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KLL Compiler Re-Write This was many months of efforts in re-designing how the KLL compiler should work. The major problem with the original compiler was how difficult it was to extend language wise. This lead to many delays in KLL 0.4 and 0.5 being implemented. The new design is a multi-staged compiler, where even tokenization occurs over multiple stages. This allows individual parsing and token regexes to be expressed more simply without affect other expressions. Another area of change is the concept of Contexts. In the original KLL compiler the idea of a cache assigned was "hacked" on when I realized the language was "broken" (after nearly finishing the compiler). Since assignment order is generally considered not to matter for keymappings, I created a "cached" assignment where the whole file is read into a sub-datastructure, then apply to the master datastructure. Unfortunately, this wasn't really all that clear, so it was annoying to work with. To remedy this, I created KLL Contexts, which contain information about a group of expressions. Not only can these groups can be merged with other Contexts, they have historical data about how they were generated allowing for errors very late in processing to be pin-pointed back to the offending kll file. Backends work nearly the same as they did before. However, all call-backs for capability evaluations have been removed. This makes the interface much cleaner as Contexts can only be symbolically merged now. (Previously datastructures did evaluation merges where the ScanCode or Capability was looked up right before passing to the backend, but this required additional information from the backend). Many of the old parsing and tokenization rules have been reused, along with the code. The new design takes advantage of processor pools to handle multithreading where it makes sense. For example, all specified files are loaded into ram simulatenously rather than sparingly reading from. The reason for this is so that each Context always has all the information it requires at all times. kll - Program entry point (previously - Very small now, does some setting up of command-line args - Most command-line args are specified by the corresponding processing stage common/ - Pixel Channel container classes common/ - Context container classes - As is usual with other files, blank classes inherit a base class - These blank classes are identified by the class name itself to handle special behaviour - And if/when necessary functions are re-implemented - MergeConext class facilitates merging of contexts while maintaining lineage common/ - Expression container classes * Expression base class * AssignmentExpression * NameAssociationExpression * DataAssociationExpression * MapExpression - These classes are used to store expressions after they have finished parsing and tokenization common/ - Container class for files being read by the KLL compiler common/ - Base class for all KLL emitters - TextEmitter for dealing with text file templates common/ - Slightly modified version of kll_lib/ common/ - Identification container classes - Used to indentify different types of elements used within the KLL language common/ - Container classes for animation and pixel change functions common/ - Data structure merging container classes - Contains all the sub-datastructure classes as well - The Organization class handles the merge orchestration and expression insertion common/ - Parsing rules for funcparserlib - Much of this file was taken from the original - Many changes to support the multi-stage processing and support KLL 0.5 common/ - Container class dealing with physical positions common/ - Container class dealing with scheduling and timing events common/ - Contains ControlStage and main Stage classes * CompilerConfigurationStage * FileImportStage * PreprocessorStage * OperationClassificationStage * OperationSpecificsStage * OperationOrganizationStage * DataOrganziationStage * DataFinalizationStage * DataAnalysisStage * CodeGenerationStage * ReportGenerationStage - Each of these classes controls the life-cycle of each stage - If multi-threading is desired, it must be handled within the class * The next stage will not start until the current stage is finished - Errors are handled such that as many errors as possible are recorded before forcing an exit * The exit is handled at the end of each stage if necessary - Command-line arguments for each stage can be defined if necessary (they are given their own grouping) - Each stage can pull variables and functions from other stages if necessary using a name lookup * This means you don't have to worry about over-arching datastructures emitters/ - Container class for KLL emitters - Handles emitter setup and selection emitters/kiibohd/ - kiibohd .h file KLL emitter - Re-uses some backend code from the original KLL compiler funcparserlib/ - Added debug mode control examples/assignment.kll examples/defaultMapExample.kll examples/example.kll examples/hhkbpro2.kll examples/leds.kll examples/mapping.kll examples/simple1.kll examples/simple2.kll examples/simpleExample.kll examples/state_scheduling.kll - Updating/Adding rules for new compiler and KLL 0.4 + KLL 0.5 support
2016-09-02 06:48:13 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
KLL Data Organization
# Copyright (C) 2016 by Jacob Alexander
# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this file. If not, see <>.
