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Jacob Alexander d6d792fdf9 Changing decToInt to numToInt (adds support for Hex number interpreter)
- CLI now works with hex or decimal numbers
- Hex requires 0x (technically just x would work too)
2014-08-16 12:07:25 -07:00

1254 рядки
35 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2014 by Jacob Alexander
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this file. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ----- Includes -----
// Compiler Includes
#include <Lib/MacroLib.h>
// Project Includes
#include <cli.h>
#include <led.h>
#include <print.h>
#include <scan_loop.h>
// Keymaps
#include "usb_hid.h"
#include <defaultMap.h>
#include "generatedKeymap.h" // TODO Use actual generated version
// Local Includes
#include "macro.h"
// ----- Function Declarations -----
void cliFunc_capList ( char* args );
void cliFunc_capSelect ( char* args );
void cliFunc_keyHold ( char* args );
void cliFunc_keyPress ( char* args );
void cliFunc_keyRelease( char* args );
void cliFunc_layerList ( char* args );
void cliFunc_layerState( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroDebug( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroList ( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroProc ( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroShow ( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroStep ( char* args );
// ----- Enums -----
// Bit positions are important, passes (correct key) always trump incorrect key votes
typedef enum TriggerMacroVote {
TriggerMacroVote_Release = 0x8, // Correct key
TriggerMacroVote_PassRelease = 0xC, // Correct key (both pass and release)
TriggerMacroVote_Pass = 0x4, // Correct key
TriggerMacroVote_DoNothing = 0x2, // Incorrect key
TriggerMacroVote_Fail = 0x1, // Incorrect key
TriggerMacroVote_Invalid = 0x0, // Invalid state
} TriggerMacroVote;
typedef enum TriggerMacroEval {
} TriggerMacroEval;
typedef enum ResultMacroEval {
} ResultMacroEval;
// ----- Variables -----
// Macro Module command dictionary
const char macroCLIDictName[] = "Macro Module Commands";
const CLIDictItem macroCLIDict[] = {
{ "capList", "Prints an indexed list of all non USB keycode capabilities.", cliFunc_capList },
{ "capSelect", "Triggers the specified capabilities. First two args are state and stateType." NL "\t\t\033[35mK11\033[0m Keyboard Capability 0x0B", cliFunc_capSelect },
{ "keyHold", "Send key-hold events to the macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A", cliFunc_keyHold },
{ "keyPress", "Send key-press events to the macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A", cliFunc_keyPress },
{ "keyRelease", "Send key-release event to macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A", cliFunc_keyRelease },
{ "layerList", "List available layers.", cliFunc_layerList },
{ "layerState", "Modify specified indexed layer state <layer> <state byte>." NL "\t\t\033[35mL2\033[0m Indexed Layer 0x02" NL "\t\t0 Off, 1 Shift, 2 Latch, 4 Lock States", cliFunc_layerState },
{ "macroDebug", "Disables/Enables sending USB keycodes to the Output Module and prints U/K codes.", cliFunc_macroDebug },
{ "macroList", "List the defined trigger and result macros.", cliFunc_macroList },
{ "macroProc", "Pause/Resume macro processing.", cliFunc_macroProc },
{ "macroShow", "Show the macro corresponding to the given index." NL "\t\t\033[35mT16\033[0m Indexed Trigger Macro 0x10, \033[35mR12\033[0m Indexed Result Macro 0x0C", cliFunc_macroShow },
{ "macroStep", "Do N macro processing steps. Defaults to 1.", cliFunc_macroStep },
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end
// Macro debug flag - If set, clears the USB Buffers after signalling processing completion
uint8_t macroDebugMode = 0;
// Macro pause flag - If set, the macro module pauses processing, unless unset, or the step counter is non-zero
uint8_t macroPauseMode = 0;
// Macro step counter - If non-zero, the step counter counts down every time the macro module does one processing loop
unsigned int macroStepCounter = 0;
// Key Trigger List Buffer
TriggerGuide macroTriggerListBuffer[ MaxScanCode ];
uint8_t macroTriggerListBufferSize = 0;
// Pending Trigger Macro Index List
// * Any trigger macros that need processing from a previous macro processing loop
// TODO, figure out a good way to scale this array size without wasting too much memory, but not rejecting macros
// Possibly could be calculated by the KLL compiler
// XXX It may be possible to calculate the worst case using the KLL compiler
unsigned int macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ TriggerMacroNum ] = { 0 };
unsigned int macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize = 0;
// Layer Index Stack
// * When modifying layer state and the state is non-0x0, the stack must be adjusted
unsigned int macroLayerIndexStack[ LayerNum ] = { 0 };
unsigned int macroLayerIndexStackSize = 0;
// Pending Result Macro Index List
// * Any result macro that needs processing from a previous macro processing loop
unsigned int macroResultMacroPendingList[ ResultMacroNum ] = { 0 };
unsigned int macroResultMacroPendingListSize = 0;
// ----- Capabilities -----
// Modifies the specified Layer control byte
// Argument #1: Layer Index -> unsigned int
// Argument #2: Toggle byte -> uint8_t
void Macro_layerStateToggle_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
// Display capability name
if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )
// Get layer index from arguments
// Cast pointer to uint8_t to unsigned int then access that memory location
unsigned int layer = *(unsigned int*)(&args[0]);
// Get layer toggle byte
uint8_t toggleByte = args[ sizeof(unsigned int) ];
// Is layer in the LayerIndexStack?
