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Jacob Alexander 5162980791 Updating bcdDevice and iSerial fields in USB descriptors
- Use commit number as the basis for bcdDevice field (maximum is 2^16)
- Change iSerial from commit date to chip Unique ID
- Update both Firmware and Bootloader to use the same scheme (bcdDevice and iSerial)
- Cleanup of Bootloader code
- Split out build info CMake commands to a new file
2016-07-23 16:16:16 -07:00

201 Zeilen
4.7 KiB

###| CMAKE Kiibohd Controller Source Configurator |###
# Written by Jacob Alexander in 2011-2016 for the Kiibohd Controller
# Released into the Public Domain
# CMake Custom Modules Path
# Module Overrides (Used in the buildall.bash script)
if ( ( DEFINED ScanModuleOverride ) AND ( EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Scan/${ScanModuleOverride} ) )
set( ScanModule ${ScanModuleOverride} )
endif ()
# Path Setup
set( ScanModulePath "Scan/${ScanModule}" )
set( MacroModulePath "Macro/${MacroModule}" )
set( OutputModulePath "Output/${OutputModule}" )
set( DebugModulePath "Debug/${DebugModule}" )
#| Top-level directory adjustment
# Module Check Function
function ( ModuleCompatibility ModulePath )
foreach ( mod_var ${ARGN} )
if ( ${mod_var} STREQUAL ${COMPILER_FAMILY} )
# Module found, no need to scan further
endif ()
endforeach ()
message ( FATAL_ERROR "${ModulePath} does not support the ${COMPILER_FAMILY} family..." )
endfunction ()
# Module Processing
#| Go through lists of sources and append paths
#| Usage:
#| PathPrepend( OutputListOfSources <Prepend Path> <InputListOfSources> )
macro ( PathPrepend Output SourcesPath )
unset ( tmpSource )
# Loop through items
foreach ( item ${ARGN} )
# Set the path
set ( tmpSource ${tmpSource} "${SourcesPath}/${item}" )
endforeach ()
# Finalize by writing the new list back over the old one
set ( ${Output} ${tmpSource} )
endmacro ()
# Add Module Macro
# Optional Arg 1: Main Module Check, set to True/1 if adding a main module
function ( AddModule ModuleType ModuleName )
# Module path
set ( ModulePath ${ModuleType}/${ModuleName} )
set ( ModuleFullPath ${HEAD_DIR}/${ModuleType}/${ModuleName} )
# Include setup.cmake file
include ( ${ModuleFullPath}/setup.cmake )
# Check if this is a main module add
foreach ( extraArg ${ARGN} )
# Make sure this isn't a submodule
if ( DEFINED SubModule )
message ( FATAL_ERROR
"The '${ModuleName}' module is not a stand-alone module, and requires further setup."
endif ()
endforeach ()
# PathPrepend to give proper paths to each of the source files
PathPrepend ( Module_SRCS ${ModulePath} ${Module_SRCS} )
# Check the current scope to see if a sub-module added some source files
# Append each of the sources to each type of module srcs list
set ( ${ModuleType}_SRCS ${${ModuleType}_SRCS} ${Module_SRCS} )
# Add .h files
add_definitions ( -I${ModuleFullPath} )
# Check module compatibility
ModuleCompatibility( ${ModulePath} ${ModuleCompatibility} )
# Check if this is a main module add
foreach ( extraArg ${ARGN} )
# Display detected source files
if ( NOT DEFINED SubModule )
message ( STATUS "Detected ${ModuleType} Module Source Files:" )
message ( "${${ModuleType}_SRCS}" )
endif ()
endforeach ()
# Check for any capabilities.kll files in the Module
set ( kll_capabilities_file "${ModuleFullPath}/capabilities.kll" )
if ( EXISTS ${kll_capabilities_file} )
# Add the kll file and any submodule kll files to the running list
set ( ${ModuleType}Module_KLL ${${ModuleType}Module_KLL} ${kll_capabilities_file} )
endif ()
# Finally, add the sources and kll files to the parent scope (i.e. return)
set ( ${ModuleType}_SRCS ${${ModuleType}_SRCS} PARENT_SCOPE )
set ( ${ModuleType}Module_KLL ${${ModuleType}Module_KLL} PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ()
#| Add main modules
AddModule ( Scan ${ScanModule} 1 )
AddModule ( Macro ${MacroModule} 1 )
AddModule ( Output ${OutputModule} 1 )
AddModule ( Debug ${DebugModule} 1 )
# CMake Build Env Checking
include( buildinfo )
#| Uses CMake variables to include as defines
#| Primarily for USB configuration
configure_file ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Lib/_buildvars.h buildvars.h )
# Source Defines
set ( SRCS
#| Directories to include by default
# ctag Generation
find_package ( Ctags ) # Optional
# Populate list of directories for ctags to parse
# NOTE: Doesn't support dots in the folder names...
foreach ( filename ${SRCS} )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+.c$" "" pathglob ${filename} )
file ( GLOB filenames "${pathglob}/*.c" )
set ( CTAG_PATHS ${CTAG_PATHS} ${filenames} )
file ( GLOB filenames "${pathglob}/*.h" )
set ( CTAG_PATHS ${CTAG_PATHS} ${filenames} )
endforeach ()
# Generate the ctags
execute_process ( COMMAND ctags --fields=+l ${CTAG_PATHS}
endif ()