect_cableFaultsMaster ); print( NL "\tRx:\t"); printHex( uart1_rx_status ); print( NL "\tTx:\t"); printHex( uart1_tx_status ); print( NL "Slave <=" NL "\tStatus:\t"); printHex( Connect_cableOkSlave ); print( NL "\tFaults:\t"); printHex( Connect_cableFaultsSlave ); print( NL "\tRx:\t"); printHex( uart0_rx_status ); print( NL "\tTx:\t"); printHex( uart0_tx_status ); }