
kll compiler now working!

- Basic ScanCode to USBCode mapping now generating for the kiibohd controller
- Small fix to template
- Backend
- Macro correlation and transformation

- More testing
- Analog support
- LED support
- Layer support (only supports default layer currently)
This commit is contained in:
Jacob Alexander 2014-09-06 20:56:46 -07:00
parent a005ad49ad
commit 81231a708e
5 changed files with 242 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Backend:
# Processes content for fill tags and does any needed dataset calculations
def process( self, capabilities ):
def process( self, capabilities, macros ):
## Capabilities ##
self.fill_dict['CapabilitiesList'] = "const Capability CapabilitiesList[] = {\n"
@ -78,10 +78,154 @@ class Backend:
self.fill_dict['CapabilitiesList'] += "};"
print( self.fill_dict['CapabilitiesList'] )
## Results Macros ##
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] = ""
# Iterate through each of the result macros
for result in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted ) ):
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "Guide_RM( {0} ) = {{ ".format( result )
# Add the result macro capability index guide (including capability arguments)
# See kiibohd controller Macros/PartialMap/kll.h for exact formatting details
for sequence in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ] ) ):
# For each combo in the sequence, add the length of the combo
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "{0}, ".format( len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ][ sequence ] ) )
# For each combo, add each of the capabilities used and their arguments
for combo in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ][ sequence ] ) ):
resultItem = macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ][ sequence ][ combo ]
# Add the capability index
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "{0}, ".format( capabilities.getIndex( resultItem[0] ) )
# Add each of the arguments of the capability
for arg in range( 0, len( resultItem[1] ) ):
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "0x{0:02X}, ".format( resultItem[1][ arg ] )
# Add list ending 0 and end of list
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "0 };\n"
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] = self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'][:-1] # Remove last newline
## Result Macro List ##
self.fill_dict['ResultMacroList'] = "ResultMacro ResultMacroList[] = {\n"
# Iterate through each of the result macros
for result in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted ) ):
self.fill_dict['ResultMacroList'] += "\tDefine_RM( {0} ),\n".format( result )
self.fill_dict['ResultMacroList'] += "};"
## Trigger Macros ##
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] = ""
# Iterate through each of the trigger macros
for trigger in range( 0, len( macros.triggersIndexSorted ) ):
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] += "Guide_TM( {0} ) = {{ ".format( trigger )
# Add the trigger macro scan code guide
# See kiibohd controller Macros/PartialMap/kll.h for exact formatting details
for sequence in range( 0, len( macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][ 0 ] ) ):
# For each combo in the sequence, add the length of the combo
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] += "{0}, ".format( len( macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][0][ sequence ] ) )
# For each combo, add the key type, key state and scan code
for combo in range( 0, len( macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][ 0 ][ sequence ] ) ):
triggerItem = macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][ 0 ][ sequence ][ combo ]
# TODO Add support for Analog keys
# TODO Add support for LED states
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] += "0x00, 0x01, 0x{0:02X}, ".format( triggerItem )
# Add list ending 0 and end of list
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] += "0 };\n"
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] = self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'][ :-1 ] # Remove last newline
## Trigger Macro List ##
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacroList'] = "TriggerMacro TriggerMacroList[] = {\n"
# Iterate through each of the trigger macros
for trigger in range( 0, len( macros.triggersIndexSorted ) ):
# Use TriggerMacro Index, and the corresponding ResultMacro Index
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacroList'] += "\tDefine_TM( {0}, {1} ),\n".format( trigger, macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][1] )
self.fill_dict['TriggerMacroList'] += "};"
## Max Scan Code ##
self.fill_dict['MaxScanCode'] = "#define MaxScanCode 0x{0:X}".format( macros.overallMaxScanCode )
## Default Layer and Default Layer Scan Map ##
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] = ""
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] = "const unsigned int *default_scanMap[] = {\n"
# Iterate over triggerList and generate a C trigger array for the default map and default map array
for triggerList in range( 0, len( macros.triggerList[ 0 ] ) ):
# Generate ScanCode index and triggerList length
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] += "Define_TL( default, 0x{0:02X} ) = {{ {1}".format( triggerList, len( macros.triggerList[ 0 ][ triggerList ] ) )
# Add scanCode trigger list to Default Layer Scan Map
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] += "default_tl_0x{0:02X}, ".format( triggerList )
# Add each item of the trigger list
for trigger in macros.triggerList[ 0 ][ triggerList ]:
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] += ", {0}".format( trigger )
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] += " };\n"
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] = self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'][:-1] # Remove last newline
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] = self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'][:-2] # Remove last comma and space
self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] += "\n};"
#print( self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] )
#print( self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] )
## Partial Layers ##
self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] = ""
#print( self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] )
## Partial Layer Scan Maps ##
self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] = ""
#print( self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] )
## Layer Index List ##
self.fill_dict['LayerIndexList'] = "Layer LayerIndex[] = {\n"
# Iterate over each layer, adding it to the list
for layer in range( 0, len( macros.triggerList ) ):
# Default map is a special case, always the first index
if layer == 0:
self.fill_dict['LayerIndexList'] += '\tLayer_IN( default_scanMap, "DefaultMap" ),\n'
# TODO Partial Layer
self.fill_dict['LayerIndexList'] += "};"
#print( self.fill_dict['LayerIndexList'] )
# Generates the output keymap with fill tags filled
def generate( self, filepath ):
print("My path: {0}".format( filepath) )
# Process each line of the template, outputting to the target path
with open( filepath, 'w' ) as outputFile:
with open( self.templatePath, 'r' ) as templateFile:
for line in templateFile:
# TODO Support multiple replacements per line
# TODO Support replacement with other text inline
match = re.findall( '<\|([^|>]+)\|>', line )
# If match, replace with processed variable
if match:
outputFile.write( self.fill_dict[ match[ 0 ] ] )
# Otherwise, just append template to output file
outputFile.write( line )

