Tutorial 10 - writing your own port classes =========================================== Port classes are the keybrd library's interface to I/O expander ports. To write your own port classes: 1. Get a copy of the controller or I/O expander datasheet. 2. Study other keybrd Port classes. For example, the keybrd_DH library use these keybrd classes for its PCA9655E I/O: * PortWrite_PCA9655E * PortRead_PCA9655E * LED_PCA9655E Debugging I/O expander code is hard because SPI or I2C protocol adds a level of indirection. If you haven't written Arduino code for an I/O expander before, learn from an Arduiono I/O expander tutorial before attempting it here.
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keybrd tutorial by Wolfram Volpi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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