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Jacob Alexander a5203da1d4 Adding keyBlock capability to support Programmmer's Dvorak
- Useful for partial redefinitions of keys
  Such as redefining Shift, which, as per the USB spec is handled by the OS
  This means we have to careful select which USB Codes to send to the OS to simulate Shift not being pressed (while it is)
- KLL capabilities only work with numerical arguments (KLL 0.3d)
- Each key must be explicitly block for each combination (e.g. LShift and RShift are handled separately)

- Adding example configuration for the Infinity 60%
- Adding example configuration for the Infinity Ergodox
- Requires kll.git 1a078b2b940709bc3c429c952d2f0d842927394f or higher
2016-08-09 08:53:10 -07:00

1420 lines
38 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by Jacob Alexander
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this file. If not, see <>.
// ----- Includes -----
// Compiler Includes
#include <Lib/MacroLib.h>
// Project Includes
#include <cli.h>
#include <led.h>
#include <print.h>
#include <scan_loop.h>
// Keymaps
#include "usb_hid.h"
#include <generatedKeymap.h> // Generated using kll at compile time, in build directory
// Connect Includes
#if defined(ConnectEnabled_define)
#include <connect_scan.h>
// Local Includes
#include "trigger.h"
#include "result.h"
#include "macro.h"
// ----- Function Declarations -----
void cliFunc_capList ( char* args );
void cliFunc_capSelect ( char* args );
void cliFunc_keyHold ( char* args );
void cliFunc_keyPress ( char* args );
void cliFunc_keyRelease( char* args );
void cliFunc_layerDebug( char* args );
void cliFunc_layerList ( char* args );
void cliFunc_layerState( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroDebug( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroList ( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroProc ( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroShow ( char* args );
void cliFunc_macroStep ( char* args );
// ----- Variables -----
// Macro Module command dictionary
CLIDict_Entry( capList, "Prints an indexed list of all non USB keycode capabilities." );
CLIDict_Entry( capSelect, "Triggers the specified capabilities. First two args are state and stateType." NL "\t\t\033[35mK11\033[0m Keyboard Capability 0x0B" );
CLIDict_Entry( keyHold, "Send key-hold events to the macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A" );
CLIDict_Entry( keyPress, "Send key-press events to the macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A" );
CLIDict_Entry( keyRelease, "Send key-release event to macro module. Duplicates have undefined behaviour." NL "\t\t\033[35mS10\033[0m Scancode 0x0A" );
CLIDict_Entry( layerDebug, "Layer debug mode. Shows layer stack and any changes." );
CLIDict_Entry( layerList, "List available layers." );
CLIDict_Entry( layerState, "Modify specified indexed layer state <layer> <state byte>." NL "\t\t\033[35mL2\033[0m Indexed Layer 0x02" NL "\t\t0 Off, 1 Shift, 2 Latch, 4 Lock States" );
CLIDict_Entry( macroDebug, "Disables/Enables sending USB keycodes to the Output Module and prints U/K codes." );
CLIDict_Entry( macroList, "List the defined trigger and result macros." );
CLIDict_Entry( macroProc, "Pause/Resume macro processing." );
CLIDict_Entry( macroShow, "Show the macro corresponding to the given index." NL "\t\t\033[35mT16\033[0m Indexed Trigger Macro 0x10, \033[35mR12\033[0m Indexed Result Macro 0x0C" );
CLIDict_Entry( macroStep, "Do N macro processing steps. Defaults to 1." );
CLIDict_Def( macroCLIDict, "Macro Module Commands" ) = {
CLIDict_Item( capList ),
CLIDict_Item( capSelect ),
CLIDict_Item( keyHold ),
CLIDict_Item( keyPress ),
CLIDict_Item( keyRelease ),
CLIDict_Item( layerDebug ),
CLIDict_Item( layerList ),
CLIDict_Item( layerState ),
CLIDict_Item( macroDebug ),
CLIDict_Item( macroList ),
CLIDict_Item( macroProc ),
CLIDict_Item( macroShow ),
CLIDict_Item( macroStep ),
{ 0, 0, 0 } // Null entry for dictionary end
// Layer debug flag - If set, displays any changes to layers and the full layer stack on change
uint8_t layerDebugMode = 0;
// Macro debug flag - If set, clears the USB Buffers after signalling processing completion
uint8_t macroDebugMode = 0;
// Macro pause flag - If set, the macro module pauses processing, unless unset, or the step counter is non-zero
uint8_t macroPauseMode = 0;
// Macro step counter - If non-zero, the step counter counts down every time the macro module does one processing loop