uint8_t inLayerIndexStack = 0;
unsigned int stackItem = 0;
while ( stackItem < macroLayerIndexStackSize )
// Flag if layer is already in the LayerIndexStack
if ( macroLayerIndexStack[ stackItem ] == layer )
inLayerIndexStack = 1;
// Increment to next item
// Toggle Layer State Byte
if ( LayerIndex[ layer ].state & toggleByte )
// Unset
LayerIndex[ layer ].state &= ~toggleByte;
// Set
LayerIndex[ layer ].state |= toggleByte;
// If the layer was not in the LayerIndexStack add it
if ( !inLayerIndexStack )
macroLayerIndexStack[ macroLayerIndexStackSize++ ] = layer;
// If the layer is in the LayerIndexStack and the state is 0x00, remove
if ( LayerIndex[ layer ].state == 0x00 && inLayerIndexStack )
// Remove the layer from the LayerIndexStack
// Using the already positioned stackItem variable from the loop above
while ( stackItem < macroLayerIndexStackSize )
macroLayerIndexStack[ stackItem ] = macroLayerIndexStack[ stackItem + 1 ];
// Reduce LayerIndexStack size
// ----- Functions -----
// Looks up the trigger list for the given scan code (from the active layer)
// NOTE: Calling function must handle the NULL pointer case
unsigned int *Macro_layerLookup( uint8_t scanCode )
// If no trigger macro is defined at the given layer, fallthrough to the next layer
for ( unsigned int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < macroLayerIndexStackSize; layerIndex++ )
// Lookup Layer
Layer *layer = &LayerIndex[ macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ] ];
// Check if latch has been pressed for this layer
// XXX Regardless of whether a key is found, the latch is removed on first lookup
uint8_t latch = layer->state & 0x02;
if ( latch )
layer->state &= ~0x02;
// Only use layer, if state is valid
// XOR each of the state bits
// If only two are enabled, do not use this state
if ( (layer->state & 0x01) ^ (latch>>1) ^ ((layer->state & 0x04)>>2) )
// Lookup layer
unsigned int **map = (unsigned int**)layer->triggerMap;
// Determine if layer has key defined
if ( map != 0 && *map[ scanCode ] != 0 )
return map[ scanCode ];
// Do lookup on default layer
unsigned int **map = (unsigned int**)LayerIndex[0].triggerMap;
// Determine if layer has key defined
if ( map == 0 && *map[ scanCode ] == 0 )
erro_msg("Scan Code has no defined Trigger Macro: ");
printHex( scanCode );
return 0;
// Return lookup result
return map[ scanCode ];
// Update the scancode key state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - Pressed
// * 0x02 - Held
// * 0x03 - Released
// * 0x04 - Unpressed (this is currently ignored)
inline void Macro_keyState( uint8_t scanCode, uint8_t state )
// Only add to macro trigger list if one of three states
switch ( state )
case 0x01: // Pressed
case 0x02: // Held
case 0x03: // Released
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = scanCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x00; // Normal key
// Update the scancode analog state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - Released
// * 0x02-0xFF - Analog value (low to high)
inline void Macro_analogState( uint8_t scanCode, uint8_t state )
// Only add to macro trigger list if non-off
if ( state != 0x00 )
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = scanCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x02; // Analog key
// Update led state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - On
inline void Macro_ledState( uint8_t ledCode, uint8_t state )
// Only add to macro trigger list if non-off
if ( state != 0x00 )
