
delete AVR and MCP23018 ports

This commit is contained in:
wolfv6 2016-07-04 13:34:27 -06:00
parent 6bbb05716f
commit 7edca3198c
16 changed files with 6 additions and 444 deletions

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@ -155,9 +155,11 @@ void setup()
void loop() void loop()
{ {
//left matrix
row_L0.process(); row_L0.process();
row_L1.process(); row_L1.process();
//right matrix
row_R0.process(); row_R0.process();
row_R1.process(); row_R1.process();

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#include "ColPort_AVR.h"
configures column port's DDRx and PORTx.
ColPort_AVR::ColPort_AVR(volatile unsigned char& DDRx, volatile unsigned char& PORTx,
volatile unsigned char& PINx, const uint8_t colPins)
: ColPort(colPins), DDR(DDRx = ~colPins), PORT(PORTx = colPins), PIN(PINx)
Saves all port-pin values to portState.
void ColPort_AVR::read()
portState = PIN;

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <ColPort.h>
/* One AVR microcontroller port connected to matrix columns.
The constructor configures column's DDRx and PORTx.
The 'x' in parameters DDRx, PORTx, and PINx should all be the same letter.
colPins is port's bitwise pin configuration
1=configure as input (for pins connected to column)
0=configure as output (for LED or not connected to a column)
Example instantiation on column port B, with pins 2 and 3 connected to columns:
ColPort_AVR colPortB(DDRB, PORTB, PINB, 1<<2 | 1<<3 );
colPins are read from pin 0 on up.
Diode orientation
Rows, columns, and diode orientation are explained in Matrix.h
class ColPort_AVR : public ColPort
const volatile unsigned char& DDR; //Data Direction Register, Direction: 0=Input
const volatile unsigned char& PORT; //PORT register
const volatile unsigned char& PIN; //PIN read register
//The constructor initialization list is in .cpp
ColPort_AVR(volatile unsigned char& DDRx, volatile unsigned char& PORTx,
volatile unsigned char& PINx, const uint8_t colPins);
//read port and store result in portState
virtual void read();

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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
#include "ColPort_MCP23018.h"
configures column port's IODIR, GPIO, and GPPU.
ColPort_MCP23018::ColPort_MCP23018(IOExpanderPort& port, const uint8_t colPins)
: ColPort(colPins), port(port), IODIR(port.num), GPIO(port.num + 0x12), GPPU(port.num + 0x0C)
void ColPort_MCP23018::begin(uint8_t activeHigh)
Wire.write(colPins); //0=configure as output (for LED), 1=configure as input (for read)
if (activeHigh)
Wire.write(0); //0=pull-up disabled for activeHigh //todo not tested yet
Wire.write(colPins); //0=pull-up disabled (for LED), 1=pull-up enabled (for read)
Saves all port-pin values to portState.
void ColPort_MCP23018::read()
Wire.write(GPIO); //GPIO immediately before requestFrom
Wire.requestFrom(port.ADDR, 1u); //request one byte from input port
portState =;

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@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
#ifndef COLPORT_MCP23018_H
#define COLPORT_MCP23018_H
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <ColPort.h>
#include "IOExpanderPort.h"
/* One MCP23018 I/O expander port connected to matrix columns.
colPins parameter is port's bitwise pin configuration
1=configure as input (for read)
0=configure as output (for LED or not connected to a column)
example instantiation for column port A, with pins 2 and 3 connected to columnss:
IOExpanderPort portA(0, ~0);
ColPort_MCP23018 colPortA(portA, 1<<2 | 1<<3 );
example instantiation for column port B, with pins 2 and 3 connected to columns:
IOExpanderPort portB(1, ~0);
ColPort_MCP23018 colPortB(portB, 1<<2 | 1<<3 );
colPins are read from pin 0 on up.
Diode orientation
Rows, columns, and diode orientation are explained in Matrix.h
class ColPort_MCP23018 : public ColPort
IOExpanderPort& port;
const uint8_t IODIR; //Input/Ouput Direction register
const uint8_t GPIO; //General Purpose Input/Ouput register
const uint8_t GPPU; //General Purpose Pullup register
//The constructor initialization list is in .cpp
ColPort_MCP23018(IOExpanderPort& port, const uint8_t colPins);
void begin(uint8_t activeHigh);
//read port and store result in portState
virtual void read();

