#ifndef ROWBASE_H #define ROWBASE_H #include #include #include #include #include /* Instantiation ------------ Example instantiation of a row: RowPort_AVR rowPortF(DDRF, PORTF); ColPort_AVR colPortB(DDRB, PORTB, PINB, 1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<2 | 1<<3 ); ColPort_AVR colPortD(DDRD, PORTD, PIND, 1<<2 | 1<<3 ); ColPort* const ptrsColPorts[] = { &colPortB, &colPortD }; const uint8_t COL_PORTS_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsColPorts)/sizeof(*ptrsColPorts); const PROGMEM Key* const ptrsKeys_0[] = { &k_00, &k_01, &k_02, &k_03, &k_04, &k_05 }; Row row_0(ptrsKeys_0, &rowPortF, 1<<0, ptrsColPorts, COL_PORTS_COUNT); Number of ColPort::colPins should equal number of keys in Row::ptrsKeys array if a pin is missing, a key will be unresposive if a Key pointer is missing, the keyboard will fail in an unprdictable way A keyboard with a faster scan rate is more resposive. Follow these step to tune DELAY_MICROSECONDS for maximum scan rate within debounce times: Initialize DELAY_MICROSECONDS in your sketch: const unsigned int Row::DELAY_MICROSECONDS = 1000; Add this to the sketche's loop() function: keybrd.print_microseconds_per_scan(); Compile and load the sketch into the microcontroller, which will print the actual microseconds_per_scan Incrementaly adjust the DELAY_MICROSECONDS untill the printed microseconds_per_scan is near the switches bounce time A switche's debounce time can be obtained from the switche's datasheet Cherry MX has 5ms bounce time http://www.cherrycorp.com/english/switches/key/mx.htm hasu measured Cherry MX bounce times .3ms to 1.4ms http://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=42385.0 Tactile switch MJTP series bounce 10 ms http://www.apem.com/files/apem/brochures/MJTP_6MM.pdf Optic switches 0 bounce time because optic doesn't bounce Slow-scan trick for debug message that print too fast Keyboard.print(F("debug message")); Change DELAY_MICROSECONDS to a large number like 10000 That way printing debug messages is slowed to a managable rate */ class RowBase { private: Key *const *const ptrsKeys; //array of Key pointers RowPort &refRowPort; //this row's IC port const uint8_t rowPin; //bitwise, 1 indicates IC pin connected to this row ColPort *const *const ptrsColPorts; //array of column ports const uint8_t colPortCount; void scan(const bool activeHigh); uint8_t getRowState(uint16_t& rowEnd, const bool activeHigh); virtual uint8_t debounce(const uint8_t rowState, uint8_t& debounced)=0; //void detectEdge(uint8_t debounced, uint8_t& isFallingEdge, uint8_t& isRisingEdge); void pressRelease(const uint16_t rowEnd, const uint8_t debouncedChanged); virtual void keyWasPressed(); protected: uint8_t previousDebounced; //bitwise, one bit per key public: RowBase( RowPort &refRowPort, const uint8_t rowPin, ColPort *const ptrsColPorts[], const uint8_t colPortCount, Key *const ptrsKeys[]) : ptrsKeys(ptrsKeys), refRowPort(refRowPort), rowPin(rowPin), ptrsColPorts(ptrsColPorts), colPortCount(colPortCount), previousDebounced(0) { } //Key* getPtrKey(uint8_t col) const; todo delete, no longer needed 5/31/16 void process(const bool activeHigh); }; #endif