Kiibohd Controller
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.
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README.markdown 907B

Keyboard Compiler Scripts

Scripts for major keyboards designed using the Kiibohd firmware. Please refer to <script> --help for specific details.

Refer to the wiki on setting up your system for compiling.

Build Steps

  • Try to build once to make sure your system is setup correctly
  • Add any .kll files in the build directory you want
  • Edit <script> to include the new .kll files
  • Rebuild




  • infinity.bash (Infinity Keyboard 2014/10/15)
  • infinity_led.bash (Infinity Keyboard with LED backlight support)
  • ergodox.bash (Infinity Ergodox 2015/08/15)
  • template.bash (Example template for new keyboards)
  • whitefox.bash (WhiteFox Keyboard)

Extra files

  • cmake.bash (Used by the compilation script, does nothing on it’s own)