#!/usr/bin/env python3 # KLL Compiler # Keyboard Layout Langauge # # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by Jacob Alexander # # This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this file. If not, see . ### Imports ### import argparse import importlib import io import os import re import sys import token from pprint import pformat from re import VERBOSE from tokenize import generate_tokens from kll_lib.containers import * from kll_lib.hid_dict import * from funcparserlib.lexer import make_tokenizer, Token, LexerError from funcparserlib.parser import (some, a, many, oneplus, skip, finished, maybe, skip, forward_decl, NoParseError) ### Decorators ### ## Print Decorator Variables ERROR = '\033[5;1;31mERROR\033[0m:' ## Python Text Formatting Fixer... ## Because the creators of Python are averse to proper capitalization. textFormatter_lookup = { "usage: " : "Usage: ", "optional arguments" : "Optional Arguments", } def textFormatter_gettext( s ): return textFormatter_lookup.get( s, s ) argparse._ = textFormatter_gettext ### Argument Parsing ### def checkFileExists( filename ): if not os.path.isfile( filename ): print ( "{0} {1} does not exist...".format( ERROR, filename ) ) sys.exit( 1 ) def processCommandLineArgs(): # Setup argument processor pArgs = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage="%(prog)s [options] ...", description="Generates .h file state tables and pointer indices from KLL .kll files.", epilog="Example: {0} mykeyboard.kll -d colemak.kll -p hhkbpro2.kll -p symbols.kll".format( os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] ) ), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, add_help=False, ) # Positional Arguments pArgs.add_argument( 'files', type=str, nargs='+', help=argparse.SUPPRESS ) # Suppressed help output, because Python output is verbosely ugly # Optional Arguments pArgs.add_argument( '-b', '--backend', type=str, default="kiibohd", help="Specify target backend for the KLL compiler.\n" "Default: kiibohd\n" "Options: kiibohd" ) pArgs.add_argument( '-d', '--default', type=str, nargs='+', help="Specify .kll files to layer on top of the default map to create a combined map." ) pArgs.add_argument( '-p', '--partial', type=str, nargs='+', action='append', help="Specify .kll files to generate partial map, multiple files per flag.\n" "Each -p defines another partial map.\n" "Base .kll files (that define the scan code maps) must be defined for each partial map." ) pArgs.add_argument( '-t', '--templates', type=str, nargs='+', help="Specify template used to generate the keymap.\n" "Default: " ) pArgs.add_argument( '-o', '--outputs', type=str, nargs='+', help="Specify output file. Writes to current working directory by default.\n" "Default: " ) pArgs.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action="help", help="This message." ) # Process Arguments args = pArgs.parse_args() # Parameters baseFiles = args.files defaultFiles = args.default partialFileSets = args.partial if defaultFiles is None: defaultFiles = [] if partialFileSets is None: partialFileSets = [[]] # Check file existance for filename in baseFiles: checkFileExists( filename ) for filename in defaultFiles: checkFileExists( filename ) for partial in partialFileSets: for filename in partial: checkFileExists( filename ) return (baseFiles, defaultFiles, partialFileSets, args.backend, args.templates, args.outputs) ### Tokenizer ### def tokenize( string ): """str -> Sequence(Token)""" # Basic Tokens Spec specs = [ ( 'Comment', ( r' *#.*', ) ), ( 'Space', ( r'[ \t\r\n]+', ) ), ( 'USBCode', ( r'U(("[^"]+")|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ), ( 'USBCodeStart', ( r'U\[', ) ), ( 'ConsCode', ( r'CONS(("[^"]+")|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ), ( 'ConsCodeStart', ( r'CONS\[', ) ), ( 'SysCode', ( r'SYS(("[^"]+")|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ), ( 'SysCodeStart', ( r'SYS\[', ) ), ( 'ScanCode', ( r'S((0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ), ( 'ScanCodeStart', ( r'S\[', ) ), ( 'Indicator', ( r'I(("[^"]+")|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+))', ) ), ( 'IndicatorStart', ( r'I\[', ) ), ( 'Pixel', ( r'P"[^"]+"', ) ), ( 'PixelStart', ( r'P\[', ) ), ( 'PixelLayer', ( r'PL"[^"]+"', ) ), ( 'PixelLayerStart', ( r'PL\[', ) ), ( 'Animation', ( r'A"[^"]+"', ) ), ( 'AnimationStart', ( r'A\[', ) ), ( 'CodeBegin', ( r'\[', ) ), ( 'CodeEnd', ( r'\]', ) ), ( 'Position', ( r'r?