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Adding extra code generation required for Macro output sequences.

0x00 is now treated as a special case.
Jacob Alexander 9 years ago
1 changed files with 12 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 12

+ 12
- 0
backends/ View File

@@ -109,6 +109,12 @@ class Backend:
# Add the result macro capability index guide (including capability arguments)
# See kiibohd controller Macros/PartialMap/kll.h for exact formatting details
for sequence in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ] ) ):
# If the sequence is longer than 1, prepend a sequence spacer
# Needed for USB behaviour, otherwise, repeated keys will not work
if sequence > 0:
# <single element>, <usbCodeSend capability>, <USB Code 0x00>
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "1, {0}, 0x00, ".format( capabilities.getIndex( self.usbCodeCapability() ) )

# For each combo in the sequence, add the length of the combo
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "{0}, ".format( len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ][ sequence ] ) )

@@ -123,6 +129,12 @@ class Backend:
for arg in range( 0, len( resultItem[1] ) ):
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "0x{0:02X}, ".format( resultItem[1][ arg ] )

# If sequence is longer than 1, append a sequence spacer at the end of the sequence
# Required by USB to end at sequence without holding the key down
if len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ] ) > 1:
# <single element>, <usbCodeSend capability>, <USB Code 0x00>
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "1, {0}, 0x00, ".format( capabilities.getIndex( self.usbCodeCapability() ) )

# Add list ending 0 and end of list
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "0 };\n"
self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] = self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'][:-1] # Remove last newline