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First pass at parsing rules for KLL 0.5

Jacob Alexander 8 years ago
2 changed files with 559 additions and 294 deletions
  1. 50
  2. 509

+ 50
- 0
examples/leds.kll View File

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Name = leds;
Author = "HaaTa (Jacob Alexander) 2016";
KLL = 0.5;
mydefine = "stuffs here";
mydefine2 = '"stuffs here"'; # For outputting c define strings
mynumber = 414;

# Array variables
myarray[] = elem0 elem1 "elem 2";
myarray[4] = test;

# Key Positioning
S120 <= x:20, rx:15;
S121 <= x:20, y:10, z:2, rx:15, ry:12, rz:39;

# Pixel Positioning
P[20] <= x:20, rx:15;
P[21] <= x:20, y:10, z:2, rx:15, ry:12, rz:39;

# Pixel Channel Mapping
P[5](4:8, 5:8, 12:8) : None;
P[4](3:8) : S0x31;
P[12](40:8, 50:8, 120:8) : S59;

# Animation
A[BLEEdsing] <= loop:3,frame:2;
A[BLEEdsing2] <= loop,div:2;

# Animation Frames
A[BLEEdsing, 0] <= P[4](+32);
A[BLEEdsing, 1] <= P[4](42);
A[BLEEdsing, 2] <= P[4](-12);
A[BLEEdsing, 3] <= P[4](-:32);
A[BLEEdsing, 4] <= P[4](+:400);
A[BLEEdsing, 5] <= P[4](<<2);
A[BLEEdsing, 6] <= P[4](>>1);

A[BLEEdsing2, 0] <= PL[0](127, 30, 40), P[5](20, 30, 40);
A[BLEEdsing2, 1] <= P[1-20,40](40,50,0x60);

# Animation Triggers
myCapability => myFunc( myArg1 : 1, myArg2 : 4 );
A[BLEEdsing, 3] : myCapability( 0x8, 0x25 );
A[BLEEdsing2] : myCapability( 0x8, 0x25 );

# Animation Results
U0x40 : A[BLEEdsing];
S0x41 : A[BLEEdsing](loop:2);
S0x43 : PL[0](0xFF,0xFF,244), P[1-3](20,40,60);

+ 509
- 294 View File

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# KLL Compiler
# Keyboard Layout Langauge
# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 by Jacob Alexander
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by Jacob Alexander
# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def processCommandLineArgs():
pArgs.add_argument( '-b', '--backend', type=str, default="kiibohd",
help="Specify target backend for the KLL compiler.\n"
"Default: kiibohd\n"
"Options: kiibohd, json" )
"Options: kiibohd" )
pArgs.add_argument( '-d', '--default', type=str, nargs='+',
help="Specify .kll files to layer on top of the default map to create a combined map." )
pArgs.add_argument( '-p', '--partial', type=str, nargs='+', action='append',
@@ -142,14 +142,23 @@ def tokenize( string ):
( 'ConsCodeStart', ( r'CONS\[', ) ),
( 'SysCode', ( r'SYS(("[^"]+")|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ),
( 'SysCodeStart', ( r'SYS\[', ) ),
( 'LedCode', ( r'LED(("[^"]+")|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ),
( 'LedCodeStart', ( r'LED\[', ) ),
( 'ScanCode', ( r'S((0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ),
( 'ScanCodeStart', ( r'S\[', ) ),
( 'Indicator', ( r'I(("[^"]+")|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ),
( 'IndicatorStart', ( r'I\[', ) ),
( 'Pixel', ( r'P"[^"]+"', ) ),
( 'PixelStart', ( r'P\[', ) ),
( 'PixelLayer', ( r'PL"[^"]+"', ) ),
( 'PixelLayerStart', ( r'PL\[', ) ),
( 'Animation', ( r'A"[^"]+"', ) ),
( 'AnimationStart', ( r'A\[', ) ),
( 'CodeBegin', ( r'\[', ) ),
( 'CodeEnd', ( r'\]', ) ),
( 'Position', ( r'r?[xyz]:[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?', ) ),
( 'String', ( r'"[^"]*"', ) ),
( 'SequenceString', ( r"'[^']*'", ) ),
( 'Operator', ( r'=>|:\+|:-|::|:|=', ) ),
( 'PixelOperator', ( r'(\+:|-:|>>|<<)', ) ),
( 'Operator', ( r'=>|<=|:\+|:-|::|:|=', ) ),
( 'Comma', ( r',', ) ),
( 'Dash', ( r'-', ) ),
( 'Plus', ( r'\+', ) ),
@@ -179,196 +188,258 @@ capabilities_dict = Capabilities()