View File

@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ S[ 0x7 - 0x9 ] : U"6";
S[ 0x7 - 0x9 ], S[0x2,0x3] : U"6";
S[ 0x2 - 0x9, 0x10 ] :+ U"r";
S0x0B :- U["Esc"];
S127 + S128 : U"0";

View File

@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ def eval_usbCode( triggers, operator, results ):
elif operator == ":":
macros_map.replaceScanCode( scanCode, result )
#print ( triggers )
print ( triggers )
print ( results )
def eval_variable( name, content ):
@ -541,12 +541,17 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print ( pformat( tokenSequence ) ) # Display tokenization
tree = parse( tokenSequence )
#print ( tree )
print ( variable_dict )
print ( capabilities_dict )
#print ( variable_dict )
#print ( capabilities_dict )
# TODO Move
#macros_map.usbCodeToCapability( backend.usbCodeCapability() )
backend.process( capabilities_dict )
# Do macro correlation and transformation
# Process needed templating variables using backend
backend.process( capabilities_dict, macros_map )
# Generate output file using template and backend
backend.generate( output )
# Successful Execution
sys.exit( 0 )

View File

@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ class Capabilities:
totalBytes = 0
# Iterate over the arguments, summing the total bytes
for arg in self.capabilities[ name ][1]:
totalBytes += int( arg[1] )
for arg in self.capabilities[ name ][ 1 ]:
totalBytes += int( arg[ 1 ] )
return totalBytes
# Name of the capability function
def funcName( self, name ):
return self.capabilities[ name ][0]
return self.capabilities[ name ][ 0 ]
# Only valid while dictionary keys are not added/removed
@ -86,6 +86,14 @@ class Macros:
# Macro Storage
self.macros = [ dict() ]
# Correlated Macro Data
self.resultsIndex = dict()
self.triggersIndex = dict()
self.resultsIndexSorted = []
self.triggersIndexSorted = []
self.triggerList = []
self.maxScanCode = []
def __repr__( self ):
return "{0}".format( self.macros )
@ -121,3 +129,73 @@ class Macros:
return scanCodeList
# Generate/Correlate Layers
def generate( self ):
# Generates Index of Results and Triggers
def generateIndices( self ):
# Iterate over every trigger result, and add to the resultsIndex and triggersIndex
for layer in range( 0, len( self.macros ) ):
for trigger in self.macros[ layer ].keys():
# Each trigger has a list of results
for result in self.macros[ layer ][ trigger ]:
# Only add, with an index, if result hasn't been added yet
if not result in self.resultsIndex:
self.resultsIndex[ result ] = len( self.resultsIndex )
# Then add a trigger for each result, if trigger hasn't been added yet
triggerItem = tuple( [ trigger, self.resultsIndex[ result ] ] )
if not triggerItem in self.triggersIndex:
self.triggersIndex[ triggerItem ] = len( self.triggersIndex )
# Sort Index Lists using the indices rather than triggers/results
def sortIndexLists( self ):
self.resultsIndexSorted = [ None ] * len( self.resultsIndex )
# Iterate over the resultsIndex and sort by index
for result in self.resultsIndex.keys():
self.resultsIndexSorted[ self.resultsIndex[ result ] ] = result
self.triggersIndexSorted = [ None ] * len( self.triggersIndex )
# Iterate over the triggersIndex and sort by index
for trigger in self.triggersIndex.keys():
self.triggersIndexSorted[ self.triggersIndex[ trigger ] ] = trigger
# Generates Trigger Lists per layer using index lists
def generateTriggerLists( self ):
for layer in range( 0, len( self.macros ) ):
# Set max scancode to 0xFF (255)
# But keep track of the actual max scancode and reduce the list size
self.triggerList.append( [ [] ] * 0xFF )
self.maxScanCode.append( 0x00 )
# Iterate through triggersIndex to locate necessary ScanCodes and corresponding triggerIndex
for triggerItem in self.triggersIndex.keys():
# Iterate over the trigger portion of the triggerItem (other part is the index)
for sequence in triggerItem[ 0 ]:
for combo in sequence:
# Append triggerIndex for each found scanCode of the Trigger List
# Do not re-add if triggerIndex is already in the Trigger List
if not triggerItem[1] in self.triggerList[ layer ][ combo ]:
# Append is working strangely with list pre-initialization
# Doing a 0 check replacement instead -HaaTa
if len( self.triggerList[ layer ][ combo ] ) == 0:
self.triggerList[ layer ][ combo ] = [ triggerItem[ 1 ] ]
self.triggerList[ layer ][ combo ].append( triggerItem[1] )
# Look for max Scan Code
if combo > self.maxScanCode[ layer ]:
self.maxScanCode[ layer ] = combo
# Shrink triggerList to actual max size
self.triggerList[ layer ] = self.triggerList[ layer ][ : self.maxScanCode[ layer ] + 1 ]
# Determine overall maxScanCode
self.overallMaxScanCode = 0x00
for maxVal in self.maxScanCode:
if maxVal > self.overallMaxScanCode:
self.overallMaxScanCode = maxVal

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
// - Should be corollated with the max scan code in the scan module
// - Maximum value is 0x100 (0x0 to 0xFF)
// - Increasing it beyond the keyboard's capabilities is just a waste of ram...
#define MaxScanCode <MaxScanCode>
#define MaxScanCode <|MaxScanCode|>
// -- Trigger Lists
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
// - Default Map for ScanCode Lookup -
// - Partial Layer ScanCode Lookup Maps -