/* Copyright (C) 2011,2014 by Jacob Alexander * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ // ----- Includes ----- // Compiler Includes #include <Lib/ScanLib.h> // Project Includes #include <led.h> #include <print.h> // Local Includes #include "scan_loop.h" // ----- Defines ----- // Pinout Defines #define CLOCK_PORT PORTB #define CLOCK_DDR DDRB #define CLOCK_PIN 0 // ----- Macros ----- #define setLED(id, status) \ status = status ? 0 : 1; \ scan_setLED( id, status ) // ----- Variables ----- // Buffer used to inform the macro processing module which keys have been detected as pressed volatile uint8_t KeyIndex_Buffer[KEYBOARD_BUFFER]; volatile uint8_t KeyIndex_BufferUsed; volatile uint8_t currentWaveState = 0; volatile uint8_t calcLED = 0; volatile uint8_t insertLED = 0; volatile uint8_t shiftLockLED = 0; volatile uint8_t schedLED = 0; volatile uint8_t drawLED = 0; // ----- Function Declarations ----- void Scan_diagnostics( void ); void processKeyValue( uint8_t keyValue ); void Scan_diagnostics( void ); void Scan_setRepeatStart( uint8_t n ); void Scan_readSwitchStatus( void ); void Scan_repeatControl( uint8_t on ); void Scan_enableKeyboard( uint8_t enable ); void Scan_setRepeatRate( uint8_t n ); void Scan_setLED( uint8_t ledNumber, uint8_t on ); void Scan_readLED( void ); // ----- Interrupt Functions ----- // Generates a constant external clock ISR( TIMER1_COMPA_vect ) { if ( currentWaveState ) { CLOCK_PORT &= ~(1 << CLOCK_PIN); currentWaveState--; } else { CLOCK_PORT |= (1 << CLOCK_PIN); currentWaveState++; } } // USART Receive Buffer Full Interrupt ISR(USART1_RX_vect) { cli(); // Disable Interrupts uint8_t keyValue = 0x00; // Read the raw packet from the USART keyValue = UDR1; // Debug char tmpStr[6]; hexToStr( keyValue, tmpStr ); dPrintStrs( tmpStr, " " ); // Process the scancode if ( keyValue != 0x00 ) processKeyValue( keyValue ); sei(); // Re-enable Interrupts } // ----- Functions ----- // Setup inline void Scan_setup() { // Setup Timer Pulse (16 bit) // 16 MHz / (2 * Prescaler * (1 + OCR1A)) = 1204.8 baud (820 us) // Prescaler is 1 /* TCCR1B = 0x09; OCR1AH = 0x19; OCR1AL = 0xEF; TIMSK1 = (1 << OCIE1A); CLOCK_DDR = (1 << CLOCK_PIN); */ // 16 MHz / (2 * Prescaler * (1 + OCR1A)) = 1200.1 baud // Prescaler is 1 // Twice every 1200 baud (actually 1200.1, timer isn't accurate enough) // This is close to 820 us, but a bit slower cli(); TCCR1B = 0x09; OCR1AH = 0x1A; OCR1AL = 0x09; TIMSK1 = (1 << OCIE1A); CLOCK_DDR = (1 << CLOCK_PIN); // Setup the the USART interface for keyboard data input // Setup baud rate // 16 MHz / ( 16 * Baud ) = UBRR // Baud <- 1200 as per the spec (see datasheet archives), rounding to 1200.1 (as that's as accurate as the timer can be) // Thus UBRR = 833.26 -> round to 833 uint16_t baud = 833; // Max setting of 4095 UBRR1H = (uint8_t)(baud >> 8); UBRR1L = (uint8_t)baud; // Enable the receiver, transitter, and RX Complete Interrupt UCSR1B = 0x98; // Set frame format: 8 data, no stop bits or parity // Synchrounous USART mode // Tx Data on Falling Edge, Rx on Rising UCSR1C = 0x47; sei(); // Reset the keyboard before scanning, we might be in a wierd state _delay_ms( 50 ); scan_resetKeyboard(); _delay_ms( 5000 ); // Wait for the reset command to finish enough for new settings to take hold afterwards scan_setRepeatRate( 0x00 ); // Set the fastest repeat rate } // Main Detection Loop // Nothing is required here with the Epson QX-10 Keyboards as the interrupts take care of the inputs inline uint8_t Scan_loop() { return 0; } // TODO void processKeyValue( uint8_t keyValue ) { // Detect LED Status uint8_t inputType = keyValue & 0xC0; // Determine the input type switch ( inputType ) { // LED Status case 0xC0: // Binary Representation: 1100 llln // Hex Range: 0xC0 to 0xCF // - First 3 bits determine which LED (0 to 7) // - Last bit is whether the LED is On (1) or Off (0) // 000 - N/A (A) // 001 - N/A (B) // 010 - INSERT // 011 - SHIFT LOCK // 100 - N/A (C) // 101 - DRAW // 110 - SCHED // 111 - CALC break; // SW (Switch) Status case 0x80: { // Binary