Keyboard firmwares for Atmel AVR and Cortex-M
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key_process.c 6.2KB

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  1. #include <stdbool.h>
  2. #include <avr/io.h>
  3. #include <util/delay.h>
  4. #include "usb_keyboard.h"
  5. #include "usb_mouse.h"
  6. #include "usb_keycodes.h"
  7. #include "print.h"
  8. #include "debug.h"
  9. #include "util.h"
  10. #include "jump_bootloader.h"
  11. #include "matrix_skel.h"
  12. #include "keymap_skel.h"
  13. #include "controller.h"
  14. #include "key_process.h"
  15. #define MOUSE_MOVE_UNIT 10
  16. #define MOUSE_MOVE_ACCEL (mouse_repeat < 50 ? mouse_repeat/5 : 10)
  17. #define MOUSE_DELAY_TIME 255
  18. #define MOUSE_DELAY_MS (MOUSE_DELAY_TIME >> (mouse_repeat < 5 ? mouse_repeat : 5))
  19. // TODO: refactoring
  20. void proc_matrix(void) {
  21. static int mouse_repeat = 0;
  22. bool modified = false;
  23. //bool has_ghost = false;
  24. int key_index = 0;
  25. uint8_t mouse_btn = 0;
  26. int8_t mouse_x = 0;
  27. int8_t mouse_y = 0;
  28. int8_t mouse_vwheel = 0;
  29. int8_t mouse_hwheel = 0;
  30. int fn_bits = 0;
  31. matrix_scan();
  32. modified = matrix_is_modified();
  33. if (modified) {
  34. if (debug_matrix) matrix_print();
  35. #ifdef DEBUG_LED
  36. // LED flash for debug
  39. #endif
  40. }
  41. if (matrix_has_ghost()) {
  42. // should send error?
  43. debug("matrix has ghost!!\n");
  44. return;
  45. }
  46. usb_keyboard_clear();
  47. for (int row = 0; row < matrix_rows(); row++) {
  48. for (int col = 0; col < matrix_cols(); col++) {
  49. if (!matrix_is_on(row, col)) continue;
  50. uint8_t code = keymap_get_keycode(row, col);
  51. if (code == KB_NO) {
  52. // do nothing
  53. } else if (IS_MOD(code)) {
  54. keyboard_modifier_keys |= MOD_BIT(code);
  55. } else if (IS_MOUSE(code)) {
  56. // mouse
  57. if (code == MS_UP)
  59. if (code == MS_DOWN)
  61. if (code == MS_LEFT)
  63. if (code == MS_RIGHT)
  65. if (code == MS_BTN1) mouse_btn |= BIT_BTN1;
  66. if (code == MS_BTN2) mouse_btn |= BIT_BTN2;
  67. if (code == MS_BTN3) mouse_btn |= BIT_BTN3;
  68. if (code == MS_BTN4) mouse_btn |= BIT_BTN4;
  69. if (code == MS_BTN5) mouse_btn |= BIT_BTN5;
  70. if (code == MS_WH_UP) mouse_vwheel += 1;
  71. if (code == MS_WH_DOWN) mouse_vwheel -= 1;
  72. if (code == MS_WH_LEFT) mouse_hwheel -= 1;
  73. if (code == MS_WH_RIGHT) mouse_hwheel += 1;
  74. } else if (IS_FN(code)) {
  75. fn_bits |= FN_BIT(code);
  76. } else {
  77. // normal keys
  78. if (key_index < 6)
  79. keyboard_keys[key_index] = code;
  80. key_index++;
  81. }
  82. }
  83. }
  84. keymap_fn_proc(fn_bits);
  85. // when 4 left modifier keys down
  86. if (keymap_is_special_mode(fn_bits)) {
  87. switch (keyboard_keys[0]) {
  88. case KB_B: // bootloader
  89. usb_keyboard_clear();
  90. usb_keyboard_send();
  91. print_enable = true;
  92. print("jump to bootloader...\n");
  93. _delay_ms(1000);
  94. jump_bootloader(); // not return
  95. break;
  96. case KB_D: // debug all toggle
  97. usb_keyboard_clear();
  98. usb_keyboard_send();
  99. debug_enable = !debug_enable;
  100. if (debug_enable) {
  101. print("debug enabled.\n");
  102. print_enable = true;
  103. debug_matrix = true;
  104. debug_keyboard = true;
  105. debug_mouse = true;
  106. } else {
  107. print("debug disabled.\n");
  108. print_enable = false;
  109. debug_matrix = false;
  110. debug_keyboard = false;
  111. debug_mouse = false;
  112. }
  113. _delay_ms(1000);
  114. break;
  115. case KB_X: // debug matrix toggle
  116. usb_keyboard_clear();
  117. usb_keyboard_send();
  118. debug_matrix = !debug_matrix;
  119. if (debug_matrix)
  120. print("debug matrix enabled.\n");
  121. else
  122. print("debug matrix disabled.\n");
  123. _delay_ms(1000);
  124. break;
  125. case KB_K: // debug keyboard toggle
  126. usb_keyboard_clear();
  127. usb_keyboard_send();
  128. debug_keyboard = !debug_keyboard;
  129. if (debug_keyboard)
  130. print("debug keyboard enabled.\n");
  131. else
  132. print("debug keyboard disabled.\n");
  133. _delay_ms(1000);
  134. break;
  135. case KB_M: // debug mouse toggle
  136. usb_keyboard_clear();
  137. usb_keyboard_send();
  138. debug_mouse = !debug_mouse;
  139. if (debug_mouse)
  140. print("debug mouse enabled.\n");
  141. else
  142. print("debug mouse disabled.\n");
  143. _delay_ms(1000);
  144. break;
  145. case KB_V: // print version & information
  146. usb_keyboard_clear();
  147. usb_keyboard_send();
  148. print(XSTR(DESCRIPTION));
  149. _delay_ms(1000);
  150. break;
  151. }
  152. }
  153. // send mouse packet to host
  154. if (mouse_x || mouse_y || mouse_vwheel || mouse_hwheel || mouse_btn != mouse_buttons) {
  155. mouse_buttons = mouse_btn;
  156. if (mouse_x && mouse_y)
  157. usb_mouse_move(mouse_x*0.7, mouse_y*0.7, mouse_vwheel, mouse_hwheel);
  158. else
  159. usb_mouse_move(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_vwheel, mouse_hwheel);
  160. usb_mouse_print(mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_vwheel, mouse_hwheel);
  161. // acceleration
  162. _delay_ms(MOUSE_DELAY_MS);
  163. mouse_repeat++;
  164. } else {
  165. mouse_repeat = 0;
  166. }
  167. // send key packet to host
  168. if (modified) {
  169. if (key_index > 6) {
  170. //Rollover
  171. }
  172. usb_keyboard_send();
  173. usb_keyboard_print();
  174. #ifdef DEBUG_LED
  175. // LED flash for debug
  178. #endif
  179. }
  180. }