- Added kll file emitter * Re-constitutes KLL files from various stages of the compilation process - Using kll file emitter added a basic assignment expression unit test * Added unit test to travis - Fixed array assignment merging when using position operators * Required a special case merge - Update output templates for kiibohd
654 lines
18 KiB
654 lines
18 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
KLL Data Organization
# Copyright (C) 2016 by Jacob Alexander
# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this file. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
### Imports ###
import copy
import re
### Decorators ###
## Print Decorator Variables
ERROR = '\033[5;1;31mERROR\033[0m:'
WARNING = '\033[5;1;33mWARNING\033[0m:'
ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m')
### Classes ###
class Data:
Base class for KLL datastructures
# Debug output formatters
debug_output = {
'add' : "\t\033[1;42;37m++\033[0m\033[1mADD KEY\033[1;42;37m++\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'app' : "\t\033[1;45;37m**\033[0m\033[1mAPP KEY\033[1;45;37m**\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'mod' : "\t\033[1;44;37m##\033[0m\033[1mMOD KEY\033[1;44;37m##\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'rem' : "\t\033[1;41;37m--\033[0m\033[1mREM KEY\033[1;41;37m--\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'drp' : "\t\033[1;43;37m@@\033[0m\033[1mDRP KEY\033[1;43;37m@@\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
'dup' : "\t\033[1;46;37m!!\033[0m\033[1mDUP KEY\033[1;46;37m!!\033[0m \033[1m<==\033[0m {0}",
def __init__( self, parent ):
Initialize datastructure
@param parent: Parent organization, used to query data from other datastructures
self.data = {}
self.parent = parent
def add_expression( self, expression, debug ):
Add expression to data structure
May have multiple keys to add for a given expression
@param expression: KLL Expression (fully tokenized and parsed)
@param debug: Enable debug output
# Lookup unique keys for expression
keys = expression.unique_keys()
# Add/Modify expressions in datastructure
for key, uniq_expr in keys:
# Check which operation we are trying to do, add or modify
if debug[0]:
if key in self.data.keys():
output = self.debug_output['mod'].format( key )
output = self.debug_output['add'].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
self.data[ key ] = uniq_expr
def merge( self, merge_in, debug ):
Merge in the given datastructure to this datastructure
This datastructure serves as the base.
@param merge_in: Data structure from another organization to merge into this one
@param debug: Enable debug out
# The default case is just to add the expression in directly
for key, kll_expression in merge_in.data.items():
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
self.add_expression( kll_expression, debug )
def reduction( self ):
Simplifies datastructure
Most of the datastructures don't have a reduction. Just do nothing in this case.
def elem_str( self, key, single=False ):
Debug output for a single element
@param key: Index to datastructure
@param single: Setting to True will bold the key
if single:
return "\033[1;33m{0: <20}\033[0m \033[1;36;41m>\033[0m {1}\n".format( key, self.data[ key ] )
return "{0: <20} \033[1;36;41m>\033[0m {1}\n".format( key, self.data[ key ] )
def __repr__( self ):
output = ""
# Display sorted list of keys, along with the internal value
for key in sorted( self.data ):
output += self.elem_str( key )
return output
class MappingData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for data mapping
ScanCode trigger -> result
USBCode trigger -> result
Animation trigger -> result
def add_expression( self, expression, debug ):
Add expression to data structure
May have multiple keys to add for a given expression
Map expressions insert into the datastructure according to their operator.
: Add/Modify
:+ Append
:- Remove
:: Lazy Add/Modify
i: Add/Modify
i:+ Append
i:- Remove
i:: Lazy Add/Modify
The i or isolation operators are stored separately from the main ones.
Each key is pre-pended with an i
The :: or lazy operators act just like : operators, except that they will be ignore if the evaluation
merge cannot resolve a ScanCode.
@param expression: KLL Expression (fully tokenized and parsed)
@param debug: Enable debug output
# Lookup unique keys for expression
keys = expression.unique_keys()
# Add/Modify expressions in datastructure
for key, uniq_expr in keys:
# Determine which the expression operator
operator = expression.operator
# Except for the : operator, all others have delayed action
# Meaning, they change behaviour depending on how Contexts are merged
# This means we can't simplify yet
# In addition, :+ and :- are stackable, which means each key has a list of expressions
# We append the operator to differentiate between the different types of delayed operations
key = "{0}{1}".format( operator, key )
# Determine if key exists already
exists = key in self.data.keys()
# Add/Modify
if operator in [':', '::', 'i:', 'i::']:
debug_tag = exists and 'mod' or 'add'
# Append/Remove
# Check to make sure we haven't already appended expression
# Use the string representation to do the comparison (general purpose)
if exists and "{0}".format( uniq_expr ) in [ "{0}".format( elem ) for elem in self.data[ key ] ]:
debug_tag = 'dup'
# Append
elif operator in [':+', 'i:+']:
debug_tag = 'app'
# Remove
debug_tag = 'rem'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Don't append if a duplicate
if debug_tag == 'dup':
# Append, rather than replace
if operator in [':+', ':-', 'i:+', 'i:-']:
if exists:
self.data[ key ].append( uniq_expr )
# Create initial list
self.data[ key ] = [ uniq_expr ]
self.data[ key ] = [ uniq_expr ]
def set_interconnect_id( self, interconnect_id, triggers ):
Traverses the sequence of combo of identifiers to set the interconnect_id
for sequence in triggers:
for combo in sequence:
for identifier in combo:
identifier.interconnect_id = interconnect_id
def merge( self, merge_in, debug ):
Merge in the given datastructure to this datastructure
This datastructure serves as the base.
