Adding list to tuple conversion and USBCode to Capabiltiy conversion.
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ class Backend:
self.tagList.append( item )
# USB Code Capability Name
def usbCodeCapability( self ):
return "usbKeyOut";
# Processes content for fill tags and does any needed dataset calculations
def process( self, capabilities ):
## Capabilities ##
@ -2,16 +2,21 @@ Name = colemak;
Author = "HaaTa (Jacob Alexander) 2014";
KLL = 0.3;
usbKeyOut => Output_usbCodeSend_capability( usbCode : 1 );
myCapability2 => myFunc2();
myCapability3 => myFunc3( myArg1 : 2 );
myCapability => myFunc( myArg1 : 1, myArg2 : 4 );
S0x3 : myCapability2();
S0x4 : myCapability( 0x8, 0x25 );
S0x12 : U[122] + U[123];
S0x6 : 'abcdDfF';
S0x40 : U[0x1];
S0x40 : U[0x1-0x4];
S0x0B : U["Esc"];
S0x0B :+ U["Q"];
S[ 0x7 - 0x9 ] : U"6";
S[ 0x7 - 0x9 ], S[0x2,0x3] : U"6";
S[ 0x2 - 0x9, 0x10 ] : U"r";
S[ 0x2 - 0x9, 0x10 ] :+ U"r";
S0x0B :- U["Esc"];
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ def processCommandLineArgs():
help="Specify .kll files to generate partial map, multiple files per flag.\n"
"Each -p defines another partial map.\n"
"Base .kll files (that define the scan code maps) must be defined for each partial map." )
pArgs.add_argument( '-t', '--template', type=str, default="templateKeymap.h",
pArgs.add_argument( '-t', '--template', type=str, default="templates/kiibohdKeymap.h",
help="Specify template used to generate the keymap.\n"
"Default: templateKeymap.h" )
"Default: templates/kiibohdKeymap.h" )
pArgs.add_argument( '-o', '--output', type=str, default="templateKeymap.h",
help="Specify output file. Writes to current working directory by default.\n"
"Default: generatedKeymap.h" )
@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ def tokenize( string ):
( 'CodeEnd', ( r'\]', ) ),
( 'String', ( r'"[^"]*"', VERBOSE ) ),
( 'SequenceString', ( r"'[^']*'", ) ),
( 'Operator', ( r'=>|:\+|:-|:|=', ) ),
( 'Comma', ( r',', ) ),
( 'Dash', ( r'-', ) ),
( 'Plus', ( r'\+', ) ),
( 'Operator', ( r'=>|:|=', ) ),
( 'Parenthesis', ( r'\(|\)', ) ),
( 'Number', ( r'-?(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|(0|([1-9][0-9]*))', VERBOSE ) ),
( 'Name', ( r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*', ) ),
@ -155,8 +155,7 @@ def tokenize( string ):
### Parsing ###
## Map Arrays
scanCode_map = [ None ] * 0xFF # Define 8 bit address width
usbCode_map = [ None ] * 0xFF # Define 8 bit address width
macros_map = Macros()
variable_dict = dict()
capabilities_dict = Capabilities()
@ -301,6 +300,9 @@ eol = a( Token( 'EndOfLine', ';' ) )
def listElem( item ):
return [ item ]
def listToTuple( items ):
return tuple( items )
# Flatten only the top layer (list of lists of ...)
def oneLayerFlatten( items ):
mainList = []
@ -357,26 +359,72 @@ def optionExpansion( sequences ):
return expandedSequences
# Converts USB Codes into Capabilities
def usbCodeToCapability( items ):
# Items already converted to variants using optionExpansion
for variant in range( 0, len( items ) ):
# Sequence of Combos
for sequence in range( 0, len( items[ variant ] ) ):
for combo in range( 0, len( items[ variant ][ sequence ] ) ):
# Only convert if an integer, otherwise USB Code doesn't need converting
if isinstance( items[ variant ][ sequence ][ combo ], int ):
# Use backend capability name and a single argument
items[ variant ][ sequence ][ combo ] = tuple( [ backend.usbCodeCapability(), tuple( [ items[ variant ][ sequence ][ combo ] ] ) ] )
return items
## Evaluation Rules
def eval_scanCode( trigger, result ):
def eval_scanCode( triggers, operator, results ):
# Convert to lists of lists of lists to tuples of tuples of tuples
trigger = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in trigger )
result = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in result )
# Tuples are non-mutable, and can be used has index items
triggers = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in triggers )
results = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in results )
# Add to the base scanCode map, overwrite if already defined
# if scanCode_map[ trigger ] != None:
# print ( "ScanCodeMap - Replacing '{0}' with '{1}' -> {2}".format( scanCode_map[ trigger ], result, trigger ) )
# scanCode_map[ trigger ] = result
# Iterate over all combinations of triggers and results
for trigger in triggers:
for result in results:
# Append Case
if operator == ":+":
macros_map.appendScanCode( trigger, result )
def eval_usbCode( trigger, result ):
# Check if trigger is list
# Remove Case
elif operator == ":-":
macros_map.removeScanCode( trigger, result )
# Add to the base usbCode map, overwrite if already defined
if usbCode_map[ trigger ] != None:
print ( "USBCodeMap - Replacing '{0}' with '{1}' -> {2}".format( usbCode_map[ trigger ], result, trigger ) )
usbCode_map[ trigger ] = result
print ( trigger )
# Replace Case
elif operator == ":":
macros_map.replaceScanCode( trigger, result )
print ( triggers )
print ( results )
def eval_usbCode( triggers, operator, results ):
# Convert to lists of lists of lists to tuples of tuples of tuples
# Tuples are non-mutable, and can be used has index items
triggers = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in triggers )
