This repo is archived. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
tmk 28203e909e Squashed 'tmk_core/' changes from 57d27a8..08ce4c3
08ce4c3 Add update for chibios in README
30cac1d Merge remote-tracking branch 'flabbergast-tmk_keyboard/chibios'
f218a38 core: Remove unused warning. Fix tmk_keyboard/#293
3e68807 Chibios: add more guards for transmitting (fix a deadlock bug).
cecc807 core: Speed up compilation
d01d959 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into chibios
8ff12ae Merge pull request #230 from jerryen/master
3afb83d core: Add note about sudo and git
2525d5d Chibios: Update to new USB API.
2fc5cd6 Merge branch 'master' into chibios
6f5511a core: Fix variable initialize
02a15fa core: Fix variable init and header include
1833ca1 Merge pull request #292 from obones/command_warning
bc9dc6f Merge pull request #294 from shayneholmes/fix-debug-message
c1b891b Merge pull request #295 from doopai/master
1da837c core: Add macro commands SM(), RM() and CM()
d9d5a93 Add support for storing, restoring and clearing modifiers in macros
4f371c0 core: Add dfu-programmer example to doc/build.md
ba3792e core: Fix doc/build.md
4b99fed remove  SERIAL_SOFT_DEBUG macro
984accb Fix typo in bootmagic debug message
67a7ea1 usb_usb: Fix for keymap editor
2fc9ae4 host_driver is only used if KEYBOARD_LOCK_ENABLE is defined
a35cdea Chibios: add 'core/protocol' to the makefiles' search path.
5ed2fd6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into chibios
bbc4851 Do timeout when writing to CONSOLE EP queue.
2450559 Remove an errant comma trailing the KC_ERAS macro alias
8465747 Merge pull request #270 from jeffgran/single-tap-toggle
a37339a Merge pull request #271 from jeffgran/default-layer-toggle
8e732f7 core: Update doc/build.md and remove other_projects.md
e47dc15 Workaround for compiler warnings when console disabled.
4184c52 Add maple mini code.
b555238 core: Fix rules.mk for dfu target
26dacf4 add ACTION_DEFAULT_LAYER_TOGGLE to toggle a default layer on/off
83607d9 enable TAPPING_TOGGLE=1 to work correctly
bef3089 Merge branch 'master' into chibios
f7a55fd core: Fix debug print of usb_hid
1402f7d core: Add keycode KC_JPY for JIS
8e3a460 Chibios: Remove the wait in the main loop.
7d41746 ChibiOS: prettify/document sleep_led code.
235cdee ChibiOS: Update infinity bootloader code to match updated ChibiOS.
807bf1e Chibios: Add breathing sleep LED on Kinetis MCUs.
ba3bf7c ChibiOS: make reset request more CMSISy.
bf2ffd4 Add correct chibios/bootloader_jump for infinity KB.
f5e03fd Chibios/usb_main: rename a variable for clarity.
63a330c Fix drop key stroke
d8f5b06 Fix report size of boot protocol.
38abb50 ChibiOS/STM32: send remote wakeup.
6725650 ChibiOS/kinetis: sending remote wakeup.
69f6e54 Chibios: use WFI in idle. WIP suspend stuff.
02f044b Move chibios/cortex selection to local Makefiles.
fa59dfa Rename chibios example keyboard.
5c060de Add eeprom support for chibios/kinetis.
efd0044 Move declaration of keymap_config.
7196b24 Make bootmagic.c code portable (_delay_ms -> wait_ms).
37b15b2 Add missing #include to keymap.c.
31316e3 Merge branch 'master' into chibios
166f312 Fix chibios/usb_main GET_REPORT handing.
57ac6c2 Add ARM Teensies bootloader code.
1758086 Move STM32 bootloader address config to separate .h file.
03bb026 Rename some Makefile defines.
76ba6ac NKRO fixes.
06498f8 Update chibios README.
db0a4f5 Add basic sleep_led for chibios.
c3f930e Move AVR specific sleep_led.c into avr.
4069494 Fix bootloader-jump compiling.
9117f7b Small updates.
269cb85 Implement jump-to-bootloader.
7e81b34 Move chibios to tool.
