Tutorial 3f - autoShift ======================= Some multi-layer keyboards have a symbols layer that writes symbols without using the shift key: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * () _ {} | < > : ? The keybrd AutoShift class automatically sends a MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT scancode as needed. Two keybrd classes use AutoShift: * Code_ScS * Code_ScNS The [keybrd_3f_autoShift.ino](keybrd_3f_autoShift/keybrd_3f_autoShift.ino) sketch explains the AutoShift feature. It will run on the basic breadboard keyboard described in [tutorial_1_breadboard_keyboard.md](tutorial_1_breadboard_keyboard.md). After reading the sketch you too will be able to automatically shifted characters. ![basic breadboard keyboard](keybrd_1_breadboard/breadboard_keyboard_2x2.JPG "basic breadboard keyboard") Exercises --------- 1) Modify the keybrd_3f_autoShift sketch to make a 3-layer keyboard with a default layer and two Code_LayerHold objects. | Layout | **0** | **1** | |:------:|:-----:|:-----:| | **0** | a ! 1 | b @ 2 | | **1** | sym | num | 2) Modify the keybrd_3f_autoShift sketch to write 1 and 2, regardless of if shift is held down or not (hint: use Code_ScNS). | Layout | **0** | **1** | |:------:|-------|-------| | **0** | a 1 | b 2 | | **1** | fn | shift |
Creative Commons License
keybrd tutorial by Wolfram Volpi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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