## Parsing Functions

def make_scanCode( token ):
scanCode = int( token[1:], 0 )
# Check size, to make sure it's valid
# XXX Add better check that takes symbolic names into account (i.e. U"Latch5")
#if scanCode > 0xFF:
# print ( "{0} ScanCode value {1} is larger than 255".format( ERROR, scanCode ) )
# raise
return scanCode

def make_hidCode( type, token ):
# If first character is a U, strip
if token[0] == "U":
token = token[1:]
# CONS specifier
elif 'CONS' in token:
token = token[4:]
# SYS specifier
elif 'SYS' in token:
token = token[3:]

# If using string representation of USB Code, do lookup, case-insensitive
if '"' in token:
hidCode = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary[ type ][ token[1:-1].upper() ][1]
except LookupError as err:
print ( "{0} {1} is an invalid USB HID Code Lookup...".format( ERROR, err ) )
# Already tokenized
if type == 'USBCode' and token[0] == 'USB' or type == 'SysCode' and token[0] == 'SYS' or type == 'ConsCode' and token[0] == 'CONS':
hidCode = token[1]
# Convert
class Make:
def scanCode( token ):
scanCode = int( token[1:], 0 )
# Check size, to make sure it's valid
# XXX Add better check that takes symbolic names into account (i.e. U"Latch5")
#if scanCode > 0xFF:
# print ( "{0} ScanCode value {1} is larger than 255".format( ERROR, scanCode ) )
# raise
return scanCode

def hidCode( type, token ):
# If first character is a U, strip
if token[0] == "U":
token = token[1:]
# CONS specifier
elif 'CONS' in token:
token = token[4:]
# SYS specifier
elif 'SYS' in token:
token = token[3:]

# If using string representation of USB Code, do lookup, case-insensitive
if '"' in token:
hidCode = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary[ type ][ token[1:-1].upper() ][1]
except LookupError as err:
print ( "{0} {1} is an invalid USB HID Code Lookup...".format( ERROR, err ) )
hidCode = int( token, 0 )

# Check size if a USB Code, to make sure it's valid
# XXX Add better check that takes symbolic names into account (i.e. U"Latch5")
#if type == 'USBCode' and hidCode > 0xFF:
# print ( "{0} USBCode value {1} is larger than 255".format( ERROR, hidCode ) )
# raise

# Return a tuple, identifying which type it is
if type == 'USBCode':
return make_usbCode_number( hidCode )
elif type == 'ConsCode':
return make_consCode_number( hidCode )
elif type == 'SysCode':
return make_sysCode_number( hidCode )

print ( "{0} Unknown HID Specifier '{1}'".format( ERROR, type ) )

def make_usbCode( token ):
return make_hidCode( 'USBCode', token )

def make_consCode( token ):
return make_hidCode( 'ConsCode', token )

def make_sysCode( token ):
return make_hidCode( 'SysCode', token )

def make_hidCode_number( type, token ):
lookup = {
'ConsCode' : 'CONS',
'SysCode' : 'SYS',
'USBCode' : 'USB',
return ( lookup[ type ], token )

def make_usbCode_number( token ):
return make_hidCode_number( 'USBCode', token )

def make_consCode_number( token ):
return make_hidCode_number( 'ConsCode', token )

def make_sysCode_number( token ):
return make_hidCode_number( 'SysCode', token )

# Replace key-word with None specifier (which indicates a noneOut capability)
def make_none( token ):
return [[[('NONE', 0)]]]

def make_seqString( token ):
# Shifted Characters, and amount to move by to get non-shifted version
shiftCharacters = (
( "+", 0x12 ),
( "&(", 0x11 ),
( "!#$%", 0x10 ),
( "*", 0x0E ),
( ")", 0x07 ),
( '"', 0x05 ),
( ":", 0x01 ),
( "@", -0x0E ),
( "<>?", -0x10 ),
( "~", -0x1E ),
( "{}|", -0x20 ),
( "^", -0x28 ),
( "_", -0x32 ),

listOfLists = []
shiftKey = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary['USBCode']["SHIFT"]

# Creates a list of USB codes from the string: sequence (list) of combos (lists)
for char in token[1:-1]:
processedChar = char

# Whether or not to create a combo for this sequence with a shift
shiftCombo = False

# Depending on the ASCII character, convert to single character or Shift + character
for pair in shiftCharacters:
if char in pair[0]:
shiftCombo = True
processedChar = chr( ord( char ) + pair[1] )