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = ledCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x01; // LED key
// Append result macro to pending list, checking for duplicates
// Do nothing if duplicate
inline void Macro_appendResultMacroToPendingList( unsigned int resultMacroIndex )
// Iterate through result macro pending list, making sure this macro hasn't been added yet
for ( unsigned int macro = 0; macro < macroResultMacroPendingListSize; macro++ )
// If duplicate found, do nothing
if ( macroResultMacroPendingList[ macro ] == resultMacroIndex )
// No duplicates found, add to pending list
macroResultMacroPendingList[ macroResultMacroPendingListSize++ ] = resultMacroIndex;
// Determine if long ResultMacro (more than 1 seqence element)
inline uint8_t Macro_isLongResultMacro( ResultMacro *macro )
// Check the second sequence combo length
// If non-zero return 1 (long sequence)
// 0 otherwise (short sequence)
return macro->guide[ macro->guide[0] * ResultGuideSize( (ResultGuide*)macro->guide ) ] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
// Votes on the given key vs. guide
inline TriggerMacroVote Macro_evalTriggerMacroVote( TriggerGuide *key, TriggerGuide *guide )
// Depending on key type
switch ( guide->type )
// Normal State Type
case 0x00:
// Depending on the state of the buffered key, make voting decision
// Incorrect key
if ( guide->scanCode != key->scanCode )
switch ( key->state )
// Wrong key, pressed, fail
case 0x01:
return TriggerMacroVote_Fail;
// Wrong key, held or released, do not pass (no effect)
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
return TriggerMacroVote_DoNothing;
// Correct key
switch ( key->state )
// Correct key, pressed, possible passing
case 0x01:
return TriggerMacroVote_Pass;
// Correct key, held, possible passing or release
case 0x02:
return TriggerMacroVote_PassRelease;
// Correct key, released, possible release
case 0x03:
return TriggerMacroVote_Release;
// LED State Type
case 0x01:
erro_print("LED State Type - Not implemented...");
// Analog State Type
case 0x02:
erro_print("Analog State Type - Not implemented...");
// Invalid State Type
erro_print("Invalid State Type. This is a bug.");
// XXX Shouldn't reach here
return TriggerMacroVote_Invalid;
// Evaluate/Update TriggerMacro
inline TriggerMacroEval Macro_evalTriggerMacro( unsigned int triggerMacroIndex )
// Lookup TriggerMacro
TriggerMacro *macro = &TriggerMacroList[ triggerMacroIndex ];
// Check if macro has finished and should be incremented sequence elements
if ( macro->state == TriggerMacro_Release )
macro->state = TriggerMacro_Waiting;
macro->pos = macro->pos + macro->guide[ macro->pos ] * TriggerGuideSize;
// Current Macro position
unsigned int pos = macro->pos;
// Length of the combo being processed
uint8_t comboLength = macro->guide[ pos ];
// If no combo items are left, remove the TriggerMacro from the pending list
if ( comboLength == 0 )
return TriggerMacroEval_Remove;
// Iterate through the key buffer, comparing to each key in the combo
// If any of the pressed keys do not match, fail the macro
// The macro is waiting for input when in the TriggerMacro_Waiting state
// Once all keys have been pressed/held (only those keys), entered TriggerMacro_Press state (passing)
// Transition to the next combo (if it exists) when a single key is released (TriggerMacro_Release state)
// On scan after position increment, change to TriggerMacro_Waiting state
// TODO Add support for system LED states (NumLock, CapsLock, etc.)
