/* keybrd_3e_sublayerNestedScSc.ino This sketch: is firmware for layout two layers plus one sublayer. runs on the first three columns of a breadboard keyboard | Layout | **0** | **1** | **2** | |:------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | **0** | a - 1 | b = | c Num | | **1** | Alpha | Sym | Enter | */ // ################## GLOBAL ################### // ================= INCLUDES ================== //Keys #include #include #include #include #include #include //Matrix #include #include #include // ============ SPEED CONFIGURATION ============ ScanDelay scanDelay(9000); // ================== SCANNER ================== uint8_t readPins[] = {14, 15, 16}; uint8_t readPinCount = sizeof(readPins)/sizeof(*readPins); Scanner_uC scanner(LOW, readPins, readPinCount); // =================== CODES =================== // ---------------- LAYER GROUP ---------------- enum layerIds { ALPHA, SYM }; LayerState groupState; Code_LayerLock l_normal(ALPHA, groupState); Code_LayerLock l_sym(SYM, groupState); /* groupState manages a layer group delineated by all layers that are in Key_LayeredKeys objects. */ LayerStateInterface& Key_LayeredKeys::refLayerState = groupState; // --------------- LAYER SUBGROUP -------------- enum subLayers { SUBSYM, SUBNUM }; LayerState subgroupState; Code_LayerHold l_num(SUBNUM, subgroupState); /* subgroupState manages a layer group delineated by all layers that are in Key_LayeredScSc objects. */ LayerStateInterface& Key_LayeredScSc::refLayerState = subgroupState; // ---------------- SCAN CODES ----------------- Code_Sc s_a(KEY_A); Code_Sc s_b(KEY_B); Code_Sc s_c(KEY_C); Code_Sc s_minus(KEY_MINUS); Code_Sc s_equal(KEY_EQUAL); Code_Sc s_enter(KEY_ENTER); Code_Sc s_1(KEY_1); /* =================== KEYS ==================== k_sub00 contains codes for sub layers SUBSYM and SUBNUM. k_sub00 gets it's active layer from subgroupState. */ Key_LayeredScSc sub_00(KEY_MINUS, KEY_1); /* k_00 contains code and key for layers ALPHA and SYM. k_00 gets it's active layer from groupState. k_sub00 is nested in layer SYM. */ Key* const ptrsKeys_00[] = { &s_a, &sub_00 }; Key_LayeredKeys k_00(ptrsKeys_00); Key* const ptrsKeys_01[] = { &s_b, &s_equal }; Key_LayeredKeys k_01(ptrsKeys_01); Key* const ptrsKeys_02[] = { &s_c, &l_num }; Key_LayeredKeys k_02(ptrsKeys_02); // =================== ROWS ==================== Key* const ptrsKeys_0[] = { &k_00, &k_01, &k_02 }; uint8_t keyCount_0 = sizeof(ptrsKeys_0)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_0); Row row_0(scanner, 0, ptrsKeys_0, keyCount_0); Key* const ptrsKeys_1[] = { &l_normal, &l_sym, &s_enter }; uint8_t keyCount_1 = sizeof(ptrsKeys_1)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_1); Row row_1(scanner, 1, ptrsKeys_1, keyCount_1); // ################### MAIN #################### void setup() { Keyboard.begin(); } void loop() { row_0.process(); row_1.process(); scanDelay.delay(); }