### Imports ###
import re
### Decorators ###
## Print Decorator Variables
ERROR = '\033[5;1;31mERROR\033[0m:'
WARNING = '\033[5;1;33mWARNING\033[0m:'
ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m')
### Classes ###
class Data:
Base class for KLL datastructures
# Debug output formatters
debug_output = {
'add' : "\t\033[1;42;37m++\033[0m\033[1mADD KEY\033[1;42;37m++\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'app' : "\t\033[1;45;37m**\033[0m\033[1mAPP KEY\033[1;45;37m**\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'mod' : "\t\033[1;44;37m##\033[0m\033[1mMOD KEY\033[1;44;37m##\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'rem' : "\t\033[1;41;37m--\033[0m\033[1mREM KEY\033[1;41;37m--\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'drp' : "\t\033[1;43;37m@@\033[0m\033[1mDRP KEY\033[1;43;37m@@\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'dup' : "\t\033[1;46;37m!!\033[0m\033[1mDUP KEY\033[1;46;37m!!\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
def __init__( self, parent ):
Initialize datastructure
@param parent: Parent organization, used to query data from other datastructures
''' = {}
self.parent = parent
def add_expression( self, expression, debug ):
Add expression to data structure
May have multiple keys to add for a given expression
@param expression: KLL Expression (fully tokenized and parsed)
@param debug: Enable debug output
# Lookup unique keys for expression
keys = expression.unique_keys()
# Add/Modify expressions in datastructure
for key, uniq_expr in keys:
# Check which operation we are trying to do, add or modify
if debug[0]:
if key in
output = self.debug_output['mod'].format( key )
output = self.debug_output['add'].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )[ key ] = uniq_expr
def merge( self, merge_in, debug ):
Merge in the given datastructure to this datastructure
This datastructure serves as the base.
@param merge_in: Data structure from another organization to merge into this one
@param debug: Enable debug out
# The default case is just to add the expression in directly
for key, kll_expression in
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
self.add_expression( kll_expression, debug )
def reduction( self ):
Simplifies datastructure
Most of the datastructures don't have a reduction. Just do nothing in this case.
def elem_str( self, key, single=False ):
Debug output for a single element
@param key: Index to datastructure
@param single: Setting to True will bold the key
if single:
return "\033[1;33m{0: <20}\033[0m \033[1;36;41m>\033[0m {1}\n".format( key,[ key ] )
return "{0: <20} \033[1;36;41m>\033[0m {1}\n".format( key,[ key ] )
def __repr__( self ):
output = ""
# Display sorted list of keys, along with the internal value
for key in sorted( ):
output += self.elem_str( key )
return output
class MappingData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for data mapping
ScanCode trigger -> result
USBCode trigger -> result
Animation trigger -> result
def add_expression( self, expression, debug ):
Add expression to data structure
May have multiple keys to add for a given expression
Map expressions insert into the datastructure according to their operator.
: Add/Modify
:+ Append
:- Remove
:: Lazy Add/Modify
i: Add/Modify
i:+ Append
i:- Remove
i:: Lazy Add/Modify
The i or isolation operators are stored separately from the main ones.
Each key is pre-pended with an i
The :: or lazy operators act just like : operators, except that they will be ignore if the evaluation
merge cannot resolve a ScanCode.
