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keybrd Library Developer's Guide
This guide if for maintaining and writing new classes for the keybrd library and its extension libraries.
The most common reason for adding new classes are:
* I/O expander classes
* custom layer schemes for multi-layer keyboards
* experimental features
Who this guide is for
This guide is for the maintainers and developers of the keybrd library and it's extensions.
It is assumed the reader is familiar with the C++ language including pointers, objects, classes, static class variables, composition, aggregation, inheritance, polymorphism, and enum.
Row, Scanner, and Debouncer classes use bit manipulation.
Class inheritance diagrams
Keybrd library class inheritance diagram
___ ScannerInterface ___
/ | \
Scanner_uC Scanner_IOE Scanner_ShiftRegsPISO
/ \
Port_PCA9655E Port_MCP23S17 (one Port class for each IOE type)
/ \
| \
| Key_LayeredKeysBase
| \____________________
| / \
| Key_LayeredKeys Key_LayeredKeys1
| \ \
| Key_LayeredScScBase Key_LayeredCodeScBase
| | |
| Key_LayeredScSc Key_LayeredCodeSc
| \ \
| Code_LayerLock Code_LayerHold
\ \ \ \ \
Code_Sc Code_Shift Code_AutoShift Code_LEDLock Code_Null
/ \
Code_ScS Code_ScNS
Dependency diagrams
Dependency diagram of example single-layer keyboard with LEDs
____ Row ______
/ | \
Scanner_uC Debouncer Key ___
| | \
readPins Code Code_LEDLock
Dependency diagram of example multi-layer keyboard with layer LEDs
___________ Row ________________/__ | \
/ / \ / \ | \
Scanner_uC Debouncer Key_LayeredKeys / Code_Layer LED_PinNumber
| \ /
readPins Code
Dependency diagram of example shift registers Row
_______ Row _______
/ | \
RowScanner_ShiftRegsPISO Debouncer Key
Dependency diagram of example I/O expander matrix with LEDs
_________ Row ________
/ \ \
__ Scanner_IOE __ Debouncer Key
/ | \ / \
strobePin PortWrite PortRead Code Code_LEDLock
| \ / \ |
| PortIOE readPins LED_Port
\___________________________/ \
Class naming conventions
Class names start with upper case letter.
Most derived-class names start with the base class name followed by "_" and a name e.g.
This convention leads to class names that convey information about the classes inheritance.
Underscore delineates base class name and sub-class name. Capital letters delineate words.
Interface class names end with "Interface".
Except for Key, to reduce clutter because sketches define so many Key[] arrays.
Layer-class naming conventions
Layer classes are explained in [tutorial_3a_multi-layer_keyboard.md](../tutorials/tutorial_3a_multi-layer_keyboard.md).
*Code_Layer* class names are concatenations of "Code_", "Layer" or layer name, and persistence.
Example persistences are:
* "Lock" - layer remains active after the layer key is released
* "Hold" - layer is active for as long as layer key is held down
Example Code_Layer class names:
* Code_LayerHold
* Code_LayerLock
*LayerState* class names start with "LayerState" and end with a descriptive name.
Example LayerState class names:
* LayerState - basic LayerState class in keybrd library
* LayerState_DH - main LayerState for the keybrd_DH library
* LayerState_MF - LayerState for Mouse Function sub-layers in the keybrd_DH library
*Key_Layered* class names start with "Key_Layered" and end with a descriptive name.
Example Key_Layered class names:
* Key_LayeredScSc
* Key_LayeredKeys
Style guide
Following the style guide makes it easier for the next programmer to understand your code.
* For class names, see above section "Class naming conventions".
* Member names use camelCase starting with lowercase letter.
* Use constants rather than macros, except for header guards.
* Global const names and static const names use ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORE.
* Header guards have _H suffix e.g. #ifndef FILE_NAME_H
* Pointer names are prefixed with "ptr" e.g. ptrRow = &row;
* Arrays names use the plural of the element name e.g. Row* const = ptrsRows { &row0, &row1 };
* Pass arrays using array notation rather than pointer notation:
void printArray(char[] array);
void printArray( char* array);
* In constructor's initialization list, use same names for fields and constructor parameters.
* Do not use new or malloc (make memory leaks impossible).
* Document class interface in .h file, above the class declaration.
* Code should be self-documenting. A simple function with a good name needs no comment.
* Code is automatically formatted before being pushed to the keybrd repository.
The [astyle_cpp](astyle_cpp) file specifies the format:
* Allman style indentation
* indent 4 spaces
* replace tabs with spaces
* maximum code width of 100 columns
<!-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2198241/best-practice-for-c-function-commenting -->
Trace of keybrd scan
Arduino does not have a debugger.
So here is a list of functions in the order that they are called.
The trace is of a one-row single-layer keybrd scan.
loop() for each row
Scanner_uC::scan() strobe row on
for each readPin
set readState bit
strobe row off
Debouncer_Samples::debounce() debounce
Row::send() for each key in row
if falling edge
Key_*::release() scanCode->release()
Code_*::release() Keyboard.release(scancode)
if rising edge
Key_*::press() scanCode->press()
Code_*::press() Keyboard.press(scancode)
The Arduino libraries
The keybrd libraries compile on the Arduino IDE and make extensive use of the following [Arduino libraries](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Libraries):
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Keyboard.h>
#include <Mouse.h>
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