// TODO Add support for analog key states
// TODO Add support for 0x00 Key state (not pressing a key, not all that useful in general)
// TODO Add support for Press/Hold/Release differentiation when evaluating (not sure if useful)
TriggerMacroVote overallVote = TriggerMacroVote_Invalid;
for ( uint8_t key = 0; key < macroTriggerListBufferSize; key++ )
// Lookup key information
TriggerGuide *keyInfo = &macroTriggerListBuffer[ key ];
// Iterate through the items in the combo, voting the on the key state
TriggerMacroVote vote = TriggerMacroVote_Invalid;
for ( uint8_t comboItem = pos + 1; comboItem < pos + comboLength + 1; comboItem += TriggerGuideSize )
// Assign TriggerGuide element (key type, state and scancode)
TriggerGuide *guide = (TriggerGuide*)(&macro->guide[ comboItem ]);
// If vote is a pass (>= 0x08, no more keys in the combo need to be looked at)
// Also mask all of the non-passing votes
vote |= Macro_evalTriggerMacroVote( keyInfo, guide );
if ( vote >= TriggerMacroVote_Pass )
vote &= TriggerMacroVote_Release | TriggerMacroVote_PassRelease | TriggerMacroVote_Pass;
// After voting, append to overall vote
overallVote |= vote;
// Decide new state of macro after voting
// Fail macro, remove from pending list
if ( overallVote & TriggerMacroVote_Fail )
return TriggerMacroEval_Remove;
// Do nothing, incorrect key is being held or released
else if ( overallVote & TriggerMacroVote_DoNothing )
// Just doing nothing :)
// If passing and in Waiting state, set macro state to Press
else if ( overallVote & TriggerMacroVote_Pass && macro->state == TriggerMacro_Waiting )
macro->state = TriggerMacro_Press;
// If in press state, and this is the final combo, send request for ResultMacro
// Check to see if the result macro only has a single element
// If this result macro has more than 1 key, only send once
// TODO Add option to have macro repeat rate
if ( macro->guide[ pos + comboLength ] == 0 )
// Long Macro, only send once (more than 1 sequence item)
// Short Macro (only 1 sequence item)
return Macro_isLongResultMacro( &ResultMacroList[ macro->result ] )
? TriggerMacroEval_DoResult
: TriggerMacroEval_DoResultAndRemove;
// If ready for transition and in Press state, set to Waiting and increment combo position
// Position is incremented (and possibly remove the macro from the pending list) on the next iteration
else if ( overallVote & TriggerMacroVote_Release && macro->state == TriggerMacro_Press )
macro->state = TriggerMacro_Release;
return TriggerMacroEval_DoNothing;
// Evaluate/Update ResultMacro
inline ResultMacroEval Macro_evalResultMacro( unsigned int resultMacroIndex )
// Lookup ResultMacro
ResultMacro *macro = &ResultMacroList[ resultMacroIndex ];
// Current Macro position
unsigned int pos = macro->pos;
// Length of combo being processed
uint8_t comboLength = macro->guide[ pos ];
// If no combo items are left, remove the ResultMacro from the pending list
if ( comboLength == 0 )
return ResultMacroEval_Remove;
// Function Counter, used to keep track of the combo items processed
unsigned int funcCount = 0;
// Combo Item Position within the guide
unsigned int comboItem = pos + 1;
// Iterate through the Result Combo
while ( funcCount < comboLength )
// Assign TriggerGuide element (key type, state and scancode)
ResultGuide *guide = (ResultGuide*)(&macro->guide[ pos ]);
// Do lookup on capability function
void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].func);
// Call capability
capability( macro->state, macro->stateType, &guide->args );
// Increment counters
comboItem += ResultGuideSize( (ResultGuide*)(&macro->guide[ comboItem ]) );
// Move to next item in the sequence
macro->pos = comboItem;
// If the ResultMacro is finished, it will be removed on the next iteration
return ResultMacroEval_DoNothing;
// Update pending trigger list
void Macro_updateTriggerMacroPendingList()
// Iterate over the macroTriggerListBuffer to add any new Trigger Macros to the pending list
for ( uint8_t key = 0; key < macroTriggerListBufferSize; key++ )
// Lookup Trigger List
unsigned int *triggerList = Macro_layerLookup( macroTriggerListBuffer[ key ].scanCode );
// Number of Triggers in list
unsigned int triggerListSize = triggerList[0];
// Iterate over triggerList to see if any TriggerMacros need to be added
// First item is the number of items in the TriggerList
for ( unsigned int macro = 1; macro < triggerListSize + 1; macro++ )
// Lookup trigger macro index
unsigned int triggerMacroIndex = triggerList[ macro ];
// Iterate over macroTriggerMacroPendingList to see if any macro in the scancode's
// triggerList needs to be added
unsigned int pending = 0;
for ( ; pending < macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize; pending++ )
// Stop scanning if the trigger macro index is found in the pending list
if ( macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ pending ] == triggerMacroIndex )
// If the triggerMacroIndex (macro) was not found in the macroTriggerMacroPendingList
// Add it to the list