@param expression: KLL Expression (fully tokenized and parsed)
@param debug: Enable debug output
# Lookup unique keys for expression
keys = expression.unique_keys()
# Add/Modify expressions in datastructure
for key, uniq_expr in keys:
# Determine which the expression operator
operator = expression.operator
# Except for the : operator, all others have delayed action
# Meaning, they change behaviour depending on how Contexts are merged
# This means we can't simplify yet
# In addition, :+ and :- are stackable, which means each key has a list of expressions
# We append the operator to differentiate between the different types of delayed operations
key = "{0}{1}".format( operator, key )
# Determine if key exists already
exists = key in
# Add/Modify
if operator in [':', '::', 'i:', 'i::']:
debug_tag = exists and 'mod' or 'add'
# Append/Remove
# Check to make sure we haven't already appended expression
# Use the string representation to do the comparison (general purpose)
if exists and "{0}".format( uniq_expr ) in [ "{0}".format( elem ) for elem in[ key ] ]:
debug_tag = 'dup'
# Append
elif operator in [':+', 'i:+']:
debug_tag = 'app'
# Remove
debug_tag = 'rem'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Don't append if a duplicate
if debug_tag == 'dup':
# Append, rather than replace
if operator in [':+', ':-', 'i:+', 'i:-']:
if exists:[ key ].append( uniq_expr )
# Create initial list
else:[ key ] = [ uniq_expr ]
else:[ key ] = [ uniq_expr ]
def set_interconnect_id( self, interconnect_id, triggers ):
Traverses the sequence of combo of identifiers to set the interconnect_id
for sequence in triggers:
for combo in sequence:
for identifier in combo:
identifier.interconnect_id = interconnect_id
def merge( self, merge_in, debug ):
Merge in the given datastructure to this datastructure
This datastructure serves as the base.
Map expressions merge differently than insertions.
: Add/Modify - Replace
:+ Append - Add
:- Remove - Remove
:: Lazy Add/Modify - Replace if found, otherwise drop
i: Add/Modify - Replace
i:+ Append - Add
i:- Remove - Remove
i:: Lazy Add/Modify - Replace if found, otherwise drop
@param merge_in: Data structure from another organization to merge into this one
@param debug: Enable debug out
# Check what the current interconnectId is
# If not set, we set to 0 (default)
# We use this to calculate the scancode during the DataAnalysisStage
interconnect_id = 0
if 'interconnectId' in
interconnect_id =['interconnectId']
# Sort different types of keys
cur_keys =
# Lazy Set ::
lazy_keys = [ key for key in cur_keys if key[0:2] == '::' or key[0:3] == 'i::' ]
cur_keys = list( set( cur_keys ) - set( lazy_keys ) )
# Append :+
append_keys = [ key for key in cur_keys if key[0:2] == ':+' or key[0:3] == 'i:+' ]
cur_keys = list( set( cur_keys ) - set( append_keys ) )
# Remove :-
remove_keys = [ key for key in cur_keys if key[0:2] == ':-' or key[0:3] == 'i:-' ]
cur_keys = list( set( cur_keys ) - set( remove_keys ) )
# Set :
# Everything left is just a set
set_keys = cur_keys
# First process the :: (or lazy) operators
# We need to read into this datastructure and apply those first
# Otherwise we may get undesired behaviour
for key in lazy_keys:
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
# Construct target key
target_key = key[0] == 'i' and "i{0}".format( key[2:] ) or key[1:]
# If target key exists, replace
if target_key in
debug_tag = 'mod'
debug_tag = 'drp'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Only replace
if debug_tag == 'mod':[ target_key ] =[ key ]
# Then apply : assignment operators
for key in set_keys:
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
# Construct target key
target_key = key
# Indicate if add or modify
if target_key in
debug_tag = 'mod'
debug_tag = 'add'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Set into new datastructure regardless[ target_key ] =[ key ]
# Only the : is used to set ScanCodes
# We need to set the interconnect_id just in case the base context has it set
# and in turn influence the new context as well
# This must be done during the merge
for elem in[ target_key ]:
if elem.type == 'ScanCode':
self.set_interconnect_id( interconnect_id, elem.triggers )
# Now apply append operations
for key in append_keys:
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
# Construct target key
target_key = key[0] == 'i' and "i:{0}".format( key[3:] ) or ":{0}".format( key[2:] )
# Alwyays appending
debug_tag = 'app'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Extend list if it exists
if target_key in[ target_key ].extend([ key ] )
else:[ target_key ] =[ key ]
# Finally apply removal operations to this datastructure
# If the target removal doesn't exist, ignore silently (show debug message)
for key in remove_keys:
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
# Construct target key
target_key = key[0] == 'i' and "i:{0}".format( key[3:] ) or ":{0}".format( key[2:] )
# Drop right away if target datastructure doesn't have target key
if target_key not in