# Do KLL HID Lookup on non-shifted character
# NOTE: Case-insensitive, which is why the shift must be pre-computed
usbCode = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary['USBCode'][ processedChar.upper() ]

# Create Combo for this character, add shift key if shifted
charCombo = []
if shiftCombo:
charCombo = [ [ shiftKey ] ]
charCombo.append( [ usbCode ] )

# Add to list of lists
listOfLists.append( charCombo )

return listOfLists

def make_string( token ):
return token[1:-1]

def make_unseqString( token ):
return token[1:-1]

def make_number( token ):
return int( token, 0 )

# Range can go from high to low or low to high
def make_scanCode_range( rangeVals ):
start = rangeVals[0]
end = rangeVals[1]

# Swap start, end if start is greater than end
if start > end:
start, end = end, start

# Iterate from start to end, and generate the range
return list( range( start, end + 1 ) )

# Range can go from high to low or low to high
# Warn on 0-9 for USBCodes (as this does not do what one would expect) TODO
# Lookup USB HID tags and convert to a number
def make_hidCode_range( type, rangeVals ):
# Check if already integers
if isinstance( rangeVals[0], int ):
# Already tokenized
if type == 'USBCode' and token[0] == 'USB' or type == 'SysCode' and token[0] == 'SYS' or type == 'ConsCode' and token[0] == 'CONS':
hidCode = token[1]
# Convert
hidCode = int( token, 0 )

# Check size if a USB Code, to make sure it's valid
# XXX Add better check that takes symbolic names into account (i.e. U"Latch5")
#if type == 'USBCode' and hidCode > 0xFF:
# print ( "{0} USBCode value {1} is larger than 255".format( ERROR, hidCode ) )
# raise

# Return a tuple, identifying which type it is
if type == 'USBCode':
return Make.usbCode_number( hidCode )
elif type == 'ConsCode':
return Make.consCode_number( hidCode )
elif type == 'SysCode':
return Make.sysCode_number( hidCode )

print ( "{0} Unknown HID Specifier '{1}'".format( ERROR, type ) )

def usbCode( token ):
return Make.hidCode( 'USBCode', token )

def consCode( token ):
return Make.hidCode( 'ConsCode', token )

def sysCode( token ):
return Make.hidCode( 'SysCode', token )

def animation( token ):
print( token )
return "NULL"

def animationCapability( token ):
print( token )
return "DIS"

def pixelCapability( token ):
print( token )
return "DAT"

def pixel( token ):
print( token )
return "PNULL"

def pixelLayer( token ):
print( token )
return "PLNULL"

def pixelchans( token ):
# Create dictionary list
channel_widths = []
for elem in token:
channel_widths.append( {
'chan' : elem[0],
'width' : elem[1],
} )
return channel_widths

def pixelchan_elem( token ):
channel_config = {
'pixels' : token[0],
'chans' : token[1],
return channel_config

def pixelmods( token ):
print( token )
return "PMOD"

def pixellayer( token ):
print( token )
return "PL"

def position( token ):
return token.split(':')

def hidCode_number( type, token ):
lookup = {
'ConsCode' : 'CONS',
'SysCode' : 'SYS',
'USBCode' : 'USB',
return ( lookup[ type ], token )

def usbCode_number( token ):
return Make.hidCode_number( 'USBCode', token )

def consCode_number( token ):
return Make.hidCode_number( 'ConsCode', token )

def sysCode_number( token ):
return Make.hidCode_number( 'SysCode', token )

# Replace key-word with None specifier (which indicates a noneOut capability)
def none( token ):
return [[[('NONE', 0)]]]

def seqString( token ):
# Shifted Characters, and amount to move by to get non-shifted version
shiftCharacters = (
( "+", 0x12 ),
( "&(", 0x11 ),
( "!#$%", 0x10 ),
( "*", 0x0E ),
( ")", 0x07 ),
( '"', 0x05 ),
( ":", 0x01 ),
( "@", -0x0E ),
( "<>?", -0x10 ),
( "~", -0x1E ),
( "{}|", -0x20 ),
( "^", -0x28 ),
( "_", -0x32 ),

listOfLists = []
shiftKey = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary['USBCode']["SHIFT"]

# Creates a list of USB codes from the string: sequence (list) of combos (lists)
for char in token[1:-1]:
processedChar = char

