Kiibohd Controller
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CMakeLists.txt 4.5KB

  1. ###| CMAKE Kiibohd Controller |###
  2. #
  3. # Written by Jacob Alexander in 2011 for the Kiibohd Controller
  4. # Due to this file's usefulness:
  5. #
  6. # Released into the Public Domain
  7. #
  8. ###
  9. #| Set the Compilers (must be set first)
  10. include( CMakeForceCompiler )
  11. set( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic )
  12. cmake_force_c_compiler ( avr-gcc AVRCCompiler )
  13. cmake_force_cxx_compiler( avr-g++ AVRCxxCompiler )
  16. ###
  17. # Project Description
  18. #
  19. #| Project
  20. project( kiibohd_controller )
  21. #| Target Name (output name)
  22. set( TARGET kiibohd )
  23. #| General Settings
  24. cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 )
  25. ###
  26. # Source Defines
  27. #
  28. #| Sources (see setup.h for configuring in/away code blocks or other complete modules)
  29. #| XXX Not set here in this project, see setup.cmake
  30. #set( SRCS ./main.c )
  31. #| Instead, include the module source selector
  32. include( setup.cmake )
  33. set( SRCS main.c ${SCAN_SRCS} ${MACRO_SRCS} ${USB_SRCS} ${DEBUG_SRCS} )
  34. ###
  35. # Atmel Defines and Linker Options
  36. #
  37. #| MCU Name
  38. #| You _MUST_ set this to match the board you are using
  39. #| type "make clean" after changing this, so all files will be rebuilt
  40. #|
  41. #| "at90usb162" # Teensy 1.0
  42. #| "atmega32u4" # Teensy 2.0
  43. #| "at90usb646" # Teensy++ 1.0
  44. #| "at90usb1286" # Teensy++ 2.0
  45. set( MCU "at90usb1286" )
  46. #| Compiler flag to set the C Standard level.
  47. #| c89 = "ANSI" C
  48. #| gnu89 = c89 plus GCC extensions
  49. #| c99 = ISO C99 standard (not yet fully implemented)
  50. #| gnu99 = c99 plus GCC extensions
  51. set( CSTANDARD "-std=gnu99" )
  52. #| Warning Options
  53. #| -Wall...: warning level
  54. set( WARN "-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes" )
  55. #| Tuning Options
  56. #| -f...: tuning, see GCC manual and avr-libc documentation
  57. set( TUNING "-funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -ffunction-sections -fpack-struct -fshort-enums" )
  58. #| Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s].
  59. #| 0 = turn off optimization. s = optimize for size.
  60. #| (Note: 3 is not always the best optimization level. See avr-libc FAQ.)
  61. set( OPT "s" )
  62. #| Output Format
  63. #| srec, ihex, binary
  64. set( FORMAT "ihex" )
  65. #| Processor frequency.
  66. #| Normally the first thing your program should do is set the clock prescaler,
  67. #| so your program will run at the correct speed. You should also set this
  68. #| variable to same clock speed. The _delay_ms() macro uses this, and many
  69. #| examples use this variable to calculate timings. Do not add a "UL" here.
  70. set( F_CPU "16000000" )
  71. #| Dependency Files
  72. #| Compiler flags to generate dependency files.
  73. set( GENDEPFLAGS "-MMD -MP" )
  74. #| Listing file
  75. set( TARGET_LST ${TARGET}.lst )
  76. #| Compiler Flags
  77. add_definitions( "-mmcu=${MCU} -DF_CPU=${F_CPU} -O${OPT} ${TUNING} ${WARN} ${CSTANDARD} ${GENDEPFLAGS}" )
  78. #| Linker Flags
  79. set( LINKER_FLAGS "-mmcu=${MCU} -Wl,-Map=${TARGET}.map,--cref -Wl,--relax -Wl,--gc-sections" )
  80. #| Hex Flags (XXX, CMake seems to have issues if you quote the arguments for the custom commands...)
  81. set( HEX_FLAGS -O ${FORMAT} -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature )
  82. #| Eep Flags
  83. set( EEP_FLAGS -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O ${FORMAT} )
  84. #| Lss Flags
  85. set( LSS_FLAGS -h -S -z )
  86. ###
  87. # Build Targets
  88. #
  89. #| Create the .ELF file
  90. set( TARGET_ELF ${TARGET}.elf )
  91. add_executable( ${TARGET_ELF} ${SRCS} )
  92. #| .ELF Properties
  93. set_target_properties( ${TARGET_ELF} PROPERTIES
  95. )
  96. #| Convert the .ELF into a .HEX to load onto the Teensy
  97. set( TARGET_HEX ${TARGET}.hex )
  98. add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD
  99. COMMAND avr-objcopy ${HEX_FLAGS} ${TARGET_ELF} ${TARGET_HEX}
  100. COMMENT "Creating load file for Flash: ${TARGET_HEX}"
  101. )
  102. #| Convert the .ELF into a .EEP
  103. set( TARGET_EEP ${TARGET}.eep )
  104. add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD
  105. COMMAND avr-objcopy ${EEP_FLAGS} ${TARGET_ELF} ${TARGET_EEP}
  106. COMMENT "Creating load file for EEPROM: ${TARGET_EEP}"
  107. )
  108. #| Generate the Extended .LSS
  109. set( TARGET_LSS ${TARGET}.lss )
  110. add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD
  111. COMMAND avr-objdump ${LSS_FLAGS} ${TARGET_ELF} > ${TARGET_LSS}
  112. COMMENT "Creating Extended Listing: ${TARGET_LSS}"
  113. )
  114. #| Generate the Symbol Table .SYM
  115. set( TARGET_SYM ${TARGET}.sym )
  116. add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD
  117. COMMAND avr-nm -n ${TARGET_ELF} > ${TARGET_SYM}
  118. COMMENT "Creating Symbol Table: ${TARGET_SYM}"
  119. )
  120. ###
  121. # Size Information
  122. #
  123. #| After Changes Size Information
  124. add_custom_target( SizeAfter ALL avr-size --target=${FORMAT} ${TARGET_HEX} ${TARGET_ELF}
  126. COMMENT "Size after generation:"
  127. )