[xyz]:[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?', ) ), ( 'String', ( r'"[^"]*"', ) ), ( 'SequenceString', ( r"'[^']*'", ) ), ( 'PixelOperator', ( r'(\+:|-:|>>|<<)', ) ), ( 'Operator', ( r'=>|<=|:\+|:-|::|:|=', ) ), ( 'Comma', ( r',', ) ), ( 'Dash', ( r'-', ) ), ( 'Plus', ( r'\+', ) ), ( 'Parenthesis', ( r'\(|\)', ) ), ( 'None', ( r'None', ) ), ( 'Number', ( r'-?(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)|(0|([1-9][0-9]*))', VERBOSE ) ), ( 'Name', ( r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*', ) ), ( 'VariableContents', ( r'''[^"' ;:=>()]+''', ) ), ( 'EndOfLine', ( r';', ) ), ] # Tokens to filter out of the token stream useless = ['Space', 'Comment'] tokens = make_tokenizer( specs ) return [x for x in tokens( string ) if x.type not in useless] ### Parsing ### ## Map Arrays macros_map = Macros() variables_dict = Variables() capabilities_dict = Capabilities() ## Parsing Functions class Make: def scanCode( token ): scanCode = int( token[1:], 0 ) # Check size, to make sure it's valid # XXX Add better check that takes symbolic names into account (i.e. U"Latch5") #if scanCode > 0xFF: # print ( "{0} ScanCode value {1} is larger than 255".format( ERROR, scanCode ) ) # raise return scanCode def hidCode( type, token ): # If first character is a U, strip if token[0] == "U": token = token[1:] # CONS specifier elif 'CONS' in token: token = token[4:] # SYS specifier elif 'SYS' in token: token = token[3:] # If using string representation of USB Code, do lookup, case-insensitive if '"' in token: try: hidCode = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary[ type ][ token[1:-1].upper() ][1] except LookupError as err: print ( "{0} {1} is an invalid USB HID Code Lookup...".format( ERROR, err ) ) raise else: # Already tokenized if type == 'USBCode' and token[0] == 'USB' or type == 'SysCode' and token[0] == 'SYS' or type == 'ConsCode' and token[0] == 'CONS': hidCode = token[1] # Convert else: hidCode = int( token, 0 ) # Check size if a USB Code, to make sure it's valid # XXX Add better check that takes symbolic names into account (i.e. U"Latch5") #if type == 'USBCode' and hidCode > 0xFF: # print ( "{0} USBCode value {1} is larger than 255".format( ERROR, hidCode ) ) # raise # Return a tuple, identifying which type it is if type == 'USBCode': return Make.usbCode_number( hidCode ) elif type == 'ConsCode': return Make.consCode_number( hidCode ) elif type == 'SysCode': return Make.sysCode_number( hidCode ) print ( "{0} Unknown HID Specifier '{1}'".format( ERROR, type ) ) raise def usbCode( token ): return Make.hidCode( 'USBCode', token ) def consCode( token ): return Make.hidCode( 'ConsCode', token ) def sysCode( token ): return Make.hidCode( 'SysCode', token ) def animation( token ): # TODO print( token ) return "NULL" def animationCapability( token ): # TODO print( token ) return "DIS" def pixelCapability( token ): # TODO print( token ) return "DAT" def pixel( token ): # TODO print( token ) return "PNULL" def pixelLayer( token ): # TODO print( token ) return "PLNULL" def pixelchans( token ): # Create dictionary list channel_widths = [] for elem in token: channel_widths.append( { 'chan' : elem[0], 'width' : elem[1], } ) print(channel_widths) return channel_widths def pixelchan_elem( token ): channel_config = { 'pixels' : token[0], 'chans' : token[1], } return channel_config def pixelmods( token ): # TODO print( token ) return "PMOD" def pixellayer( token ): # TODO print( token ) return "PL" def position( token ): return token.split(':') def hidCode_number( type, token ): lookup = { 'ConsCode' : 'CONS', 'SysCode' : 'SYS', 'USBCode' : 'USB', } return ( lookup[ type ], token ) def usbCode_number( token ): return Make.hidCode_number( 'USBCode', token ) def consCode_number( token ): return Make.hidCode_number( 'ConsCode', token ) def sysCode_number( token ): return Make.hidCode_number( 'SysCode', token ) # Replace key-word with None specifier (which indicates a noneOut capability) def none( token ): return [[[('NONE', 0)]]] def seqString( token ): # Shifted Characters, and amount to move by to get non-shifted version # US ANSI shiftCharacters = ( ( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 0x20 ), ( "+", 0x12 ), ( "&(", 0x11 ), ( "!