# Whether or not to create a combo for this sequence with a shift
shiftCombo = False

# Depending on the ASCII character, convert to single character or Shift + character
for pair in shiftCharacters:
if char in pair[0]:
shiftCombo = True
processedChar = chr( ord( char ) + pair[1] )

# Do KLL HID Lookup on non-shifted character
# NOTE: Case-insensitive, which is why the shift must be pre-computed
usbCode = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary['USBCode'][ processedChar.upper() ]

# Create Combo for this character, add shift key if shifted
charCombo = []
if shiftCombo:
charCombo = [ [ shiftKey ] ]
charCombo.append( [ usbCode ] )

# Add to list of lists
listOfLists.append( charCombo )

return listOfLists

def string( token ):
return token[1:-1]

def unseqString( token ):
return token[1:-1]

def number( token ):
return int( token, 0 )

# Range can go from high to low or low to high
def scanCode_range( rangeVals ):
start = rangeVals[0]
start = make_hidCode( type, rangeVals[0] )[1]
end = rangeVals[1]

# Swap start, end if start is greater than end
if start > end:
start, end = end, start

# Iterate from start to end, and generate the range
return list( range( start, end + 1 ) )

# Range can go from high to low or low to high
# Warn on 0-9 for USBCodes (as this does not do what one would expect) TODO
# Lookup USB HID tags and convert to a number
def hidCode_range( type, rangeVals ):
# Check if already integers
if isinstance( rangeVals[0], int ):
start = rangeVals[0]
start = Make.hidCode( type, rangeVals[0] )[1]

if isinstance( rangeVals[1], int ):
end = rangeVals[1]
end = Make.hidCode( type, rangeVals[1] )[1]

if isinstance( rangeVals[1], int ):
end = rangeVals[1]
end = make_hidCode( type, rangeVals[1] )[1]
# Swap start, end if start is greater than end
if start > end:
start, end = end, start

# Swap start, end if start is greater than end
if start > end:
start, end = end, start
# Iterate from start to end, and generate the range
listRange = list( range( start, end + 1 ) )

# Iterate from start to end, and generate the range
listRange = list( range( start, end + 1 ) )
# Convert each item in the list to a tuple
for item in range( len( listRange ) ):
listRange[ item ] = Make.hidCode_number( type, listRange[ item ] )
return listRange

# Convert each item in the list to a tuple
for item in range( len( listRange ) ):
listRange[ item ] = make_hidCode_number( type, listRange[ item ] )
return listRange
def usbCode_range( rangeVals ):
return Make.hidCode_range( 'USBCode', rangeVals )

def make_usbCode_range( rangeVals ):
return make_hidCode_range( 'USBCode', rangeVals )
def sysCode_range( rangeVals ):
return Make.hidCode_range( 'SysCode', rangeVals )

def make_sysCode_range( rangeVals ):
return make_hidCode_range( 'SysCode', rangeVals )
def consCode_range( rangeVals ):
return Make.hidCode_range( 'ConsCode', rangeVals )

def make_consCode_range( rangeVals ):
return make_hidCode_range( 'ConsCode', rangeVals )
def range( rangeVals ):
print (rangeVals)
return ""

## Base Rules
@@ -381,6 +452,7 @@ tokenValue = lambda x: x.value
tokenType = lambda t: some( lambda x: x.type == t ) >> tokenValue
operator = lambda s: a( Token( 'Operator', s ) ) >> tokenValue
parenthesis = lambda s: a( Token( 'Parenthesis', s ) ) >> tokenValue
bracket = lambda s: a( Token( 'Bracket', s ) ) >> tokenValue
eol = a( Token( 'EndOfLine', ';' ) )

def listElem( item ):
@@ -491,110 +563,165 @@ def tupleit( t ):

## Evaluation Rules

def eval_scanCode( triggers, operator, results ):
# Convert to lists of lists of lists to tuples of tuples of tuples
# Tuples are non-mutable, and can be used has index items
triggers = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in triggers )
results = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in results )

# Lookup interconnect id (Current file scope)
# Default to 0 if not specified
if 'ConnectId' not in variables_dict.overallVariables.keys():
id_num = 0
id_num = int( variables_dict.overallVariables['ConnectId'] )

# Iterate over all combinations of triggers and results
for sequence in triggers:
# Convert tuple of tuples to list of lists so each element can be modified
trigger = listit( sequence )

# Create ScanCode entries for trigger
for seq_index, combo in enumerate( sequence ):
for com_index, scancode in enumerate( combo ):
trigger[ seq_index ][ com_index ] = macros_map.scanCodeStore.append( ScanCode( scancode, id_num ) )