results = tuple( tuple( tuple( sequence ) for sequence in variant ) for variant in results )
# Iterate over all combinations of triggers and results
for trigger in triggers:
scanCodes = macros_map.lookupUSBCodes( trigger )
for scanCode in scanCodes:
for result in results:
# Append Case
if operator == ":+":
macros_map.appendScanCode( scanCode, result )
# Remove Case
elif operator == ":-":
macros_map.removeScanCode( scanCode, result )
# Replace Case
elif operator == ":":
macros_map.replaceScanCode( scanCode, result )
#print ( triggers )
print ( results )
def eval_variable( name, content ):
# Content might be a concatenation of multiple data types, convert everything into a single string
@ -435,15 +483,15 @@ usbCode_combo = oneplus( ( usbCode_expanded | usbCode_elem ) + skip( maybe
usbCode_sequence = oneplus( ( usbCode_combo | seqString ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> oneLayerFlatten
# Capabilities
capFunc_arguments = number + skip( maybe( comma ) )
capFunc_elem = name + skip( parenthesis('(') ) + many( capFunc_arguments ) + skip( parenthesis(')') ) >> listElem
capFunc_arguments = many( number + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> listToTuple
capFunc_elem = name + skip( parenthesis('(') ) + capFunc_arguments + skip( parenthesis(')') ) >> listElem
capFunc_combo = oneplus( ( usbCode_expanded | usbCode_elem | capFunc_elem ) + skip( maybe( plus ) ) ) >> listElem
capFunc_sequence = oneplus( ( capFunc_combo | seqString ) + skip( maybe( comma ) ) ) >> oneLayerFlatten
# Trigger / Result Codes
triggerCode_outerList = scanCode_sequence >> optionExpansion
triggerUSBCode_outerList = usbCode_sequence >> optionExpansion
resultCode_outerList = capFunc_sequence >> optionExpansion
triggerUSBCode_outerList = usbCode_sequence >> optionExpansion >> usbCodeToCapability
resultCode_outerList = capFunc_sequence >> optionExpansion >> usbCodeToCapability
## Main Rules
@ -457,8 +505,9 @@ capability_arguments = name + skip( operator(':') ) + number + skip( maybe( com
capability_expression = name + skip( operator('=>') ) + name + skip( parenthesis('(') ) + many( capability_arguments ) + skip( parenthesis(')') ) + skip( eol ) >> set_capability
#| <trigger> : <result>;
scanCode_expression = triggerCode_outerList + skip( operator(':') ) + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) >> map_scanCode
usbCode_expression = triggerUSBCode_outerList + skip( operator(':') ) + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) #>> map_usbCode
operatorTriggerResult = operator(':') | operator(':+') | operator(':-')
scanCode_expression = triggerCode_outerList + operatorTriggerResult + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) >> map_scanCode
usbCode_expression = triggerUSBCode_outerList + operatorTriggerResult + resultCode_outerList + skip( eol ) #>> map_usbCode
def parse( tokenSequence ):
"""Sequence(Token) -> object"""
@ -489,15 +538,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
data =
tokenSequence = tokenize( data )
print ( pformat( tokenSequence ) )
print ( pformat( tokenSequence ) ) # Display tokenization
tree = parse( tokenSequence )
#print ( tree )
#print ( scanCode_map )
#print ( usbCode_map )
print ( variable_dict )
print ( capabilities_dict )
# TODO Move
#macros_map.usbCodeToCapability( backend.usbCodeCapability() )
backend.process( capabilities_dict )
# Successful Execution
@ -84,31 +84,40 @@ class Macros:
self.layer = 0
# Macro Storage
self.macros = [ [] ]
self.macros = [ dict() ]
def __repr__( self ):
return "{0}".format( self.macros )
def setLayer( self, layer ):
self.layer = layer
# Use for ScanCode trigger macros
def appendScanCode( self, trigger, result ):
self.macros[ self.layer ][ trigger ] = result
if not trigger in self.macros[ self.layer ]:
self.replaceScanCode( trigger, result )
self.macros[ self.layer ][ trigger ].append( result )
# Use for USBCode trigger macros
# An extra lookup is required
def appendUSBCode( self, trigger, result ):
noSuccess = True
# Remove the given trigger/result pair
def removeScanCode( self, trigger, result ):
# Remove all instances of the given trigger/result pair
while result in self.macros[ self.layer ][ trigger ]:
self.macros[ self.layer ][ trigger ].remove( result )
# Replaces the given trigger with the given result
# If multiple results for a given trigger, clear, then add
def replaceScanCode( self, trigger, result ):
self.macros[ self.layer ][ trigger ] = [ result ]
# Return a list of ScanCode triggers with the given USB Code trigger
def lookupUSBCodes( self, usbCode ):
scanCodeList = []
# Scan current layer for USB Codes
for macro in self.macros[ self.layer ].keys():
# USB Code Found
if trigger == self.macros[ self.layer ][ macro ]:
print ( "USBCode - Replacing '{0}' with '{1}' -> '{2}'".format( trigger, macro, result ) )
self.macros[ self.layer ][ macro ] = result
noSuccess = False
if usbCode == self.macros[ self.layer ][ macro ]:
scanCodeList.append( macro )
# Only show warning if no replacements were done
if noSuccess:
print ( "Warning: '{1}' USB Code not found in layer {1}".format( trigger, self.layer ) )
return False
return True
return scanCodeList
Reference in New Issue
Block a user