#$%", 0x10 ), ( "*", 0x0E ), ( ")", 0x07 ), ( '"', 0x05 ), ( ":", 0x01 ), ( "@", -0x0E ), ( "<>?", -0x10 ), ( "~", -0x1E ), ( "{}|", -0x20 ), ( "^", -0x28 ), ( "_", -0x32 ), ) listOfLists = [] shiftKey = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary['USBCode']["SHIFT"] # Creates a list of USB codes from the string: sequence (list) of combos (lists) for char in token[1:-1]: processedChar = char # Whether or not to create a combo for this sequence with a shift shiftCombo = False # Depending on the ASCII character, convert to single character or Shift + character for pair in shiftCharacters: if char in pair[0]: shiftCombo = True processedChar = chr( ord( char ) + pair[1] ) break # Do KLL HID Lookup on non-shifted character # NOTE: Case-insensitive, which is why the shift must be pre-computed usbCode = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary['USBCode'][ processedChar.upper() ] # Create Combo for this character, add shift key if shifted charCombo = [] if shiftCombo: charCombo = [ [ shiftKey ] ] charCombo.append( [ usbCode ] ) # Add to list of lists listOfLists.append( charCombo ) return listOfLists def string( token ): return token[1:-1] def unseqString( token ): return token[1:-1] def number( token ): return int( token, 0 ) # Range can go from high to low or low to high def scanCode_range( rangeVals ): start = rangeVals[0] end = rangeVals[1] # Swap start, end if start is greater than end if start > end: start, end = end, start # Iterate from start to end, and generate the range return list( range( start, end + 1 ) ) # Range can go from high to low or low to high # Warn on 0-9 for USBCodes (as this does not do what one would expect) TODO # Lookup USB HID tags and convert to a number def hidCode_range( type, rangeVals ): # Check if already integers if isinstance( rangeVals[0], int ): start = rangeVals[0] else: start = Make.hidCode( type, rangeVals[0] )[1] if isinstance( rangeVals[1], int ): end = rangeVals[1] else: end = Make.hidCode( type, rangeVals[1] )[1] # Swap start, end if start is greater than end if start > end: start, end = end, start # Iterate from start to end, and generate the range listRange = list( range( start, end + 1 ) ) # Convert each item in the list to a tuple for item in range( len( listRange ) ): listRange[ item ] = Make.hidCode_number( type, listRange[ item ] ) return listRange def usbCode_range( rangeVals ): return Make.hidCode_range( 'USBCode', rangeVals ) def sysCode_range( rangeVals ): return Make.hidCode_range( 'SysCode', rangeVals ) def consCode_range( rangeVals ): return Make.hidCode_range( 'ConsCode', rangeVals ) def range( rangeVals ): # TODO print (rangeVals) return "" ## Base Rules const = lambda x: lambda _: x unarg = lambda f: lambda x: f(*x) flatten = lambda list: sum( list, [] ) tokenValue = lambda x: x.value tokenType = lambda t: some( lambda x: x.type == t ) >> tokenValue operator = lambda s: a( Token( 'Operator', s ) ) >> tokenValue parenthesis = lambda s: a( Token( 'Parenthesis', s ) ) >> tokenValue bracket = lambda s: a( Token( 'Bracket', s ) ) >> tokenValue eol = a( Token( 'EndOfLine', ';' ) ) def listElem( item ): return [ item ] def listToTuple( items ): return tuple( items ) # Flatten only the top layer (list of lists of ...) def oneLayerFlatten( items ): mainList = [] for sublist in items: for item in sublist: mainList.append( item ) return mainList # Capability arguments may need to be expanded (e.g. 1 16 bit argument needs to be 2 8 bit arguments for the state machine) def capArgExpander( items ): newArgs = [] # For each defined argument in the capability definition for arg in range( 0, len( capabilities_dict[ items[0] ][1] ) ): argLen = capabilities_dict[ items[0] ][1][ arg ][1] num = items[1][ arg ] byteForm = num.to_bytes( argLen, byteorder='little' ) # XXX Yes, little endian from how the uC structs work # For each sub-argument, split into byte-sized chunks for byte in range( 0, argLen ): newArgs.append( byteForm[ byte ] ) return tuple( [ items[0], tuple( newArgs ) ] ) # Expand ranges of values in the 3rd dimension of the list, to a list of 2nd lists # i.e. [ sequence, [ combo, [ range ] ] ] --> [ [ sequence, [ combo ] ],