if ( pending == macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize )
macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize++ ] = triggerMacroIndex;
// Macro Procesing Loop
// Called once per USB buffer send
inline void Macro_process()
// Only do one round of macro processing between Output Module timer sends
if ( USBKeys_Sent != 0 )
// If the pause flag is set, only process if the step counter is non-zero
if ( macroPauseMode )
if ( macroStepCounter == 0 )
// Proceed, decrementing the step counter
dbug_print("Macro Step");
// Update pending trigger list, before processing TriggerMacros
// Tail pointer for macroTriggerMacroPendingList
// Macros must be explicitly re-added
unsigned int macroTriggerMacroPendingListTail = 0;
// Iterate through the pending TriggerMacros, processing each of them
for ( unsigned int macro = 0; macro < macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize; macro++ )
switch ( Macro_evalTriggerMacro( macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ macro ] ) )
// Trigger Result Macro (purposely falling through)
case TriggerMacroEval_DoResult:
// Append ResultMacro to PendingList
Macro_appendResultMacroToPendingList( TriggerMacroList[ macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ macro ] ].result );
// Otherwise, just re-add
macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ macroTriggerMacroPendingListTail++ ] = macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ macro ];
// Trigger Result Macro and Remove (purposely falling through)
case TriggerMacroEval_DoResultAndRemove:
// Append ResultMacro to PendingList
Macro_appendResultMacroToPendingList( TriggerMacroList[ macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ macro ] ].result );
// Remove Macro from Pending List, nothing to do, removing by default
case TriggerMacroEval_Remove:
// Update the macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize with the tail pointer
macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize = macroTriggerMacroPendingListTail;
// Tail pointer for macroResultMacroPendingList
// Macros must be explicitly re-added
unsigned int macroResultMacroPendingListTail = 0;
// Iterate through the pending ResultMacros, processing each of them
for ( unsigned int macro = 0; macro < macroResultMacroPendingListSize; macro++ )
switch ( Macro_evalResultMacro( macroResultMacroPendingList[ macro ] ) )
// Re-add macros to pending list
case ResultMacroEval_DoNothing:
macroResultMacroPendingList[ macroResultMacroPendingListTail++ ] = macroResultMacroPendingList[ macro ];
// Remove Macro from Pending List, nothing to do, removing by default
case ResultMacroEval_Remove:
// Update the macroResultMacroPendingListSize with the tail pointer
macroResultMacroPendingListSize = macroResultMacroPendingListTail;
// Signal buffer that we've used it
Scan_finishedWithMacro( macroTriggerListBufferSize );
// Reset TriggerList buffer
macroTriggerListBufferSize = 0;
// If Macro debug mode is set, clear the USB Buffer
if ( macroDebugMode )
USBKeys_Modifiers = 0;
USBKeys_Sent = 0;
inline void Macro_setup()
// Register Macro CLI dictionary
CLI_registerDictionary( macroCLIDict, macroCLIDictName );
// Disable Macro debug mode
macroDebugMode = 0;
// Disable Macro pause flag
macroPauseMode = 0;
// Set Macro step counter to zero
macroStepCounter = 0;
// Make sure macro trigger buffer is empty
macroTriggerListBufferSize = 0;
// Initialize TriggerMacro states
for ( unsigned int macro = 0; macro < TriggerMacroNum; macro++ )
TriggerMacroList[ macro ].pos = 0;
TriggerMacroList[ macro ].state = TriggerMacro_Waiting;
// Initialize ResultMacro states
for ( unsigned int macro = 0; macro < ResultMacroNum; macro++ )
ResultMacroList[ macro ].pos = 0;
ResultMacroList[ macro ].state = 0;
ResultMacroList[ macro ].stateType = 0;
// ----- CLI Command Functions -----
void cliFunc_capList( char* args )
print( NL );
info_msg("Capabilities List");
printHex( CapabilitiesNum );
// Iterate through all of the capabilities and display them
for ( unsigned int cap = 0; cap < CapabilitiesNum; cap++ )
print( NL "\t" );
printHex( cap );
print(" - ");
// Display/Lookup Capability Name (utilize debug mode of capability)
void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ cap ].func);
capability( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 );
void cliFunc_capSelect( char* args )
// Parse code from argument
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Total number of args to scan (must do a lookup if a keyboard capability is selected)
unsigned int totalArgs = 2; // Always at least two args
unsigned int cap = 0;
// Arguments used for keyboard capability function
unsigned int argSetCount = 0;
uint8_t *argSet = (uint8_t*)args;
// Process all args
for ( unsigned int c = 0; argSetCount < totalArgs; c++ )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
// Extra arguments are ignored
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// For the first argument, choose the capability