uint16_t macroStepCounter = 0;
// Key Trigger List Buffer and Layer Cache
// The layer cache is set on press only, hold and release events refer to the value set on press
TriggerGuide macroTriggerListBuffer[ MaxScanCode ];
var_uint_t macroTriggerListBufferSize = 0;
var_uint_t macroTriggerListLayerCache[ MaxScanCode ];
// Layer Index Stack
// * When modifying layer state and the state is non-0x0, the stack must be adjusted
index_uint_t macroLayerIndexStack[ LayerNum + 1 ] = { 0 };
index_uint_t macroLayerIndexStackSize = 0;
// TODO REMOVE when dependency no longer exists
extern index_uint_t macroResultMacroPendingList[];
extern index_uint_t macroResultMacroPendingListSize;
extern index_uint_t macroTriggerMacroPendingList[];
extern index_uint_t macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize;
// Interconnect ScanCode Cache
#if defined(ConnectEnabled_define) || defined(PressReleaseCache_define)
// TODO This can be shrunk by the size of the max node 0 ScanCode
TriggerGuide macroInterconnectCache[ MaxScanCode ];
uint8_t macroInterconnectCacheSize = 0;
// Key blocking buffer
uint8_t macroHidBlockList[ Macro_maxBlockCount_define ];
uint8_t macroHidBlockListSize;
// ----- Capabilities -----
// Sets the given layer with the specified layerState
void Macro_layerState( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint16_t layer, uint8_t layerState )
// Ignore if layer does not exist or trying to manipulate layer 0/Default layer
if ( layer >= LayerNum || layer == 0 )
// Is layer in the LayerIndexStack?
uint8_t inLayerIndexStack = 0;
uint16_t stackItem = 0;
while ( stackItem < macroLayerIndexStackSize )
// Flag if layer is already in the LayerIndexStack
if ( macroLayerIndexStack[ stackItem ] == layer )
inLayerIndexStack = 1;
// Increment to next item
// Toggle Layer State Byte
if ( LayerState[ layer ] & layerState )
// Unset
LayerState[ layer ] &= ~layerState;
// Set
LayerState[ layer ] |= layerState;
// If the layer was not in the LayerIndexStack add it
if ( !inLayerIndexStack )
macroLayerIndexStack[ macroLayerIndexStackSize++ ] = layer;
// If the layer is in the LayerIndexStack and the state is 0x00, remove
if ( LayerState[ layer ] == 0x00 && inLayerIndexStack )
// Remove the layer from the LayerIndexStack
// Using the already positioned stackItem variable from the loop above
while ( stackItem < macroLayerIndexStackSize )
macroLayerIndexStack[ stackItem ] = macroLayerIndexStack[ stackItem + 1 ];
// Reduce LayerIndexStack size
// Layer Debug Mode
if ( layerDebugMode )
dbug_msg("Layer ");
// Iterate over each of the layers displaying the state as a hex value
for ( index_uint_t index = 0; index < LayerNum; index++ )
printHex_op( LayerState[ index ], 0 );
// Always show the default layer (it's always 0)
print(" 0");
// Iterate over the layer stack starting from the bottom of the stack
for ( index_uint_t index = macroLayerIndexStackSize; index > 0; index-- )
printHex_op( macroLayerIndexStack[ index - 1 ], 0 );
print( NL );
// Modifies the specified Layer control byte
// Argument #1: Layer Index -> uint16_t
// Argument #2: Layer State -> uint8_t
void Macro_layerState_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
// Display capability name
if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )
// Only use capability on press or release
// TODO Analog
// XXX This may cause issues, might be better to implement state table here to decide -HaaTa
if ( stateType == 0x00 && state == 0x02 ) // Hold condition
// Get layer index from arguments
// Cast pointer to uint8_t to uint16_t then access that memory location
uint16_t layer = *(uint16_t*)(&args[0]);
// Get layer toggle byte
uint8_t layerState = args[ sizeof(uint16_t) ];
Macro_layerState( state, stateType, layer, layerState );
// Latches given layer
// Argument #1: Layer Index -> uint16_t
void Macro_layerLatch_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
// Display capability name
if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )
// Only use capability on press
// TODO Analog
if ( stateType == 0x00 && state != 0x03 ) // Only on release
// Get layer index from arguments
// Cast pointer to uint8_t to uint16_t then access that memory location
uint16_t layer = *(uint16_t*)(&args[0]);
Macro_layerState( state, stateType, layer, 0x02 );
// Locks given layer
// Argument #1: Layer Index -> uint16_t
void Macro_layerLock_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