Map expressions merge differently than insertions.
: Add/Modify - Replace
:+ Append - Add
:- Remove - Remove
:: Lazy Add/Modify - Replace if found, otherwise drop
i: Add/Modify - Replace
i:+ Append - Add
i:- Remove - Remove
i:: Lazy Add/Modify - Replace if found, otherwise drop
@param merge_in: Data structure from another organization to merge into this one
@param debug: Enable debug out
# Check what the current interconnectId is
# If not set, we set to 0 (default)
# We use this to calculate the scancode during the DataAnalysisStage
interconnect_id = 0
if 'interconnectId' in self.parent.variable_data.data.keys():
interconnect_id = self.parent.variable_data.data['interconnectId']
# Sort different types of keys
cur_keys = merge_in.data.keys()
# Lazy Set ::
lazy_keys = [ key for key in cur_keys if key[0:2] == '::' or key[0:3] == 'i::' ]
cur_keys = list( set( cur_keys ) - set( lazy_keys ) )
# Append :+
append_keys = [ key for key in cur_keys if key[0:2] == ':+' or key[0:3] == 'i:+' ]
cur_keys = list( set( cur_keys ) - set( append_keys ) )
# Remove :-
remove_keys = [ key for key in cur_keys if key[0:2] == ':-' or key[0:3] == 'i:-' ]
cur_keys = list( set( cur_keys ) - set( remove_keys ) )
# Set :
# Everything left is just a set
set_keys = cur_keys
# First process the :: (or lazy) operators
# We need to read into this datastructure and apply those first
# Otherwise we may get undesired behaviour
for key in lazy_keys:
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
# Construct target key
target_key = key[0] == 'i' and "i{0}".format( key[2:] ) or key[1:]
# If target key exists, replace
if target_key in self.data.keys():
debug_tag = 'mod'
debug_tag = 'drp'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Only replace
if debug_tag == 'mod':
self.data[ target_key ] = merge_in.data[ key ]
# Then apply : assignment operators
for key in set_keys:
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
# Construct target key
target_key = key
# Indicate if add or modify
if target_key in self.data.keys():
debug_tag = 'mod'
debug_tag = 'add'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Set into new datastructure regardless
self.data[ target_key ] = merge_in.data[ key ]
# Only the : is used to set ScanCodes
# We need to set the interconnect_id just in case the base context has it set
# and in turn influence the new context as well
# This must be done during the merge
for elem in self.data[ target_key ]:
if elem.type == 'ScanCode':
self.set_interconnect_id( interconnect_id, elem.triggers )
# Now apply append operations
for key in append_keys:
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
# Construct target key
target_key = key[0] == 'i' and "i:{0}".format( key[3:] ) or ":{0}".format( key[2:] )
# Alwyays appending
debug_tag = 'app'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Extend list if it exists
if target_key in self.data.keys():
self.data[ target_key ].extend( merge_in.data[ key ] )
self.data[ target_key ] = merge_in.data[ key ]
# Finally apply removal operations to this datastructure
# If the target removal doesn't exist, ignore silently (show debug message)
for key in remove_keys:
# Display key:expression being merged in
if debug[0]:
output = merge_in.elem_str( key, True )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ), end="" )
# Construct target key
target_key = key[0] == 'i' and "i:{0}".format( key[3:] ) or ":{0}".format( key[2:] )
# Drop right away if target datastructure doesn't have target key
if target_key not in self.data.keys():
debug_tag = 'drp'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Compare expressions to be removed with the current set
# Use strings to compare
remove_expressions = [ "{0}".format( expr ) for expr in merge_in.data[ key ] ]
current_expressions = [ ( "{0}".format( expr ), expr ) for expr in self.data[ target_key ] ]
for string, expr in current_expressions:
debug_tag = 'drp'
# Check if an expression matches
if string in remove_expressions:
debug_tag = 'rem'
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = self.debug_output[ debug_tag ].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Remove if found
if debug_tag == 'rem':
self.data[ target_key ] = [ value for value in self.data.values() if value != expr ]
def reduction( self ):
Simplifies datastructure
Used to replace all trigger HIDCode(USBCode)s with ScanCodes
NOTE: Make sure to create a new MergeContext before calling this as you lose data and prior context
scan_code_lookup = {}
# Build dictionary of single ScanCodes first
for key, expr in self.data.items():
if expr[0].elems()[0] == 1 and expr[0].triggers[0][0][0].type == 'ScanCode':
scan_code_lookup[ key ] = expr
# Using this dictionary, replace all the trigger USB codes
new_data = copy.copy( scan_code_lookup )