# Convert back to a tuple of tuples
trigger = tupleit( trigger )

for result in results:
# Append Case
if operator == ":+":
macros_map.appendScanCode( trigger, result )

# Remove Case
elif operator == ":-":
macros_map.removeScanCode( trigger, result )

# Replace Case
# Soft Replace Case is the same for Scan Codes
elif operator == ":" or operator == "::":
macros_map.replaceScanCode( trigger, result )

def eval_usbCode( triggers, operator, results ):
# Convert to lists of lists of lists to tuples of tuples of tuples
# Tuples are non-mutable, and can be used has index items
triggers = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in triggers )
results = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in results )

# Iterate over all combinations of triggers and results
for trigger in triggers:
scanCodes = macros_map.lookupUSBCodes( trigger )
for scanCode in scanCodes:
for result in results:
# Soft Replace needs additional checking to see if replacement is necessary
if operator == "::" and not macros_map.softReplaceCheck( scanCode ):

# Cache assignment until file finishes processing
macros_map.cacheAssignment( operator, scanCode, result )

def eval_variable( name, content ):
# Content might be a concatenation of multiple data types, convert everything into a single string
assigned_content = ""
for item in content:
assigned_content += str( item )

variables_dict.assignVariable( name, assigned_content )
class Eval:
def scanCode( triggers, operator, results ):
# Convert to lists of lists of lists to tuples of tuples of tuples
# Tuples are non-mutable, and can be used has index items
triggers = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in triggers )
results = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in results )

# Lookup interconnect id (Current file scope)
# Default to 0 if not specified
if 'ConnectId' not in variables_dict.overallVariables.keys():
id_num = 0
id_num = int( variables_dict.overallVariables['ConnectId'] )

def eval_capability( name, function, args ):
capabilities_dict[ name ] = [ function, args ]
# Iterate over all combinations of triggers and results
for sequence in triggers:
# Convert tuple of tuples to list of lists so each element can be modified
trigger = listit( sequence )

def eval_define( name, cdefine_name ):
variables_dict.defines[ name ] = cdefine_name
# Create ScanCode entries for trigger
for seq_index, combo in enumerate( sequence ):
for com_index, scancode in enumerate( combo ):
trigger[ seq_index ][ com_index ] = macros_map.scanCodeStore.append( ScanCode( scancode, id_num ) )

map_scanCode = unarg( eval_scanCode )
map_usbCode = unarg( eval_usbCode )
# Convert back to a tuple of tuples
trigger = tupleit( trigger )

set_variable = unarg( eval_variable )
set_capability = unarg( eval_capability )
set_define = unarg( eval_define )
for result in results:
# Append Case
if operator == ":+":
macros_map.appendScanCode( trigger, result )

# Remove Case
elif operator == ":-":
macros_map.removeScanCode( trigger, result )

# Replace Case
# Soft Replace Case is the same for Scan Codes
elif operator == ":" or operator == "::":
macros_map.replaceScanCode( trigger, result )

def usbCode( triggers, operator, results ):
# Convert to lists of lists of lists to tuples of tuples of tuples
# Tuples are non-mutable, and can be used has index items
triggers = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in triggers )
results = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in results )

# Iterate over all combinations of triggers and results
for trigger in triggers:
scanCodes = macros_map.lookupUSBCodes( trigger )
for scanCode in scanCodes:
for result in results:
# Soft Replace needs additional checking to see if replacement is necessary
if operator == "::" and not macros_map.softReplaceCheck( scanCode ):

# Cache assignment until file finishes processing
macros_map.cacheAssignment( operator, scanCode, result )

def variable( name, content ):
# Content might be a concatenation of multiple data types, convert everything into a single string
assigned_content = ""
for item in content:
assigned_content += str( item )

variables_dict.assignVariable( name, assigned_content )

def capability( name, function, args ):
capabilities_dict[ name ] = [ function, args ]

def define( name, cdefine_name ):
variables_dict.defines[ name ] = cdefine_name

def scanCodePosition( scanCode, positions ):
print (scanCode)
# Re-organize position lists into a dictionary first
pos_dict = dict()
for pos in positions:
pos_dict[ pos[0] ] = pos[1]
print (pos_dict)