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#include "LED_AVR.h"
void LED_AVR::on()
PORT |= pin; //set pin high
void LED_AVR::off()
PORT &= ~pin; //set pin low

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
#ifndef LED_AVR_H
#define LED_AVR_H
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <LED.h>
/* A LED_AVR object is an AVR pin that is used to power an LED on and off.
DDRx Data Direction Register is configured as output in RowPort_AVR constructor.
class LED_AVR: public LED
volatile unsigned char& PORT;
const uint8_t pin; //bitwise pin to LED
LED_AVR(volatile unsigned char& PORTx, const uint8_t pin): PORT(PORTx), pin(pin) {}
virtual void on();
virtual void off();

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
#include "LED_MCP23018.h"
void LED_MCP23018::on()
Wire.write(port.outputVal &= ~pin); //set pin low (sink)
void LED_MCP23018::off()
Wire.write(port.outputVal |= pin); //set pin high (sink off)

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
#ifndef LED_MCP23018_H
#define LED_MCP23018_H
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LED.h>
#include "IOExpanderPort.h"
/* Class LED_MCP23018 uses a MCP23018 I/O expander pin to turn a LED on and off.
Connect the LED in series with the resistor:
determin resistor value needed (Internet search: LED resistor value)
Connect the LED's (-) ground to the AVR output pin
connect LED's (+) to power
Never connect a LED directly from ground to power. Doing so would destroy the LED.
MCP23018 ouput is open drain. The output acts like a switch to ground.
It cannot produce a high signal by itself.
class LED_MCP23018: public LED
IOExpanderPort& port;
const uint8_t GPIO; //General Purpose Input/Ouput register address
const uint8_t pin; //bitwise pin to LED
LED_MCP23018(IOExpanderPort& port, const uint8_t pin)
: port(port), GPIO(port.num + 0x12), pin(pin) {}
virtual void on();
virtual void off();

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#include "Matrix.h"
scan every row of matrix one time
void Matrix::scan()
for (uint8_t i=0; i < rowCount; i++)

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "RowBase.h"
Diode orientation
A keyboard's physically matrix is composed of rows and columns.
The rows and columns are physically connected to the keys.
The rows and columns are distinguishable by diode orientation (not horizontal/vertical).
For active low diode orientation is:
cathodes on rows
anodes on columns
For active high diode orientation is reversed:
anodes on rows
cathodes on columns
Pull-down resistors
If Matrix uses active low, IC requires one pull-up resistor on each ColPort::colPins.
If Matrix uses active high, IC requires one pull-down resistor on each ColPort::colPins.
External pull-down resistors should have a value between 10k Ohms and 2.2k Ohms.
class Matrix
RowBase *const *const ptrsRows; //array of row pointers
const uint8_t rowCount;
Matrix( RowBase *const ptrsRows[], const uint8_t rowCount)
: ptrsRows(ptrsRows), rowCount(rowCount) {}
void scan();

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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#include "RowPort_AVR_Optic.h"
configures row port's DDRx and PORTx pins as output.
(volatile unsigned char& DDRx, volatile unsigned char& PORTx)
: DDR(DDRx = ~0), PORT(PORTx)
activePin is a port mask, where active pin is 1.
void RowPort_AVR_Optic::setActivePinLow(const uint8_t activePin)
PORT &= ~activePin;
activePin is port mask, where active pin is 1.
The delayMicroseconds() is for DodoHand keyboard's optic switches.
Strobe needs to be turned on for >= 300µs before the columns are read.
During this time the state of the columns are settling into their actual values.
Seems to be necessary in order to allow the phototransistors to turn completely off.
(delay is not need for I/O expander because time between I2C Transmissions)
(Teensy2 ATMEGA32U4 16 MHz is a 0.0625 µs period)
void RowPort_AVR_Optic::setActivePinHigh(const uint8_t activePin)
//strobe row on
PORT |= activePin;
delayMicroseconds(300); //wait for the column value to stabilize after strobe