// Display capability name
if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )
// Only use capability on press
// TODO Analog
// XXX Could also be on release, but that's sorta dumb -HaaTa
if ( stateType == 0x00 && state != 0x01 ) // All normal key conditions except press
// Get layer index from arguments
// Cast pointer to uint8_t to uint16_t then access that memory location
uint16_t layer = *(uint16_t*)(&args[0]);
Macro_layerState( state, stateType, layer, 0x04 );
// Shifts given layer
// Argument #1: Layer Index -> uint16_t
void Macro_layerShift_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
// Display capability name
if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )
// Only use capability on press or release
// TODO Analog
if ( stateType == 0x00 && ( state == 0x00 || state == 0x02 ) ) // Only pass press or release conditions
// Get layer index from arguments
// Cast pointer to uint8_t to uint16_t then access that memory location
uint16_t layer = *(uint16_t*)(&args[0]);
Macro_layerState( state, stateType, layer, 0x01 );
// Rotate layer to next/previous
// Uses state variable to keep track of the current layer position
// Layers are still evaluated using the layer stack
uint16_t Macro_rotationLayer;
void Macro_layerRotate_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
// Display capability name
if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )
// Only use capability on press
// TODO Analog
// XXX Could also be on release, but that's sorta dumb -HaaTa
if ( stateType == 0x00 && state != 0x01 ) // All normal key conditions except press
// Unset previous rotation layer if not 0
if ( Macro_rotationLayer != 0 )
Macro_layerState( state, stateType, Macro_rotationLayer, 0x04 );
// Get direction of rotation, 0, next, non-zero previous
uint8_t direction = *args;
// Next
if ( !direction )
// Invalid layer
if ( Macro_rotationLayer >= LayerNum )
Macro_rotationLayer = 0;
// Previous
// Layer wrap
if ( Macro_rotationLayer >= LayerNum )
Macro_rotationLayer = LayerNum - 1;
// Toggle the computed layer rotation
Macro_layerState( state, stateType, Macro_rotationLayer, 0x04 );
// Block USB Key
// During the next processing cycle, queue up a key to be ignored
// e.g. If Shift is assigned to both Shift and Layer 1
// Then if the 1 key on Layer 1 is assigned 2
// Block the Shift key so a USB 2 can be sent via the Output channel
// This works by having a queue of keys to "unset" if they are triggered during the next processing loop
void Macro_blockUSBKey_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args )
// Display capability name
if ( stateType == 0xFF && state == 0xFF )
// Get usb key from arguments
// Access argument directly as it's already uint8_t
uint8_t usbCode = args[0];
// Add to the hid block list
if ( macroHidBlockListSize < Macro_maxBlockCount_define )
macroHidBlockList[ macroHidBlockListSize++ ] = usbCode;
warn_print("USB Key Block buffer is full!: ");
printHex( usbCode );
print( NL );
// ----- Functions -----
// Looks up the trigger list for the given scan code (from the active layer)
// NOTE: Calling function must handle the NULL pointer case
nat_ptr_t *Macro_layerLookup( TriggerGuide *guide, uint8_t latch_expire )
uint8_t scanCode = guide->scanCode;
// TODO Analog
// If a normal key, and not pressed, do a layer cache lookup
if ( guide->type == 0x00 && guide->state != 0x01 )
// Cached layer
var_uint_t cachedLayer = macroTriggerListLayerCache[ scanCode ];
// Lookup map, then layer
nat_ptr_t **map = (nat_ptr_t**)LayerIndex[ cachedLayer ].triggerMap;
const Layer *layer = &LayerIndex[ cachedLayer ];
// Cache trigger list before attempting to expire latch
nat_ptr_t *trigger_list = map[ scanCode - layer->first ];
// Check if latch has been pressed for this layer
uint8_t latch = LayerState[ cachedLayer ] & 0x02;
if ( latch && latch_expire )
Macro_layerState( 0, 0, cachedLayer, 0x02 );
#if defined(ConnectEnabled_define) && defined(LCDEnabled_define)
// Evaluate the layerStack capability if available (LCD + Interconnect)
extern void LCD_layerStack_capability( uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t *args );
LCD_layerStack_capability( 0, 0, 0 );
return trigger_list;
// If no trigger macro is defined at the given layer, fallthrough to the next layer
for ( uint16_t layerIndex = macroLayerIndexStackSize; layerIndex != 0xFFFF; layerIndex-- )
// Lookup Layer
