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  1. /*
  2. Copyright 2012 Jun Wako <[email protected]>
  3. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  4. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  5. the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
  6. (at your option) any later version.
  7. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  8. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  10. GNU General Public License for more details.
  11. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  12. along with this program. If not, see <>.
  13. */
  14. #ifndef CONFIG_H
  15. #define CONFIG_H
  16. #include <avr/interrupt.h>
  17. /* controller configuration */
  18. #include "controller_teensy.h"
  19. #define VENDOR_ID 0xFEED
  20. #define PRODUCT_ID 0x6512
  21. #define MANUFACTURER t.m.k.
  22. #define PRODUCT PS/2 keyboard converter
  23. #define DESCRIPTION convert PS/2 keyboard to USB
  24. /* matrix size */
  25. #define MATRIX_ROWS 32 // keycode bit: 3-0
  26. #define MATRIX_COLS 8 // keycode bit: 6-4
  27. /* key combination for command */
  28. #define IS_COMMAND() ( \
  29. keyboard_report->mods == (MOD_BIT(KC_LSHIFT) | MOD_BIT(KC_RSHIFT)) || \
  30. keyboard_report->mods == (MOD_BIT(KC_LCTRL) | MOD_BIT(KC_RSHIFT)) \
  31. )
  32. /* mouse keys */
  33. #ifdef MOUSEKEY_ENABLE
  34. # define MOUSEKEY_DELAY_TIME 255
  35. #endif
  36. #ifdef PS2_USE_USART
  37. #if defined(__AVR_ATmega16U4__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
  38. /* XCK for clock line and RXD for data line */
  39. #define PS2_CLOCK_PORT PORTD
  40. #define PS2_CLOCK_PIN PIND
  41. #define PS2_CLOCK_DDR DDRD
  42. #define PS2_CLOCK_BIT 5
  43. #define PS2_DATA_PORT PORTD
  44. #define PS2_DATA_PIN PIND
  45. #define PS2_DATA_DDR DDRD
  46. #define PS2_DATA_BIT 2
  47. /* synchronous, odd parity, 1-bit stop, 8-bit data, sample at falling edge */
  48. /* set DDR of CLOCK as input to be slave */
  49. #define PS2_USART_INIT() do { \
  50. PS2_CLOCK_DDR &= ~(1<<PS2_CLOCK_BIT); \
  51. PS2_DATA_DDR &= ~(1<<PS2_DATA_BIT); \
  52. UCSR1C = ((1 << UMSEL10) | \
  53. (3 << UPM10) | \
  54. (0 << USBS1) | \
  55. (3 << UCSZ10) | \
  56. (0 << UCPOL1)); \
  57. UCSR1A = 0; \
  58. UBRR1H = 0; \
  59. UBRR1L = 0; \
  60. } while (0)
  61. #define PS2_USART_RX_INT_ON() do { \
  62. UCSR1B = ((1 << RXCIE1) | \
  63. (1 << RXEN1)); \
  64. } while (0)
  65. #define PS2_USART_RX_POLL_ON() do { \
  66. UCSR1B = (1 << RXEN1); \
  67. } while (0)
  68. #define PS2_USART_OFF() do { \
  69. UCSR1C = 0; \
  70. UCSR1B &= ~((1 << RXEN1) | \
  71. (1 << TXEN1)); \
  72. } while (0)
  73. #define PS2_USART_RX_READY (UCSR1A & (1<<RXC1))
  74. #define PS2_USART_RX_DATA UDR1
  75. #define PS2_USART_ERROR (UCSR1A & ((1<<FE1) | (1<<DOR1) | (1<<UPE1)))
  76. #define PS2_USART_RX_VECT USART1_RX_vect
  77. #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega168P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
  78. /* XCK for clock line and RXD for data line */
  79. #define PS2_CLOCK_PORT PORTD
  80. #define PS2_CLOCK_PIN PIND
  81. #define PS2_CLOCK_DDR DDRD
  82. #define PS2_CLOCK_BIT 4
  83. #define PS2_DATA_PORT PORTD
  84. #define PS2_DATA_PIN PIND
  85. #define PS2_DATA_DDR DDRD
  86. #define PS2_DATA_BIT 0
  87. /* synchronous, odd parity, 1-bit stop, 8-bit data, sample at falling edge */
  88. /* set DDR of CLOCK as input to be slave */
  89. #define PS2_USART_INIT() do { \
  90. PS2_CLOCK_DDR &= ~(1<<PS2_CLOCK_BIT); \
  91. PS2_DATA_DDR &= ~(1<<PS2_DATA_BIT); \
  92. UCSR0C = ((1 << UMSEL00) | \
  93. (3 << UPM00) | \
  94. (0 << USBS0) | \
  95. (3 << UCSZ00) | \
  96. (0 << UCPOL0)); \
  97. UCSR0A = 0; \
  98. UBRR0H = 0; \
  99. UBRR0L = 0; \
  100. } while (0)
  101. #define PS2_USART_RX_INT_ON() do { \
  102. UCSR0B = ((1 << RXCIE0) | \
  103. (1 << RXEN0)); \
  104. } while (0)
  105. #define PS2_USART_RX_POLL_ON() do { \
  106. UCSR0B = (1 << RXEN0); \
  107. } while (0)
  108. #define PS2_USART_OFF() do { \
  109. UCSR0C = 0; \
  110. UCSR0B &= ~((1 << RXEN0) | \
  111. (1 << TXEN0)); \
  112. } while (0)
  113. #define PS2_USART_RX_READY (UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0))
  114. #define PS2_USART_RX_DATA UDR0
  115. #define PS2_USART_ERROR (UCSR0A & ((1<<FE0) | (1<<DOR0) | (1<<UPE0)))
  116. #define PS2_USART_RX_VECT USART_RX_vect
  117. #endif
  118. #endif
  119. #ifdef PS2_USE_INT
  120. /* uses INT1 for clock line(ATMega32U4) */
  121. #define PS2_CLOCK_PORT PORTD
  122. #define PS2_CLOCK_PIN PIND
  123. #define PS2_CLOCK_DDR DDRD
  124. #define PS2_CLOCK_BIT 1
  125. #define PS2_DATA_PORT PORTD
  126. #define PS2_DATA_PIN PIND
  127. #define PS2_DATA_DDR DDRD
  128. #define PS2_DATA_BIT 2
  129. #define PS2_INT_INIT() do { \
  130. EICRA |= ((1<<ISC11) | \
  131. (0<<ISC10)); \
  132. } while (0)
  133. #define PS2_INT_ON() do { \
  134. EIMSK |= (1<<INT1); \
  135. } while (0)
  136. #define PS2_INT_OFF() do { \
  137. EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT1); \
  138. } while (0)
  139. #define PS2_INT_VECT INT1_vect
  140. #endif
  141. #ifdef PS2_USE_BUSYWAIT
  142. #define PS2_CLOCK_PORT PORTF
  143. #define PS2_CLOCK_PIN PINF
  144. #define PS2_CLOCK_DDR DDRF
  145. #define PS2_CLOCK_BIT 0
  146. #define PS2_DATA_PORT PORTF
  147. #define PS2_DATA_PIN PINF
  148. #define PS2_DATA_DDR DDRF
  149. #define PS2_DATA_BIT 1
  150. #endif
  151. #endif