Representation: 1000 dddn // Hex Range: 0x80 to 0x8F // - First 3 bits determine which DB (KRTN) (See datasheet) // - Last bit is whether the key is enabled // 000 - N/A? // 001 - N/A? // 010 - Right SHIFT // 011 - Left SHIFT // 100 - N/A? // 101 - Left CTRL // 110 - GRPH SHIFT // 111 - Right CTRL // Detect Modifier Press/Release uint8_t press = keyValue & 0x01; // Modifier Press Detected if ( press ) { // Make sure the key isn't already in the buffer for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < KeyIndex_BufferUsed + 1; c++ ) { // Key isn't in the buffer yet if ( c == KeyIndex_BufferUsed ) { Macro_bufferAdd( keyValue ); break; } // Key already in the buffer if ( KeyIndex_Buffer[c] == keyValue ) break; } } // Modifier Release Detected else { uint8_t actualKeyValue = keyValue | 0x01; // Check for the released key, and shift the other keys lower on the buffer uint8_t c; for ( c = 0; c < KeyIndex_BufferUsed; c++ ) { // Key to release found if ( KeyIndex_Buffer[c] == actualKeyValue ) { // Shift keys from c position for ( uint8_t k = c; k < KeyIndex_BufferUsed - 1; k++ ) KeyIndex_Buffer[k] = KeyIndex_Buffer[k + 1]; // Decrement Buffer KeyIndex_BufferUsed--; break; } } // Error case (no key to release) if ( c == KeyIndex_BufferUsed + 1 ) { errorLED( 1 ); char tmpStr[6]; hexToStr( keyValue, tmpStr ); erro_dPrint( "Could not find key to release: ", tmpStr ); } } break; } // Key code default: // Binary Representation: 0ddd pppp // Hex Range: 0x00 to 0x7F // - First 3 bits determine which DB (KRTN) (See datasheet) // - Last 4 bits corresond to the KSC signals (P13, P12, P11, P10 respectively) // Or, that can be read as, each key has it's own keycode (with NO release code) // Modifiers are treated differently // Add the key to the buffer, if it isn't already in the current Key Buffer for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < KeyIndex_BufferUsed + 1; c++ ) { // Key isn't in the buffer yet if ( c == KeyIndex_BufferUsed ) { Macro_bufferAdd( keyValue ); break; } // Key already in the buffer if ( KeyIndex_Buffer[c] == keyValue ) break; } // Special Internal Key Mapping/Functions switch ( keyValue ) { // LED Test case 0x0A: // CALC setLED( 0x07, calcLED ); // 0x4F break; case 0x0B: // SCHED setLED( 0x0E, schedLED ); // 0x5D break; case 0x0C: // DRAW setLED( 0x0D, drawLED ); // 0x5B break; case 0x42: // SHIFT LOCK setLED( 0x0B, shiftLockLED ); // 0x57 break; case 0x5E: // INSERT setLED( 0x02, insertLED ); // 0x45 break; /* // TEST case 0x51: scan_resetKeyboard(); break; case 0x52: scan_diagnostics(); break; case 0x53: scan_setRepeatStart( 0x00 ); break; case 0x54: scan_readSwitchStatus(); break; case 0x55: scan_repeatControl( 0x00 ); break; case 0x56: scan_repeatControl( 0x01 ); break; case 0x57: scan_enableKeyboard( 0x00 ); break; case 0x58: scan_enableKeyboard( 0x01 ); break; case 0x59: scan_setRepeatRate( 0x00 ); break; case 0x5A: scan_readLED(); break; */ } break; } } // Send data // See below functions for the input sequences for the Epson QX-10 Keyboard uint8_t Scan_sendData( uint8_t dataPayload ) { // Debug char tmpStr[6]; hexToStr( dataPayload, tmpStr ); info_dPrint( tmpStr, " " ); UDR1 = dataPayload; return 0; } // Signal KeyIndex_Buffer that it has been properly read inline void Scan_finishedWithBuffer( uint8_t sentKeys ) { return; } // Signal that the keys have been properly sent over USB // For the Epson QX-10 only the modifier keys have release signals // Therefore, only 5 keys could possibly be assigned as a modifiers // The rest of the keys are single press (like the Kaypro keyboards) // // However, this differentiation causes complications on how the key signals are discarded and used // The single keypresses must be discarded immediately, while the modifiers must be kept inline void Scan_finishedWithUSBBuffer( uint8_t sentKeys ) { uint8_t foundModifiers = 0; // Look for all of the modifiers present, there is a max of 8 (but only keys for 5 on the HASCI version) for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < KeyIndex_BufferUsed; c++ ) { // The modifier range is from 0x80 to 0x8F (well, the last bit is the ON/OFF signal, but whatever...) if ( KeyIndex_Buffer[c] <= 0x8F && KeyIndex_Buffer[c] >= 0x80 ) { // Add the modifier back into the the Key Buffer KeyIndex_Buffer[foundModifiers] = KeyIndex_Buffer[c]; foundModifiers++; } } // Adjust the size of the new Key Buffer KeyIndex_BufferUsed = foundModifiers; /* Non-working, too slow (too much traffic on the bus) // Poll the modifiers using an input command uint8_t oldBuffer = KeyIndex_BufferUsed; KeyIndex_BufferUsed = 0; if ( oldBuffer ) scan_readSwitchStatus(); */ } // Reset/Hold keyboard // Warning! This will cause the keyboard to not send any data, so you can't disable with a keypress // The Epson QX-10 Keyboards have a command used to lock the keyboard output void Scan_lockKeyboard( void ) { scan_enableKeyboard( 0x00 ); } void Scan_unlockKeyboard( void ) { scan_enableKeyboard( 0x01 ); } // Reset Keyboard // Does the following // - Clears the keycode buffer (32 characters) // - Validates repeat function (what does this do?) // - Sets repeat start time (500 ms) // - Sets repeat interval (50 ms) // - Turns off all LEDs void Scan_resetKeyboard( void ) { // Reset command for the QX-10 Keyboard scan_sendData( 0xE0 ); // Empty buffer, now that keyboard has been reset KeyIndex_BufferUsed = 0; } // TODO Check // Runs Diagnostics on the keyboard // - First does a reset (see Scan_resetKeyboard) // - Blinks all of the LEDs one after another // - Outputs 0x00 if no keys are pressed // - Outputs 0xFF if any keys are being pressed void Scan_diagnostics( void ) { // Send reset command with diagnositics scan_sendData( 0xE7 ); } // TODO Check // Set Repeat Interval Start // 300 ms + n * 25 ms // Interval after which to start the repeated keys void Scan_setRepeatStart( uint8_t n ) { // Send command // Binary Representation: 000n nnnn // Hex boundaries 0x00 to 0x1F // 300 ms to 1075 ms (intervals of 25 ms) scan_sendData( n ); } // Read Switch Status (preferential to actual keypress outputs) // 000 - N/A? // 001 - N/A? // 010 - Right SHIFT // 011 - Left SHIFT // 100 - N/A? // 101 - Left CTRL // 110 - GRPH SHIFT // 111 - Right CTRL void Scan_readSwitchStatus( void ) { scan_sendData( 0x80 ); } // TODO Check // Repeat Control // 0x00 Stops repeat function // 0x01 Enables repeat function void Scan_repeatControl( uint8_t on ) { // Send command // Binary Representation: 101X XXXn // Hex options: 0xA0 or 0xA1 scan_sendData( 0xA0 | on ); } // TODO Check // Enable Sending Keyboard Data // 0x00 Stops keycode transmission // 0x01 Enables keycode transmission void Scan_enableKeyboard( uint8_t enable ) { // Send command // Binary Representation: 110X XXXn // Hex options: 0xC0 or 0xC1 scan_sendData( 0xC0 | enable ); } // Set Repeat Interval // 30 ms + n * 5 ms // Period between sending each repeated key after the initial interval void Scan_setRepeatRate( uint8_t n ) { // Send command // Binary Representation: 001n nnnn // Hex options: 0x00 to 0x1F // 30 ms to 185 ms (intervals of 5 ms) scan_sendData( 0x20 | n ); } // Turn On/Off LED // 0x00 LED Off // 0x01 LED On // // 8 LEDs max (Note: 5 connected on my board, there is 1 position empty on the PCB for a total of 6) // 0 to 7 (0x0 to 0x7) void Scan_setLED( uint8_t ledNumber, uint8_t on ) { // Send command // Binary Representation: 010l llln // Hex options: 0x40 to 0x4F // The spec is NOT accurate (especially about the "don't care" bit) // llll n - Usage // 0000 X - N/A (1) // 0001 X - N/A (2) // 0010 1 - INSERT On // 0011 0 - SHIFT LOCK Off // 0100 X - N/A (3) // 0101 0 - DRAW Off // 0110 0 - SCHED Off // 0111 1 - CALC On // 1000 X - N/A (1) // 1001 X - N/A (2) // 1010 0 - INSERT Off // 1011 1 - SHIFT LOCK On // 1100 X - N/A (3) // 1101 1 - DRAW On // 1110 1 - SCHED On // 1111 0 - CALC Off uint8_t off = 0; if ( !on ) { off = 0x10; } scan_sendData( ( 0x40 | (ledNumber << 1) | on ) ^ off ); } // Read LED Status // High priority data output (may overwrite some keycode data) void Scan_readLED( void ) { scan_sendData( 0x7F ); }