It is assumed the reader is familiar with C++ language including pointers, objects, classes, static class variables, composition, inheritance, polymorphism, and enum.
* If class has any non-[POD]( data members, [do not inline constructors and destructors](
* Document class interface in .h file, above the class declaration.
* Code should be self-documenting. The only comments should be things that may need clarification. A simple function with a good name needs no comment.
Arduino does not have a debugger; so here is a list of functions in the order that they are called.
Refer to it like a table of contents while reading the keybrd library.
Matrix::scan() for each row
RowPort_*::setActivePin*() strobe row on
for each col port
ColPort_*::read() read col port
RowPort_*::setActivePin*() strobe row off
Row::getRowState() for each col port
for each connected col pin
if key is pressed
set rowState bit
Row::debounce() debounce
Row::detectEdge() detect edge
Row::pressRelease() for each key in row
if rising edge
Key_*::press() scanCode->press()
## The Arduino libraries
The keybrd libraries compile on the Arduino IDE and make extensive use of the following [Arduino libraries](
<arel="license"href=""><imgalt="Creative Commons License"style="border-width:0"src=""/></a><br/><spanxmlns:dct=""property="dct:title">keybrd guide</span> by <axmlns:cc=""href=""property="cc:attributionName"rel="cc:attributionURL">Wolfram Volpi</a> is licensed under a <arel="license"href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.<br/>Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <axmlns:cc=""href=""rel="cc:morePermissions"></a>.