/* unit test for PortMCP23S17 Picture of hardware is in unit_tests/PortMCP23S17_read/PortMCP23S17_bb.JPG The setup is an MCP23S17 I/O expander on a Teensy LC controller. MCP23S17 port-B pins are alternately grounded and energized. portBState is a bitwise reading of port B. output is: 10101010 */ #include "PortIOE.h" #include "PortMCP23S17.h" const uint8_t PortIOE::DEVICE_ADDR = 0x20; //MCP23S17 address, all 3 ADDR pins are grounded PortIOE portB(1); PortMCP23S17 portBRead(portB, ~0); void setup() { uint8_t portBState; //bit pattern delay(6000); portBRead.begin(HIGH); //HIGH or LOW, not matter portBState = portBRead.read(); Keyboard.print("portBState = "); Keyboard.println(portBState, BIN); //prints 10101010 } void loop() { }