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add keybrd_shift_reg.ino

wolfv6 преди 8 години

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doc/CHANGELOG.md Целия файл

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](http://semver.org/).
keybrd version 0.x.x is for initial development. The public API should not be considered stable.
keybrd version 1.0.0 will be released when the public API is stable.
## [Unreleased][unreleased]
## [Unreleased]
## [0.3.2] - 2016-06-21
### Added

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examples/tests_regression/keybrd/keybrd.ino Целия файл

@@ -34,26 +34,15 @@ const unsigned int RowBase::DELAY_MICROSECONDS = 500;
//activeHigh has diode cathode (band) on col, and pull down resistors on cols
//0=active low, 1= active high
const bool RowScanner_PinsArray::activeHigh = 0;
//const bool RowScanner_PinsBitwise::activeHigh = 0;

Debug debug;

// ================ LEFT PORTS =================
// ================= LEFT PINS =================
uint8_t readPins[] = {14, 15};
uint8_t READ_PIN_COUNT = sizeof(readPins)/sizeof(*readPins);

LED_PinNumber LED1(16); //Teensy LC pins 16, 17 are 20 ma
LED_PinNumber LED1(16); //Teensy LC pins 16, 17 are 20 mA

// ================ RIGHT PORTS ================
const uint8_t IOExpanderPort::ADDR = 0x20;

IOExpanderPort portA(0, 0);
RowPort_MCP23018 rowPort(portA);

IOExpanderPort portB(1, 0);
ColPort_MCP23018 colPort(portB, 1<<0 | 1<<1 );
// =================== CODES ===================
Code_Sc s_a(KEY_A);
Code_Sc s_b(KEY_B);
@@ -86,8 +75,9 @@ Key* ptrsKeys_R[] = { &s_0, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
Key* ptrsKeys_R[] = { &s_0, &s_1, &s_2, &s_3,
&s_4, &s_5, &s_6, &s_7 }; //the most that 8-bit send() can handle
const uint8_t KEY_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R);

//Row_ShiftRegisters row_R(9, 2, ptrsKeys_R, KEY_COUNT);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R(9, 1, ptrsKeys_R, KEY_COUNT); //1 byte
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R(9, 1, ptrsKeys_R, KEY_COUNT); // (SS, BYTE_COUNT,,)

// ################### MAIN ####################
void setup()
@@ -99,29 +89,6 @@ void setup()
//delay(1000); //time for OS to detect USB before printing
Keyboard.print(F("activeState.ino "));

/* Teensy LC on 1*bb 6/13/16 copied to: activeState_MCP23018_begin_hangs.no
RowPort_MCP23018::begin() hangs
ColPort_MCP23018::begin() sometimes hangs, sometimes prints after 6 seconds
PCA9655E::begin()s works on 4*bb
maybe hangs if IOE is not attached because endTransmission() waiting for confirmation??

trouble shooting MCP23018::begin()s
checked wiring against datasheets
measured power and ground, 3.3 volts checks out
!! next things to check could take days:
test MCP23018 with Teensy 2.0, because it worked last year
set Teensy 2.0 to 3.3 volts and test again
try with PCA9655E instead of MCP23018 (works on 4*bb)
might be solder joints on LC (I soldered it), try using other Teensy LC
test MCP23018 on simple demo sketch /home/wolfv/Documents/Arduino/demo_keep/mcp23018_../
test MCP23018 with signal analyzer

//rowPort.begin(); //this breaks sketch, does not print "activeState.ino ", kb unresponsive
//colPort.begin(RowScanner_PinsBitwise::activeHigh); //hanges for 6 seconds
Keyboard.println(F(" after Port.begin()"));

//uint16_t next = 0;
@@ -137,14 +104,6 @@ void loop()

/* used this when debugging MCP23018::begin() hangs
if ( (next < 10) && (elapsed > 1000 * next) )
Keyboard.print(F(" "));

+ 0
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examples/tests_regression/keybrd/keybrd_MCP23018_begin_hangs.no Целия файл

@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
/* this works on Teensy LC 1*bb, active low and active high
MCP23018::begin() hangs, details in setup()

| Layout | **0** | **1** |
| **0** | a | b |
| **1** | c | d |
// ################## GLOBAL ###################
// ================= INCLUDES ==================
#include <Debug.h>

//IOE Ports
#include "IOExpanderPort.h"
#include <RowPort_MCP23018.h>
#include <ColPort_MCP23018.h>

#include <Code_Sc.h>

#include <Row_uC.h>
#include <Row_IOE.h>

// =============== CONFIGURATION ===============
const unsigned int RowBase::DELAY_MICROSECONDS = 500;

//activeLow has diode cathode (band) on row
//activeHigh has diode cathode (band) on col, and pull down resistors on cols
//0=active low, 1= active high
const bool RowScanner_PinsArray::activeHigh = 0;
const bool RowScanner_PinsBitwise::activeHigh = 0;

Debug debug;

// ================= uC PINS =================
uint8_t readPins[] = {14, 15};
uint8_t READ_PIN_COUNT = sizeof(readPins)/sizeof(*readPins);

// ================ IOE PORTS ================
const uint8_t IOExpanderPort::ADDR = 0x20;

IOExpanderPort portA(0, 0);
RowPort_MCP23018 rowPort(portA);

IOExpanderPort portB(1, 0);
ColPort_MCP23018 colPort(portB, 1<<0 | 1<<1 );

// =================== CODES ===================
Code_Sc s_a(KEY_A);
Code_Sc s_b(KEY_B);
Code_Sc s_c(KEY_C);
Code_Sc s_d(KEY_D);

