Kiibohd Controller
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.
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  1. /* Copyright (C) 2014 by Jacob Alexander
  2. *
  3. * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  4. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  5. * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  6. * (at your option) any later version.
  7. *
  8. * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  12. *
  13. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14. * along with this file. If not, see <>.
  15. */
  16. #ifndef __kll_h
  17. #define __kll_h
  18. // ----- Includes -----
  19. // Project Includes
  20. #include <print.h>
  21. #include <scan_loop.h>
  22. #include <macro.h>
  23. #include <output_com.h>
  24. // USB HID Keymap list
  25. #include <usb_hid.h>
  26. // ----- Types -----
  27. // - NOTE -
  28. // It is possible to change the maximum state and indexing positions of the state machine.
  29. // This usually affects the SRAM usage quite a bit, so it can be used to fit the code on smaller uCs
  30. // Or to allow for nearly infinite states.
  31. // TODO Make selectable from layout variable
  32. //typedef uint32_t var_uint_t;
  33. //typedef uint16_t var_uint_t;
  34. typedef uint8_t var_uint_t;
  35. // - NOTE -
  36. // Native pointer length
  37. // This needs to be defined per microcontroller
  38. // e.g. mk20s -> 32 bit
  39. // atmega -> 16 bit
  40. #if defined(_mk20dx128_) || defined(_mk20dx128vlf5_) || defined(_mk20dx256_) // ARM
  41. typedef uint32_t nat_ptr_t;
  42. #elif defined(_at90usb162_) || defined(_atmega32u4_) || defined(_at90usb646_) || defined(_at90usb1286_) // AVR
  43. typedef uint16_t nat_ptr_t;
  44. #endif
  45. // ----- Structs -----
  46. // -- Result Macro
  47. // Defines the sequence of combinations to as the Result of Trigger Macro
  48. // For RAM optimization reasons, ResultMacro has been split into ResultMacro and ResultMacroRecord structures
  49. //
  50. // Capability + args per USB send
  51. // Default Args (always sent): key state/analog of last key
  52. // Combo Length of 0 signifies end of sequence
  53. //
  54. // -> [<combo length>|<capability index>|<arg1>|<argn>|<capability index>|...|<combo length>|...|0]
  55. //
  56. // ResultMacroRecord.pos -> <current combo position>
  57. // ResultMacroRecord.state -> <last key state>
  58. // ResultMacroRecord.stateType -> <last key state type>
  59. // ResultMacro struct, one is created per ResultMacro, no duplicates
  60. typedef struct ResultMacro {
  61. const uint8_t *guide;
  62. } ResultMacro;
  63. typedef struct ResultMacroRecord {
  64. var_uint_t pos;
  65. uint8_t state;
  66. uint8_t stateType;
  67. } ResultMacroRecord;
  68. // Guide, key element
  69. #define ResultGuideSize( guidePtr ) sizeof( ResultGuide ) - 1 + CapabilitiesList[ (guidePtr)->index ].argCount
  70. typedef struct ResultGuide {
  71. uint8_t index;
  72. uint8_t args; // This is used as an array pointer (but for packing purposes, must be 8 bit)
  73. } ResultGuide;
  74. // -- Trigger Macro
  75. // Defines the sequence of combinations to Trigger a Result Macro
  76. // For RAM optimization reasons TriggerMacro has been split into TriggerMacro and TriggerMacroRecord
  77. // Key Types:
  78. // * 0x00 Normal (Press/Hold/Release)
  79. // * 0x01 LED State (On/Off)
  80. // * 0x02 Analog (Threshold)
  81. // * 0x03-0xFE Reserved
  82. // * 0xFF Debug State
  83. //
  84. // Key State:
  85. // * Off - 0x00 (all flag states)
  86. // * On - 0x01
  87. // * Press/Hold/Release - 0x01/0x02/0x03
  88. // * Threshold (Range) - 0x01 (Released), 0x10 (Light press), 0xFF (Max press)
  89. // * Debug - 0xFF (Print capability name)
  90. //
  91. // Combo Length of 0 signifies end of sequence
  92. //
  93. // -> [<combo length>|<key1 type>|<key1 state>|<key1>...<keyn type>|<keyn state>|<keyn>|<combo length>...|0]
  94. // TriggerMacro.result -> <index to result macro>
  95. //
  96. // TriggerMacroRecord.pos -> <current combo position>
  97. // TriggerMacroRecord.state -> <status of the macro pos>
  98. // TriggerMacro states
  99. typedef enum TriggerMacroState {