923a892 Make usb_main more USB_DRIVER #define independent.
aa054f0 Add ChibiOS support (USB stack + support files).
1e3e282 Modularity and gcc warnings fixes.
2f60ce0 Add KEYBOARD_LOCK_ENABLE to makefile

git-subtree-dir: tmk_core
git-subtree-split: 08ce4c3021d2ecd446c5b9a137aded65423d241e
2016-02-11 12:21:21 +09:00

624 lines
17 KiB

# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- makefile -*-
# WinAVR Makefile Template written by Eric B. Weddington, Jg Wunsch, et al.
# Released to the Public Domain
# Additional material for this makefile was written by:
# Peter Fleury
# Tim Henigan
# Colin O'Flynn
# Reiner Patommel
# Markus Pfaff
# Sander Pool
# Frederik Rouleau
# Carlos Lamas
# On command line:
# make all = Make software.
# make clean = Clean out built project files.
# make coff = Convert ELF to AVR COFF.
# make extcoff = Convert ELF to AVR Extended COFF.
# make program = Download the hex file to the device.
# Please customize your programmer settings(PROGRAM_CMD)
# make teensy = Download the hex file to the device, using teensy_loader_cli.
# (must have teensy_loader_cli installed).
# make dfu = Download the hex file to the device, using dfu-programmer (must
# have dfu-programmer installed).
# make flip = Download the hex file to the device, using Atmel FLIP (must
# have Atmel FLIP installed).
# make dfu-ee = Download the eeprom file to the device, using dfu-programmer
# (must have dfu-programmer installed).
# make flip-ee = Download the eeprom file to the device, using Atmel FLIP
# (must have Atmel FLIP installed).
# make debug = Start either simulavr or avarice as specified for debugging,
# with avr-gdb or avr-insight as the front end for debugging.
# make filename.s = Just compile filename.c into the assembler code only.
# make filename.i = Create a preprocessed source file for use in submitting
# bug reports to the GCC project.
# To rebuild project do "make clean" then "make all".
# Output format. (can be srec, ihex, binary)
FORMAT = ihex
# Object files directory
# To put object files in current directory, use a dot (.), do NOT make
# this an empty or blank macro!
# Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s].
# 0 = turn off optimization. s = optimize for size.
# (Note: 3 is not always the best optimization level. See avr-libc FAQ.)
OPT = s
# Debugging format.
# Native formats for AVR-GCC's -g are dwarf-2 [default] or stabs.
# AVR Studio 4.10 requires dwarf-2.
# AVR [Extended] COFF format requires stabs, plus an avr-objcopy run.
DEBUG = dwarf-2
# List any extra directories to look for include files here.
# Each directory must be seperated by a space.
# Use forward slashes for directory separators.
# For a directory that has spaces, enclose it in quotes.
EXTRAINCDIRS = $(subst :, ,$(VPATH))
# Compiler flag to set the C Standard level.
# c89 = "ANSI" C
# gnu89 = c89 plus GCC extensions
# c99 = ISO C99 standard (not yet fully implemented)
# gnu99 = c99 plus GCC extensions
CSTANDARD = -std=gnu99
# Place -D or -U options here for C sources
# Place -D or -U options here for ASM sources
# Place -D or -U options here for C++ sources
#---------------- Compiler Options C ----------------
# -g*: generate debugging information
# -O*: optimization level
# -f...: tuning, see GCC manual and avr-libc documentation
# -Wall...: warning level
# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
# -adhlns...: create assembler listing
CFLAGS += -funsigned-char
CFLAGS += -funsigned-bitfields
CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections
CFLAGS += -fdata-sections
CFLAGS += -fno-inline-small-functions
CFLAGS += -fpack-struct
CFLAGS += -fshort-enums
CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing
CFLAGS += -Wall
CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes
#CFLAGS += -mshort-calls