Code_Sc s_0(KEY_0);
Code_Sc s_1(KEY_1);
Code_Sc s_2(KEY_2);
Code_Sc s_3(KEY_3);

// ================= LEFT ROWS =================
Key* ptrsKeys_L0[] = { &s_a, &s_b };
Row_uC row_L0(0, readPins, READ_PIN_COUNT, ptrsKeys_L0);

Key* ptrsKeys_L1[] = { &s_c, &s_d };
Row_uC row_L1(1, readPins, READ_PIN_COUNT, ptrsKeys_L1);

// ================= RIGHT ROWS ================
Key* ptrsKeys_R0[] = { &s_0, &s_1 };
Row_IOE row_R0(rowPort, 1<<0, colPort, ptrsKeys_R0);

Key* ptrsKeys_R1[] = { &s_2, &s_3 };
Row_IOE row_R1(rowPort, 1<<1, colPort, ptrsKeys_R1);

// ################### MAIN ####################
void setup()
Wire.begin(); //Wire.begin() must be called before rowPort.begin() colPort.begin()

//delay(1000); //time for OS to detect USB before printing
Keyboard.print(F("activeState.ino "));

/* Teensy LC on 1*bb
RowPort_MCP23018::begin() hangs
ColPort_MCP23018::begin() sometimes hangs, sometimes prints after 6 seconds
PCA9655E::begin()s works on 4*bb
maybe hangs if IOE is not attached because endTransmission() waiting for confirmation??

trouble shooting MCP23018::begin()s
checked wiring against datasheets
measured power and ground, 3.3 volts checks out
!! next things to check could take days:
test MCP23018 with Teensy 2.0, because it worked last year
set Teensy 2.0 to 3.3 volts and test again
try with PCA9655E instead of MCP23018 (works on 4*bb)
might be solder joints on LC (I soldered it), try using other Teensy LC
test MCP23018 on simple demo sketch /home/wolfv/Documents/Arduino/demo_keep/mcp23018_../
test MCP23018 with signal analyzer

//rowPort.begin(); //this breaks sketch, does not print "activeState.ino ", kb unresponsive
//colPort.begin(RowScanner_PinsBitwise::activeHigh); //hanges for 6 seconds
Keyboard.println(F(" after Port.begin()"));

uint16_t next = 0;
elapsedMillis elapsed;

void loop()


/* used this when debugging MCP23018::begin() hangs
if ( (next < 10) && (elapsed > 1000 * next) )
Keyboard.print(F(" "));

+ 1
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src/RowBase.cpp Целия файл

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void RowBase::pressRelease(const read_pins_mask_t rowEnd, const read_pins_t debo
read_pins_t isFallingEdge; //bitwise, 1 means falling edge
read_pins_t isRisingEdge; //bitwise, 1 means rising edge
read_pins_t rowMask; //bitwise, active col bit is 1 (same type as rowEnd)
read_pins_mask_t rowMask; //bitwise, active col bit is 1
uint8_t col; //index for ptrsKeys[col] array
//bit=1 if last debounced changed from 1 to 0, else bit=0

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src/RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters.cpp Целия файл

@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ Sets rowEnd and returns rowState.
read_pins_t RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters::scan(read_pins_mask_t& rowEnd)
//todo rowEnd, rowState, return int size depend on BYTE_COUNT, like in send()
//todo rowEnd, rowState, return int size depend on BYTE_COUNT, like in send(), set in config_keybrd?
read_pins_t rowState = 0;

digitalWrite(SS, LOW);
digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
digitalWrite(SS, LOW); //load parallel inputs to the register
digitalWrite(SS, HIGH); //shift the data toward a serial output
SPI.transfer(&rowState, BYTE_COUNT);
rowEnd = 1 << KEY_COUNT;
return rowState;

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src/RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters.h Целия файл

@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ The maximum keys per row is 31, because Arduino's largest type is 32 bits and ro
class RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters : public RowScannerInterface
const uint8_t SS; //Slave Select, pin on master
const uint8_t BYTE_COUNT; //number of shift registers
const uint8_t SS; //pin on master that selects slave
const uint8_t BYTE_COUNT; //number of bytes to read from shift registers
const uint8_t KEY_COUNT; //number of keys in row
RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters(const uint8_t SS, uint8_t BYTE_COUNT, uint8_t KEY_COUNT)

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src/config_keybrd.h Целия файл

@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ Using smaller types on a 32-bit uC (Teensy LC) would accomplish nothing.
For RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters, RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters::KEY_COUNT
For RowScanner_PinsBitwise, cover the last 1 bit in RowScanner_PinsBitwise::strobePin
typedef uint8_t read_pins_t;
//typedef uint8_t read_pins_t;
//typedef uint16_t read_pins_t;
//typedef uint32_t read_pins_t;
typedef uint32_t read_pins_t;

/* read_pins_mask_t is only used for rowEnd, which extends one bit beyond the last col pin.
/* read_pins_mask_t is only used for rowMask and rowEnd, which extends one bit beyond the last col pin.
uncomment typedef that covers one bit beyond the last col pin.
This could be the same typedef as read_pins_t, or the next larger typedef.
typedef uint8_t read_pins_mask_t;
//typedef uint8_t read_pins_mask_t;
//typedef uint16_t read_pins_mask_t;
//typedef uint32_t read_pins_mask_t;
typedef uint32_t read_pins_mask_t;

/* SAMPLE_COUNT = 4 is very reliable for a keyboard.
Split keyboards with a long connecting wire or in environment with

Двоични данни
tutorials/breadboard_keyboard_supplies.ods Целия файл