# TODO Create datastructure for positions

def pixelPosition( pixel, position ):
print (pixel, position)

def pixelChannels( channel, scanCode ):
print (channel, scanCode )

def animation( animation, modifiers ):
print( animation, modifiers )

def animationFrame( animation, frame, modifiers ):
print( frame, modifiers )

def animationTrigger( animation, operator, results ):
print ( animation, operator, results )

def animationTriggerFrame( animation, frame, operator, results ):
print ( animation, frame, operator, results )

def array( name, index, content ):
print (name, index, content)

class Map:
scanCode = unarg( Eval.scanCode )
usbCode = unarg( Eval.usbCode )
animationTrigger = unarg( Eval.animationTrigger )
animationTriggerFrame = unarg( Eval.animationTriggerFrame )

class Set:
animation = unarg( Eval.animation )
animationFrame = unarg( Eval.animationFrame )
array = unarg( Eval.array )
capability = unarg( Eval.capability )
define = unarg( Eval.define )
pixelChannels = unarg( Eval.pixelChannels )
pixelPosition = unarg( Eval.pixelPosition )
scanCodePosition = unarg( Eval.scanCodePosition )
variable = unarg( Eval.variable )

## Sub Rules

usbCode = tokenType('USBCode') >> make_usbCode
scanCode = tokenType('ScanCode') >> make_scanCode
consCode = tokenType('ConsCode') >> make_consCode
sysCode = tokenType('SysCode') >> make_sysCode
none = tokenType('None') >> make_none
name = tokenType('Name')
number = tokenType('Number') >> make_number
comma = tokenType('Comma')
dash = tokenType('Dash')
plus = tokenType('Plus')
content = tokenType('VariableContents')
string = tokenType('String') >> make_string
unString = tokenType('String') # When the double quotes are still needed for internal processing
seqString = tokenType('SequenceString') >> make_seqString
unseqString = tokenType('SequenceString') >> make_unseqString # For use with variables
usbCode = tokenType('USBCode') >> Make.usbCode
scanCode = tokenType('ScanCode') >> Make.scanCode
consCode = tokenType('ConsCode') >> Make.consCode
sysCode = tokenType('SysCode') >> Make.sysCode
animation = tokenType('Animation') >> Make.animation
pixel = tokenType('Pixel') >> Make.pixel
pixelLayer = tokenType('PixelLayer') >> Make.pixelLayer
none = tokenType('None') >> Make.none
position = tokenType('Position') >> Make.position
name = tokenType('Name')
number = tokenType('Number') >> Make.number
comma = tokenType('Comma')
dash = tokenType('Dash')
plus = tokenType('Plus')
content = tokenType('VariableContents')
string = tokenType('String') >> Make.string
unString = tokenType('String') # When the double quotes are still needed for internal processing
seqString = tokenType('SequenceString') >> Make.seqString
unseqString = tokenType('SequenceString') >> Make.unseqString # For use with variables
pixelOperator = tokenType('PixelOperator')

# Code variants
code_end = tokenType('CodeEnd')
code_begin = tokenType('CodeBegin')
code_end = tokenType('CodeEnd')

# Scan Codes
scanCode_start = tokenType('ScanCodeStart')
scanCode_range = number + skip( dash ) + number >> make_scanCode_range
scanCode_range = number + skip( dash ) + number >> Make.scanCode_range
scanCode_listElem = number >> listElem
scanCode_innerList = oneplus( ( scanCode_range | scanCode_listElem ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> flatten
scanCode_expanded = skip( scanCode_start ) + scanCode_innerList + skip( code_end )
@@ -604,9 +731,9 @@ scanCode_sequence = oneplus( scanCode_combo + skip( maybe( comma ) ) )

# USB Codes
usbCode_start = tokenType('USBCodeStart')
usbCode_number = number >> make_usbCode_number
usbCode_range = ( usbCode_number | unString ) + skip( dash ) + ( number | unString ) >> make_usbCode_range
usbCode_listElemTag = unString >> make_usbCode
usbCode_number = number >> Make.usbCode_number
usbCode_range = ( usbCode_number | unString ) + skip( dash ) + ( number | unString ) >> Make.usbCode_range
usbCode_listElemTag = unString >> Make.usbCode
usbCode_listElem = ( usbCode_number | usbCode_listElemTag ) >> listElem
usbCode_innerList = oneplus( ( usbCode_range | usbCode_listElem ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> flatten
usbCode_expanded = skip( usbCode_start ) + usbCode_innerList + skip( code_end )
@@ -616,9 +743,9 @@ usbCode_sequence = oneplus( ( usbCode_combo | seqString ) + skip( maybe( comm