const Layer *layer = &LayerIndex[ macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ] ];
// Check if latch has been pressed for this layer
// XXX Regardless of whether a key is found, the latch is removed on first lookup
uint8_t latch = LayerState[ macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ] ] & 0x02;
if ( latch && latch_expire )
Macro_layerState( 0, 0, macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ], 0x02 );
// Only use layer, if state is valid
// XOR each of the state bits
// If only two are enabled, do not use this state
if ( (LayerState[ macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ] ] & 0x01) ^ (latch>>1) ^ ((LayerState[ macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ] ] & 0x04)>>2) )
// Lookup layer
nat_ptr_t **map = (nat_ptr_t**)layer->triggerMap;
// Determine if layer has key defined
// Make sure scanCode is between layer first and last scancodes
if ( map != 0
&& scanCode <= layer->last
&& scanCode >= layer->first
&& *map[ scanCode - layer->first ] != 0 )
// Set the layer cache
macroTriggerListLayerCache[ scanCode ] = macroLayerIndexStack[ layerIndex ];
return map[ scanCode - layer->first ];
// Do lookup on default layer
nat_ptr_t **map = (nat_ptr_t**)LayerIndex[0].triggerMap;
// Lookup default layer
const Layer *layer = &LayerIndex[0];
// Make sure scanCode is between layer first and last scancodes
if ( map != 0
&& scanCode <= layer->last
&& scanCode >= layer->first
&& *map[ scanCode - layer->first ] != 0 )
// Set the layer cache to default map
macroTriggerListLayerCache[ scanCode ] = 0;
return map[ scanCode - layer->first ];
// Otherwise no defined Trigger Macro
erro_msg("Scan Code has no defined Trigger Macro: ");
printHex( scanCode );
print( NL );
return 0;
// Add an interconnect ScanCode
// These are handled differently (less information is sent, hold/off states must be assumed)
#if defined(ConnectEnabled_define) || defined(PressReleaseCache_define)
void Macro_pressReleaseAdd( void *trigger_ptr )
TriggerGuide *trigger = (TriggerGuide*)trigger_ptr;
// Error checking
uint8_t error = 0;
switch ( trigger->type )
case 0x00: // Normal key
switch ( trigger->state )
case 0x00:
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
erro_msg("Invalid key state - ");
error = 1;
// Invalid TriggerGuide type
erro_msg("Invalid type - ");
error = 1;
// Check if ScanCode is out of range
if ( trigger->scanCode > MaxScanCode )
warn_msg("ScanCode is out of range/not defined - ");
error = 1;
// Display TriggerGuide
if ( error )
printHex( trigger->type );
print(" ");
printHex( trigger->state );
print(" ");
printHex( trigger->scanCode );
print( NL );
// Add trigger to the Interconnect Cache
// During each processing loop, a scancode may be re-added depending on it's state
for ( var_uint_t c = 0; c < macroInterconnectCacheSize; c++ )
// Check if the same ScanCode
if ( macroInterconnectCache[ c ].scanCode == trigger->scanCode )
// Update the state
macroInterconnectCache[ c ].state = trigger->state;
// If not in the list, add it
macroInterconnectCache[ macroInterconnectCacheSize++ ] = *trigger;
// Update the scancode key state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - Pressed
// * 0x02 - Held
// * 0x03 - Released
// * 0x04 - Unpressed (this is currently ignored)
inline void Macro_keyState( uint8_t scanCode, uint8_t state )
#if defined(ConnectEnabled_define)
// Only compile in if a Connect node module is available
if ( !Connect_master )
// ScanCodes are only added if there was a state change (on/off)
switch ( state )
case 0x00: // Off
case 0x02: // Held
// Only add to macro trigger list if one of three states
switch ( state )
case 0x01: // Pressed
case 0x02: // Held
case 0x03: // Released
// Check if ScanCode is out of range
if ( scanCode > MaxScanCode )
warn_msg("ScanCode is out of range/not defined: ");
printHex( scanCode );
print( NL );
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = scanCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x00; // Normal key
// Update the scancode analog state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - Released
// * 0x02-0xFF - Analog value (low to high)
inline void Macro_analogState( uint8_t scanCode, uint8_t state )
// Only add to macro trigger list if non-off
// TODO Handle change for interconnect
if ( state != 0x00 )
// Check if ScanCode is out of range
if ( scanCode > MaxScanCode )
warn_msg("ScanCode is out of range/not defined: ");
printHex( scanCode );
print( NL );