# 1) Single USB Codes trigger results will replace the original ScanCode result
# 2)
#print( scan_code_lookup )
class AnimationData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Animation configuration
Animation -> modifiers
class AnimationFrameData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Animation Frame configuration
Animation -> Pixel Settings
class CapabilityData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Capability mapping
Capability -> C Function/Identifier
class DefineData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Define mapping
Variable -> C Define/Identifier
class PixelChannelData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Pixel Channel mapping
Pixel -> Channels
class PixelPositionData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Pixel Position mapping
Pixel -> Physical Location
class ScanCodePositionData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for ScanCode Position mapping
ScanCode -> Physical Location
class VariableData( Data ):
KLL datastructure for Variables and Arrays
Variable -> Data
Array -> Data
def add_expression( self, expression, debug ):
Add expression to data structure
May have multiple keys to add for a given expression
In the case of indexed variables, only replaced the specified index
@param expression: KLL Expression (fully tokenized and parsed)
@param debug: Enable debug output
# Lookup unique keys for expression
keys = expression.unique_keys()
# Add/Modify expressions in datastructure
for key, uniq_expr in keys:
# Check which operation we are trying to do, add or modify
if debug[0]:
if key in self.data.keys():
output = self.debug_output['mod'].format( key )
output = self.debug_output['add'].format( key )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Check to see if we need to cap-off the array (a position parameter is given)
if uniq_expr.type == 'Array' and uniq_expr.pos is not None:
# Modify existing array
if key in self.data.keys():
self.data[ key ].merge_array( uniq_expr )
# Add new array
self.data[ key ] = uniq_expr
# Otherwise just add/replace expression
self.data[ key ] = uniq_expr
class Organization:
Container class for KLL datastructures
The purpose of these datastructures is to symbolically store at first, and slowly solve/deduplicate expressions.
Since the order in which the merges occurs matters, this involves a number of intermediate steps.
def __init__( self ):
Intialize data structure
# Setup each of the internal sub-datastructures
self.animation_data = AnimationData( self )
self.animation_frame_data = AnimationFrameData( self )
self.capability_data = CapabilityData( self )
self.define_data = DefineData( self )
self.mapping_data = MappingData( self )
self.pixel_channel_data = PixelChannelData( self )
self.pixel_position_data = PixelPositionData( self )
self.scan_code_position_data = ScanCodePositionData( self )
self.variable_data = VariableData( self )
# Expression to Datastructure mapping
self.data_mapping = {
'AssignmentExpression' : {
'Array' : self.variable_data,
'Variable' : self.variable_data,
'DataAssociationExpression' : {
'Animation' : self.animation_data,
'AnimationFrame' : self.animation_frame_data,
'PixelPosition' : self.pixel_position_data,
'ScanCodePosition' : self.scan_code_position_data,
'MapExpression' : {
'ScanCode' : self.mapping_data,
'USBCode' : self.mapping_data,
'Animation' : self.mapping_data,
'PixelChannel' : self.pixel_channel_data,
'NameAssociationExpression' : {
'Capability' : self.capability_data,
'Define' : self.define_data,
def stores( self ):
Returns list of sub-datastructures
return [
def add_expression( self, expression, debug ):
Add expression to datastructure
Will automatically determine which type of expression and place in the relevant store
@param expression: KLL Expression (fully tokenized and parsed)
@param debug: Enable debug output
# Determine type of of Expression
expression_type = expression.__class__.__name__
# Determine Expression Subtype
expression_subtype = expression.type
# Locate datastructure
data = self.data_mapping[ expression_type ][ expression_subtype ]
# Debug output
if debug[0]:
output = "\t\033[4m{0}\033[0m".format( data.__class__.__name__ )
print( debug[1] and output or ansi_escape.sub( '', output ) )
# Add expression to determined datastructure
data.add_expression( expression, debug )
def merge( self, merge_in, debug ):
Merge in the given organization to this organization
This organization serves as the base.
@param merge_in: Organization to merge into this one
@param debug: Enable debug out
# Merge each of the sub-datastructures
for this, that in zip( self.stores(), merge_in.stores() ):
this.merge( that, debug )
def reduction( self ):
Simplifies datastructure
NOTE: This will remove data, therefore, context is lost
for store in self.stores():
def __repr__( self ):
return "{0}".format( self.stores() )