Teensy 2.0 Pinout Diagram ------------------------- USB is on top in the diagram. Inner columns are pin numbers, outer columns are port+bit pin name. ``` ground GND USB VCC +5v power B0 0 21 F0 B1 1 20 F1 B2 2 19 F4 B3 3 18 F5 B7 4 17 F6 SCL D0 5 16 F7 SDA D1 6 15 B6 D2 7 14 B5 D3 8 13 B4 C6 9 12 D7 C7 10 11 D6 Do not use pin D6 for scanning keyboard matrix LED on pin D6 pulls voltage down and will always return low BOTTOM (USB on top, left to right) PIN# port+bit function 23 D5 VCC 5v power GND ground RST reset 22 D4 MID (below USB, left to right) PIN# port+bit function 24 E6 Ref ``` Teensy pin out with port names is on http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_digital.html Identifying and naming ports is useful when instantiating RowPorts and ColPorts. Keybrd library was tested on Teensy 2.0