#CFLAGS += -fno-unit-at-a-time
#CFLAGS += -Wundef
#CFLAGS += -Wunreachable-code
#CFLAGS += -Wsign-compare
CFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(@:%.o=%.lst)
CFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS))
ifdef CONFIG_H
CFLAGS += -include $(CONFIG_H)
#---------------- Compiler Options C++ ----------------
# -g*: generate debugging information
# -O*: optimization level
# -f...: tuning, see GCC manual and avr-libc documentation
# -Wall...: warning level
# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
# -adhlns...: create assembler listing
CPPFLAGS += -funsigned-char
CPPFLAGS += -funsigned-bitfields
CPPFLAGS += -fpack-struct
CPPFLAGS += -fshort-enums
CPPFLAGS += -fno-exceptions
CPPFLAGS += -ffunction-sections
CPPFLAGS += -fdata-sections
# to supress "warning: only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area"
CPPFLAGS += -Wundef
#CPPFLAGS += -mshort-calls
#CPPFLAGS += -fno-unit-at-a-time
#CPPFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes
#CPPFLAGS += -Wunreachable-code
#CPPFLAGS += -Wsign-compare
CPPFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(@:%.o=%.lst)
CPPFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS))
ifdef CONFIG_H
CPPFLAGS += -include $(CONFIG_H)
#---------------- Assembler Options ----------------
# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
# -adhlns: create listing
# -gstabs: have the assembler create line number information; note that
# for use in COFF files, additional information about filenames
# and function names needs to be present in the assembler source
# files -- see avr-libc docs [FIXME: not yet described there]
# -listing-cont-lines: Sets the maximum number of continuation lines of hex
# dump that will be displayed for a given single line of source input.
ASFLAGS = $(ADEFS) -Wa,-adhlns=$(@:%.o=%.lst),-gstabs,--listing-cont-lines=100
ASFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS))
ifdef CONFIG_H
ASFLAGS += -include $(CONFIG_H)
#---------------- Library Options ----------------
# Minimalistic printf version
PRINTF_LIB_MIN = -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min
# Floating point printf version (requires MATH_LIB = -lm below)
PRINTF_LIB_FLOAT = -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt
# If this is left blank, then it will use the Standard printf version.
# Minimalistic scanf version
SCANF_LIB_MIN = -Wl,-u,vfscanf -lscanf_min
# Floating point + %[ scanf version (requires MATH_LIB = -lm below)
SCANF_LIB_FLOAT = -Wl,-u,vfscanf -lscanf_flt
# If this is left blank, then it will use the Standard scanf version.
MATH_LIB = -lm
# List any extra directories to look for libraries here.
# Each directory must be seperated by a space.
# Use forward slashes for directory separators.
# For a directory that has spaces, enclose it in quotes.
#---------------- External Memory Options ----------------
# 64 KB of external RAM, starting after internal RAM (ATmega128!),
# used for variables (.data/.bss) and heap (malloc()).
#EXTMEMOPTS = -Wl,-Tdata=0x801100,--defsym=__heap_end=0x80ffff
# 64 KB of external RAM, starting after internal RAM (ATmega128!),
# only used for heap (malloc()).
#EXTMEMOPTS = -Wl,--section-start,.data=0x801100,--defsym=__heap_end=0x80ffff
#---------------- Linker Options ----------------
# -Wl,...: tell GCC to pass this to linker.
# -Map: create map file
# --cref: add cross reference to map file
# Comennt out "--relax" option to avoid a error such:
# (.vectors+0x30): relocation truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL against symbol `__vector_12'
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-Map=$(TARGET).map,--cref
#LDFLAGS += -Wl,--relax
LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections
LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,$(EXTRALIBDIRS))
