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usb_keycodes.h 6.9KB

  1. /*
  2. * Key codes from HID Keyboard/Keypad Page
  3. * http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/Hut1_12.pdf
  4. *
  5. * Based on Keyboard Upgrade v0.3.0 http://github.com/rhomann/kbupgrade
  6. */
  7. /*
  8. * Keyboard Upgrade -- Firmware for homebrew computer keyboard controllers.
  9. * Copyright (C) 2009 Robert Homann
  10. *
  11. * Based on RUMP (http://mg8.org/rump/), Copyright (C) 2008 Chris Lee
  12. *
  13. * Based on c64key (http://symlink.dk/projects/c64key/),
  14. * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Mikkel Holm Olsen
  15. *
  16. * Based on HID-Test by Christian Starkjohann, Objective Development
  17. *
  18. * This file is part of the Keyboard Upgrade package.
  19. *
  20. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  21. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  22. * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  23. * (at your option) any later version.
  24. *
  25. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  26. * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  28. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  29. *
  30. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  31. * along with the Keyboard Upgrade package; if not, write to the
  32. * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
  33. * MA 02110-1301 USA
  34. */
  35. #ifndef USB_KEYCODES_H
  36. #define USB_KEYCODES_H
  37. #define IS_ERROR(code) (KB_ROLL_OVER <= (code) && (code) <= KB_UNDEFINED)
  38. #define IS_KEY(code) (KB_A <= (code) && (code) <= KP_HEXADECIMAL)
  39. #define IS_MOD(code) (KB_LCTRL <= (code) && (code) <= KB_RGUI)
  40. #define IS_FN(code) (FN_0 <= (code) && (code) <= FN_7)
  41. #define IS_MOUSEKEY(code) (MS_UP <= (code) && (code) <= MS_WH_RIGHT)
  42. #define IS_MOUSEKEY_MOVE(code) (MS_UP <= (code) && (code) <= MS_RIGHT)
  43. #define IS_MOUSEKEY_BUTTON(code) (MS_BTN1 <= (code) && (code) <= MS_BTN5)
  44. #define IS_MOUSEKEY_WHEEL(code) (MS_WH_UP <= (code) && (code) <= MS_WH_RIGHT)
  45. #define MOD_BIT(code) (1<<((code) & 0x07))
  46. #define FN_BIT(code) (1<<((code) - FN_0))
  47. // short names
  48. #define KB_LCTL KB_LCTRL
  49. #define KB_RCTL KB_RCTRL
  50. #define KB_LSFT KB_LSHIFT
  51. #define KB_RSFT KB_RSHIFT
  52. #define KB_ESC KB_ESCAPE
  53. #define KB_BSPC KB_BSPACE
  54. #define KB_ENT KB_ENTER
  55. #define KB_DEL KB_DELETE
  56. #define KB_INS KB_INSERT
