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2016-05-28 15:16:32 -06:00

113 lines
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/* keybrd_mapping_bb.ino
Runs on DodoHand hardware or breadboard, using the left matrix, first two rows and columns.
Uses the same variable naming convention as keybrd_DH.
| Layout | **0** | **1** |
| **0** | a ! | b @ |
| **1** | fn | shift |
// ################# GLOBAL ####################
// ================ INCLUDES ===================
//Arudino library files
#include <Wire.h>
//keybrd library files
//#include <objects_scancode.h>
#include <Code_Sc.h>
#include <Code_ScS.h>
#include <Code_Shift.h>
#include <LayerState.h>
//#include <Code_LayerLock.h>
#include <Code_LayerHold.h>
#include <Key_LayeredKeysArray.h>
#include <RowPort_AVR_Optic.h>
#include <ColPort_AVR.h>
#include <Row.h>
#include <Matrix.h>
#include <Debug.h>
// ================= DEBUG =====================
Debug debug;
// =========== SPEED CONFUGURATIONS ============
const unsigned int Row::DELAY_MICROSECONDS = 1000;
// =============== LEFT PORTS ==================
RowPort_AVR_Optic rowPortF_L(DDRF, PORTF);
ColPort_AVR colPortB_L(DDRB, PORTB, PINB, 1<<0 | 1<<1 );
ColPort* const ptrsColPorts_L[] = { &colPortB_L };
const uint8_t COL_PORT_L_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsColPorts_L)/sizeof(*ptrsColPorts_L);
// ================= CODES =====================
// -------------- LAYER CODES ------------------
LayerState layerState;
//Code_LayerLock l_alpha(0, layerState);
Code_LayerHold l_fn(1, layerState);
// --------------- SHIFT CODE ------------------
Code_Shift *const ptrsShift[] = { &s_shift };
Code_Shift *const *const Code_AutoShift::ptrsShifts = ptrsShift;
const uint8_t Code_AutoShift::shiftCount = sizeof(ptrsShifts)/sizeof(*ptrsShifts);
// --------------- SCAN CODES ------------------
Code_Sc s_a(KEY_A);
Code_Sc s_b(KEY_B);
Code_ScS s_exclamation(KEY_1);
Code_ScS s_at(KEY_2);
LayerStateInterface& Key_LayeredKeysArray::refLayerState = layerState;
// ============== LEFT MATRIX ==================
// --------------- LEFT KEYS -------------------
Key* const ptrsCodes_L00[] = { &s_a, &s_exclamation };
Key_LayeredKeysArray k_L00(ptrsCodes_L00);
Key* const ptrsCodes_L01[] = { &s_b, &s_at };
Key_LayeredKeysArray k_L01(ptrsCodes_L01);
// -------------- LEFT MAPPING -----------------
// the mapping layout array consumes no additional SRAM
Key* const ptrsLayout[2][2] = { { &k_L00, &k_L01 },
{ &l_fn, &s_shift } };
Key* const ptrsLayout[2][2] = { { &k_L01, &k_L00 }, //swapped keys a-b
{ &l_fn, &s_shift } };
// --------------- LEFT ROWS -------------------
Key* const ptrsKeys_L0[] = { ptrsLayout[0][0], ptrsLayout[0][1] };
Row row_L0(rowPortF_L, 1<<0, ptrsColPorts_L, COL_PORT_L_COUNT, ptrsKeys_L0);
Key* const ptrsKeys_L1[] = { ptrsLayout[1][0], ptrsLayout[1][1] };
Row row_L1(rowPortF_L, 1<<1, ptrsColPorts_L, COL_PORT_L_COUNT, ptrsKeys_L1);
// -------------- LEFT MATRIX ------------------
Row* const ptrsRows_L[] = { &row_L0, &row_L1 };
const uint8_t ROW_L_COUNT = sizeof(ptrsRows_L)/sizeof(*ptrsRows_L);
Matrix matrix_L(ptrsRows_L, ROW_L_COUNT, 1);
// ################## MAIN #####################
void setup()
delay(1000); //time for OS to detect USB before printing
Keyboard.print(F("keybrd_mapping_bb.ino, "));
void loop()