#LDFLAGS += -T linker_script.x
# You can give EXTRALDFLAGS at 'make' command line.
#---------------- Debugging Options ----------------
# For simulavr only - target MCU frequency.
# Set the DEBUG_UI to either gdb or insight.
# DEBUG_UI = gdb
DEBUG_UI = insight
# Set the debugging back-end to either avarice, simulavr.
#DEBUG_BACKEND = simulavr
# GDB Init Filename.
GDBINIT_FILE = __avr_gdbinit
# When using avarice settings for the JTAG
JTAG_DEV = /dev/com1
# Debugging port used to communicate between GDB / avarice / simulavr.
# Debugging host used to communicate between GDB / avarice / simulavr, normally
# just set to localhost unless doing some sort of crazy debugging when
# avarice is running on a different computer.
DEBUG_HOST = localhost
# Define programs and commands.
SHELL = sh
CC = avr-gcc
OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy
OBJDUMP = avr-objdump
SIZE = avr-size
AR = avr-ar rcs
NM = avr-nm
REMOVE = rm -f
COPY = cp
# Define Messages
# English
MSG_ERRORS_NONE = Errors: none
MSG_BEGIN = -------- begin --------
MSG_END = -------- end --------
MSG_SIZE_BEFORE = Size before:
MSG_SIZE_AFTER = Size after:
MSG_COFF = Converting to AVR COFF:
MSG_EXTENDED_COFF = Converting to AVR Extended COFF:
MSG_FLASH = Creating load file for Flash:
MSG_EEPROM = Creating load file for EEPROM:
MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING = Creating Extended Listing:
MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE = Creating Symbol Table:
MSG_LINKING = Linking:
MSG_COMPILING = Compiling C:
MSG_COMPILING_CPP = Compiling C++:
MSG_ASSEMBLING = Assembling:
MSG_CLEANING = Cleaning project:
MSG_CREATING_LIBRARY = Creating library:
# Define all object files.
OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(patsubst %.cpp,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(patsubst %.S,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(SRC))))
# Define all listing files.
LST = $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.lst,$(patsubst %.cpp,$(OBJDIR)/%.lst,$(patsubst %.S,$(OBJDIR)/%.lst,$(SRC))))
# Compiler flags to generate dependency files.
#GENDEPFLAGS = -MMD -MP -MF .dep/$(@F).d
GENDEPFLAGS = -MMD -MP -MF .dep/$(subst /,_,$@).d
# Combine all necessary flags and optional flags.
# Add target processor to flags.
# You can give extra flags at 'make' command line like: make EXTRAFLAGS=-DFOO=bar
ALL_ASFLAGS = -mmcu=$(MCU) -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS)
# Default target.
all: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end
# Change the build target to build a HEX file or a library.
build: elf hex eep lss sym
#build: lib
elf: $(TARGET).elf
hex: $(TARGET).hex
eep: $(TARGET).eep
lss: $(TARGET).lss
sym: $(TARGET).sym
lib: $(LIBNAME)
# Eye candy.
# AVR Studio 3.x does not check make's exit code but relies on
# the following magic strings to be generated by the compile job.
@echo $(MSG_BEGIN)
@echo $(MSG_END)
# Display size of file.
HEXSIZE = $(SIZE) --target=$(FORMAT) $(TARGET).hex
#ELFSIZE = $(SIZE) --mcu=$(MCU) --format=avr $(TARGET).elf
@if test -f $(TARGET).elf; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_BEFORE); $(ELFSIZE); \
2>/dev/null; echo; fi
@if test -f $(TARGET).elf; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_AFTER); $(ELFSIZE); \
2>/dev/null; echo; fi
# Display compiler version information.
gccversion :
@$(CC) --version
# Program the device.
program: $(TARGET).hex $(TARGET).eep
teensy: $(TARGET).hex
teensy_loader_cli -mmcu=$(MCU) -w -v $(TARGET).hex
flip: $(TARGET).hex
batchisp -hardware usb -device $(MCU) -operation erase f
batchisp -hardware usb -device $(MCU) -operation loadbuffer $(TARGET).hex program
batchisp -hardware usb -device $(MCU) -operation start reset 0
dfu: $(TARGET).hex
ifneq (, $(findstring 0.7, $(shell dfu-programmer --version 2>&1)))
dfu-programmer $(MCU) erase --force
dfu-programmer $(MCU) erase
dfu-programmer $(MCU) flash $(TARGET).hex
dfu-programmer $(MCU) reset
dfu-programmer $(MCU) reset
dfu-programmer $(MCU) start
flip-ee: $(TARGET).hex $(TARGET).eep
$(COPY) $(TARGET).eep $(TARGET)eep.hex
batchisp -hardware usb -device $(MCU) -operation memory EEPROM erase
batchisp -hardware usb -device $(MCU) -operation memory EEPROM loadbuffer $(TARGET)eep.hex program
batchisp -hardware usb -device $(MCU) -operation start reset 0
$(REMOVE) $(TARGET)eep.hex
dfu-ee: $(TARGET).hex $(TARGET).eep
ifneq (, $(findstring 0.7, $(shell dfu-programmer --version 2>&1)))
