Keyboard firmwares for Atmel AVR and Cortex-M
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
tmk a88ad58342 core: Swap position of PEQL and PENT in unimap 7年前
binary m0110_usb: Fix target name in Makefiles 7年前
Makefile Fix Makefile for NKRO comment 7年前
Makefile.rev1 m0110_usb: Fix target name in Makefiles 7年前
Makefile.rev2 m0110_usb: Fix target name in Makefiles 7年前
Makefile.unimap.rev1 m0110_usb: Fix target name in Makefiles 7年前
Makefile.unimap.rev2 m0110_usb: Fix target name in Makefiles 7年前 m0110_usb: Fix target name in Makefiles 7年前
config.h Change keymap and enable bootmagic of M0110 10年前
keymap.c m0110_usb: Add unimap 7年前
keymap_common.h m0110_usb: Add unimap 7年前
keymap_intl.c Fix: Use action_t in keymap files 7年前
keymap_spacefn.c Fix: Use action_t in keymap files 7年前
led.c m0110: Add support for international keyboard 9年前
matrix.c Fix matrix.c to use new default impl. 7年前
unimap.c core: Swap position of PEQL and PENT in unimap 7年前
unimap_trans.h m0110_usb: Add unimap 7年前

M0110/M0110A to USB keyboard converter

This firmware converts the protocol of Apple Macintosh keyboard M0110, M0110A and M0120 into USB. Target of this project is USB AVR controller like ATmega32U2 and ATmega32U4. Using this converter you can revive these retro keyboards with modern computer.

Read README of top directory too.

Pictures of M0110 + M0120 and M0110A with TMK converter.


  • M0110A support was contributed by skagon@github.
  • M0120 also is supported. keys(+ * / and ,) on M0120 are recognized as cursor keys.


  • 2013/08: Change port for signals PF to PD
  • 2013/09: Change port again, it uses inversely PD0 for data and PD1 for clock line now.
  • 2014/06: Change keymaps
  • 2015/03: Add support for “International”(ISO) keyboard(keymap_intl.c)
  • 2016/09: Unimap support - keymap editor on web browser


You can buy preassembled TMK converter or make yourown with AVR dev board like PJRC Teensy.

Port of the MCU PD1 is assigned to CLOCK line and PD0 to DATA by default, you can change pin configuration with editing config.h.

M0110 Converter

4P4C phone handset cable

Note that original cable used with Mac is straight while phone handset cable is crossover.

Socket Pinout

Jack fig

Pull-up Resistor

You may need pull-up resistors on signal lines(CLOCK, DATA) in particular when you have long or coiled cable. 1k-10k Ohm will be OK for this purpose. In that case the converter may not read signal from keyboard correctly without pull-up resistors.

Building Firmware

To compile firmware you need AVR GCC. You can edit Makefile and config.h to change compile options and pin configuration. Also KEYMAP option can be used to select keymap.

$ git clone git:// (or download source)
$ cd m0110_usb
$ make -f Makefile.rev2 clean
$ make -f Makefile.rev2 [KEYMAP={intl|spacefn}]

Use Maefile.rev1 for TMK converter rev.1 and Teensy(ATMega32u4), instead.


To create your own keymap copy existent keymap file to keymap_<name>.c and edit it. You can build with make -f Makefile.rev2 KEYMAP=<name>.

Or you can edit keymap on web browser and download firmware.


You can use PJRC HID listen to see debug output. The converter has some functions for debug, press <Magic>+H simultaneously to get help.

  • Magic combo: Shift+Option+⌘ or Shift+Option+Ctrl(Shift+Alt+Gui or Shift+Alt+Control)