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <RowPort.h>
/* One AVR microcontroller port connected to matrix rows.
setActivePinHigh() has a delay to allow phototransistors time to sense strobe
(DodoHand has optic switches with phototransistors).
The constructor configures all pins of port as output (for strobe pins and LED).
The 'x' in parameters DDRx, PORTx, and PINx should all be the same letter.
Example instantiation for row port F:
RowPort_AVR_Optic rowPortF(DDRF, PORTF);
Diode orientation
Rows, columns, and diode orientation are explained in Matrix.h
class RowPort_AVR_Optic : public RowPort
const volatile unsigned char& DDR; //Data Direction Register
volatile unsigned char& PORT; //PORT register
//The constructor initialization list is in .cpp
RowPort_AVR_Optic(volatile unsigned char& DDRx, volatile unsigned char& PORTx);
virtual void setActivePinLow(const uint8_t activePin); //activePin is a port mask
virtual void setActivePinHigh(const uint8_t activePin);

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
#include "RowPort_MCP23018.h"
configures column port's IODIR, GPIO.
RowPort_MCP23018::RowPort_MCP23018(IOExpanderPort& port)
: port(port), IODIR(port.num), GPIO(port.num + 0x12)
void RowPort_MCP23018::begin()
Wire.write(0); //0=configure as output (for strobe pins and LED pins)
sets activePin pin output to low.
activePin is port mask, where active-low pin is 1.
void RowPort_MCP23018::setActivePinLow(const uint8_t activePin)
Wire.write(port.outputVal &= ~activePin);
sets activePin pin output to high, does not reset the other pins because they might be used by LEDs.
activePin is port mask, where active-high pin is 1.
void RowPort_MCP23018::setActivePinHigh(const uint8_t activePin)
Wire.write(port.outputVal |= activePin);

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@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
#ifndef ROWPORT_MCP23018_H
#define ROWPORT_MCP23018_H
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RowPort.h>
#include "IOExpanderPort.h"
/* One MCP23018 I/O expander port connected to matrix rows.
begin() configures column port's IODIR, GPIO.
This should normally be called only once.
Example instantiation for row port A:
IOExpanderPort portA(0, ~0);
RowPort_MCP23018 rowPortA(portA);
Example instantiation for row port B:
IOExpanderPort portB(1, ~0);
RowPort_MCP23018 rowPortB(portB);
Diode orientation
Rows, columns, and diode orientation are explained in Matrix.h
MCP23018 data sheet
class RowPort_MCP23018 : public RowPort
IOExpanderPort& port;
const uint8_t IODIR; //Input/Ouput Direction register address
const uint8_t GPIO; //General Purpose Input/Ouput register address
//The constructor initialization list is in .cpp
RowPort_MCP23018(IOExpanderPort& port);
void begin();
virtual void setActivePinLow(const uint8_t activePin); //activePin is a port mask
virtual void setActivePinHigh(const uint8_t activePin);

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@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ Using smaller types on a 32-bit uC (Teensy LC) would accomplish nothing.
For RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters, RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters::KEY_COUNT For RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters, RowScanner_SPIShiftRegisters::KEY_COUNT
For RowScanner_PinsBitwise, cover the last 1 bit in RowScanner_PinsBitwise::strobePin For RowScanner_PinsBitwise, cover the last 1 bit in RowScanner_PinsBitwise::strobePin
*/ */
//typedef uint8_t read_pins_t; typedef uint8_t read_pins_t;
//typedef uint16_t read_pins_t; //typedef uint16_t read_pins_t;
typedef uint32_t read_pins_t; //typedef uint32_t read_pins_t;
/* read_pins_mask_t is only used for rowMask and rowEnd, which extends one bit beyond the last col pin. /* read_pins_mask_t is only used for rowMask and rowEnd, which extends one bit beyond the last col pin.
uncomment typedef that covers one bit beyond the last col pin. uncomment typedef that covers one bit beyond the last col pin.
This could be the same typedef as read_pins_t, or the next larger typedef. This could be the same typedef as read_pins_t, or the next larger typedef.
*/ */
//typedef uint8_t read_pins_mask_t; typedef uint8_t read_pins_mask_t;
//typedef uint16_t read_pins_mask_t; //typedef uint16_t read_pins_mask_t;
typedef uint32_t read_pins_mask_t; //typedef uint32_t read_pins_mask_t;
/* SAMPLE_COUNT = 4 is very reliable for a keyboard. /* SAMPLE_COUNT = 4 is very reliable for a keyboard.
Split keyboards with a long connecting wire or in environment with Split keyboards with a long connecting wire or in environment with