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = scanCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x02; // Analog key
// Update led state
// States:
// * 0x00 - Off
// * 0x01 - On
inline void Macro_ledState( uint8_t ledCode, uint8_t state )
// Only add to macro trigger list if non-off
// TODO Handle change for interconnect
if ( state != 0x00 )
// Check if LedCode is out of range
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].scanCode = ledCode;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].state = state;
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize ].type = 0x01; // LED key
// Append result macro to pending list, checking for duplicates
// Do nothing if duplicate
void Macro_appendResultMacroToPendingList( const TriggerMacro *triggerMacro )
// Lookup result macro index
var_uint_t resultMacroIndex = triggerMacro->result;
// Iterate through result macro pending list, making sure this macro hasn't been added yet
for ( var_uint_t macro = 0; macro < macroResultMacroPendingListSize; macro++ )
// If duplicate found, do nothing
if ( macroResultMacroPendingList[ macro ] == resultMacroIndex )
// No duplicates found, add to pending list
macroResultMacroPendingList[ macroResultMacroPendingListSize++ ] = resultMacroIndex;
// Lookup scanCode of the last key in the last combo
var_uint_t pos = 0;
for ( uint8_t comboLength = triggerMacro->guide[0]; comboLength > 0; )
pos += TriggerGuideSize * comboLength + 1;
comboLength = triggerMacro->guide[ pos ];
uint8_t scanCode = ((TriggerGuide*)&triggerMacro->guide[ pos - TriggerGuideSize ])->scanCode;
// Lookup scanCode in buffer list for the current state and stateType
for ( var_uint_t keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < macroTriggerListBufferSize; keyIndex++ )
if ( macroTriggerListBuffer[ keyIndex ].scanCode == scanCode )
ResultMacroRecordList[ resultMacroIndex ].state = macroTriggerListBuffer[ keyIndex ].state;
ResultMacroRecordList[ resultMacroIndex ].stateType = macroTriggerListBuffer[ keyIndex ].type;
// Reset the macro position
ResultMacroRecordList[ resultMacroIndex ].pos = 0;
// Block any of the keys that may be in the buffer
// These keys may not be pressed during the processing loop, but block them anyways
// See Macro_blockUSBKey_capability for more details on usage
inline void Macro_processKeyBlocking()
// Iterate over list of USB keys
for ( uint8_t key = 0; key < Macro_maxBlockCount_define; key++ )
// This capability will always unset (doesn't toggle)
// First we need to generate the argument
uint8_t args[] = { macroHidBlockList[ key ] };
// XXX Only handles normal keys (no analog, yet)
// 0x03 is release, which always unsets a key from the USB buffer, even if it's not there
Output_usbCodeSend_capability( 0x03, 0x00, args );
// Macro Procesing Loop
// Called once per USB buffer send
inline void Macro_process()
#if defined(ConnectEnabled_define)
// Only compile in if a Connect node module is available
// If this is a interconnect slave node, send all scancodes to master node
if ( !Connect_master )
if ( macroTriggerListBufferSize > 0 )
Connect_send_ScanCode( Connect_id, macroTriggerListBuffer, macroTriggerListBufferSize );
macroTriggerListBufferSize = 0;
// Only do one round of macro processing between Output Module timer sends
if ( USBKeys_Sent != 0 )
#if defined(ConnectEnabled_define) || defined(PressReleaseCache_define)
#if defined(ConnectEnabled_define)
// Check if there are any ScanCodes in the interconnect cache to process
if ( Connect_master && macroInterconnectCacheSize > 0 )
// Iterate over all the cache ScanCodes
uint8_t currentInterconnectCacheSize = macroInterconnectCacheSize;
macroInterconnectCacheSize = 0;
for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < currentInterconnectCacheSize; c++ )
// Add to the trigger list
macroTriggerListBuffer[ macroTriggerListBufferSize++ ] = macroInterconnectCache[ c ];
// TODO Handle other TriggerGuide types (e.g. analog)
switch ( macroInterconnectCache[ c ].type )
// Normal (Press/Hold/Release)
case 0x00:
// Decide what to do based on the current state
switch ( macroInterconnectCache[ c ].state )
// Re-add to interconnect cache in hold state
case 0x01: // Press
//case 0x02: // Hold // XXX Why does this not work? -HaaTa
macroInterconnectCache[ c ].state = 0x02;
macroInterconnectCache[ macroInterconnectCacheSize++ ] = macroInterconnectCache[ c ];
case 0x03: // Remove
// Otherwise, do not re-add
