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change RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters::SHIFT_LOAD to static

wolfv6 il y a 8 ans

+ 0
- 136
examples/keybrd_shift_register/ Voir le fichier

@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
/* this works on Teensy LC 1*bb, active low and active high

| Layout | **0** | **1** |
| **0** | a | b |
| **1** | c | d |
// ################## GLOBAL ###################
// ================= INCLUDES ==================
#include <Debug.h>

//IOE Ports
#include "IOExpanderPort.h"
#include <RowPort_MCP23018.h>
#include <ColPort_MCP23018.h>

#include <Code_Sc.h>

#include <Row_uC.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Row_ShiftRegisters.h>

// =============== CONFIGURATION ===============
const unsigned int RowBase::DELAY_MICROSECONDS = 500;

//activeLow has diode cathode (band) on row
//activeHigh has diode cathode (band) on col, and pull down resistors on cols
//0=active low, 1= active high
const bool RowScanner_PinsArray::activeHigh = 0;

Debug debug;

// ================ LEFT PORTS =================
uint8_t readPins[] = {14, 15};
uint8_t READ_PIN_COUNT = sizeof(readPins)/sizeof(*readPins);

// =================== CODES ===================
Code_Sc s_a(KEY_A);
Code_Sc s_b(KEY_B);
Code_Sc s_c(KEY_C);
Code_Sc s_d(KEY_D);

Code_Sc s_0(KEY_0);
Code_Sc s_1(KEY_1);
Code_Sc s_2(KEY_2);
Code_Sc s_3(KEY_3);
Code_Sc s_4(KEY_4);
Code_Sc s_5(KEY_5);
Code_Sc s_6(KEY_6);
Code_Sc s_7(KEY_7);
Code_Sc s_8(KEY_8);
Code_Sc s_z(KEY_Z);

// ================= LEFT ROWS =================
Key* ptrsKeys_L0[] = { &s_a, &s_b };
Row_uC row_L0(0, readPins, READ_PIN_COUNT, ptrsKeys_L0);

Key* ptrsKeys_L1[] = { &s_c, &s_d };
Row_uC row_L1(1, readPins, READ_PIN_COUNT, ptrsKeys_L1);

// ================= RIGHT ROWS ================
// typedef should be large in /home/wolfv/Documents/Arduino/keybrd_proj/keybrd/src/config_keybrd.h

//prints 0 4
Key* ptrsKeys_R[] = { &s_0, &s_1, &s_2, &s_3,
&s_4, &s_5, &s_6, &s_7 }; //the most that 8-bit send() can handle
const uint8_t KEY_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R(9, 1, ptrsKeys_R, KEY_COUNT); // (SS, BYTE_COUNT,,)
//prints 0 4 8
Key* ptrsKeys_R[] = { &s_0, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_4, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_8, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z }; //the s_z are place holders and should not print
const uint8_t KEY_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R(9, 2, ptrsKeys_R, KEY_COUNT);

//prints 0 4 8 c
Key* ptrsKeys_R[] = { &s_0, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_4, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_8, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_c, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z }; //the s_z are place holders and should not print
const uint8_t KEY_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R(9, 2, ptrsKeys_R, KEY_COUNT);

const uint8_t LED_PIN = 16;

void wait()
static uint8_t count = 0;

//print count
Keyboard.print(F(" "));

//blink LED
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
// ################### MAIN ####################
void setup()
pinMode (LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
wait(); //0
wait(); //1
wait(); //2
wait(); //3
wait(); //4
wait(); //5 sometimes OS takes 6 seconds to recongnize keyboard, LED blinks from the begining
Keyboard.print(F("keybrd_shift_reg.ino "));

void loop()




examples/keybrd_shift_register/keybrd_shift_reg.ino → examples/keybrd_shift_register/keybrd_shift_register.ino Voir le fichier

@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
/* keybrd_shift_reg.ino
this works on Teensy LC 1*bb, active low and active high

| Layout | **0** | **1** |
| **0** | a | b |
| **1** | c | d |
tested on Teensy LC and daisy chained 74HC165 shift registers
add this line to RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters::scan():
//clear unpowered pins (for testing bb)
rowState &= 0b01010001000100010001000100010001; //also 31st key

| Left |**0**|**1**| | Right |**0**|**1**|**2**|**3**|**4**|**5**|**6**|**7**|**8**|
|:-----:|-----|-----| |:-----:|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
| **0** | a | b | | **0** | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| **1** | c | d | | **1** | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i |
// ################## GLOBAL ###################
// ================= INCLUDES ==================
#include <Debug.h>

//IOE Ports
#include "IOExpanderPort.h"
#include <RowPort_MCP23018.h>
#include <ColPort_MCP23018.h>

#include <Code_Sc.h>

@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ this works on Teensy LC 1*bb, active low and active high

// =============== CONFIGURATION ===============
const unsigned int RowBase::DELAY_MICROSECONDS = 500; //500
const uint8_t RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters::SHIFT_LOAD = 10;

//activeLow has diode cathode (band) on row
//activeHigh has diode cathode (band) on col, and pull down resistors on cols
@@ -68,27 +68,31 @@ Row_uC row_L1(1, readPins, READ_PIN_COUNT, ptrsKeys_L1);

