keybrd library is an open source library for creating custom-keyboard firmware.
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Tutorial 0 - Introduction

The first two tutorials are intended to be read in sequence:

  1. Breadboard keyboard
  2. Single-layer keybrd You can write a keyboard firmware after reading tutorial 2. Topics covered in tutorial 2 apply to all keybrd sketches. The remaining tutorials can be read in any sequence, and highlight topics that may or may not be useful to your keyboard design.

The tutorials assume the reader:

  • is familiar with C++
  • is new to Arduino, firmware, controllers, and the internal workings of keyboards

Each tutorial presents an example sketch. All the example sketches have 2 to 8 keys and run on a breadboard keyboard.

todo all the tutorial sketches are tested on teensy 2.0 and PCA9655E-D IOE

 in July, sketches will be changed to Teensy LC and MCP23018 IOE

You will need a breadboard keyboard with a Teensy 2.0 controller to run the tutorial sketches. If you use a different controller, you may have to change port classes. If you already have a keyboard with an Arduino compatible controller, you can use that instead of a breadboard keyboard.

breadboard keyboard with 2 rows and 2 columns