  57. #define KB_CAPS KB_CAPSLOCK
  58. #define KB_RGHT KB_RIGHT
  59. #define KB_PGDN KB_PGDOWN
  60. #define KB_PSCR KB_PSCREEN
  61. #define KB_SLCK KB_SCKLOCK
  62. #define KB_BRK KB_BREAK
  63. #define KB_SPC KB_SPACE
  64. #define KB_MINS KB_MINUS
  65. #define KB_EQL KB_EQUAL
  66. #define KB_GRV KB_GRAVE
  67. #define KB_RBRC KB_RBRACKET
  68. #define KB_LBRC KB_LBRACKET
  69. #define KB_COMM KB_COMMA
  70. #define KB_BSLS KB_BSLASH
  71. #define KB_SLSH KB_SLASH
  72. #define KB_SCLN KB_SCOLON
  73. #define KB_QUOT KB_QUOTE
  74. #define KB_PWR KB_POWER
  75. #define KB_VOLU KB_VOLUP
  76. #define KB_VOLD KB_VOLDOWN
  77. #define KP_SLSH KP_SLASH
  78. #define KP_ASTR KP_ASTERISK
  79. #define KP_MINS KP_MINUS
  80. #define MS_RGHT MS_RIGHT
  81. #define MS_WH_U MS_WH_UP
  82. #define MS_WH_D MS_WH_DOWN
  83. #define MS_WH_L MS_WH_LEFT
  84. #define MS_WH_R MS_WH_RIGHT
  85. enum keycodes {
  86. KB_NO = 0,
  90. KB_A,
  91. KB_B,
  92. KB_C,
  93. KB_D,
  94. KB_E,
  95. KB_F,
  96. KB_G,
  97. KB_H,
  98. KB_I,
  99. KB_J,
  100. KB_K,
  101. KB_L,
  102. KB_M, /* 0x10 */
  103. KB_N,
  104. KB_O,
  105. KB_P,
  106. KB_Q,
  107. KB_R,
  108. KB_S,
  109. KB_T,
  110. KB_U,
  111. KB_V,
  112. KB_W,
  113. KB_X,
  114. KB_Y,
  115. KB_Z,
  116. KB_1,
  117. KB_2,
  118. KB_3, /* 0x20 */
  119. KB_4,
  120. KB_5,
  121. KB_6,
  122. KB_7,
  123. KB_8,
  124. KB_9,
  125. KB_0,
  126. KB_ENTER,
  127. KB_ESCAPE,
  128. KB_BSPACE,
  129. KB_TAB,
  130. KB_SPACE,
  131. KB_MINUS,
  132. KB_EQUAL,
  133. KB_LBRACKET, /* [ */
  134. KB_RBRACKET, /* ] */
  135. KB_BSLASH, /* \ (and |) */
  136. KB_NONUS_HASH, /* Non-US # and ~ */
  137. KB_SCOLON, /* ; (and :) */
  138. KB_QUOTE, /* ' and " */
  139. KB_GRAVE, /* Grave accent and tilde */
  140. KB_COMMA, /* , and < */
  141. KB_DOT, /* . and > */
  142. KB_SLASH, /* / and ? */
  144. KB_F1,
  145. KB_F2,
  146. KB_F3,
  147. KB_F4,
  148. KB_F5,
  149. KB_F6,
  150. KB_F7, /* 0x40 */
  151. KB_F8,
  152. KB_F9,
  153. KB_F10,
  154. KB_F11,
  155. KB_F12,
  156. KB_PSCREEN,
  157. KB_SCKLOCK,
  158. KB_BREAK,
  159. KB_INSERT,
  160. KB_HOME,
  161. KB_PGUP,
  162. KB_DELETE,
  163. KB_END,
  164. KB_PGDOWN,
  165. KB_RIGHT,
  166. KB_LEFT, /* 0x50 */
  167. KB_DOWN,
  168. KB_UP,
  169. KB_NUMLOCK,
  170. KP_SLASH,
  172. KP_MINUS,
  173. KP_PLUS,
  174. KP_ENTER,
  175. KP_1,
  176. KP_2,
  177. KP_3,
  178. KP_4,
  179. KP_5,
  180. KP_6,
  181. KP_7,
  182. KP_8, /* 0x60 */
  183. KP_9,
  184. KP_0,
  185. KP_DOT,
