Keyboard firmwares for Atmel AVR and Cortex-M
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Vlastimil Ovčáčík a6d33e2c98 Added support for The Ghost Squid controller used for CM XT keyboard. 9 роки тому
Makefile.lufa Added support for The Ghost Squid controller used for CM XT keyboard. 9 роки тому Added support for The Ghost Squid controller used for CM XT keyboard. 9 роки тому
config.h Added support for The Ghost Squid controller used for CM XT keyboard. 9 роки тому
keymap.c Added support for The Ghost Squid controller used for CM XT keyboard. 9 роки тому
keymap_ansi.h Added support for The Ghost Squid controller used for CM XT keyboard. 9 роки тому
led.c Added support for The Ghost Squid controller used for CM XT keyboard. 9 роки тому
matrix.c Added support for The Ghost Squid controller used for CM XT keyboard. 9 роки тому

The Ghost Squid controller

Custom controller for the Cooler Master QuickFire XT keyboard designed by bpiphany.

Note that this is not the official firmware


Move to this directory then just run make like:

$ make -f Makefile.lufa

At the moment only the LUFA stack is supported.


To enter bootloader by hardware use a magnet above the controller before connecting the usb cable.

It is still possible to use Boot Magic and Command (LSFT+RSFT+PAUS) to access the bootloader though.