  100. TriggerMacro_Press, // Combo in sequence is passing
  101. TriggerMacro_Release, // Move to next combo in sequence (or finish if at end of sequence)
  102. TriggerMacro_Waiting, // Awaiting user input
  103. } TriggerMacroState;
  104. // TriggerMacro struct, one is created per TriggerMacro, no duplicates
  105. typedef struct TriggerMacro {
  106. const uint8_t *guide;
  107. const var_uint_t result;
  108. } TriggerMacro;
  109. typedef struct TriggerMacroRecord {
  110. var_uint_t pos;
  111. TriggerMacroState state;
  112. } TriggerMacroRecord;
  113. // Guide, key element
  114. #define TriggerGuideSize sizeof( TriggerGuide )
  115. typedef struct TriggerGuide {
  116. uint8_t type;
  117. uint8_t state;
  118. uint8_t scanCode;
  119. } TriggerGuide;
  120. // ----- Capabilities -----
  121. // Capability
  122. typedef struct Capability {
  123. const void *func;
  124. const uint8_t argCount;
  125. } Capability;
  126. // Total Number of Capabilities
  127. #define CapabilitiesNum sizeof( CapabilitiesList ) / sizeof( Capability )
  128. // -- Result Macros
  129. // Guide_RM / Define_RM Pair
  130. // Guide_RM( index ) = result;
  131. // * index - Result Macro index number
  132. // * result - Result Macro guide (see ResultMacro)
  133. // Define_RM( index );
  134. // * index - Result Macro index number
  135. // Must be used after Guide_RM
  136. #define Guide_RM( index ) const uint8_t rm##index##_guide[]
  137. #define Define_RM( index ) { rm##index##_guide }
  138. // -- Result Macro List
  139. // Total number of result macros (rm's)
  140. // Used to create pending rm's table
  141. #define ResultMacroNum sizeof( ResultMacroList ) / sizeof( ResultMacro )
  142. // -- Trigger Macros
  143. // Guide_TM / Define_TM Trigger Setup
  144. // Guide_TM( index ) = trigger;
  145. // * index - Trigger Macro index number
  146. // * trigger - Trigger Macro guide (see TriggerMacro)
  147. // Define_TM( index, result );
  148. // * index - Trigger Macro index number
  149. // * result - Result Macro index number which is triggered by this Trigger Macro
  150. #define Guide_TM( index ) const uint8_t tm##index##_guide[]
  151. #define Define_TM( index, result ) { tm##index##_guide, result }
  152. // -- Trigger Macro List
  153. // Total number of trigger macros (tm's)
  154. // Used to create pending tm's table
  155. #define TriggerMacroNum sizeof( TriggerMacroList ) / sizeof( TriggerMacro )
  156. // ----- Trigger Maps -----
  157. // Define_TL( layer, scanCode ) = triggerList;
  158. // * layer - basename of the layer
  159. // * scanCode - Hex value of the scanCode
  160. // * triggerList - Trigger List (see Trigger Lists)
  161. #define Define_TL( layer, scanCode ) const nat_ptr_t layer##_tl_##scanCode[]
  162. // ----- Layer Index -----
  163. // Defines each map of trigger macro lists
  164. // Layer 0 is always the default map
  165. // Layer States:
  166. // * Off - 0x00
  167. // * Shift - 0x01
  168. // * Latch - 0x02
  169. // * Lock - 0x04
  170. // Layer states are stored in the LayerState array
  171. //
  172. // Except for Off, all states an exist simultaneously for each layer
  173. // For example:
  174. // state -> 0x04 + 0x01 = 0x05 (Shift + Lock), which is effectively Off (0x00)
  175. //
  176. // First defines the first used scan code (most keyboards start at 0, some start higher e.g. 0x40)
  177. // - Compiler calculates this
  178. //
  179. // Last defines the last scan code used (helps reduce RAM usage)
  180. //
  181. // The name is defined for cli debugging purposes (Null terminated string)
  182. typedef struct Layer {
  183. const nat_ptr_t **triggerMap;
  184. const char *name;
  185. const uint8_t first;
  186. const uint8_t last;
  187. } Layer;
  188. // Layer_IN( map, name, first );
  189. // * map - Trigger map
  190. // * name - Name of the trigger map
  191. // * first - First scan code used (most keyboards start at 0, some start higher e.g. 0x40)
  192. #define Layer_IN( map, name, first ) { map, name, first, sizeof( map ) / sizeof( nat_ptr_t ) - 1 + first }
  193. // Total number of layers
  194. #define LayerNum sizeof( LayerIndex ) / sizeof( Layer )
  195. #endif // __kll_h