  186. KB_NONUS_BSLASH, /* Non-US \ and | */
  188. KB_POWER,
  189. KP_EQUAL,
  190. KB_F13,
  191. KB_F14,
  192. KB_F15,
  193. KB_F16,
  194. KB_F17,
  195. KB_F18,
  196. KB_F19,
  197. KB_F20,
  198. KB_F21, /* 0x70 */
  199. KB_F22,
  200. KB_F23,
  201. KB_F24,
  202. KB_EXECUTE,
  203. KB_HELP,
  204. KB_MENU,
  205. KB_SELECT,
  206. KB_STOP,
  207. KB_AGAIN,
  208. KB_UNDO,
  209. KB_CUT,
  210. KB_COPY,
  211. KB_PASTE,
  212. KB_FIND,
  213. KB_MUTE,
  214. KB_VOLUP, /* 0x80 */
  215. KB_VOLDOWN,
  216. KB_LOCKING_CAPS, /* locking Caps Lock */
  217. KB_LOCKING_NUM, /* locking Num Lock */
  218. KB_LOCKING_SCROLL, /* locking Scroll Lock */
  219. KP_COMMA,
  220. KP_EQUAL_AS400, /* equal sign on AS/400 */
  221. KB_INT1,
  222. KB_INT2,
  223. KB_INT3,
  224. KB_INT4,
  225. KB_INT5,
  226. KB_INT6,
  227. KB_INT7,
  228. KB_INT8,
  229. KB_INT9,
  230. KB_LANG1, /* 0x90 */
  231. KB_LANG2,
  232. KB_LANG3,
  233. KB_LANG4,
  234. KB_LANG5,
  235. KB_LANG6,
  236. KB_LANG7,
  237. KB_LANG8,
  238. KB_LANG9,
  239. KB_ALT_ERASE,
  240. KB_SYSREQ,
  241. KB_CANCEL,
  242. KB_CLEAR,
  243. KB_PRIOR,
  244. KB_RETURN,
  246. KB_OUT,
  247. KB_OPER,
  249. KB_CRSEL,
  250. KB_EXSEL,
  251. KP_00 = 0xB0,
  252. KP_000,
  257. KP_LPAREN,
  258. KP_RPAREN,
  259. KP_LCBRACKET, /* { */
  260. KP_RCBRACKET, /* } */
  261. KP_TAB,
  262. KP_BSPACE,
  263. KP_A,
  264. KP_B,
  265. KP_C,
  266. KP_D,
  267. KP_E,
  268. KP_F,
  269. KP_XOR,
  270. KP_HAT,
  271. KP_PERC,
  272. KP_LT,
  273. KP_GT,
  274. KP_AND,
  275. KP_LAZYAND,
  276. KP_OR,
  277. KP_LAZYOR,
  278. KP_COLON,
  279. KP_HASH,
  280. KP_SPACE,
  281. KP_ATMARK,
  283. KP_MEM_STORE,
  285. KP_MEM_CLEAR,
  286. KP_MEM_ADD,
  287. KP_MEM_SUB,
  288. KP_MEM_MUL,
  289. KP_MEM_DIV,
  291. KP_CLEAR,
  293. KP_BINARY,
  294. KP_OCTAL,
  295. KP_DECIMAL,
  297. /* modifiers */
  298. KB_LCTRL = 0xE0, /* 0x01 */
  299. KB_LSHIFT, /* 0x02 */
  300. KB_LALT, /* 0x04 */
  301. KB_LGUI, /* 0x08 */
  302. KB_RCTRL, /* 0x10 */
  303. KB_RSHIFT, /* 0x20 */
  304. KB_RALT, /* 0x40 */
  305. KB_RGUI, /* 0x80 */
  306. /* extensions for internal use */
  307. FN_0 = 0xE8,
  308. FN_1,
  309. FN_2,
  310. FN_3,
  311. FN_4,
  312. FN_5,
  313. FN_6,
  314. FN_7,
  315. MS_UP = 0xF0,
  316. MS_DOWN,
  317. MS_LEFT,
  318. MS_RIGHT,
  319. MS_BTN1 = 0xF4,
  320. MS_BTN2,
  321. MS_BTN3,
  322. MS_BTN4,
  323. MS_BTN5,
  324. MS_WH_UP,
  325. MS_WH_DOWN,
  326. MS_WH_LEFT,
  327. MS_WH_RIGHT,
  328. };
  329. #endif /* USB_KEYCODES_H */