#ifndef PORT_PCA9655E_H #define PORT_PCA9655E_H #include #include #include #include /* write pins are connected to matrix Row (strobe pin) or LED. readPins are connected to matrix column to read which keys are pressed. Be careful with the deviceAddr. Table 6 in PCA9655E datasheet lists 8-bit versions of I2C addresses. The Arduino Wire library uses 7-bit addresses throughout, so drop the low bit. For example, I2C address with AD2=GND AD1=SCL AD0=SCL, Table 6 lists 8-bit DEVICE_ADDR = 0x30 (b 00110000) while Arduino uses 7-bit DEVICE_ADDR = 0x18 (b 00011000) http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/WireLibraryDetailedReference Instantiation ------------ Example instantiation: const uint8_t IOE_ADDR = 0x20; //PCA9655E address, all 3 ADDR pins are grounded Port_PCA9655E portB(IOE_ADDR, 1, 0); //all pins are set to output for strobes and LEDs Port_PCA9655E portA(IOE_ADDR, 0, 1<<0 | 1<<1 ); //pin 0 and pin 1 are set to input for reading, //remaining pins can be used for LEDs Diode orientation ---------------- Diode orientation is explained in keybrd_library_user_guide.md > Diode orientation PCA9655E data sheet ---------------- http://www.onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/PCA9655E-D.PDF */ class Port_PCA9655E : public PortInterface { private: const uint8_t deviceAddr; const uint8_t portNum; //port identification number uint8_t outputVal; //bit pattern for strobe and LEDs const uint8_t readPins; //bit pattern, IODIR 0=output, 1=input public: Port_PCA9655E(const uint8_t deviceAddr, const uint8_t portNum, const uint8_t readPins) : deviceAddr(deviceAddr), portNum(portNum), outputVal(0), readPins(readPins) {} void beginProtocol(); void begin(const uint8_t strobeOn); virtual void setLow(const uint8_t pin); virtual void setHigh(const uint8_t pin); virtual uint8_t read(); }; #endif