# Cons Codes
consCode_start = tokenType('ConsCodeStart')
consCode_number = number >> make_consCode_number
consCode_range = ( consCode_number | unString ) + skip( dash ) + ( number | unString ) >> make_consCode_range
consCode_listElemTag = unString >> make_consCode
consCode_number = number >> Make.consCode_number
consCode_range = ( consCode_number | unString ) + skip( dash ) + ( number | unString ) >> Make.consCode_range
consCode_listElemTag = unString >> Make.consCode
consCode_listElem = ( consCode_number | consCode_listElemTag ) >> listElem
consCode_innerList = oneplus( ( consCode_range | consCode_listElem ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> flatten
consCode_expanded = skip( consCode_start ) + consCode_innerList + skip( code_end )
@@ -626,9 +753,9 @@ consCode_elem = consCode >> listElem

# Sys Codes
sysCode_start = tokenType('SysCodeStart')
sysCode_number = number >> make_sysCode_number
sysCode_range = ( sysCode_number | unString ) + skip( dash ) + ( number | unString ) >> make_sysCode_range
sysCode_listElemTag = unString >> make_sysCode
sysCode_number = number >> Make.sysCode_number
sysCode_range = ( sysCode_number | unString ) + skip( dash ) + ( number | unString ) >> Make.sysCode_range
sysCode_listElemTag = unString >> Make.sysCode
sysCode_listElem = ( sysCode_number | sysCode_listElemTag ) >> listElem
sysCode_innerList = oneplus( ( sysCode_range | sysCode_listElem ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> flatten
sysCode_expanded = skip( sysCode_start ) + sysCode_innerList + skip( code_end )
@@ -637,10 +764,52 @@ sysCode_elem = sysCode >> listElem
# HID Codes
hidCode_elem = usbCode_expanded | usbCode_elem | sysCode_expanded | sysCode_elem | consCode_expanded | consCode_elem

# Pixels
pixel_start = tokenType('PixelStart')
pixel_number = number
pixel_range = ( pixel_number ) + skip( dash ) + ( number ) >> Make.range
pixel_listElem = pixel_number >> listElem
pixel_innerList = many( ( pixel_range | pixel_listElem ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) )
pixel_expanded = skip( pixel_start ) + pixel_innerList + skip( code_end )
pixel_elem = pixel >> listElem

# Pixel Layer
pixellayer_start = tokenType('PixelLayerStart')
pixellayer_number = number
pixellayer_expanded = skip( pixellayer_start ) + pixellayer_number + skip( code_end )
pixellayer_elem = pixelLayer >> listElem

# Pixel Channels
pixelchan_chans = many( number + skip( operator(':') ) + number + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> Make.pixelchans
pixelchan_elem = ( pixel_expanded | pixel_elem ) + skip( parenthesis('(') ) + pixelchan_chans + skip( parenthesis(')') ) >> Make.pixelchan_elem

# Pixel Mods
pixelmod_mods = many( maybe( pixelOperator | plus | dash ) + number + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> Make.pixelmods
pixelmod_layer = ( pixellayer_expanded | pixellayer_elem ) >> Make.pixellayer
pixelmod_elem = ( pixel_expanded | pixel_elem | pixelmod_layer ) + skip( parenthesis('(') ) + pixelmod_mods + skip( parenthesis(')') )

# Pixel Capability
pixel_capability = pixelmod_elem >> Make.pixelCapability

# Animations
animation_start = tokenType('AnimationStart')
animation_name = name
animation_frame_range = ( number ) + skip( dash ) + ( number ) >> Make.range
animation_name_frame = many( ( number | animation_frame_range ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) )
animation_def = skip( animation_start ) + animation_name + skip( code_end )
animation_expanded = skip( animation_start ) + animation_name + skip( comma ) + animation_name_frame + skip( code_end )
animation_elem = animation >> listElem

# Animation Modifier
animation_modifier = many( ( name | number ) + maybe( skip( operator(':') ) + number ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) )

# Animation Capability
animation_capability = ( animation_def | animation_elem ) + maybe( skip( parenthesis('(') + animation_modifier + skip( parenthesis(')') ) ) ) >> Make.animationCapability

# Capabilities
capFunc_arguments = many( number + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> listToTuple
capFunc_elem = name + skip( parenthesis('(') ) + capFunc_arguments + skip( parenthesis(')') ) >> capArgExpander >> listElem
capFunc_combo = oneplus( ( hidCode_elem | capFunc_elem ) + skip( maybe( plus ) ) ) >> listElem
capFunc_combo = oneplus( ( hidCode_elem | capFunc_elem | animation_capability | pixel_capability ) + skip( maybe( plus ) ) ) >> listElem
capFunc_sequence = oneplus( ( capFunc_combo | seqString ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> oneLayerFlatten

