More information in blog: Scroll down and read the older posts first. BOM for PCB 1 Pro Micro (5v, 16MHz) 2 12pin SIP headers or a 24 pin socket 47 1n4148 diodes 47 switches 1 mini USB connector Molex part 54819-0519 1 cut up micro USB cable Needed in addition if you want LEDs 1 Pro Micro (5v, 16MHz) 2 12pin SIP headers or a 24 pin socket 47 LEDs 4 Resistors for LEDs. Use online LED caculator to choose value Needed for GNAP 2.0 1 Cherry PCB mount 2U stabilizer EasyEDA ordering info: 1.2 ![GNAP! 1.2 PCB Front](gnap1_2top.png) 238.1mm Max* 76.2mm Max; Layers: 2; PCB Thickness: 1.6mm; PCB Qty.: 5; PCB Color: Blue; Surface Finish: HASL; Copper Weight: 1; Panelized PCBs: 1 1.2 Changes Added Mini USB connector Added mounting holes 2.0 ![GNAP! 2.0 PCB Front](gnap2_0top.png) 242.9mm Max* 81mm Max; Layers: 2; PCB Thickness: 1.6mm; PCB Qty.: 5; PCB Color: Blue; Surface Finish: HASL; Copper Weight: 1; Panelized PCBs: 1 2.0 Changes More mouting holes PCB mount cherry stabilizer Removed split space bar switches Gerber files released under ![Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](