// If the pause flag is set, only process if the step counter is non-zero
if ( macroPauseMode )
if ( macroStepCounter == 0 )
// Proceed, decrementing the step counter
dbug_print("Macro Step");
// Process Trigger Macros
// Process result macros
// Process Key Blocking
// Signal buffer that we've used it
Scan_finishedWithMacro( macroTriggerListBufferSize );
// Reset TriggerList buffer
macroTriggerListBufferSize = 0;
// If Macro debug mode is set, clear the USB Buffer
if ( macroDebugMode )
USBKeys_Modifiers = 0;
USBKeys_Sent = 0;
inline void Macro_setup()
// Register Macro CLI dictionary
CLI_registerDictionary( macroCLIDict, macroCLIDictName );
// Disable Macro debug mode
macroDebugMode = 0;
// Disable Macro pause flag
macroPauseMode = 0;
// Set Macro step counter to zero
macroStepCounter = 0;
// Make sure macro trigger buffer is empty
macroTriggerListBufferSize = 0;
// Set the current rotated layer to 0
Macro_rotationLayer = 0;
// Setup Triggers
// Setup Results
// ----- CLI Command Functions -----
void cliFunc_capList( char* args )
print( NL );
info_msg("Capabilities List ");
printHex( CapabilitiesNum );
// Iterate through all of the capabilities and display them
for ( var_uint_t cap = 0; cap < CapabilitiesNum; cap++ )
print( NL "\t" );
printHex( cap );
print(" - ");
// Display/Lookup Capability Name (utilize debug mode of capability)
void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ cap ].func);
capability( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 );
void cliFunc_capSelect( char* args )
// Parse code from argument
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Total number of args to scan (must do a lookup if a keyboard capability is selected)
var_uint_t totalArgs = 2; // Always at least two args
var_uint_t cap = 0;
// Arguments used for keyboard capability function
var_uint_t argSetCount = 0;
uint8_t *argSet = (uint8_t*)args;
// Process all args
for ( var_uint_t c = 0; argSetCount < totalArgs; c++ )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
// Extra arguments are ignored
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// For the first argument, choose the capability
if ( c == 0 ) switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Keyboard Capability
case 'K':
// Determine capability index
cap = numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] );
// Lookup the number of args
totalArgs += CapabilitiesList[ cap ].argCount;
// Because allocating memory isn't doable, and the argument count is arbitrary
// The argument pointer is repurposed as the argument list (much smaller anyways)
argSet[ argSetCount++ ] = (uint8_t)numToInt( arg1Ptr );
// Once all the arguments are prepared, call the keyboard capability function
if ( argSetCount == totalArgs )
// Indicate that the capability was called
print( NL );
printInt8( cap );
print(" - ");
printHex( argSet[0] );
print(" - ");
printHex( argSet[1] );
print(" - ");
printHex( argSet[2] );
print( "..." NL );
// Make sure this isn't the reload capability
// If it is, and the remote reflash define is not set, ignore
if ( flashModeEnabled_define == 0 ) for ( uint32_t cap = 0; cap < CapabilitiesNum; cap++ )
if ( CapabilitiesList[ cap ].func == (const void*)Output_flashMode_capability )
print( NL );
warn_print("flashModeEnabled not set, cancelling firmware reload...");
info_msg("Set flashModeEnabled to 1 in your kll configuration.");
void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ cap ].func);
capability( argSet[0], argSet[1], &argSet[2] );
void cliFunc_keyHold( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process all args
for ( ;; )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// Ignore non-Scancode numbers
switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Scancode
case 'S':
Macro_keyState( (uint8_t)numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ), 0x02 ); // Hold scancode
void cliFunc_keyPress( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process all args
for ( ;; )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// Ignore non-Scancode numbers
switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Scancode
case 'S':
Macro_keyState( (uint8_t)numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ), 0x01 ); // Press scancode
void cliFunc_keyRelease( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process all args
for ( ;; )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// Ignore non-Scancode numbers
switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Scancode
