173 Révisions (master)

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  wolfv6 256a247011 document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 726e666ebb add tutorial_7ab_mapping_layout_to_matix.md and mapping sketches il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 09641ec6ed document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 6bc75afe1b in keybrd library, change #include <keybrd library file> angle bracket to double quotes il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 04f395f499 rename #define SAMPLE_COUNT_MACRO to const SAMPLE_COUNT il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 a2d1e30f2e Code_LayerHoldShift and tutorials/keybrd_3g_shift_pairings/keybrd_3g_shift_pairings.ino il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 09b3e8ceb7 document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 e5944bee57 remove calls to Keyboard.begin() il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 ad1b3b2289 add Port_MCP23S18 il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 45674eb9b9 change Port_MCP23S17, add slaveSelect to constructor parameter il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 df4abb3808 rename Port_MCP23018 to Port_MCP23017, Port_MCP23018 inherits everything from Port_MCP23017 il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 cf3e582e25 rename keybrd_MCP23018.ino to keybrd_MCP23017.ino, works on both MCP23017 and MCP23018 il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 6a787b4155 add LED_PortOpenDrain il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 a3f2261625 rename setHigh() setLow() to writeHigh() writeLow() il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 b149a831de rename strobeOn to activeState il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 22ac815015 update keybrd_MCP23018 and PCA9655E_5_keybrd.ino for bb il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 76b9e4efd3 document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 e92716e263 replace Port_*::write() with setHigh() and setLow(), and move strobe logic from Port_*::write() to Scanner_IOE::scan() il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 46988319a1 rename print_microseconds_per_scan() to printMicrosecondsPerScan, rename print_scans_per_second() to printScansPerSecond il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 e9e74634a4 move IOE_scan_development and unit_tests to examples, add examples/IOE_PCA9655E_development/ il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 a7bea464bf document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 8855db3444 add a comma to Scanner_IOE constructor il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 31e0fa5ae0 document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 31fed09b6b document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 e84db1c61c document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 ce9c10aba6 document il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 5404ae451c rename Scanner_ShiftRegsPISOSingleRow to Scanner_ShiftRegsRead, Scanner_ShiftRegsPISOMultiRow to Scanner_ShiftRegsReadStrobed il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 d9465be221 reverse SS HIGH/LOW in Scanner_ShiftRegsPISOMultiRow::scan() il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 3fa0aee2e2 add tri-state and right 74HC165 to sr0_LED_shiftRegs.ino il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 6dde737d23 generalize LED_Port and LED_ShiftReg to LED_Port il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 a45efab44f add PortWriteInterface, Port_ShiftRegs il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 fa4f07cc9d update Scanner_ShiftRegsPISOMultiRow::scan(), rename LED_shiftRegs to LED_ShiftRegs il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 0c4b54db13 add sr0_LED_shiftRegs.ino, LED_shiftRegs, LED_shiftRegs il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 6e3640d95f fix broken link and formatting il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 07a66b0505 run AStyle il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 25c644f012 rename LED_IOE to LED_Port, update tutorials and sketches il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 9c99fd7ba7 update sketches il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 d24705d0cb rename LED LEDInterface il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 11cfc46390 rename PortPCA9655E to Port_PCA9655E, and PortMCP23S17 to Port_MCP23S17 il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 05b99a6da0 update DH sketch il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 67cd82f168 update PCA9655E classes and keybrd_PCA9655E.ino il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 b5b24111e7 update keybrd_4c_split_keyboard_with_IOE.ino il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 218a1ce284 move PortMCP23S17.DEVICE_ADDR from static to local il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 6c03b007c4 delete PortIOE il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 fbf4eda206 add PortMCP23S17::beginProtocol() il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 bc5e9dd07f add layers and LEDs to keybrd_5b_LED_on_IOE.ino il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 a241d78b94 change tutorial 5 names il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 f24ea7aa76 add refPortWrite.begin(strobeOn) to Scanner_IOE::begin(), update unit tests il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 59565dacb4 combined PortWrite_MCP23S17 and PortRead_MCP23S17 into Port_MCP23S17 il y a 7 ans
  wolfv6 7a9228e7dc add keybrd_5b_LED_on_IOE.ino il y a 7 ans