debug_tag = 'drp'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Compare expressions to be removed with the current set
# Use strings to compare
remove_expressions = [ "{0}".format( expr ) for expr in[ key ] ]
current_expressions = [ ( "{0}".format( expr ), expr ) for expr in[ target_key ] ]
for string, expr in current_expressions:
debug_tag = 'drp'
# Check if an expression matches
if string in remove_expressions:
debug_tag = 'rem'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Remove if found
if debug_tag == 'rem':[ target_key ] = [ value for value in if value != expr ]
def reduction( self ):
Simplifies datastructure
Used to replace all trigger HIDCode(USBCode)s with ScanCodes
NOTE: Make sure to create a new MergeContext before calling this as you lose data and prior context
scan_code_lookup = {}
# Build dictionary of single ScanCodes first
for key, expr in
if expr[0].elems()[0] == 1 and expr[0].triggers[0][0][0].type == 'ScanCode':
scan_code_lookup[ key ] = expr
# Using this dictionary, replace all the trigger USB codes
new_data = copy.copy( scan_code_lookup )
# 1) Single USB Codes trigger results will replace the original ScanCode result
# 2)
print( scan_code_lookup )
class AnimationData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Animation configuration
Animation -> modifiers
class AnimationFrameData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Animation Frame configuration
Animation -> Pixel Settings
class CapabilityData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Capability mapping
Capability -> C Function/Identifier
class DefineData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Define mapping
Variable -> C Define/Identifier
class PixelChannelData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Pixel Channel mapping
Pixel -> Channels
class PixelPositionData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Pixel Position mapping
Pixel -> Physical Location
class ScanCodePositionData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for ScanCode Position mapping
ScanCode -> Physical Location
class VariableData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Variables and Arrays
Variable -> Data
Array -> Data
class Organization:
Container class for KLL datastructures
The purpose of these datastructures is to symbolically store at first, and slowly solve/deduplicate expressions.
Since the order in which the merges occurs matters, this involves a number of intermediate steps.
def __init__( self ):
Intialize data structure
# Setup each of the internal sub-datastructures
self.animation_data = AnimationData( self )
self.animation_frame_data = AnimationFrameData( self )
self.capability_data = CapabilityData( self )
self.define_data = DefineData( self )
self.mapping_data = MappingData( self )
self.pixel_channel_data = PixelChannelData( self )
self.pixel_position_data = PixelPositionData( self )
self.scan_code_position_data = ScanCodePositionData( self )
self.variable_data = VariableData( self )
# Expression to Datastructure mapping
self.data_mapping = {
'AssignmentExpression' : {
'Array' : self.variable_data,
'Variable' : self.variable_data,
'DataAssociationExpression' : {
'Animation' : self.animation_data,
'AnimationFrame' : self.animation_frame_data,
'PixelPosition' : self.pixel_position_data,
'ScanCodePosition' : self.scan_code_position_data,
'MapExpression' : {
'ScanCode' : self.mapping_data,
'USBCode' : self.mapping_data,
'Animation' : self.mapping_data,
'PixelChannel' : self.pixel_channel_data,
'NameAssociationExpression' : {
'Capability' : self.capability_data,
'Define' : self.define_data,
def stores( self ):
Returns list of sub-datastructures
return [
def add_expression( self, expression, debug ):
Add expression to datastructure
Will automatically determine which type of expression and place in the relevant store
@param expression: KLL Expression (fully tokenized and parsed)
@param debug: Enable debug output
# Determine type of of Expression
expression_type = expression.__class__.__name__
# Determine Expression Subtype
expression_subtype = expression.type
# Locate datastructure
data = self.data_mapping[ expression_type ][ expression_subtype ]
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = "\t\033[4m{0}\033[0m".format( data.__class__.__name__ )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Add expression to determined datastructure
data.add_expression( expression, debug )
def merge( self, merge_in, debug ):
Merge in the given organization to this organization
This organization serves as the base.
@param merge_in: Organization to merge into this one
@param debug: Enable debug out
# Merge each of the sub-datastructures
for this, that in zip( self.stores(), merge_in.stores() ):
this.merge( that, debug )
def reduction( self ):
Simplifies datastructure
NOTE: This will remove data, therefore, context is lost
for store in self.stores():
def __repr__( self ):
return "{0}".format( self.stores() )