# Trigger / Result Codes
@@ -648,30 +817,76 @@ triggerCode_outerList = scanCode_sequence >> optionExpansion
triggerUSBCode_outerList = usbCode_sequence >> optionExpansion >> hidCodeToCapability
resultCode_outerList = ( ( capFunc_sequence >> optionExpansion ) | none ) >> hidCodeToCapability

# Positions
position_list = oneplus( position + skip( maybe( comma ) ) )

## Main Rules

#| Assignment
#| <variable> = <variable contents>;
variable_contents = name | content | string | number | comma | dash | unseqString
variable_expression = name + skip( operator('=') ) + oneplus( variable_contents ) + skip( eol ) >> set_variable
variable_expression = name + skip( operator('=') ) + oneplus( variable_contents ) + skip( eol ) >> Set.variable

#| Array Assignment
#| <variable>[] = <space> <separated> <list>;
#| <variable>[<index>] = <index element>;
array_expression = name + skip( code_begin ) + maybe( number ) + skip( code_end ) + skip( operator('=') ) + oneplus( variable_contents ) + skip( eol ) >> Set.array

#| Name Association
#| <capability name> => <c function>;
capability_arguments = name + skip( operator(':') ) + number + skip( maybe( comma ) )
capability_expression = name + skip( operator('=>') ) + name + skip( parenthesis('(') ) + many( capability_arguments ) + skip( parenthesis(')') ) + skip( eol ) >> set_capability
capability_expression = name + skip( operator('=>') ) + name + skip( parenthesis('(') ) + many( capability_arguments ) + skip( parenthesis(')') ) + skip( eol ) >> Set.capability

#| Name Association
#| <define name> => <c define>;
define_expression = name + skip( operator('=>') ) + name + skip( eol ) >> set_define
define_expression = name + skip( operator('=>') ) + name + skip( eol ) >> Set.define

#| Data Association
#| <animation> <= <modifiers>;
#| <animation frame> <= <modifiers>;
animation_expression = ( animation_elem | animation_def ) + skip( operator('<=') ) + animation_modifier + skip( eol ) >> Set.animation
animationFrame_expression = animation_expanded + skip( operator('<=') ) + many( pixelmod_elem + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) + skip( eol ) >> Set.animationFrame

#| Data Association
#| <pixel> <= <position>;
pixelPosition_expression = ( pixel_expanded | pixel_elem ) + skip( operator('<=') ) + position_list + skip( eol ) >> Set.pixelPosition

#| Data Association
#| <pixel chan> <= <scanCode>;
pixelChan_expression = pixelchan_elem + skip( operator(':') ) + ( scanCode_expanded | scanCode_elem | none ) + skip( eol ) >> Set.pixelChannels

#| Data Association
#| <scancode> <= <position>;
scanCodePosition_expression = triggerCode_outerList + skip( operator('<=') ) + position_list + skip( eol ) >> Set.scanCodePosition

#| Mapping
#| <trigger> : <result>;
operatorTriggerResult = operator(':') | operator(':+') | operator(':-') | operator('::')
scanCode_expression = triggerCode_outerList + operatorTriggerResult + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) >> map_scanCode
usbCode_expression = triggerUSBCode_outerList + operatorTriggerResult + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) >> map_usbCode
operatorTriggerResult = operator(':') | operator(':+') | operator(':-') | operator('::')
scanCode_expression = triggerCode_outerList + operatorTriggerResult + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) >> Map.scanCode
usbCode_expression = triggerUSBCode_outerList + operatorTriggerResult + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) >> Map.usbCode
animation_trigger = ( animation_elem | animation_def ) + operatorTriggerResult + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) >> Map.animationTrigger
animation_triggerFrame = animation_expanded + operatorTriggerResult + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) >> Map.animationTriggerFrame

def parse( tokenSequence ):
"""Sequence(Token) -> object"""

# Top-level Parser
expression = scanCode_expression | usbCode_expression | variable_expression | capability_expression | define_expression
expression = (
scanCode_expression |
scanCodePosition_expression |
usbCode_expression |
animation_trigger |
animation_triggerFrame |
pixelPosition_expression |
pixelChan_expression |
animation_expression |
animationFrame_expression |
array_expression |
variable_expression |
capability_expression |

kll_text = many( expression )
kll_file = maybe( kll_text ) + skip( finished )