if ( c == 0 ) switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Keyboard Capability
case 'K':
// Determine capability index
cap = numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] );
// Lookup the number of args
totalArgs += CapabilitiesList[ cap ].argCount;
// Because allocating memory isn't doable, and the argument count is arbitrary
// The argument pointer is repurposed as the argument list (much smaller anyways)
argSet[ argSetCount++ ] = (uint8_t)numToInt( arg1Ptr );
// Once all the arguments are prepared, call the keyboard capability function
if ( argSetCount == totalArgs )
// Indicate that the capability was called
print( NL );
printInt8( cap );
print(" - ");
printHex( argSet[0] );
print(" - ");
printHex( argSet[1] );
print(" - ");
printHex( argSet[2] );
print( "..." NL );
void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ cap ].func);
capability( argSet[0], argSet[1], &argSet[2] );
void cliFunc_keyHold( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process all args
for ( ;; )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// Ignore non-Scancode numbers
switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Scancode
case 'S':
Macro_keyState( (uint8_t)numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ), 0x02 ); // Hold scancode
void cliFunc_keyPress( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process all args
for ( ;; )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// Ignore non-Scancode numbers
switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Scancode
case 'S':
Macro_keyState( (uint8_t)numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ), 0x01 ); // Press scancode
void cliFunc_keyRelease( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process all args
for ( ;; )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// Ignore non-Scancode numbers
switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Scancode
case 'S':
Macro_keyState( (uint8_t)numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ), 0x03 ); // Release scancode
void cliFunc_layerList( char* args )
print( NL );
info_msg("Layer List");
// Iterate through all of the layers and display them
for ( unsigned int layer = 0; layer < LayerNum; layer++ )
print( NL "\t" );
printHex( layer );
print(" - ");
// Display layer name
dPrint( (char*)LayerIndex[ layer ].name );
// Default map
if ( layer == 0 )
print(" \033[1m(default)\033[0m");
// Layer State
print( NL "\t\t Layer State: " );
printHex( LayerIndex[ layer ].state );
// Max Index
print(" Max Index: ");
printHex( LayerIndex[ layer ].max );
void cliFunc_layerState( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
uint8_t arg1 = 0;
uint8_t arg2 = 0;
// Process first two args
for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < 2; c++ )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
switch ( c )
// First argument (e.g. L1)
case 0:
if ( arg1Ptr[0] != 'L' )
arg1 = (uint8_t)numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] );
// Second argument (e.g. 4)
case 1:
arg2 = (uint8_t)numToInt( arg1Ptr );
// Display operation (to indicate that it worked)
print( NL );
info_msg("Setting Layer L");
printInt8( arg1 );
print(" to - ");
printHex( arg2 );
// Set the layer state
LayerIndex[ arg1 ].state = arg2;
void cliFunc_macroDebug( char* args )
// Toggle macro debug mode
macroDebugMode = macroDebugMode ? 0 : 1;
print( NL );
info_msg("Macro Debug Mode: ");
printInt8( macroDebugMode );
void cliFunc_macroList( char* args )
// Show pending key events
print( NL );
info_msg("Pending Key Events: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)macroTriggerListBufferSize );
print(" : ");
for ( uint8_t key = 0; key < macroTriggerListBufferSize; key++ )
printHex( macroTriggerListBuffer[ key ].scanCode );
print(" ");
// Show pending trigger macros
print( NL );
info_msg("Pending Trigger Macros: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize );
print(" : ");
for ( unsigned int macro = 0; macro < macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize; macro++ )
printHex( macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ macro ] );
print(" ");
// Show pending result macros
print( NL );
info_msg("Pending Result Macros: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)macroResultMacroPendingListSize );
print(" : ");
for ( unsigned int macro = 0; macro < macroResultMacroPendingListSize; macro++ )
printHex( macroResultMacroPendingList[ macro ] );
print(" ");
// Show available trigger macro indices
print( NL );
info_msg("Trigger Macros Range: T0 -> T");
printInt16( (uint16_t)TriggerMacroNum - 1 ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Show available result macro indices
print( NL );
info_msg("Result Macros Range: R0 -> R");
printInt16( (uint16_t)ResultMacroNum - 1 ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Show Trigger to Result Macro Links
print( NL );
info_msg("Trigger : Result Macro Pairs");
for ( unsigned int macro = 0; macro < TriggerMacroNum; macro++ )
print( NL );
printInt16( (uint16_t)macro ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