case 'S':
Macro_keyState( (uint8_t)numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ), 0x03 ); // Release scancode
void cliFunc_layerDebug( char *args )
// Toggle layer debug mode
layerDebugMode = layerDebugMode ? 0 : 1;
print( NL );
info_msg("Layer Debug Mode: ");
printInt8( layerDebugMode );
void cliFunc_layerList( char* args )
print( NL );
info_msg("Layer List");
// Iterate through all of the layers and display them
for ( uint16_t layer = 0; layer < LayerNum; layer++ )
print( NL "\t" );
printHex( layer );
print(" - ");
// Display layer name
dPrint( (char*)LayerIndex[ layer ].name );
// Default map
if ( layer == 0 )
print(" \033[1m(default)\033[0m");
// Layer State
print( NL "\t\t Layer State: " );
printHex( LayerState[ layer ] );
// First -> Last Indices
print(" First -> Last Indices: ");
printHex( LayerIndex[ layer ].first );
print(" -> ");
printHex( LayerIndex[ layer ].last );
void cliFunc_layerState( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
uint8_t arg1 = 0;
uint8_t arg2 = 0;
// Process first two args
for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < 2; c++ )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
switch ( c )
// First argument (e.g. L1)
case 0:
if ( arg1Ptr[0] != 'L' )
arg1 = (uint8_t)numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] );
// Second argument (e.g. 4)
case 1:
arg2 = (uint8_t)numToInt( arg1Ptr );
// Display operation (to indicate that it worked)
print( NL );
info_msg("Setting Layer L");
printInt8( arg1 );
print(" to - ");
printHex( arg2 );
// Set the layer state
LayerState[ arg1 ] = arg2;
void cliFunc_macroDebug( char* args )
// Toggle macro debug mode
macroDebugMode = macroDebugMode ? 0 : 1;
print( NL );
info_msg("Macro Debug Mode: ");
printInt8( macroDebugMode );
void cliFunc_macroList( char* args )
// Show pending key events
print( NL );
info_msg("Pending Key Events: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)macroTriggerListBufferSize );
print(" : ");
for ( var_uint_t key = 0; key < macroTriggerListBufferSize; key++ )
printHex( macroTriggerListBuffer[ key ].scanCode );
print(" ");
// Show pending trigger macros
print( NL );
info_msg("Pending Trigger Macros: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize );
print(" : ");
for ( var_uint_t macro = 0; macro < macroTriggerMacroPendingListSize; macro++ )
printHex( macroTriggerMacroPendingList[ macro ] );
print(" ");
// Show pending result macros
print( NL );
info_msg("Pending Result Macros: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)macroResultMacroPendingListSize );
print(" : ");
for ( var_uint_t macro = 0; macro < macroResultMacroPendingListSize; macro++ )
printHex( macroResultMacroPendingList[ macro ] );
print(" ");
// Show available trigger macro indices
print( NL );
info_msg("Trigger Macros Range: T0 -> T");
printInt16( (uint16_t)TriggerMacroNum - 1 ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Show available result macro indices
print( NL );
info_msg("Result Macros Range: R0 -> R");
printInt16( (uint16_t)ResultMacroNum - 1 ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Show Trigger to Result Macro Links
print( NL );
info_msg("Trigger : Result Macro Pairs");
for ( var_uint_t macro = 0; macro < TriggerMacroNum; macro++ )
print( NL );
printInt16( (uint16_t)macro ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
print(" : R");
printInt16( (uint16_t)TriggerMacroList[ macro ].result ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
void cliFunc_macroProc( char* args )
// Toggle macro pause mode
macroPauseMode = macroPauseMode ? 0 : 1;
print( NL );
info_msg("Macro Processing Mode: ");
printInt8( macroPauseMode );
void macroDebugShowTrigger( var_uint_t index )
// Only proceed if the macro exists
if ( index >= TriggerMacroNum )
// Trigger Macro Show
const TriggerMacro *macro = &TriggerMacroList[ index ];
TriggerMacroRecord *record = &TriggerMacroRecordList[ index ];
print( NL );
info_msg("Trigger Macro Index: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)index ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
print( NL );
// Read the comboLength for combo in the sequence (sequence of combos)
var_uint_t pos = 0;
uint8_t comboLength = macro->guide[ pos ];
// Iterate through and interpret the guide
while ( comboLength != 0 )
// Initial position of the combo
var_uint_t comboPos = ++pos;
// Iterate through the combo
while ( pos < comboLength * TriggerGuideSize + comboPos )
