- There are some bugs here:
* Press/Release (this is a keymapping bug, has nothing to do with capsense press/release which is working)
* Some keys give incorrect USB codes
Caveat: The problem is still there. When the averaging kicks in, there is a window of time where keypresses won't register
This fix only delays the window a *really* long time, so the likelihood of hitting the delay is very low.
Each keypress resets the countdown.
- This requires that no strobes are floating.
On Rev. 0.4, pins D1 and D0 of the teensy must be manually connected to GND
On Rev. 0.2, when not using the 18 pin connector, pin C6 and C7 must be manually connected to GND
- Added a problem keys cli command, this is very useful to see which keys were disabled at startup because they looked like test points
(the fastest way to get the keys to re-enable is to take off a keycap and jiggle the spring)
- Removed 'Zombie' code
- Still a bit of iffiness with the averaging algorithm (should be looked at again)
- Added more CLI debugging (averaging and press/debounce)
- Code should be working, but much is untested
- All of the old modules will need to update and use the new DefaultMap keymap
- There might still be some naming conflicts with some Scan Modules
- Includes serial putchar and getchar cleanup (overall)
- Moved avr-capsense to DPH (renaming)
- Basic cleanup for including CLI on the avr architecture