keybrd library is an open source library for creating custom-keyboard firmware.
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wolfv6 256a247011 document 7 years ago
Code.h reword documentation - bitwise to bit pattern or bits 7 years ago
Code_AutoShift.cpp initial commit keybrd version 0.3.0 8 years ago
Code_AutoShift.h move Debug variables to static 7 years ago
Code_LEDLock.cpp rename LED LEDInterface 7 years ago
Code_LEDLock.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Code_LayerHold.cpp rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
Code_LayerHold.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Code_LayerHoldShift.cpp Code_LayerHoldShift and tutorials/keybrd_3g_shift_pairings/keybrd_3g_shift_pairings.ino 7 years ago
Code_LayerHoldShift.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Code_LayerLock.cpp rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
Code_LayerLock.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Code_Null.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Code_Sc.cpp initial commit keybrd version 0.3.0 8 years ago
Code_Sc.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Code_ScNS.cpp initial commit keybrd version 0.3.0 8 years ago
Code_ScNS.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Code_ScS.cpp initial commit keybrd version 0.3.0 8 years ago
Code_ScS.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Code_Shift.cpp initial commit keybrd version 0.3.0 8 years ago
Code_Shift.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
DebouncerInterface.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Debouncer_Not.cpp reword documentation - bitwise to bit pattern or bits 7 years ago
Debouncer_Not.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Debouncer_Samples.cpp rename #define SAMPLE_COUNT_MACRO to const SAMPLE_COUNT 7 years ago
Debouncer_Samples.h rename #define SAMPLE_COUNT_MACRO to const SAMPLE_COUNT 7 years ago
Debug.cpp rename LED LEDInterface 7 years ago
Debug.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Key.h update sketches 7 years ago
Key_LayeredCodeSc.cpp rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
Key_LayeredCodeSc.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Key_LayeredCodeScBase.cpp rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
Key_LayeredCodeScBase.h rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
Key_LayeredKeys.cpp add Key_LayeredKeysBase and Key_LayeredKeys1 7 years ago
Key_LayeredKeys.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Key_LayeredKeys1.cpp add Key_LayeredKeysBase and Key_LayeredKeys1 7 years ago
Key_LayeredKeys1.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Key_LayeredKeysBase.cpp add Key_LayeredKeysBase and Key_LayeredKeys1 7 years ago
Key_LayeredKeysBase.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Key_LayeredScSc.cpp rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
Key_LayeredScSc.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Key_LayeredScScBase.cpp rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
Key_LayeredScScBase.h rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
LEDInterface.h rename LED LEDInterface 7 years ago
LED_Port.cpp rename setHigh() setLow() to writeHigh() writeLow() 7 years ago
LED_Port.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
LED_PortOpenDrain.cpp rename keybrd_MCP23018.ino to keybrd_MCP23017.ino, works on both MCP23017 and MCP23018 7 years ago
LED_PortOpenDrain.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
LED_uC.cpp move IOE_scan_development and unit_tests to examples, add examples/IOE_PCA9655E_development/ 7 years ago
LED_uC.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
LayerState.cpp add layers and LEDs to keybrd_5b_LED_on_IOE.ino 7 years ago
LayerState.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
LayerStateInterface.h document 8 years ago
LayerState_LED.cpp rename layer to layerId 7 years ago
LayerState_LED.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
PortInterface.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
PortWriteInterface.h rename setHigh() setLow() to writeHigh() writeLow() 7 years ago
Port_MCP23S17.cpp change Port_MCP23S17, add slaveSelect to constructor parameter 7 years ago
Port_MCP23S17.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Port_MCP23S18.h add Port_MCP23S18 7 years ago
Port_MCP23017.cpp document 7 years ago
Port_MCP23017.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Port_MCP23018.h add Port_MCP23S18 7 years ago
Port_PCA9655E.cpp rename setHigh() setLow() to writeHigh() writeLow() 7 years ago
Port_PCA9655E.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Port_ShiftRegs.cpp rename setHigh() setLow() to writeHigh() writeLow() 7 years ago
Port_ShiftRegs.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Row.cpp run AStyle 7 years ago
Row.h document 7 years ago
ScanDelay.cpp delete RowDelay, replace with scanDelay in loop() 7 years ago
ScanDelay.h rename #define SAMPLE_COUNT_MACRO to const SAMPLE_COUNT 7 years ago
ScannerInterface.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Scanner_IOE.cpp rename setHigh() setLow() to writeHigh() writeLow() 7 years ago
Scanner_IOE.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Scanner_ShiftRegsRead.cpp document 7 years ago
Scanner_ShiftRegsRead.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Scanner_ShiftRegsReadStrobed.cpp move IOE_scan_development and unit_tests to examples, add examples/IOE_PCA9655E_development/ 7 years ago
Scanner_ShiftRegsReadStrobed.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
Scanner_uC.cpp document 7 years ago
Scanner_uC.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
config_keybrd.h rename #define SAMPLE_COUNT_MACRO to const SAMPLE_COUNT 7 years ago
instantiations_scancode.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago
instantiations_scancodeNotShifted.h in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes 7 years ago