// Assign TriggerGuide element (key type, state and scancode)
TriggerGuide *guide = (TriggerGuide*)(&macro->guide[ pos ]);
// Display guide information about trigger key
printHex( guide->scanCode );
printHex( guide->type );
printHex( guide->state );
// Increment position
pos += TriggerGuideSize;
// Only show combo separator if there are combos left in the sequence element
if ( pos < comboLength * TriggerGuideSize + comboPos )
// Read the next comboLength
comboLength = macro->guide[ pos ];
// Only show sequence separator if there is another combo to process
if ( comboLength != 0 )
// Display current position
print( NL "Position: " );
printInt16( (uint16_t)record->pos ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Display result macro index
print( NL "Result Macro Index: " );
printInt16( (uint16_t)macro->result ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Display trigger macro state
print( NL "Trigger Macro State: " );
switch ( record->state )
case TriggerMacro_Press: print("Press"); break;
case TriggerMacro_Release: print("Release"); break;
case TriggerMacro_Waiting: print("Waiting"); break;
void macroDebugShowResult( var_uint_t index )
// Only proceed if the macro exists
if ( index >= ResultMacroNum )
// Trigger Macro Show
const ResultMacro *macro = &ResultMacroList[ index ];
ResultMacroRecord *record = &ResultMacroRecordList[ index ];
print( NL );
info_msg("Result Macro Index: ");
printInt16( (uint16_t)index ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
print( NL );
// Read the comboLength for combo in the sequence (sequence of combos)
var_uint_t pos = 0;
uint8_t comboLength = macro->guide[ pos++ ];
// Iterate through and interpret the guide
while ( comboLength != 0 )
// Function Counter, used to keep track of the combos processed
var_uint_t funcCount = 0;
// Iterate through the combo
while ( funcCount < comboLength )
// Assign TriggerGuide element (key type, state and scancode)
ResultGuide *guide = (ResultGuide*)(&macro->guide[ pos ]);
// Display Function Index
printHex( guide->index );
// Display Function Ptr Address
printHex( (nat_ptr_t)CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].func );
// Display/Lookup Capability Name (utilize debug mode of capability)
void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].func);
capability( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 );
// Display Argument(s)
for ( var_uint_t arg = 0; arg < CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].argCount; arg++ )
// Arguments are only 8 bit values
printHex( (&guide->args)[ arg ] );
// Only show arg separator if there are args left
if ( arg + 1 < CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].argCount )
// Increment position
pos += ResultGuideSize( guide );
// Increment function count
// Only show combo separator if there are combos left in the sequence element
if ( funcCount < comboLength )
// Read the next comboLength
comboLength = macro->guide[ pos++ ];
// Only show sequence separator if there is another combo to process
if ( comboLength != 0 )
// Display current position
print( NL "Position: " );
printInt16( (uint16_t)record->pos ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
// Display final trigger state/type
print( NL "Final Trigger State (State/Type): " );
printHex( record->state );
printHex( record->stateType );
void cliFunc_macroShow( char* args )
// Parse codes from arguments
char* curArgs;
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr = args;
// Process all args
for ( ;; )
curArgs = arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Stop processing args if no more are found
if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )
// Ignore invalid codes
switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
// Indexed Trigger Macro
case 'T':
macroDebugShowTrigger( numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ) );
// Indexed Result Macro
case 'R':
macroDebugShowResult( numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] ) );
void cliFunc_macroStep( char* args )
// Parse number from argument
// NOTE: Only first argument is used
char* arg1Ptr;
char* arg2Ptr;
CLI_argumentIsolation( args, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );
// Default to 1, if no argument given
var_uint_t count = (var_uint_t)numToInt( arg1Ptr );
if ( count == 0 )
count = 1;
// Set the macro step counter, negative int's are cast to uint
macroStepCounter = count;