dfu-programmer $(MCU) flash --eeprom $(TARGET).eep
dfu-programmer $(MCU) flash-eeprom $(TARGET).eep
dfu-programmer $(MCU) reset
# Generate avr-gdb config/init file which does the following:
# define the reset signal, load the target file, connect to target, and set
# a breakpoint at main().
@echo define reset >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
@echo end >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
@echo file $(TARGET).elf >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
@echo target remote $(DEBUG_HOST):$(DEBUG_PORT) >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
ifeq ($(DEBUG_BACKEND),simulavr)
@echo load >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
@echo break main >> $(GDBINIT_FILE)
debug: gdb-config $(TARGET).elf
ifeq ($(DEBUG_BACKEND), avarice)
@echo Starting AVaRICE - Press enter when "waiting to connect" message displays.
@$(WINSHELL) /c start avarice --jtag $(JTAG_DEV) --erase --program --file \
@$(WINSHELL) /c pause
@$(WINSHELL) /c start simulavr --gdbserver --device $(MCU) --clock-freq \
@$(WINSHELL) /c start avr-$(DEBUG_UI) --command=$(GDBINIT_FILE)
# Convert ELF to COFF for use in debugging / simulating in AVR Studio or VMLAB.
COFFCONVERT = $(OBJCOPY) --debugging
COFFCONVERT += --change-section-address .data-0x800000
COFFCONVERT += --change-section-address .bss-0x800000
COFFCONVERT += --change-section-address .noinit-0x800000
COFFCONVERT += --change-section-address .eeprom-0x810000
coff: $(TARGET).elf
@echo $(MSG_COFF) $(TARGET).cof
$(COFFCONVERT) -O coff-avr $< $(TARGET).cof
extcoff: $(TARGET).elf
$(COFFCONVERT) -O coff-ext-avr $< $(TARGET).cof
# Create final output files (.hex, .eep) from ELF output file.
%.hex: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_FLASH) $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O $(FORMAT) -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature $< $@
%.eep: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_EEPROM) $@
-$(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \
--change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O $(FORMAT) $< $@ || exit 0
# Create extended listing file from ELF output file.
%.lss: %.elf
$(OBJDUMP) -h -S -z $< > $@
# Create a symbol table from ELF output file.
%.sym: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE) $@
$(NM) -n $< > $@
# Create library from object files.
%.a: $(OBJ)
$(AR) $@ $(OBJ)
# Link: create ELF output file from object files.
%.elf: $(OBJ)
@echo $(MSG_LINKING) $@
$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $^ --output $@ $(LDFLAGS)
# Compile: create object files from C source files.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
mkdir -p $(@D)
@echo $(MSG_COMPILING) $<
$(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Compile: create object files from C++ source files.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.cpp
mkdir -p $(@D)
$(CC) -c $(ALL_CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Compile: create assembler files from C source files.
%.s : %.c
$(CC) -S $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Compile: create assembler files from C++ source files.
%.s : %.cpp
$(CC) -S $(ALL_CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Assemble: create object files from assembler source files.
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.S
mkdir -p $(@D)
@echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLING) $<
$(CC) -c $(ALL_ASFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Create preprocessed source for use in sending a bug report.
%.i : %.c
$(CC) -E -mmcu=$(MCU) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Target: clean project.
clean: begin clean_list end
clean_list :
$(REMOVE) $(OBJ:.o=.s)
$(REMOVE) $(OBJ:.o=.i)
$(REMOVE) -r .dep
@echo VPATH=$(VPATH)
@echo SRC=$(SRC)
# Create object files directory
$(shell mkdir $(OBJDIR) 2>/dev/null)
# Include the dependency files.
-include $(shell mkdir .dep 2>/dev/null) $(wildcard .dep/*)
# Listing of phony targets.
.PHONY : all begin finish end sizebefore sizeafter gccversion \
build elf hex eep lss sym coff extcoff \
clean clean_list debug gdb-config show_path \
program teensy dfu flip dfu-ee flip-ee dfu-start