print(" : R");
printInt16( (uint16_t)TriggerMacroList[ macro ].result ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
void cliFunc_macroProc( char* args )
// Toggle macro pause mode
macroPauseMode = macroPauseMode ? 0 : 1;
print( NL );
info_msg("Macro Processing Mode: ");
printInt8( macroPauseMode );
void macroDebugShowTrigger( unsigned int index )
// Only proceed if the macro exists
if ( index >= TriggerMacroNum )
// Trigger Macro Show
TriggerMacro *macro = &TriggerMacroList[ index ];
print( NL );
info_msg("Trigger Macro Index: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)index ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
print( NL );
// Read the comboLength for combo in the sequence (sequence of combos)
unsigned int pos = 0;
uint8_t comboLength = macro->guide[ pos ];
// Iterate through and interpret the guide
while ( comboLength != 0 )
// Initial position of the combo
unsigned int comboPos = ++pos;
// Iterate through the combo
while ( pos < comboLength * TriggerGuideSize + comboPos )
// Assign TriggerGuide element (key type, state and scancode)
TriggerGuide *guide = (TriggerGuide*)(&macro->guide[ pos ]);
// Display guide information about trigger key
printHex( guide->scanCode );
printHex( guide->type );
printHex( guide->state );
// Increment position
pos += TriggerGuideSize;
// Only show combo separator if there are combos left in the sequence element
if ( pos < comboLength * TriggerGuideSize + comboPos )
// Read the next comboLength
comboLength = macro->guide[ pos ];
// Only show sequence separator if there is another combo to process
if ( comboLength != 0 )
// Display current position
print( NL "Position: " );
printInt16( (uint16_t)macro->pos ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Display result macro index
print( NL "Result Macro Index: " );
printInt16( (uint16_t)macro->result ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
void macroDebugShowResult( unsigned int index )
// Only proceed if the macro exists
if ( index >= ResultMacroNum )
// Trigger Macro Show
ResultMacro *macro = &ResultMacroList[ index ];
print( NL );
info_msg("Result Macro Index: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)index ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
print( NL );
// Read the comboLength for combo in the sequence (sequence of combos)
unsigned int pos = 0;
uint8_t comboLength = macro->guide[ pos++ ];
// Iterate through and interpret the guide
while ( comboLength != 0 )
// Function Counter, used to keep track of the combos processed
unsigned int funcCount = 0;
// Iterate through the combo
while ( funcCount < comboLength )
// Assign TriggerGuide element (key type, state and scancode)
ResultGuide *guide = (ResultGuide*)(&macro->guide[ pos ]);
// Display Function Index
printHex( guide->index );
// Display Function Ptr Address
printHex( (unsigned int)CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].func );
// Display/Lookup Capability Name (utilize debug mode of capability)
void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].func);
capability( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 );
// Display Argument(s)
for ( unsigned int arg = 0; arg < CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].argCount; arg++ )
// Arguments are only 8 bit values
printHex( (&guide->args)[ arg ] );
// Only show arg separator if there are args left
if ( arg + 1 < CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].argCount )
// Increment position
pos += ResultGuideSize( guide );
// Increment function count
// Only show combo separator if there are combos left in the sequence element
if ( funcCount < comboLength )
// Read the next comboLength
comboLength = macro->guide[ pos++ ];
// Only show sequence separator if there is another combo to process
if ( comboLength != 0 )
// Display current position
print( NL "Position: " );
printInt16( (uint16_t)macro->pos ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Display final trigger state/type
print( NL "Final Trigger State (State/Type): " );
printHex( macro->state );
printHex( macro->stateType );
void cliFunc_macroShow( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process all args
for ( ;; )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// Ignore invalid codes
switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Indexed Trigger Macro
case 'T':
macroDebugShowTrigger( numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ) );
// Indexed Result Macro
case 'R':
macroDebugShowResult( numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ) );
void cliFunc_macroStep( char* args )
// Parse number from argument
// NOTE: Only first argument is used
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( args, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Default to 1, if no argument given
unsigned int count = (unsigned int)numToInt( arg1Ptr );
if ( count == 0 )
count = 1;
// Set the macro step counter, negative int's are cast to uint
macroStepCounter = count;