// ================= RIGHT ROWS ================
//typedef should be large in /home/wolfv/Documents/Arduino/keybrd_proj/keybrd/src/config_keybrd.h
//Row_ShiftRegisters(STROBE_PIN, SHIFT_LOAD, ptrsKeys[], KEY_COUNT)
//Row_ShiftRegisters(STROBE_PIN, ptrsKeys[], KEY_COUNT)
//the s_z are place holders and should not print
//BYTE_COUNT 1, prints 0 1
Key* ptrsKeys_R0[] = { &s_0, &s_a, &s_b, &s_c, &s_1, &s_d, &s_e, &s_f };
//prints 0 1
Key* ptrsKeys_R0[] = { &s_0, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_1, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z };
const uint8_t KEY_R0_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R0)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R0);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, 10, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);

//prints a b
Key* ptrsKeys_R1[] = { &s_a, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_b, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z };
const uint8_t KEY_R1_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R1)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R1);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R1(9, ptrsKeys_R1, KEY_R1_COUNT);
//prints 0 1 2
Key* ptrsKeys_R0[] = { &s_0, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_1, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_2, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z };
const uint8_t KEY_R0_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R0)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R0);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, 10, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);
//prints 0 1 2 3
Key* ptrsKeys_R0[] = { &s_0, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_1, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_2, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_3, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z };
const uint8_t KEY_R0_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R0)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R0);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, 10, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);
//prints 0 1 2 3 4 5
@@ -96,24 +100,26 @@ Key* ptrsKeys_R0[] = { &s_0, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_1, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_2, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_3, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_4, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_5, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z };
const uint8_t KEY_R0_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R0)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R0);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, 10, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);

//prints 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Key* ptrsKeys_R0[] = { &s_0, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_1, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_2, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_3, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_4, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_5, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_6, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_7, &s_z, &s_8 }; //31-key limit because endRow
const uint8_t KEY_R0_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R0)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R0);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, 10, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R0(8, ptrsKeys_R0, KEY_R0_COUNT);

//prints a b c d e f g h i
Key* ptrsKeys_R1[] = { &s_a, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_b, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_c, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_d, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_e, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_f, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z,
&s_g, &s_z, &s_z, &s_z, &s_h, &s_z, &s_i }; //31-key limit because endRow
const uint8_t KEY_R1_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsKeys_R1)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_R1);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R1(9, 10, ptrsKeys_R1, KEY_R1_COUNT);
Row_ShiftRegisters row_R1(9, ptrsKeys_R1, KEY_R1_COUNT);

const uint8_t LED_PIN = 16; //indicates wait

@@ -139,10 +145,10 @@ void setup()
pinMode (LED_PIN, OUTPUT);


Keyboard.print(F("keybrd_shift_reg.ino "));

+ 1
- 6
src/RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters.cpp Voir le fichier

@@ -32,13 +32,8 @@ read_pins_t RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters::scan(read_pins_mask_t& rowEnd)
rowEnd = 1 << KEY_COUNT;

//clear unpowered pins (for testing bb) todo
if (BYTE_COUNT == 1) rowState &= 0b00010001;
if (BYTE_COUNT == 2) rowState &= 0b0001000100010001;
if (BYTE_COUNT == 3) rowState &= 0b000100010001000100010001;
if (BYTE_COUNT == 4) rowState &= 0b01010001000100010001000100010001; //also 31st key
rowState &= 0b01010001000100010001000100010001; //also 31st key

//Keyboard.print(" ");//todo
//Keyboard.print(rowState); //why does rowState change to 1 for both rows? (row pin 8 is unplugged)
return rowState;

+ 3
- 5
src/RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters.h Voir le fichier

@@ -31,15 +31,13 @@ class RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters : public RowScannerInterface
//todo static const bool ACTIVE_HIGH; //logic level of strobe pin: 0=activeLow, 1=activeHigh
static const uint8_t SHIFT_LOAD; //controller's pin number that is connected to shift register's SHIFT_LOAD pin
const uint8_t STROBE_PIN; //Arduino pin number connected to this row
const uint8_t SHIFT_LOAD; //controller's pin number that is connected to shift register's SHIFT_LOAD pin
const uint8_t KEY_COUNT; //number of keys in row
const uint8_t BYTE_COUNT; //number of bytes to read from shift registers
RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters(const uint8_t STROBE_PIN, const uint8_t SHIFT_LOAD,
uint8_t KEY_COUNT)
RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters(const uint8_t STROBE_PIN, uint8_t KEY_COUNT)
virtual read_pins_t scan(read_pins_mask_t& rowEnd);
void begin();

+ 2
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src/Row_ShiftRegisters.h Voir le fichier

@@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ class Row_ShiftRegisters : public RowBase
Debouncer_4Samples debouncer;
//Debouncer_Not debouncer; //todo test
Row_ShiftRegisters(const uint8_t STROBE_PIN, const uint8_t SHIFT_LOAD,
Key *const ptrsKeys[], uint8_t KEY_COUNT)
: RowBase(ptrsKeys), scanner(STROBE_PIN, SHIFT_LOAD, KEY_COUNT) { }
Row_ShiftRegisters(const uint8_t STROBE_PIN, Key *const ptrsKeys[], uint8_t KEY_COUNT)
: RowBase(ptrsKeys), scanner(STROBE_PIN, KEY_COUNT) { }
void begin();
read_pins_t scan(read_pins_mask_t& rowEnd);
read_pins_t debounce(const read_pins_t rowState, read_pins_t& debounced);